Intent to Apply Form

Description for the
Certificate in Online Learning and Teaching
The Department of Educational Technology’s Certificate in Online Learning and Teaching provides those who desire to
deliver learning materials at a distance with the foundational knowledge and skills required to design, develop and
implement effective materials for e-learning. This program sequence begins in summer with the first course: ETEC 612.
The program is 15 credits (five courses) and requires a culminating project as part of the final course (see below).
The ideal candidates for this certificate will be those who are already involved in distance education or
who have the desire to become involved in distance learning. Potential students might be current
instructors teaching at a distance or those interested in these skills.
Candidates will learn the skills necessary to be successful online teachers and online learners. The skills
they will learn range from how to design effective instruction for a distance learning environment to how to
evaluate critical issues in distance education to how to develop distance education materials. The
Certificate prepares candidates to apply the theories, principles, models, tools, and techniques associated
with online teaching in diverse educational settings.
Throughout this completely online certificate program, candidates will have numerous opportunities to
integrate their professional experiences into their learning, apply their course assignments to their current
professional activities, and actively engage with other professionals in the development of these
proficiencies. See the table below for course details and a suggested sequence. Consult your advisor
when putting together your own set of courses. Electives can be taken in any semester or summer.
Credits from previously taken ETEC courses can possibly be transferred before admission as long as
these courses are not older than 3 years. Consult the Department if inquiring about transfer credits.
COLT is administered through Outreach and self-funded. UH faculty/staff waivers are not provided.
Please contact the ETEC Department chair if seeking a waiver for the COLT program.
Priority for enrolling in COLT Courses will be given to candidates accepted into the Certificate program.
The following is a list of possible COLT electives. The list is subject to change. Students must confer with
a COLT advisor prior to enrollment: 620, 622, 641, 642, 647, 651, 652, 654, 662, 672, 674, & 692. For
more detailed information visit:
Table 1: Recommended Sequence for COLT Program
Three Required Courses
Note: You cannot substitute required courses
unless with COLT advisor approval.
Two Example Electives
Note: ETEC will provide at least one elective per
semester. These are only examples.
ETEC 612: Introduction to E-Learning [Summer]: This
course will focus on an overview as well as practical
issues of online learning and will include web design.
ETEC 673: Planning for Technology and Resources
[Fall]: This course will focus on planning for high quality
online courses including selecting and evaluating
appropriate material, learning activities, and assessment
ETEC 622: E-Learning Theory and Design [Fall]:
This course will focus on theoretic and practical
design of instruction for advanced online delivery
including interactive tools.
ETEC 632: Development E-Learning Environments
[Spring]: This course will focus on developing online
instruction for educational and training settings including
designing learning management solutions.
Note: This course must be taken last (or concurrently in
the last 6 credits) and requires 673 or instructor approval.
ETEC 651: Interactive Multimedia Production
[Spring]: This course will focus on designing and
creating instructional materials using multimedia
authoring tools such as video, animation, sound, and
In addition to the Graduate Division Application, please submit the attached Intent to Apply to the
Department by the appropriate deadline (see Department website for deadlines).
Graduate Division link:
ETEC website link:
Certificate in Online Learning and Teaching (COLT) Intent to Apply Form
Department of Educational Technology
Biographical/Academic Information
Please review COLT requirements before completing form.
Direct questions regarding Certificate to the Department
at or (808) 956-7671.
Please fill in the boxes electronically.
__Mr. __Ms. __Mrs. __Miss __Dr.
Please attach a resume
The resume should include recent positions, additional work
significant to the application, and higher education institutions
attended, including degrees obtained or expected with dates.
Family Name
First Name
Street Address
The statement of objective should describe in your own words
your reasons for undertaking the study of a Certificate in Online
Learning and Teaching and your long-range professional goals.
Include any information you deem is appropriate when
considering your application for the Certificate.
Address (Continued)
Zip Code
Questions may be directed toward the contact information
above. Acceptable attachment formats include Microsoft Word
(doc or docx), Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Open Office (odt), Rich
Text Format (rtf), & Plain Text (txt). Please include your last
name in the filename of all attachments sent.
Email address
Home Phone
Please attach a brief, no more than two page
statement of objective
Cell Phone or Other
If you graduated from high school in Hawaii, please provide name of school here.
Ethnic Background (OPTIONAL) (Choose one from below) _________
AA African Amer.
or Black
AI Amer. Indian or
Alaskan Native
CA Caucasian
or White
CH Chinese
FI Filipino
GC Guamanian
or Chamorro
HS Hispanic
HW Native Hawaiian
or Part-Hawaiian
IN Asian Indian
JP Japanese
KO Korean
LA Laotian
MA Mixed Asian
MC Micronesian
(not GC)
ME Middle Easterner
MH Mixed Hispanic
MP Mixed Pacific
PO Portuguese
PR Puerto Rican
SA Samoan
TH Thai
TO Tongan
VI Vietnamese
MX Mixed Race
(2 or more)
NO No Data
OA Other Asian
OP Other Pacific
PI Pacific
You must submit your Intent Form electronically to the Department of Educational Technology at with
attachments. Questions regarding the form can be submitted via email or by calling the number above. Please put an X and provide
the date submitted in the space below.
___ I hereby certify that the information given on this form is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge, and understand that
misrepresentation of such information may result in rejection of my application. Date: ______________
This section only applies if you have already taken ETEC electives. If you believe previous courses you have taken may count toward
the certificate, please indicate those courses below including the semester and year taken. Courses cannot be older than 3 years.