Progress Report

Progress Report - PhD Candidates
The first progress report is due 12 months after the PhD candidate starts the programme, and then at the
same time for the following years in the programme. It is the PhD candidate’s responsibility to make sure
that the progress report reaches is submitted and reaches the Doctoral Administration.
The first twelve sections must be filled out by the student and sent electronically to the main supervisor. In
order to be considered for salary regulation, all research fellows must hand in the annual report and plan; in
addition to this progress report. This report must be completed and signed by the main supervisor and sent
to the Head of Department.
The Head of Department will send the report to the Doctoral Administration where it will be filed. You
may ask for a copy of the Progress Report once it has reached the Doctoral Administration
To be filled out by the PhD candidate:
1) Name:
(Student) ID nr:
2) Department:
PhD specialisation:
3) Doctoral studies started (
4) Financed until (
5) Thesis proposal defence (planned or passed) (
6) Planned dissertation defence (mm.yyyy):
7a) Main supervisor:
7b) Co-supervisor(s):
progress report
8) This is my
9) Have you had any leave of absence
after you submitted your last progress report?
if yes, how many months __________________
10) Course portfolio / course plan (If you have completed your course portfolio you may attach a
transcript of records from the Student Portal (@bi) showing your BI courses and list only the courses taken
at other institutions below):
Course name
Semester and year
planned /taken
Type (common,
11) Total number of ECTS obtained by today’s date:
Only to be filled out by students with a scholarship funding from BI:
12) Your present salary level ______(to be found on your salary slip)
To be filled out by main supervisor:
* How often has the PhD candidate been supervised last year? (Meetings, seminars etc):
* As main supervisor, how do you assess the progress concerning thesis work?
Not started
completing this term
* Was the overall progress last year according to schedule?
* Please comment on differences between schedule and progress, if applicable:
* Overall assessment
How many months ahead (-) or behind (+) the initial progress schedule is the student:
• If the PhD student is behind schedule – please specify actions that will be undertaken:
* Do you recommend a salary regulation?
(only applies to candidates funded by BI)
Do you recommend wage regulation:
* Other comments
Head of Department
Progress Report - PhD Programme - Routines
All PhD candidates, regardless of type of funding, need to fill in the progress report. The report needs to be
signed by both the supervisor and the head of department.
As of June 1st 2009 the first progress report is due 12 months after the PhD candidate starts the programme,
and then at the same time for the following years in the programme.
In connection with the progress report all PhD candidates will be invited to a dialogue with the Head of
Department regarding the progress report and the candidates working environment.
Where to find the progress report?
The Progress Report is available from the PhD pages in the Student Portal. It can also be downloaded from
the Intranett (BIKUBEN).
Who to send the report to?
The report, with signatures from the supervisor and the head of department, must be handed in to the
Doctoral Administration. After registration the Doctoral Administration will forward the report to the HR
department for wage settlement if applicable.
Wage settlement
For PhD candidates employed by BI Norwegian Business School the progress report also provides
information for wage settlement in accordance with the provisions stated in the Special Agreement between
BI Norwegian Business School and The Researchers Union at BI Norwegian Business School (FBI).
Annual plan/annual report
PhD candidates employed by BI also need to fill inn the annual report and annual plan in the Lotus Notes
database by February 1st each year.