Doctoral School Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology

Doctoral School Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology
Application for a Travel Grant
Submit this form to G. Daum (TU Graz students) or E. Zechner (Uni Graz students)
Applicant’s Family Name and First Name:
Social Security Number:
Bank connection
Name of the bank and address:
Bank code:
Account number:
Univ. / Institute:
o PhD student paid by a DK Program
o PhD student paid by grant different from a DK program
o PhD student paid by the TUG (Assistant position)
Supervisor’s Name:
PhD Thesis started (year):
Subject of the PhD Thesis:
Title of the Conference, Workshop or Course:
Venue (city, country) and Date:
Title of Presentation:
o Oral Presentation, or
o Poster
Include the abstract for your presentation and a confirmation of acceptance from the
event organizers with this application.
Please note that Doctoral School travel grants are intended to co-finance - not fully finance your participation. Have you applied for another travel grant for this conference?
o Yes
o No
If the answer is yes, please indicate the funding agency and the amount awarded:
Please identify the grant that will cover any remaining expenses____________(grant
number) __________________(grant holder).
Date of submission
Applicant’s signature
Signature of the supervisor
supporting this application
To be refunded you have to bring all original receipts and your boarding passes!
Only for use of the Doctoral School Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology
o Granted
o Not granted
Signature and Date: