Safeguarding Adults Board Business plan progress report 2010 /11 Priority Work Stream 1 – Embedding principles and good practice through leadership Overall Outcome: Safeguarding adults principles and practice are embedded at every level in partner agencies through leadership and management, to make potentially vulnerable people safer. What we are going to do Lead person By when Measurement of progress to be used Gain senior nonexecutive involvement from Devon County Council and Devon Primary Care Trust Jennie Stephens Jenny Winslade + lead for each agency September 2009 Senior non executive representative to be member of Safeguarding Board, or a safeguarding planning group that links to the SAB Outcomes 1 – For public 2 – For professionals / organisations 1 – An appropriately resourced, prioritised and joined up service 2 – Top level leadership and involvement in planning and monitoring safeguarding Progress / achievement DCC’s Safeguarding Improvement and Delivery Board includes non executive lead members and is linked to the SAB through ACS, now Peoples services, Director. There are similar links between the SA Board and Boards within other organisations with non exec members Priority Work Stream 2 – Quality and Performance Overall Outcome: Quality and performance monitoring of safeguarding services is used to improve safeguarding services. What we are going to do Lead person By when Measurement of progress to be used Outcomes 1 – For public 2 – For professionals / organisations Information available on safeguarding practice quality in Devon 2 – As above Also able to show quality evaluation to regulatory bodies Develop quality monitoring process for compliance with standards, policy and guidance by all partners and includes service user experience Paul Grimsey, Angela O’Rielly + lead for each agency January 2010 Agreement by all partners on quality standards and monitoring process to be used Use quality and service user experience information to improve safeguarding services in all partners Paul Grimsey + lead for each agency March 2010 Descriptions of how quality and service user experience have contributed to service improvements 1 – Service planning and improvements based on quality priorities 2 – As above. Also able to show evaluation of quality being used to improve services. Publish Annual Safeguarding Performance Report Giles Gardner + lead for each agency September 2009 Report published 1 – Information available on safeguarding performance in Devon. Service planning and improvements based on performance priorities 2 – As above Also able to show performance to regulatory bodies Progress / achievement Safeguarding Investigation feedback process in place. Service user feedback interviews have been commissioned. Multi agency safeguarding quality audits taking place Service user and quality feedback being used to improve investigation processes including improvements in recording processes and in how service users are involved in investigations Annual Report includes performance information and examples of positive outcomes for individuals Priority Work Stream 3 – Involvement Overall Outcome: Service user, carers and service provider involvement are used to improve safeguarding services. What we are going to do Lead person By when Measurement of progress to be used Develop strategy and processes for independent provider involvement, through the Devon Provider Engagement Network and Devon Provider Forums Paul Grimsey, + lead for each agency December 2009 Independent providers have opportunities to contribute planning and development of safeguarding services and policies. Evidence of examples of this involvement from providers Outcomes 1 – For public 2 – For professionals / organisations 1 – Improved engagement and involvement of providers in development of safeguarding practice and services 2 – Improved engagement and involvement of providers in development of safeguarding practice and services Develop strategy and processes for users of safeguarding services, and their carers, through LINk and other targeted voluntary sector groups. (This strategy to link with the communication strategy, wider joint agency engagement strategy and carers strategy) Angela O’Reilly with support from Alison Lear + lead for each agency December 2009 Service users and carers will have opportunities to be involved in the planning and improvement of safeguarding services in a variety of ways including: Communication of • information & feedback. Questionnaires/surveys.• Membership of joint agency 1 – Improved engagement and involvement of service users and carers in service planning and development. Training will be provided to support peoples’ meaningful involvement at meetings. 2 – Engaging effectively with users of safeguarding services, and their carers, will provide staff with a different perspective and a more Progress / achievement Independent providers representatives have joined the board and regularly attend Safeguarding Adults Team meetings. The Provider Engagement Network has been involved in developing plans for quality and safety improvement support being developed through NHS Devon A representative from a service user led organisation has joined the Board liaises with a range of service user and carer representative groups. safeguarding working groups /boards. Evidence of the impact of involvement from service users and carers complete picture from which to make decisions on service development. Priority Work Stream 4 – Training and Workforce Overall Outcome: Training and workforce development improves the safeguarding of vulnerable adults Supporting Adult Community strategy, and board objectives across ACS and Partners What we are going to do Lead person By when Measurement of progress to be used Deliver Safeguarding Adults Workforce Development plan incorporating MCA and DLS to meet the workforce development requirements of partners in the statutory & PVI sector Piers Tetley + lead for each agency April 2010 Number of training places offered against requirements Review implementation of the Safeguarding Adults Workforce Development Plan with business partners and identify any further WD requirements Piers Tetley + lead for each agency Quarterly formal review through training sub group. Ongoing review through business partnerships Training continues to meet the safeguarding requirements of the workforces Outcomes 1 – For public 2 – For professionals / organisations 1 – Lessen the risk of abuse from poor practice. Ensure that abuse is identified and addressed using Safeguarding process and procedure 2 – Workforce aware of policies procedures and legislation to ensure reduction of risk to service users from abuse or poor practice 1 – Lessen the risk of abuse from poor practice. Ensure that abuse is identified and addressed using Safeguarding process and procedure 2 – Workforce aware of policies procedures and legislation to ensure reduction of risk to service users from abuse or poor practice Progress / achievement The Safeguarding Adults Workforce Development plan incorporating MCA and DLS continues to be delivered to all agencies and sectors and regularly reports to the board on delivery and evaluation of training Training review carried out and new training programme developed that builds on feedback, policy developments and best practice. Priority Work Stream 5 – Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Overall Outcome: Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards are implemented in order to comply with peoples decision making rights What we are going to do Lead person By when Measurement of progress to be used Outcomes 1 – For public 2 – For professionals / organisations Peoples statutory rights in decision making complied with Progress / achievement To ensure full compliance with the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act – details in Safeguarding Adults Team Business MCA section introduce new MCA and DLS indicators within the existing directorate performance management and service monitoring arrangements– details in Safeguarding Adults Team Business MCA section To develop a user and carer involvement strategy for MCA and DLS– details in Safeguarding Adult Team Business MCA section Sharon O’Reilly + lead for each agency details in Safeguarding Adults Team Business MCA section See next action Sharon O’Reilly + lead for each agency details in Safeguarding Adults Team Business MCA section Being developed by Sharon O’Reilly Peoples statutory rights in relation to deprivations of liberty complied with completed Sharon O’Reilly + lead for each agency details in Safeguarding Adults Team Business MCA section Evidence of outcomes from service users involvement Improved processes and practice for complying with Peoples statutory rights in decision making, and in relation to deprivations of liberty Service user and care representative is member of MCA sub group to support user and carer involvement MCA implementation plan has been completed. Further work on embedding the act in all agencies Priority Work Stream 6 – Communication Overall Outcome: Communication strategies support people to keep safe and improve safeguarding services in all partner organisations. What we are going to do Lead person By when Measurement of progress to be used Easy Read versions of Safeguarding and MCA and DLS public information Fact Sheets Paul Grimsey + lead for each agency August 2009 Easy Read Fact Sheets published and publicised through specialist service user groups Compile and implement multi-agency communications strategy Paul Grimsey + lead for each agency September 2009 Communication Strategy progress to be reported to Safeguarding Adults Board Outcomes 1 – For public 2 – For professionals / organisations 1 – Improved access to information on Safeguarding, and MCA and DLS rights and processes 2 – Improved communication to people with communication challenges 1 – Improved access to information on Safeguarding, and MCA and DLS rights and processes 2 – Improved awareness and understanding of risks, rights and services by the public including people who use services. Improved awareness and understanding of duties, policies and procedures by staff in all services Progress / achievement completed completed