SER Safeguarding

Ysgol Gynradd Caerau Primary School
Safeguarding and Child Protection Self Evaluation Form
The school has in place and actively promotes self respect, patience, tolerance and
understanding for themselves and one another through-Weekly Acts of Collective Worship
-the School’s Golden Rules-which are displayed both inside and outside the school
-Weekly P4C sessions (introduced in January 2015) will enhance the qualities of
mutual respect, kindness, truthfulness and care
-a highly trained, visible staff constantly reinforcing these qualities
-staff are all approachable and children are actively encouraged to discuss their
concerns/worries with them
-the school has a “zero tolerance” for poor behaviour and bullying, and actively
promote this in Weekly Achieved Assemblies by focusing on positive pupil
-the school uses PSE, Science and outside agencies to promote physical and
emotional wellbeing
-external agencies-PC Warlow, Sue Parfitt (School Nurse) visit the school regularly
promoting the school’s values and reinforcing “right choices”
* the whole school training and introduction of P4C will build upon and extend current
practice in promoting pupil and staff awareness of “being safe”, but is very much in its
early stages
-the school has in placeStrategic Equality Plan
Anti Bullying/Promoting Positive Behaviour PoloiciesSubstance MisUse Policy
Drug Awareness Policy (Staff information)
Sex and Relationships Policy
All staff and a number of GB Members received CP/Safeguarding Training in Januaey 2014
The school also has in place reviewed policies forSafeguarding
Child Protection.
The school enjoys excellent relationships with Social Services, Integrated Working Team,
Team around the Family, Flying Start and numerous other agencies eg CDAT and Wiccada.
Processes around Safeguarding are comprehensive and robust, these are reviewed
annually. (September 2014)
 The school strictly follows LA procedures for recruitment of staff-Policy in
Governance File
The school keeps paper record of staff who have DBS/CRB tests-please see
“Supplementary Evidence File”
 Volunteers who work in the school go through the DBS procedure-but if this
process is incomplete, then comprehensive Risk Assessments are undertaken-please
see “Supplementary Evidence File”
Designated Teacher for CP-John Bibby
Deputy-Diane Jenkins
Chair of GB-Paul Young
GB Member Designated for CP-Cllr Phil John
This information has been passed onto ALL members of school staff and is displayed in the
foyer of the school to promote safeguarding.
Processes and protocols have been fully explained to all staff. Teaching Staff have copies
of Safeguarding and CP Policies, copies are also located in the school office and staffroom.
All current staff and some GB members received CP Trining in September 2014, plus the
associated documentation.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures are made clear to ALL the school’s
stakeholders, are promoted through the action of staff and are supported by
comprehensive policies which are freely available upon request
CP/confidential records are kept in secure filing cabinets in the HTs office.
The school has comprehensive policies forAnti Bullying Procedures
Promotion of Positive Behaviour
Each issue raised by a parent or child is dealt with by a member of staff immediately,
following the above policies.
Incidents of bullying are reported to GB members and noted in the school’s Strategic
Equality Plan.
There is a high staff presence throughout the school at all times of the day.
The school does not operate an appointment system and the HT is available at all times.
Pupils are encouraged to care for one another, be honest-even if they have been poorly
behaved-incidents are dealt with immediately.
As a “new build” the school benefits from24 hour CCTV coverage both inside and outside the school
The main gate being a significant distance from the school building
Secure classroom and cloakroom doors which are kept locked
Internal electronically locked security doors-fob operated
Comprehensive alarm system and Sprinkler system-which are serviced annually
Up to date risk assessments
A series of external gates to secure the yard
A “sign in” visitors system.
The school has an up to date “Health and Safety Policy”
The school has a significant of “First Aid” and “Team Teach” trained staff (Please Roles
and Responsibilities)
School follows LA?CSC Guidelines for Offsite Activities
The school has a designated EVC Co-ordinator (Lisa Sambell)
The school has a reviewed “E’safety Policy” (Please see Curricular Policies)
The school accesses the Internet via Citrix and the Local Authority Server
The school employs an IT Technician for two days per week to manage IT resoucres
To date the school’s Fire Wall has not been breached and there have been no reported
incidents of inappropriate internet access.
The school follows WAG Guidelines on “Physical Restraint”