FOSS notes Heredity - Southington Public Schools

FOSS notes Heredity
 Heredity is the passing of information from one generation to the next.
 Chromosomes are structures that contain hereditary info and transfer it to
the next generation; they occur in nearly identical pairs in the nucleus of
every cell.
Nuclei contain chromosomes.
Chromosomes come in almost identical pairs
Chromosomes have specific active locations called alleles.
The two alleles in identical locations on paired chromosomes make up a gene.
 Genes are the basic units of heredity carried by chromosomes. Genes code
for features of organisms.
 Alleles are variations of genes that determine traits; the two alleles on
paired chromosomes make up a gene.
 Alleles can be dominant or recessive. Dominant alleles are expressed if
they are present on one chromosome; recessive alleles are expressed
only when both chromosomes have the allele.
 An organism’s particular combination of paired alleles is its genotype; the
traits produced by those alleles result in the organism’s phenotype.