Approval of Minutes for 3rd September 2013

B&HCC Minutes 01/10/13
Balintore & Hilton
Community Council
Minutes of Meeting Tuesday 1st October 2013
 Present – Community Council Members:
Catherine Maclean – Treasurer, Emma Barr – Secretary, Robert James, Sheena McKinnie, Danuta Van Zyl,
and Hanna Nichols – minutes secretary
 In Attendance:
Cllr Fiona Robertson, Sgt George Ewan and Maggie Patterson – Education Scotland
There were no members of the public present.
 Apologies Received:
Alice Smith – Chairperson, Betty Lochhead – Vice Chairperson, Coral Allan and Cllr Alastair Rhind
The Chairperson was unable to attend the meeting, Cllr Robertson stood in a Chairperson.
Cllr Robertson opened the meeting and welcomed guests for attending.
 Approval of Minutes for 3rd September 2013:
Minutes for the 3rd September 2013 were proposed by Sheena McKinnie and seconded by Emma Barr.
 Visit from Education Scotland
Maggie Patterson from Education Scotland attended the meeting. She is part of a team looking at Tain Royal
Academy alongside looking at the learning community. They are keen to look at the key factors, adult
learning and literacy and see what differences learning can make in Scotland.
Maggie Patterson was keen to meet with the CC to ask what the group is doing to contribute to the area.
Robert James explained to Maggie that as the Community Council we support other local organisations such
as the Balintore Residents Group, which runs a youth club twice a week.
The CC was also helpful in resurrecting the Balintore Gala last year.
The CC has raised money to buy Christmas lights for the Seaboard villages and also recently donated
money to local clubs: cubs and playgroup scheme.
As a group, the CC works with the work club and a new group helping to teach English. The Chairperson
Alice Smith also chairs The Silver Network club.
The most recent venture of the CC is applying for the funding to employ an officer to work in the community
to meet with the new Welfare Reform Act.
The direct bus service to Inverness is another example of The Balintore and Hilton Community Council work.
They asked stagecoach to meet with the CC and public.
Maggie Patterson had looked at previous minutes from the CC and asked about the storm damage. She
wanted to know how the CC dealt with this. The CC explained that they arranged a public meeting as soon
as they could and invited engineers and contractors to come along and talk to the community. The CC
pushed for the work to be done and praised the HC for their help. Maggie Patterson agreed this showed the
CC is very influential in making things happen locally.
Cllr Robertson explained the CC represents the public through meetings. There is usually a good attendance
from the public. Everyone in the CC was in agreement that they have a good Chairperson (not present at the
meeting) who does a lot of work on behalf of the community.
Maggie Patterson asked how the CC got good at this and if there was any training. Cllr Robertson told how
there has been no training but they are looking into organising local training in Tain and Easter Ross for the
7 Community Councils.
Maggie Patterson explained as part of the inspection at Tain Royal Academy they look at what differences
groups in the area make and what development is needed. It will all be written up in a report, which will be
made available. It will create a picture of what things are like and also make any suggestions they think will
improve learning in the area.
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 B&HCC Minutes 01/10/13
Cllr Robertson added that all the 7 CC in this area are all effective in different ways but the Balintore and
Hilton Community Council is one of the most active. They want to help themselves and have very good
communication with the Councillors, Highland Council and the public.
Maggie Patterson thanked the CC for their time. She said the report would be published within the month.
The CC is keen to see a copy.
Police Visit
Sgt George Ewan joined the meeting to give the CC an update on policing in the area.
 Sgt Ewan notified the CC there has been a couple of thefts of fuel from tractors in the area.
 It had been reported that the Football Pavilion, Balintore had been broken in to.
 A couple of Balintore residents have phoned the police about youths climbing on the chemist roof and
“garden hoping”. The police have already spoken to some youths.
The CC told the Sgt that the rope on the green has been vandalised. This was noted.
Before leaving the meeting Sgt Ewan told the CC if anyone sees or hears anything on these incidents or
anything else don’t hesitate to phone the new number 101. Robert James asked if there was any news on
the fly tipping in Hilton that was reported in the summer. Sgt Ewan had not heard anything but will try and
find out.
Cllr Robertson thanked Sgt Ewan for attending the meeting. The Sgt then left.
 Matters arising from last minutes:
Cllr Robertson told the CC that set up of the CC has changed and the Chair will speak to the CC. Every CC
must have up to 7 elected member and 2 co-opted members. This is due to changes in the constitution. The
meeting must have a minimum of 3 members.
Mural – Clair Nichols and Rob Parks are still to meet to discuss the mural. This is independent of the BRG
and CC.
Welfare Reform Act – Interviews have taken place for the position. Waiting to hear official feedback on this.
Overgrown Grass – This has been cut but still waiting on the shed being painted.
Shandwick Joining B&H CC – Cllr Robertson has asked William Delfilm to look into this.
Abbotshaven Play Park – Robert James reported that the new play park plans for Abbotshaven will be
named “The Infant Play Park”. The Balintore Residents group have met with the public on this matter and got
a good response. The BRG will be in charge of any fundraising.
They have had information from 3 out of the 4 play equipment companies and 1 was chosen. They have
given the representative of the company a list of their requirements and are waiting on the costing. There
has been a lot of support from parents.
Gillian Davidson who brought the subject to the CC has plans to write to big companies for donations to do a
prize draws.
They are hoping the equipment will be in place next year. They plan to put up a 6ft-security fence around the
play area, which Cllr Robertson and CC agree is a good idea.
Lorna Simpson, Tenant participation officer has been helping the Balintore Residents group.
Cllr Robertson told Robert James she has nominated Lorna Simpson for Employee of the year. She asked if
Robert James, on behalf of the BRG would send an email to support this too. Danuta Van Zyl, also part of
the Residents group and the Sheltered Housing Scheme in which Lorna Simpson set up 3 years ago agreed
to support this nomination.
TEC Services – Cllr Robertson and Rhind met with the director last week to discuss the poor work being
carried out. TECS had already been out that morning all weeds etc were gone.
Meeting with Hall Committee – This was held on the 24th September. It was agreed the mermaid would be
moved quickly however there is no funding yet. This will be done before winter.
 Correspondence Received:
No correspondence received.
 Treasurer’s report:
The treasurer had nothing to report. The money the CC is waiting for has still not been received.
 Planning:
No planning to report.
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 B&HCC Minutes 01/10/13
 Any Other Competent Business and Questions from the Public:
Heritage centre. – Sheena McKinnie showed the CC pictures of a heritage centre in Lossiemouth she had
visited, similar to the proposed suggestion for Balintore.
Pipes – The CC has received complaints about pipes in Shandwick Bay. It is unsure if they are on Balintore
side. These waste pipes are no longer used and residents are worried they are rusty and dangerous. Could
be looked in to removing them.
Seals – Danuta Van Zyl asked Cllr Robertson who is responsible for the removal of dead seals etc that get
washed up on the beach. Cllr Robertson said it would be Robin Fraser, environmental health. Cllr Robertson
will get a number for Mr Fraser.
 Date and Time of Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be our AGM Tuesday 5th November 2013, 19.30pm at the Seaboard Memorial Hall.
You can contact us on our website or at our facebook page. Balintore/Hilton Community Council.
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