Lecture (7) IV. Alkynes (Acetylenes) 1. Introduction: The alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons that contain a carbon – carbon triple bond, because of its triple bond, an alkyne has four fewer hydrogens than alkanes. The general formula is CnH2n-2, and that for cyclic alkynes is CnH2n-4. 2. Nomenclature: The alkynes are named according to two systems: a) They are considered to be derivatives from acetylene by replacement of hydrogen by an alkyl groups: HC ≡ CH CH3 − C ≡ CH CH3 − C ≡ C − CH3 Acetylene methyl acetylene dimethylacetylene b) IUPAC Rule: 1) In the IUPAC rule the compounds are named as alkynes in which the final (ane) of the parent alkane is replaced by the suffix (yne). 2) Number the largest chain containing the triple bond and give it the lowest number. 3) Multiple triple bonds are given the suffix diyne, triyne…. etc. ex. CH3 − C ≡C-CH2 − C ≡ CH (1,4 – hexadiyne) Examples: o HC ≡ CH 4 3 (ethyne) 2 1 o CH3CH2C ≡ CH 1 2 3 4 (1–butyne) 5 o CH3C ≡ C CH2CH3 (2–pentyne) 40 5 o 6 CH2 CH3 │ 3 2 1 CH3CHC ≡ CCH3 4 o Cl Br │ │ (4–methyl–2–hexyne) CH3CH – CH C ≡ C CH2CH2CH3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (3-bromo-2-chloro-4- octyne) 3. Preparation of alkynes: a. Dehydrohalogenation of dihalides: By action of alcoholic; KOH is useful since the dihalides are readily obtained from corresponding alkenes by addition of halogens: Br2 KOH alc. CH2BrCH2Br CH2 =CH2 ethylene ethylenedibromide (1,2-dibromoethane) Br2 CH3CH=CH2 CH3CHBrCH2Br vinylbromide CH≡CH acetylene (1-bromoethene) KOH alc. 1,2 –dibromopropane CH3CH=CHBr 1-bromo-1-propene b. Thermal decomposition of ethene: 1100°C C2H4 (g) KOH alc. CH2=CHBr C2H2 (g) + H2 (g) 41 KOH alc. CH3C≡CH 1-Propyne c-From methane by heating to 1500°C for a short time: 1500°C HC ≡ CH + 3H2 2CH4 d.Dehalogenation of tetrahalides: Br Br │ │ Zn dust CH3 – C –– C – CH3 │ │ Br Br tetrabromobutane ∆ Br Br │ │ Zn dust CH3 – C == C – CH3 ∆ CH3 – C ≡ C-CH3 dibromo2-butene 2-butyne 4. Physical Properties of Alkynes: Alkynes are insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents of low polarity like ether, benzene and carbon tetrachloride. They are less dense than water. Their boiling point increase with increasing molecular weight. 5. Chemical Properties of Alkynes: Like alkanes, alkynes undergo electrophilic addition. The carbon –carbon triple bond is less reactive than the C = C toward electrophilic reagent. a) Addition of hydrogen. Reduction to alkenes: Reduction of an alkyne to the double bond stage yield either a cis- or transalkene, reduction with sodium in liquid ammonia gives trans- alkenes, and cisalkenes is obtained by hydrogenation with palladium: Ex.1: CH3 C ≡ C CH3 H CH3 Na, NH3 (liq.) C C CH3 42 tran - 2 - butene H H H H2 / Pd C C CH3 C ≡ C CH3 CH3 CH3 Cis - 2 - butene Ex.2: CH3CH2C ≡ CH + H2 Pt CH3CH2CH = CH2 1- butyne Pt CH3CH2CH2CH3 1- butene n- butane (The steps controlled by the amount of hydrogen) b) Addition of Halogens: Br2 CH3 C ≡ C CH3 2- butyne CCl4 Br CH3 │ │ Br Br Br2 C == C CCl4 │ │ H3C – C – C – CH3 │ │ │ │ CH3 Br Br Br Trans-2,3-dibromo-2-butene 2,2,3,3-tetrabromobutane (The steps controlled by the amount of halogen used) c) Addition of halogen acid: CH3 – C ≡ C – H + HBr Propyne (According to Markovinkov's rule) CH3 H │ │ C === C │ │ Br H 2 – Bromo1- propene 43 d) Addition of water: Obey Markovinkov's rule. H2SO4 - C ≡ C - + H2O O │ ║ ––C –––– C –– -C=CHgSO4 H │ │ │ H OH H Aldehyde or Ketone Enol A structure with (OH) attached to C=C is called enol[-ene for C=C,and ol for (OH)] O ║ H2SO4 HC ≡ CH + H2O HgSO4 H-C=CH CH3CH H OH Vinylalcohol Acetaldehyde(aldehyde) O ║ H2SO4 CH3C ≡ CH + H2O HgSO4 H3C –––– C –– CH3 CH3-C=CH2 Acetone (Ketone) OH e) Oxidation of Acetylenes: With permanganate and ozone, the triple bond is broken to give carboxylic acids. RC ≡ CR1 R – C ≡ CH KMnO4 O3 RCOOH + R1COOH RCOOH + HCOOH 44 f) Polymerization: Acetylene polymerizes under proper condition. Ex.: Cl │ 2 HC ≡ CH + HCl CH2 = CH – C = CH2 2 – Chloro – 1, 3 - butadiene This chlorobutadiene polymerizes to a useful synthetic rubber (neoprene). Cl │ N (CH2 = CH – C = CH2) Polymerization 45 Neoprene