Apple life cycle

Niles-Science (apples)/Kinder (2 days)
Science: Parts and Cycle of plants (Apples) - Kinder/First ESL
By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to identify seed, sprout, seedling and tree with
100% accuracy and will be able to correctly place these stages of the apple tree cycle in order.
(K)(10) Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms resemble their parents
and have structures and processes that help them survive within their environments. The student
is expected to:
(B) identify parts of plants such as roots, stem, and leaves and parts of animals such as head,
eyes, and limbs;
Materials Needed:
“My Apple Tree” sheets
Apple tree cycle flash cards (seed, sprout, seedling, tree)
KWL chart
Book: “The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree””
Apple life cycle sheets
Paper plates
Normally this lesson would be taught in one day, but, because we are ESL and we need to build
vocabulary and understanding, we are going to break the lesson up over two days. The first day
we are going to read the book about apples, and we are going to do an activity where we learn
the parts and cycle of an apple. On the second day we are going to review the parts of the apple
tree cycle and make our apple trees.
TEKS: K.10(D) and 1.10(B)
Niles-Science (apples)/Kinder (2 days)
Anticipatory Focus:
Day 1: I am going to begin the lesson by asking the class who likes apples. Then I will reference
the KWL chart and we will begin filling in what we know about apples. I may need to lead them
towards the parts of apples and the cycle.
Day 2: To begin this day, we are going to review the KWL chart as a review for what we learned
the day before about the life cycle of an apple.
Setting Expectations:
I will tell the students that we are going to have lots of fun learning about apples but that I will
need kindergarten quality answers and work and I need everyone paying attention.
Day 1: I will read the book “ The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree” and use prompting and
questioning throughout. Then I will refer back to the KWL chart and we will fill in the new
things we learned.
Day 2: Next, I will tell them I am going to see how much they remember from the day before
and we will do the flashcards once or twice, until I think they are able to identify the terms
Day 1: I can use the KWL chart to model my thinking outside and to model my processing for
the new information in the book. I will also present an example of the life cycle of an apple and
explain it.
Day 2: I will show the students my example of the completed “My Apple Tree.” I will explain
the directions to make the tree.
Guided Practice:
Day 1: If needed I can assist the students with identifying the objects in the apple cycle and
remembering the order of the cycle before they glue it.
TEKS: K.10(D) and 1.10(B)
Niles-Science (apples)/Kinder (2 days)
Day 2: If needed I can assist the students in identifying parts of the life cycle of an apple tree and
helping with materials.
Checking For Understanding:
Day 1: If the students are able to correctly identify the parts of the life cycle of an apple, then I
will know they understand the concept.
Day 2: If the trees are correctly put together, I will know that they understand the apple cycle.
They should also be able to, by this time, correctly identify seed, sprout, seedling, and tree.
Day 1: If needed we can review the life cycle of an apple, and we can use the example I will
have done as a guide.
Day 2: Same as day 1.
Independent Practice:
Day 1: The students will be given time to work on their life cycles while I check over each
student’s work.
Day 2: They will now be given the remaining time to build and glue their apple trees.
Mastery Check:
Day 1: If the representations of the apple life cycle are correct, and they can identify the parts
correctly, then the y will have mastered the concept.
Day 2: If they are able to identify seed, sprout, seedling and tree, and they are in the correct
order on their trees, then I will know they have mastered the concept.
Day 1: If needed, we can read another book about the life cycle of an apple. Or, we can view a
video online that demonstrates, with real pictures, the life cycle of an apple. The video is also
accompanied by a song. (
Day 2: We can review the KWL chart, or reference the books if there is still not full
understanding by the end of day 2.
TEKS: K.10(D) and 1.10(B)
Niles-Science (apples)/Kinder (2 days)
As always, I will thank the students for their time, and tell them that we are going to review more
about this, and I will ask them to start thinking about other places where we find apples. (We will
use this in a later activity.)
TEKS: K.10(D) and 1.10(B)
Niles-Science (apples)/Kinder (2 days)
Apple Life Cycle Flash Cards
TEKS: K.10(D) and 1.10(B)