- MBAUPDATE MBA Program, Loyola Marymount University FIRST FRIDAY EVENT IN THE SOUTH BAY THIS WEEK The MBASA would like to invite all MBA students to the final First Friday of the semester. It will take place this Friday, December 3, at Towne on 1140 Manhattan Avenue in Manhattan Beach. The phone number there is 310.545.5405. The event will run from 5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Appetizers Provided, Guests Welcome! CLOSED CLASSES FOR SPRING The following classes for Spring 2005 are closed: MBAB/C/G 677, MBAC 613, MBAC 660, MBAC 664, MBAC 613, MBAF 620, MBAF/H 625. Note - there are 2 spots left in MBAH 617 and MBAH 622.. If you would like to be put on the wait list, email Maria McGill at mmcgill@lmu.edu. If you have been advised by Maria McGill, you can now register for Spring 2005. Remember – Maria clears you – but you have to go to PROWL or ROAR to register. THREE NEW GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS FOR SPRING There are now three graduate assistantship positions available for Spring 2004; one in Student Housing, one in Intercultural Affairs, and one in the School of Education/Technology. Total earnings would amount to $5000 to $7000 each. They each require 20 hours work per week. If you are interested, email your resume to Chake Kouyoumjian, Director of Graduate Admissions at ckouyoum@lmu.edu. WE NEED YOUR CLOTHES! Until November 29 the MBASA representatives will be in the Lobby between 6:30 and 7:15 p.m. to receive your donations for Clothes the Deal, an LA organization that provides workplace-appropriate clothing to unemployed individuals November 29, 2004 attempting to enter the workforce. Last year we collected over 2,000 items from our students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends. Several students ran mini-drives at their companies, condo complexes, book clubs, etc. This is a great way to clean out your closet to make room for holiday gifts and help someone get a job. Don’t forget to ask your coworkers, family and friends for stuff as well. We will provide tax receipts. Rose Celera, Philanthropy VP for the MBASA would like to hear from any students interested in helping with the drive. She needs people to help collect, sort and count the clothes that are donated. Any time you can give would be greatly appreciated and goes to a great cause. Contact Rose at rosemariecelera@yahoo.com. DISCOUNT FOR EARLY REGISTRATION FOR GOLF EVENT The 10th Annual LMU MBA Alumni Golf Classic will take place on Monday, April 18, 2005, at Coyote Hills Golf Course in Fullerton. This will be our third year at this fabulous course. We have special early-bird signup discounts --- $155 for LMU MBA students and $175 for guests. This offer is good through December 22. After that date, it will be $175 for LMU MBA students and $195 for guests. The price includes a BBQ lunch, golf, cart, awards dinner, oncourse competitions, tee gifts – and great networking. If you want to sign up with a credit card call the MBA Office at 310-338-2848. Otherwise – mail us a check. is generated by tee sponsorships, the raffle and auction of donated items. Many of the items in the raffle and auction last year were donated by MBA students. The 10th Annual LMU MBA Alumni Golf Classic will take place on Monday, April 18th at Coyote Hills in Fullerton. That seems like a long way away – but many of you work for companies that are able to make donations if approached before the end of the calendar year. We would be happy to receive donations of any of the following: sports equipment, clothing (with or without company logos), golf balls and other golf items, gift baskets with your company’s products, food items (non-perishable), wine, gift certificates for restaurants, hotels, timeshares, spas, massages, etc. Airline tickets are very popular – as are hotel/condo/timeshare accommodations at vacation spots as well as sports memorabilia. The MBA Office can provide you with LMU’s Tax ID number – just call 310338-2848 or email Ann Marie Nuno at anuno@lmu.edu. SPRING AND SUMMER 2005 GRADS FILE NOW If you are due to complete your degree requirements at the end of Spring or Summer 2005, you need to file with the Registrar. You can download the degree application form at http://registrar.lmu.edu/forms/pdf/De gree_Application.pdf . SCHEDULES ARE AVAILABLE AT HTTP://MBA.LMU.EDU/MBASTUDEN TS/STUDENTS.HTM. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED Each year, the LMU MBA Alumni Golf Classic raises money for scholarships for MBA students. This fall, we were able to award over $30,000 in MBA Alumni Fund scholarships, due to the success of the 2004 event. Most of the money raised at the event SEND YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO OUR NEXT INFOSESSION There will be an Information Session for the MBA Program on Thursday, December 2, at 5:30 p.m. in U Hall ECC 1857. If you refer a friend/coworker/family member who enrolls – you get a great logo gift! RING FOUND IN H 107 A ring was found in Hilton 107 on Sunday, November 21. It was turned over to Campus Public Safety in Daum Hall. HILTON TREE LIGHTING Dr. John Wholihan, Dean of the College of Business Administration, would like to invite you to join other students, faculty, staff and neighbors as we light the Christmas tree in the Hilton Lobby on Wednesday, December 1. Between 5:30 – 5:30 p.m., enjoy cookies, hot chocolate and cider, live music and a visit from Santa. You are welcome to bring your kids as well! MBA CAREER SERVICES NEWS Nissan North America has a Financial Analyst position available. Responsibilities include coordinating the operating expense budget and financial approval of purchase requisitions, supporting NMAC's budget model, income tax forecasting, and other financial analysis/projects; Run budget model to prepare annual budget and monthly forecasts; Update the model for actuals, lease and retail run-off curves, loss provision rates, interest rates and revenue yield assumptions; Develop variance analysis to budget and prior forecast; Support development of 5-year mid-term plan; Work closely with Treasury to update budget model for any new ABS deal structure; Provide reports to Tax department to assess tax forecast. Qualified candidate must have a firm understanding of financial concepts related to financial statements and basic accounting principles. Excellent analytical skills are required to be able to understand the budget model calculations and variances. Must have a minimum of three years of related professional level experience. Bachelor's degree in finance or accounting. MBA or CPA preferred. Must have strong communication skills and an advanced knowledge of Excel spreadsheet applications. Hyperion experience a plus. If interested, send resumes to Randy Kleinstick, Manager, Budgeting (and Hiring Manager!) at kleinsr@nmac.com. UBS Financial Services Inc. invites you to a panel discussion expressly for professionals who may be exploring career transitions. The focus will be on the New Financial Advisor Development Program and opportunities for experienced Financial Advisors that may want to learn more about the firm. Date: Thursday, December 9. Time: 6:00-8:00 PM. Place: The Regent Beverly Wilshire (Burgundy and Bordeaux Room), 9500 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. You will hear from Financial Advisors with various industry backgrounds, as well as alumni from some of the nation's most prestigious business and law schools. Panelists will share their insight and perspective on: Career transitions, Keys to building a successful wealth management practice, the global capabilities of UBS. Be sure to bring your friends and colleagues who are in transition or looking for next-step career moves. Reservations are required. Space is limited. RSVP and send resume to: kevin.j.brady@ubs.com and also include where you heard about this event. Must be eligible to work in the United States to attend. Director Application Development & Support (email vanovejc@moffitt.usf.edu ). Note that this position may begin immediately and is in San Francisco. Moffitt Cancer Center (San Francisco http://www.moffitt.usf.edu/about_moffi tt/index.asp) is a NCI recognized Comprehensive Cancer Center. A PMO office is being setup and there is a requirement for Project Managers (4-5 at different levels). Requires 3yrs of implementing package solutions & data conversions for s/w companies or consulting companies; evidence of delivering projects within budget & schedule; excellent planning capabilities including use of tools; Experience of working in a customer focused environment; Experience in Project Mgmt methodologies; PMI Certification (desired); Good understanding of technology/architecture; Excellent analytical, written & verbal communication skills; Self-starter, self-motivated with strong leadership skills; Ability to communicate with biz & tech users at all levels; vendor relationship mgmt; Understanding of full development lifecycle of complex application. Should have healthcare experience, biotech experience, or research/education environment experience. Please self screen based on requirements and send resumes directly to John Vanover, Interim CONNECTIONS … WEBSITE FOR MBA STUDENTS HAS BEEN MOVED TO HTTP://MBA.LMU.EDU/MBASTUDEN TS. BOOKMARK FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! LMU MBA MERCHANDISE AVAILABLE IN THE MBA OFFICE The 50/50 grey mid-weight sweatshirts featuring the embroidered (navy/burgundy) LMU l MBA logo on the upper left are only $20. White tee shirts (100% cotton) featuring the new logo LMU l MBA (in red and gray) are $8. Also on sale are the polo shirts available in chili red or white. They are terrific shirts and a great buy at $20! We have a great selection of sizes in almost every item from S – XXL. We also have metal license plate frames in brass or silver for $12. The caps are a steal at $6!! Cash or checks are preferred but we can also accept VISA/MC. You can also order online through acteva.com. If you have your own (or a family) business that you would like to advertise to other students in the MBAUpdate – please email Dr. Katz at rkatz@lmu.edu. For those of you involved with small businesses, Angel Barragan, an LMU MBA alum and member of the MBA Alumni Board, would be happy to assist you with “’free’ business checking accounts and other discounted business related services.” Angel can be reached at angel.barragan@bankofamerica.com CONGRATULATIONS TO … Frank Klutka who just started his job as Institutional Sales Associate for KeyBanc Capital Markets. Key Bank, the parent company, is the 10th largest investment bank in the U.S. Frank first found an internship at the firm through the MBA Career Services Office and this led to the permanent position.