Scope of Work - Cherokee Nation

Cherokee Nation Businesses, LLC is in the process of selecting an implementation partner to implement
Microsoft® System Center Service Manager 2012 and Provance IT Asset Management for Microsoft®
System Center Service Manager 2012. The partner selected will provide:
Experience in implementing Microsoft System Center Service Manager / Provance IT Asset
Management Pack
In depth knowledge of implementing “Best Practice” business solutions and processes
Analysis ability to assess CNB’s current business processes and provide recommendations to
satisfy our design goals
Asset Management knowledge
Proven project management experience
CNB IT currently utilizes PeopleSoft CRM to manage the IT workload. CNB’s IT department implemented
this system eight (8) years ago to meet the needs of the IT support model. CNB IT has outgrown this
system and is in need of a more efficient and real-time Service Management System that aligns with its
vertical tier of Microsoft products and provides the necessary interfaces, workflow, and industry best
practice reporting. During the design/interview phase, CNB will deliver Visio drawing depicting current
state (in IDEF0 format) and critical service management processes.
The base bid should provide complete services for the Design/Interview/Discovery phase to include
Customer Organizational structure and workflow for all areas:
Integration Requirements
Reporting Requirements
Organization and Role requirements
Incident Management requirements
Configuration Management requirements
Asset Management requirements
Self Service Portal requirements
Risk and IT Compliance requirements specific to the implementation of the IT Governance, Risk,
and Compliance (GRC) 2012 Management Pack for Service Manager
Change Management (should be provided as a separate part of the bid with its own pricing and
This project will be done in phases. Phase I includes all necessary activities required to install and
configure the Service Center product and self-service portal to enable Incident Management and basic
use of a knowledge base and meet associated workflow and reporting requirements. Phase II will be to
enable integrations such with other products such as SCCM, SCOM and Provance Asset Management,
configuration of Problem Management and the ability to create Service Requests. Phase III will be the
implementation of Asset Management with the Provance solution. The bid should be structured in these
phases with each phase having a timeline and cost.
Install/Deploy/Configure the SCSM and Provance and Develop Workflow processes:
Based on the Design/interview/discovery phase, dDuring this phase the deliverable will utilize the design
to deploy, integrate and migrate a System Center Service Manager server structure that will provide an
end-to-end ticketing and service portal.
The deployment process will include installation and integration of Service Manager Management Packs,
Web and Console-based incident reporting, as well as the installation and configuration of the connector
for Active Directory. CNB will assist in building the Service Manager 2012 server environment. In phase
II, the CNB team will work with the selected vendor to configure the connectors for Service Center
Operations Manager, Service Center Configuration Manager, Provance Asset Management and review
SCSM integration functionality and configure the event and alert integration with SCOM and the selfservice SCCM portal for automated software distribution.
During phase I, the Service Manager 2012 Management and Knowledge Base databases will be installed
on a remote SQL 2008 server and with SQL Reporting Services Server. In addition, the following will be
Service Manager 2012 Management Server will be installed and configured.
System Center Service Manager Self-Service Portals will be installed and configured.
Physical and virtual software to be published to the Self-Service Portal will be configured.
Service Manager Users and User Groups will be created with appropriate roles and permissions
assigned based on CNB’s requirements
Incident Management and incident resolution requirements for Service Manager will be
Activity Management in Service Manager will be configured
Workflows and Notifications will be configured in Service Manager
Change Management will be installed and configured
Self-Service portal will be installed and configured
Basic configuration/setup to be able to utilize the delivered knowledge base functionality
User and Group configuration
Setting up the reporting environment that will provide for running and scheduling reports
Creating notifications and Subscribing to notification groups
SCSM connectors will be configured for integration with Active Directory for authentication and
populating of certain fields that are maintained in AD
During phase II, the following activities will be completed:
Service Manager CMDB Management Server will be installed and configured.
SCSM Connectors will be configured for integration with CNB’s Active Directory Environment
System Center Service Manager Connectors will be configured for integration with System
Center Configuration Manager and System Center Operations Manager
Provance Asset Management Connectors will be configured
Configuration of Problem Management
Further definition and configuration for the Service Center Knowledge base
Process definition and product configuration to enable service requests
During phase III, the following activities will be completed:
Asset Management requirements to Service Manager will be installed and configured
Asset Management/Provance will be implemented
Process objectives include:
Develop a feasible plan to implement Microsoft System Center Service Manager / Provance IT
Asset Management Pack
Streamline processes by utilizing Microsoft System Center Service Manager / Provance IT Asset
Management Pack functionality
Utilize delivered functionality wherever possible
Key Deliverables
Documentation of configuration/modification recommendations
Detailed Project plans by module for the Implementation
High level functional documentation of customizations,
Best Practice recommendations, decisions and justification for that decision
Future state design document
Decision memos for any key decision made on the project
Functional specifications for any customization that will exist in the new Microsoft System
Center Service Manager environment
Technical architecture recommendations and diagram
Project schedule to include identified times for design, training and implementation
Complete training documentation by module with CNB’s processes and screen shots including
quick reference guides and job aides.
Cutover/Go-Live Plan
Key Functionality
Product to Implement:
Microsoft System Center Service Manager 2012
Provance IT Asset Management for Microsoft System Center 2012
System Platform Proposed:
Windows Operating System 2008 R2
Windows SQL Server 2008 R2
Supporting VM and 64 bit
System Architecture:
Bidders should include drawing (preferably in Microsoft Visio format) showing proposed system
architecture of the completed project with integrations, highlighting or noting the
infrastructure/architecture for each phase with the bid.
Assumptions and Out-of-Scope items
CNB will take ownership for any customized reporting needs that are identified or request a
separate quote for the development.
Authoring of Management Packs is out of scope for this project. If creation of CNB-specific
Management Packs is required a separate project should be created.
ALL hardware will be purchased separately by CNB through its Dell vendor relationship
ALL licenses will be purchased separately by CNB through its Microsoft® Enterprise Agreement.
The system will be configured in United States currency and English. No multicurrency
capabilities will be used.
All vendor team members will communicate fluently in English.
All documentation created by the project team will be written in English.
The Implementation of Microsoft System Center Service Manager System is the basis of this
project, this engagement includes any effort or “costs” associated with the actual
Microsoft’s responsibility for the accuracy and consistency of the software and documentation
are described in the software license agreement and not addressed here.
At the end of the project, CNB’s environments will have all released patches and fixes for
Microsoft System Center Service Manager System applied and CNB will continue to apply service
packs and patches provided by Microsoft as required.
There will be one centralized database instance of the Microsoft SQL Server database
supporting all locations and business units.
Timely access to the hardware environment will be provided by CNB to the project team 24/7 to
troubleshoot and resolve technology issues.
Backup/recovery procedures will be performed by CNB throughout the project to avoid loss of
data. The capability for database restores to occur within 24 hours of calendar time of system
failure will be in place.
Extended User Team
CNB will establish an extended user team in addition to the core project team that will
participate at various stages of the project, primarily during the requirements definition, process
design and testing stages.
Quality Assurance
To ensure that the project team is executing the proposed project plan as submitted, CNB
retains the right to review and cancel the agreement on the eleventh day after the project
begins. In that event, CNB will pay all vendor costs to the termination date.
CNB retains the right to request replacement team members from the vendor and have a team
member changed in a timely manner.
Project status including work complete and estimated time to completion must be delivered to
the steering committee on a bi-weekly basis.
A final design and Implementation plan must be reviewed with the project steering committee
prior to the configuration and actual Implementation of the system.
Success of the project will be measured in a design for business process automation, elimination
of manual processes, , utilization of delivered Microsoft functionality, meeting business
requirements and the creation of a strategic implementation plan.
An issue log must be created and maintained. Status must be reported weekly with number of
issues resolved and new issues added.
Risk Analysis Summary
Risks for the Implementation of the Microsoft System Center Service Manager System include
missing key deadlines, rapid expansion and business diversification (actively seeking acquisitions
for continued diversification of CNB).
Risks and their potential impact should be identified in the design strategies of each module.
Documentation should cover both the impact of selecting or rejecting the design.
Please feel free to submit any additional information you deem appropriate for this project. Any CDROM/disk, and/or user documentation submitted with your proposal will be returned upon written
request. All other materials provided will become the property of CNB and will not be returned to the
vendor. CNB reserves the right to make partial awards, award all work or not award any work in relation
to this RFP.
Format of Vendor’s Response:
The RFP response may be submitted via e-mail, mail/express delivery or hand delivery. See delivery
addresses below.
Cherokee Nation Businesses, L.L.C.
Attn: Tina Jones
Senior Buyer
777 W. Cherokee Street
Catoosa, Oklahoma 74015
Cherokee Nation Businesses, L.L.C.
Corp. Bldg. #3
Attn: Tina Jones
Senior Buyer
1102 N. 193rd East Ave.
Catoosa, OK 74015
Responses to this RFP should address all deliverables listed in the RFP. CNB may include the vendor's
response to this RFP as an addendum to any potential contract. The RFP response packages must arrive
by April 15, 2011 .
Please complete the following questions to provide CNB with a thorough understanding of your
company’s history and background. Tables are used to facilitate analysis of each vendor's product by
standardizing the format of responses to each question. In the tables below, please answer all questions
using the blank section under each question.
Management Summary
Present the overall scope and projected cost of the proposed Implementation effort. It should include a brief
summary of the strategy in non-technical terms. It should also state specific reasons why the vendor's proposal
best satisfies the needs of CNB.
Annual Report
Provide a copy of the vendor's most recent annual report, if a public company. If an annual report is provided
please reference it below as an attachment to this RFP; otherwise, a statement of financial stability by the
vendor's independent auditors will be adequate.
Organization Chart
Present a company organizational chart or other appropriate information to indicate the organization's ability to
support the installation and maintenance and adapt to staffing changes.
Identify the principals of the organization and the individuals on the project team who would be responsible for
all aspects of the proposed system design Implementation.
Provide a list of the two most recent implementations of Microsoft System Center Service Manager and
Provance IT Asset Management Pack. Included in this list should be customer costs, a brief description of the
functional enhancements and timelines for the design and implementation.
Team Members
Provide resumes of all proposed project team members for review.
Please identify three references that CNB can contact to discuss their design and/or implementation project. In
addition, please provide a list of customers who have had you implement Microsoft System Center Service
Manager and Provance IT Asset Management Pack in a variety of industries comparable to CNB.
Vendor Questionnaire
Information Requested
Company Name:
Year Founded:
Number of Employees:
Number of Offices:
Primary Geographic Market Area:
Primary Industry Market:
Number of Years Implementing
Proposed Software:
Number of Current/Past Clients
Implementing this Version of the
Number of Current/Past Clients in
the Gaming Industry:
RFP Contact
Please provide the name, title, address and phone number of the person with whom all contact should be made
concerning your response to the RFP.
Design Approach
Please provide any additional information regarding your design experience for companies with similar
challenges as CNB. Tables are used to facilitate analysis of each vendor's product by standardizing the
format of responses to each question.
Design Experience
Describe what services are typically provided by you, the vendor, during the analysis and design processes.
Describe the approximate staffing, by skill level, which you would recommend to assess, design and
Implementation the Microsoft System Center Service Manager System.
Describe the approximate staffing and time commitment you suggest CNB provide to assess, design and
Implementation the Microsoft System Center Service Manager System. Identify the number of personnel and
skill level required by task.
Training Experience
Describe all available training programs. Include name, description, objectives and training method.
Project Costs
Please provide any additional information regarding your design experience for companies with similar
challenges as CNB. Tables are used to facilitate analysis of each vendor's product by standardizing the
format of responses to each question.
RFP Certification
The vendor must certify to the accuracy and completeness of all information included as a response to this RFP.
In the space below, please include the signature and title of the principal in your organization with the authority
to represent your products and the contents of your proposal.
Printed name:
 Cherokee Nation Gaming Commission (CNGC) Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICs) ordinances (see;
 National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) ordinances (see including Office of
Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) Compliance (see
 Quote shall remain firm for 180 days from date bid due. All prices and bid materials are confidential.
 At the time of award, the successful bidder will be required to work with CNB Accounting to discuss
account coding for invoices.
 CNB reserves the right to issue one award, multiple awards, or reject all bids. All quotes are subject to
negotiation prior to award. Awards may be issued without discussion of quote received, and quotes
should initially be submitted on the most favorable terms from a price and technical standpoint.
 Any award resulting from this RFP will be subject to CNB Terms and Conditions (copy available upon
 Your bid should indicate hourly $ rates (when applicable), individual work effort, delivery schedule, or
time of completion. Any items noted which are not bid should be indicated "NO BID".
 Any item(s) with exceptions, substitutions, exclusions, additions, or qualifications must be noted and
clearly indicated on bid form
 TERO requirements may apply including fee of 1/2 of 1% of contract award. Successful bidder must
complete TERO Labor Agreement (copy available upon request) and pay all applicable fees, including
$25 per non-Indian employee working on this project. Please refer to Legislative Act 38-05 dated 1114-06 repealing and superseding Cherokee Nation law regarding Labor and the Employment Rights
Ordinance and Declaring an Emergency. The complete Act is available at our website or by contacting
the buyer as listed on this RFP.
 Cherokee Nation Gaming Commission application and license will be required. Additional information
may be requested.
 Two (2) signed copies of the CNB Non-Disclosure Agreement, a fully executed copy of which will be
returned to the bidder.