Peter Morici
EDUCATION: Ph.D., Economics - 1974 State University of New York at Albany
1995- : University of Maryland College of Business and Management: Professor of
Business (tenured).
1995-1998: Director, Center for International Business - directed the Maryland Business
School International Business Studies program, including academic programs, policy
research and publications, and outreach to businesses.
2004 – : Participates in macroeconomic forecasting surveys compiled and published by
Reuters, Bloomberg, Market Watch and other national services, and is a charter
participant in the Macro Markets national forecasting survey for housing values. Three
time winner of the Market Watch best forecaster award.
2005 - : Nationally published business and economic columnist. Several columns each
week appear on web outlets such as, CNBC and Fox News, and various
major metropolitan dailies such as Orange County Register, Baltimore Sun, Des Moines
Register, and Atlanta Journal Constitution.
Frequent appearances on Fox, MSNBC, BBC, and other networks in United States,
Canada, Europe, and Asia.
Principal Positions:
1993-1995: U.S. International Trade Commission:
Director, Office of Economics - Supervised the Commission's staff of 40 economists and
served as its Chief Economist. Responsibilities included: advising the U.S. Trade
Representative and responsible Congressional committees regarding NAFTA
implementation, the Uruguay Round Agreements, APEC, the Western Hemispheric free
trade initiative and the Trans-Atlantic trade initiative; providing technical support to the
Council of Economic Advisors; and overseeing economic analysis of injury claims for
the adjudication of subsidy, dumping and other trade-remedy statutes.
Accomplishments included: rebuilding the Commission's economy-wide and global
modeling capabilities; completing major reports on the status of U.S. trade agreements,
Uruguay Round Agreements, the European Community single market initiative, the
Caribbean Basin Initiative, the Andean Trade Preferences Act, and the Arab Boycott of
Israel; and designing and implementing major new Commission research initiatives on
foreign investment policies, environmental regulation, intellectual property, and labor
standards. 1988-1996 : University of Maine:
1990-1993: Professor of Economics (tenured).
1991-1993: Director, Canadian-American Center - directed a 40 faculty Canadian Studies
program, including academic programs, public policy research and publications, and
outreach to businesses and schools; administered a consortium with the University of
Vermont and State University of New York, which comprises a U.S. Department of
Education Title VI National Resource Center on Canada; primary responsibilities
included program development, fund raising and supervision of implementation.
Accomplishments included restructuring the undergraduate curriculum, establishing a
nationally-recognized public- policy journal, raising DOE funding by one-third, obtaining
major foundation grants, and establishing a private sector donor program.
1988-1990: Associate Professor of Economics.
1978-1988: National Planning Association:
1983-1988: Vice President and Research Director - directed NPA policy research in
international economics (1980-1988); responsibilities included program development,
research supervision and fund raising.
Accomplishments included designing and supervising research programs on U.S. trade
policy, competitiveness, and relations with developing countries; and substantially
increasing funding from over 100 major corporations, financial institutions and labor
1979-1983: Associate Director, International Studies.
1978-1979: Senior Economist and Project Director.
1976-1978: Economist, Department of Energy and Federal Energy Administration.
1974-1976: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business Administration,
Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1975: Consultant, Health Board of the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities, St. Paul,
Adjunct Positions
1997-2005: Senior Fellow, Economic Strategy Institute, Washington.
1988-2005: Senior Fellow, National Planning Association, Washington.
1989-1992: Senior Fellow, Iacocca Institute, Lehigh University.
1984-1986: Professional Lecturer, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service.
1978-1979: Senior Consultant, CONSAD Research Corporation, Washington and
Recalibrating U.S.-China Trade (Washington, DC: New America Foundation, 2009).
Reversing the U.S. Trade Deficit with China (Harvard Asia Pacific Review, spring 2009)
The Doha Round: No Help for America's Trade Deficit? (Charlotte, NC: Nucor
Corporation, 2006).
Currency Manipulation and Free Trade (Charlotte, NC: Nucor Corporation, 2004).
An Assessment of Steel Import Relief Under Section 201 After One Year (Washington,
DC: American Iron and Steel Institute, 2003)
Reconciling Trade and the Environment in the World Trade Organization (Washington,
DC: The Economic Strategy Institute, 2002).
Labor Standards in the Global Trading System (Washington, DC: The Economic Strategy
Institute, 2001).
“Tricky Trade Balancing Act: A way for WTO members to protect workers’ rights and
promote economic development,” International Economy, January/February 2001.
Antitrust in the Global Trading System: Reconciling U.S., Japanese and EU Approaches
(Washington, DC: The Economic Strategy Institute, 2000).
Setting U.S. Goals for WTO Negotiations (Washington DC: The Economic Strategy
Institute, 1999).
"Managing the Global Economy's Managers," Current History, November 1998.
"IMF Malpractice," International Economy, January/February 1998.
"A Hidden Cancer: Why the Clinton Trade Deficit is a Serious Problems," International
Economy, November/December 1997.
The Trade Deficit: Where Does It Come From and What Does It Do (Washington, DC:
The Economic Strategy Institute, 1997).
"Barring Entry? China and the WTO," Current History (September 1997).
"A Sovereign Quebec and U.S. National Interests," American Review of Canadian
Studies, Winter 1997.
"The United States, World Trade and the Helms-Burton Act," Current History (February
"Resolving the North American Subsidies War," Canada-U.S. Public Policy (September
"Assessing the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, American Review of Canadian
Studies, Winter 1996.
"Export Our Way to Prosperity," Foreign Policy (Winter 1995-1996).
"An Architecture for Free Trade in the Americas," Current History (February 1996).
"Trade and the American Dream," Queens Quarterly (Winter 1995-96).
Free Trade for the Americas (New York, The Twentieth Century Fund, 1994).
"Competing for Advantage: Proposals for U.S. Trade Policy," Current History, (January
"Managing Risk in Mexico," Harvard Business Review (July/August 1993)-- coauthor
with Laurence Hecht.
"NAFTA, the GATT, and U.S., Relations with Major Trading Partners," in North
America, Australia, New Zealand and the World Trade Regime, Robert G. Cushing, et al,
eds. (Austin, Texas: Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs and Edward A. Clark
Center for Australian Studies, 1993).
"Facing Up to Mexico," in The North American Free Trade Agreement, Khosrow Fatemi,
ed. (London: St. Martin's Press, 1993).
"NAFTA Rules of Origin and Automotive Domestic Content," in Assessing NAFTA,
Steven Globerman, ed. (Vancouver, BC: The Fraser Institute, 1993).
"State Export Promotion Policies," in States and Provinces in the International Economy,
Douglas M. Brown and Earl M. Fry, eds. (Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental
Studies Press, 1993).
"Grasping the Benefits of NAFTA," Current History (February 1993).
"The Twilight of the GATT, NAFTA and U.S.-Canadian Relations," in Implications of
North American Free Trade Region: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Joseph A. McKinney
and M. Rebecca Sharpless, eds. (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1992)
"Implications of a Social Charter for the North American Free Trade Agreement,"
Canada-U.S. Outlook (August 1992); reprinted in Ties Beyond Trade: Labor and
Environmental Issues Under the NAFTA (Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1993).
"Free Trade in the Americas: A U.S. Perspective," in The Premise and the Promise: Free
Trade in the Americas, Sylvia Saborio, ed. (Washington, DC: Overseas Development
Council, 1992).
"Free Trade with Mexico," Foreign Policy (June 1992).
Rules of Origin in a North American Trade Accord (Vancouver, BC: The Fraser Institute,
"Transition Mechanisms and Safeguards in a North American Free Trade Agreement," in
Negotiating and Implementing a North American Free Trade Agreement, Leonard
Waverman, ed. (Vancouver, BC: The Fraser Institute, 1992).
"Making the Transition to Free Trade," Current History (December 1991).
Through the Looking Glass: Competitive Businesses and Effective Schools (Bethlehem,
PA: Iacocca Institute, 1991).
Trade Talks with Mexico: A Time for Realism (Washington, DC: National Planning
Association, 1991).
A New Special Relationship: The Free Trade Agreement and U.S.-Canada Economic
Relations in the 1990s (Toronto: The Institute for Research on Public Policy and the
Centre for Trade Policy and Law at Carleton University, 1991).
"Regionalismo en el sistema enternacional de comercio y las relaciones Mexico- Estados
Unidos," Mexico ante el libro comercio con America del Norte, Gustavo Vega Canovas,
coordinador (Mexico, D.F.: El Clegio de Mexico y Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico,
"The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: A Laboratory for the World Trading System,"
American Review of Canadian Studies (Summer/Autumn 1991).
"Some Ruminations About the Global Environment and United States/Canada Relations,"
in The Canada--U.S. Economic Relationship (Plattsburgh, NY: SUNY, 1991).
"Lessons from the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: Mexico, Other Regional
Agreements and the GATT System," Regulation (Winter 1991).
"Industrial Policy, Technology and the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement," Business in
the Contemporary World (Autumn 1990).
"Through the Looking Glass: Reforming Education and Restructuring the Workplace to
Improve Competitiveness," Canada-United States Law Journal 1990.
Making Free Trade Work: The Canada-U.S. Agreement (New York: Council on Foreign
Relations, 1990).
Making America Competitive: An Agenda for the 1990s (Bethlehem, PA: Iacocca
Institute, 1990).
"The Canada U.S.-Free Trade Agreement: Origins, Contents and Prospects" in Economic
Aspects of Regional Trading Arrangements, David Greenaway, Thomas Hyclak and
Robert Thornton, eds. (London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989 and New York: New York
University Press, 1989).
"The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement," International Trade Journal (Summer, 1989).
"U.S.-Canadian Trade Relations," in Seen From the South, Peter Kresl, ed. (Salt Lake
City: Brigham Young University, 1989).
"Policies for Competitiveness," in Making North America Competitive: EconomicIndustrial Policies for the 1990s, Lansing Lamont and Gary Levy, eds. (New York:
Americas Society, 1989).
"The Changing Competitive Position of the U.S. Economy: Implications for Public
Policy," The Canada-United States Law Journal (1988).
Reassessing American Competitiveness (Washington: National Planning Association,
Meeting the Competitive Challenge: Canada and the United States in the Global
Economy (Washington: National Planning Association, 1988).
"U.S.-Canadian Trade Relations in the 1980s," The American Review of Canadian
Studies (Summer 1987).
"Impact on the United States," in Building a Canadian-American Free Trade Area,
Edward R. Fried, Frank Stone and Philip H. Trezise, eds. (Washington: The Brookings
Institution, 1987).
"U.S.-Canada Free Trade Discussions: What Are the Issues," The American Review of
Canadian Studies (Autumn 1985).
"Trends in Trade Policy and U.S. Nontariff Barriers," in Canada-United States Free
Trade, John Whalley, ed. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press for Royal Commission
on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada, 1985).
The Global Competitive Struggle: Challenges to the United States and Canada,
(Washington: National Planning Association, 1984).
Changing Patterns of U.S. Industrial Activity and Comparative Advantage, (Washington:
National Planning Association, 1983)--coauthor with John Mutti.
U.S. Economic Policies Affecting Industrial Trade (Washington: National Planning
Association, 1983)--coauthored with John Mutti.
"Canada's Trade Realities and Trade Potential: A U.S. Perspective," in Proceedings of the
Conference on World Trade Pressures: Designing Our Future (Vancouver: Western
Transportation Advisory Council, November, 1983).
Canadian Industrial Policy (Washington: National Planning Association, 1982)--coauthor
with Arthur J. R. Smith and Sperry Lea.
Canada-United States Trade and Economic Interdependence, Canada-U.S. Prospects
Series (Montreal: C.D. Howe Institute, 1980).
Perspectives on Commercial Policy: The United States and Canada in the Eighties, with
Sperry Lea and Arthur J. R. Smith (Washington: National Planning Association for the
U.S. Special Trade Representative and Department of Commerce, January 1980).
The New Energy Input-Output Methodology and the Energy Embodied in U.S.
Merchandise Trade, for the Department of Energy, 1979.
"Border Tax Adjustments and U.S. Policy Options," New International Realities (Winter
"Changing Theories of Inflation," New International Realities (Summer 1978).
"The Benefits and Cost of Crude Oil Price Regulations," Journal of Energy and
Development (Spring 1978).
"The Impacts of Higher Energy Prices on Economic Growth in the Industrial Countries,"
in How Energy Affects the Economy, A.B. Askin, ed. (Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and
Company, 1978).
"Effective Protection of Canadian Exporting Industry: A Comment," Quarterly Review of
Economics and Business (Spring 1976).
Guidelines for Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Health Care Capital Projects, for
the Health Board of the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities, St. Paul MN,
September 1975).
The Structure of Effective Protection and Unskilled Labor, 1958-60, Ph.D. dissertation,
State University of New York at Albany, 1974.