EDMD 6163

EDMD 6163
Internet Resources
Conceptual Framework: Professionals of the 21st Century.
Text: Seamon, Mary Ploski and Eric J. Levitt, Web-based Learning: A Practical
Background: The Internet is a worldwide network of computers, made up of thousands
of autonomous networks of many sizes and types, each of which are separately
administered. Access to the Internet allows for connection to thousands of computer
networks which connect several million computers and millions of people. Connections
exist in more than 135 countries on all seven continents. The information and people
found on the Internet provide a vast opportunity for sharing of data and ideas.
Justification and Rationale for the Course: This course will introduce students to
resources available on the Internet as well as the tools needed. Informational and
educational applications will be explored. The Internet will open doors to a truly
GLOBAL world of information. It will take away the space and time limit that often
causes “staying current” to be difficult. Students need to be able to research topics
effectively on the Internet to operate successfully in today's society. This course helps
students learn how to meet that need.
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
- understand terminology common to the basic use of the Internet.
- be able to use this skill to subscribe to services such as listserv groups.
- Understand and be able to use the various Internet protocols.
- Use search techniques to locate information on the Internet.
- Develop a portfolio of Internet resources.
- Explore the development and creation of web pages and web quests.
Assessment Methods: Student’s assessment is based on the Instructor’s evaluation of
student’s work consisting of the following:
- Successful creation of short term web quests
- Successful creation of long-term web quests
- Weekly reports describing completion of assigned Web Quest tasks
- All reports should be e-mailed to the instructor unless otherwise noted
- Completion of assigned quizzes
- Completion of assigned questions
Weekly reports should be e-mailed to the instructor (connie.zimmer@mail.atu.edu) by
8:00 PM the Thursday following the assigned module. If the assignment is late, 20
percent of the point value will be deducted per week.
Grading scale:
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% -79% = C
60% - 69% = D
0 % - 59% = F
- 3 ½” high density diskettes (number will depend on your needs)
- A 100 MB IBM Formatted Zip Disk (Optional)
- A copy of WS-FTP LE, available online at http://www.download.com or from your
instructor. This program will be used to turn in assignments to your assigned Tech
- Regular access to the World Wide Web and an email account. You will be expected to
check your Tech email account on a weekly basis and sign up for the class listserv. You
have to use your Tech email account for this class.
As a web-based course you are responsible for each assignment. Place each assignment
in the directory in an organized manner. Please use folders in your directory to organize
it by daily assignments, research, Internet sites, etc. All of your folders and files will be
due by 8 PM the last official class day, December 5, 2002..
Be sure to check the date posted at the top of the syllabus, modules, and all assignments.
Some updates of course material will be needed and it is important that you are working
with the most current update. You are responsible for making sure that you are using the
most up to date course listings. Please remember that this is a work in progress and
adjustments will be made to meet the student’s needs. You will be notified electronically
of any changes.
Please refer to the Schedule when posted. The modules for each week will contain the
assignments that are due for that week and the accompanying web sites that you are
assigned to visit. You will be required to complete these assignments, visit the web sites,
and e-mail the completed assignments from the web sites to the instructor.
I will check my e-mail at least once a day. Please include EDMD 6163 in the subject
line when using e-mail.
Technical Stuff...
Hardware Requirements
An IBM-compatible computer running Windows 95 or higher
- A modem or direct Internet connection
- WS-FTP LE File Transfer Program
A Macintosh computer running System 7.5 or higher
A modem or direct Internet connection
- Fetch - File Transfer Program
Software Requirements
A java-enabled browser capable of sending email (Netscape Navigator 4.0 or
Internet Explorer 4.0 or above)
A dedicated e-mail program such as Eudora, Outlook, or Outlook Express
A dedicated word processing program capable of saving files in RTF format.
Schedule for class assignments will be posted on Blackboard in September. You will be
notified of changes via the listserv.
What is the Internet?
1. World’s largest information network.
2. Global web of computer networks.
3. Inter-network of many networks all running the TCP/IP protocol (transmission control
protocol/internet protocol – usually the software that a computer must run to
communicate on the Internet).
4. Powerful communication tool.
5. Giant highway system connecting computers and the regional and local networks that
connect these computers.
Other names for the Internet
1. Information superhighway
2. Data highway
3. Electronic highway
4. Net
5. Cyberspace
6. Web
7. World Wide Web (WWW)
How to access a site (address) on the Internet
1. Open your software that you browse/navigate with on the Internet.
2. Click the mouse in the Location space in Netscape Navigator or the Address space in
Internet Explorer. Be sure the entire address is highlighted (you will know it is
highlighted when all the letters/words are highlighted with a blue color). Type in the
address for the Internet timeline that is located on “Sites of the Week” in Module 2 in
either the Location or Address space.
3. Each time you want to visit another site, simply repeat Step 2.
To go back to a previous site you have visited, simply click the “Back” button
located on the navigation bar on both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.