COURSE ESSENTIAL STANDARD OBJECTIVE ESSENTIAL QUESTION Human body’s support, movement, and use of nutrients 2.00 B2 11% Understand the body’s use of nutrients 2.05 A1 2% Remember the structures of the respiratory system What are the structures of the respiratory system? 7240 Health Science I Unit A Unpacked Content I. Structures of the upper respiratory system A. Nose 1. Nasal cavity 2. Nasal septum 3. Turbinates 4. Cilia B. Sinuses 1. Frontal 2. Ethmoidal 3. Sphenoidal 4. Maxillary C. Pharynx D. Epiglottis E. Larynx F. Trachea II. Structures of the lower respiratory system A. Lungs 1. Bronchi 2. Bronchial tubes 3. Bronchioles 4. Alveoli 5. Apex 6. Base B. Pleura C. Mediastinum 1. 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 147 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. K e y 7. 8. 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 148 2.05 Respiratory System Key Terms Handout Name _________________ Date __________________ Directions: Use your textbook to complete the table below. Record class discussion during the PowerPoint presentation related to the structures of the respiratory system. Key Term What It Is Nose Sinus Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Bronchiole Alveoli 7240 Health Science I 149 Summer 2012 2.05 Upper Respiratory System Structures Handout Name _________________ Date __________________ Directions: Label the following structures of the respiratory system. Then, using a colored pencil, color the appropriate structures as indicated in chart below. Describe the structures of the respiratory system, in your own words. Use the back of the handout as necessary to record notes and class discussion. Frontal sinuses (light red) Ethmoidal sinuses (light blue) Sphenoidal sinuses (light green) Maxillary sinuses (light yellow) 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 150 2.05 Lower Respiratory System Structures Handout Name ________________ Date _________________ Directions: Label the following structures of the respiratory system. Then, using a colored pencil, color the appropriate structures as indicated in chart below. Describe the structures of the respiratory system, in your own words. Use the back of the handout as necessary to record notes and class discussion. Right lung (light green) Left lung (light blue) Larynx (yellow) Trachea (light purple) Heart (red) Left bronchus (light brown) Right bronchus (light orange) 7240 Health Science I 151 Summer 2012 2.05 Respiratory System Knowledge Check Handout Name _________________ Date __________________ Directions: Fill in the blanks with the structure of the respiratory system that is described in the statement. 1. Air enters the nostrils, or _________________, which is divided into two chambers by a partition known as the _____________________________________. 2. _____________________, or small hairs located in the nose. 3. The _______________________ serves as a common passageway for air and food. 4. The ______________________, a cartilage “lid”, covers the opening into the larynx. 5. The tube-like passageway which extends from the larynx, passes in front of the esophagus, and continues to form two bronchi is the ______________________. 6. The inner surfaces of the _____________________ are covered with a lipid material known as surfactant. 7. The __________________ lung is larger and broader than the ________________ lung due to the location of the heart. 8. The four cavities of the skull in and around the nasal region are called ___________. 9. The structure situated between the lungs along the median plane of the thorax is known as the _________________________. 10. The ______________________________ fluid is located in the thoracic cavity between the chest wall and the lungs. 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 152 2.05 Medical Terminology Handout Name:________________ Date:_________________ Directions: Review the medical terms and definitions listed below. Use these terms to write “new” compound words in the spaces below. Check your work in your textbook or a dictionary to verify the compound words and the definition of each one. Medical Term Definition bronch- windpipe -centesis puncture laryngo- larynx -meter Instrument used to measure -orrhea flow -oxia oxygen -phonia voice -pnea breathing pneumo lung pulmon- lung rhin- nose -spasm involuntary contraction spiro- breath -staxis oozing of blood trache- windpipe ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 153 2.05 Prototype Assessment Items Note: These items illustrate the types of items used in the item bank for this objective. All items have been written to match the cognitive process of the remember verb in the objective. Questions require students to recall terms or words related to job seeking and keeping. These exact questions will not be used on the secured test, but questions in similar formats will be used. These assessment items may be used as prototypes by teachers and students to generate similar items to comprise formative assessments for you classroom. This strategy is especially helpful during the field test year when classroom item banks are not available. Results of formative assessment should be used to diagnose levels of mastery, determine if re-teaching is needed, and guide further instruction. 1. The hollow, muscular structure of the respiratory system commonly known as the throat is called: A. esophagus. B. larynx. C. pharynx. D. trachea. C 2. The leaf-shaped, flap of cartilage lying behind the tongue and in front of the entrance to the larynx is the: A. epiglottis. B. glottis. C. valve. D. vocal cords. A 3. The lower end of the trachea separates into the right and left: A. alveoli. B. bronchi. C. sinuses. D. windpipe. B 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 154