NCC In-Person Meeting

NCC In-Person Meeting
Seattle University
July 19-23, 2006
Executive Summary – Decisioning
I. Youth & Young Adults (Y&YA)
NCC Reps agreed to form one young adult group in their respective regions by July
2007. (Considering adding one YA member to the regional council?)
NCC Reps to inquire & identity Y&YA groups and contacts – Angelique will draft
questions to help authenticate groups as CLC and will forward an outline for Day of
Discernment; also, e-mail to NCC & ExCo a list of Y&YA group(s) in respective
region by 9/28/06
Angelique and Carmen will email guidelines for assessment and collection of dues
to be paid to the National Office,
Lois to follow-up with Fr. Tri by 8/31/06 re: status of LMU Center – at what point, if
any, does Angelique and Carmen get involved with the proposal?
Angelique and Carmen to assist with 2007 Cura Personalis
Looking for web master to perform monthly updates to Y&YA web site
Angelique and Carmen will begin design competition on logo design. Graphic
design students at Jesuit universities will be invited to submit designs by Dec. 1.
II. National and World Community
Harvest issue on NGO and other outreach
Recommend regions select a foreign country as “sister country” and communities in
region select sister city in that country
Recommend each community gets Progressio
Immigration: set up forum with Bishops’ Statement; encourage people to inform
themselves before election
Water: see / waterforlifedecade for DVD, “Thirst”
Distribute copies of Kenya school video and brochures
Distribute JustFaith info
III. Formation (committee meets 8/24-26/06)
Add a young adult and John LeVecke, SJ to committee
Guides’ course outlined and first draft by end of the year
IV. Culture and Diversity
Establish dates and places for ’07 Leadership Courses ASAP
Suggest cultural members for Membership and Advancement Committees
V. SJ-CLC Relations
John will send EA job description to NCC members and REAs for comment, along
with Nairobi letter by 9/1/06; job descriptions to be finalized at October EA meeting
Regions should send reps to visit Provincials annually; emphasize what we can do for
Jesuits and what we need from them; first visit ASAP after May ’07 Provincials’
Jesuit formation: John, Gary Miskimon, Steve Stasheff and Carmen Castagno
will recruit teams and plan visits to all novitiate, 1st studies and theology centers.
VI. Resources – hiring timeline
NCC gave approval to hire three staff positions: Executive Director, Youth and
Young Adult Director and Communications Director. Kitty Gray, Carmen Castagno,
and Mary Ann Mennemeyer wrote job descriptions (see attachment).
By 9/25/06 ExCo, reps from Korean, Hispanic, and Dong Hanh communities, and
culture and diversity co-chairs will have a conference-call discussion to explain
rationale for the need for staff, gain a mutual understanding of the cultural needs and
how staff could provide further advancement for all of CLC, and finalize job
By 9/25/06 Lois will ask help from Maryland Province’s developer to identify
additional funding sources; also ask help from Angelique and Rascob Foundation
Submit proposals for funding (i.e., grants) to support staff positions between
September and December 2006
By Oct. 2006 NCC conference call, ExCo will a have final plan with 2-year budget
Paula will email announcement to entire membership
January 2007 circulate job descriptions
April 2007 ExCo and cultural reps. will conduct interviews
May 2007 NCC will interview finalists on teleconference
 Paula organize buddy system for those without email ability
 Pat Carter will put PowerPoint presentation on website
 Paula ask for info on members’ occupations and talents; ask for paragraph on
mission activities for Harvest issue and notice of events open to all members for
 Finish document on Membership, Commitment and Affiliation by July
Monday, October 9, 2006, 9:00 pm Eastern time (conference call) Saturday, January 13,
2007, Noon Eastern Time (conference call) Saturday, April 21, 2007, Noon Eastern Time
(conference call) TBD Summer In-Person Meeting Wash. DC or Fairfield, CT
October 7 – 10, 2006 in Detroit, MI
January 12 – 15, 2007
April 20 – 22, 2007
TBD Summer In-Person Meeting
Ecclesial Assistant Meeting:
October 10 – 11, 2007 in Detroit, MI