Reserve Manager Job Pack

Date as Postmark
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your interest in the post of Reserves Manager.
Please find enclosed with this letter a copy of the following information about the post.
An application form
A Job Description – Reserves Manager.
Person Specification – Essential Skills
Terms and Conditions of Employment
Staff Structure within Essex Wildlife Trust
Abbotts Hall Farm
Great Wigborough
Colchester, Essex
Tel 01621 862960
Fax 01621 862990
Essex Wildlife Trust was founded as a Charity and Limited Company in 1959 by Essex
people who were determined to protect interesting wildlife and important habitats and
countryside. Essex Wildlife Trust is a registered charity, protecting wildlife for the future
and for the people of Essex. The Trust has 87 nature reserves, 9 Visitor Centres, over
33,000 members, 100 staff and 2,000 volunteers.
You will be responsible for day to day management of nature reserves in the south of the
county, organising staff, volunteers, contractors, liaising with landowners and neighbours.
You will be working towards the EWT Living Landscapes Vision.
Responsibility for our nature reserves is divided up between reserve staff, the Reserve
Manager will line manage a number of reserve staff and have volunteer wardens reporting
to them.
Each nature reserve has a warden responsible for implementing the reserve management,
whether this is staff or volunteer, so the Reserves Manager job is to support the work of the
warden to ensure that the reserve management is correctly implemented. This is achieved
by organising an annual Action Plan visits which sets out the year’s work programme,
stating who and when the work will be done.
The Trust is signed up to many of the Agri-environment schemes, so the Reserve Manager
must ensure that the terms of the agreements are met and any agreed work under is
completed. There are other grants that the Trust benefits from e.g. English Natures reserve
Enhancement Scheme and the Woodland Grant Scheme.
The Reserve Manager is also responsible for ensuring that consents and agreement for
reserve management are in place.
The Trust welcomes people onto most of our reserves, therefore the Reserve Manager needs
to ensure that our reserves are welcoming and safe for the public to enjoy and ensure that
Essex Wildlife Trust
Company Registered
No 638666 England
Registered Charity
No 210065
VAT Registered
No 945 7459 77
Protecting Wildlife for the Future and for the People of Essex
the reserves are a good reflection on the trust as the premiere conservation organisation in Essex.
The Trust has embarked on creating a living landscapes and living seas, a landscape in which people
wildlife and the economy are working together so ensuring a future for Essex’s wildlife. The
reserves of Essex wildlife are the building blocks to help develop these living landscapes and the
Reserves Manager will be helping to ensure that our reserves our resources and our people are
working towards this vision.
The Trust enjoys good relationships with other organisations and manages land on their behalf. The
Reserve Manager needs to be able to continue and enhance our good working relationships.
This is a most interesting position that will enable the right person to apply their conservation knowledge
and abilities to communicate with a wide range of organisations and individuals. You will need experience
of working in conservation, with good people skills, IT and line management skills.
To apply for the post please return the application form together with your full CV and a covering letter
explaining why you are suited to the post, bearing in mind the essential skills for the post. Please send your
applications to our Headquarters at Abbotts Hall Farm.
Closing date for applications is 4pm Monday 24th February. Interviews will take place Monday 10th
March at Abbotts Hall Farm, with appointment soon after. Due to the high number of applicants we
normally receive we are not able to respond individually to all applications. If you are selected for
interview, we will phone you and confirm in writing so if you have not heard from us by the Interview date
you have not been successful and we take this opportunity to thank you for your application.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Neil Bedford
Senior Reserves Manager
Essex Wildlife Trust
Job Description for Reserves Manager
Overview: Essex Wildlife Trust aims to protect wildlife for the future and for the people of Essex.
It is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is one of 47 Wildlife Trusts which form the
Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts. The staff of Essex Wildlife Trust and its subsidiaries, Essex Wildlife Sales
Ltd, Essex Ecology Services Ltd, Chafford Gorges Ltd and Thameside Nature Park Ltd, work alongside large
numbers of volunteers and work within the policies and budgets agreed by the Board of Trustees and set out
in the Strategic Plan. We are a dynamic and fast growing organisation with many opportunities, both to
maintain our existing activities and to take on important new initiatives.
Responsible to: Senior Reserves Manager
Main Aim of the Job: To work to the Strategic Plan of Essex Wildlife Trust and within this plan to
hold overall responsibility for the good management of the Trusts land holdings in the south area that
you are responsible for. To apply Trust resources in terms of staff time, volunteer time, contractor
time, equipment, finances, etc. which have been allocated to the Trust land holdings in the South area
that you are responsible for, such that the most important work is done to achieve the Trust's
Main Responsibilities:
To encourage and support, under the guidance of the Senior Reserves Manager, the work of the
Reserves Officers, Reserves staff, Volunteer wardens and Volunteers to work to the Trust’s
Strategic Plan. To directly line manage some of the Reserves staff, the specific posts to be agreed
by the Senior Reserves Manager which establishes a good first point of contact for each member
of Reserves staff and each Volunteer Warden. Where appropriate give support to Reserves Staff
as a Professional Lead.
To ensure that each of the Trust land holdings in your area has a current Access, Health and
Safety Site Audit and that this is completed every two years and that the priority tasks are
identified from this audit. To ensure that priority tasks and precautions are done to reduce risks
and that if any accident or incident does occur that this is correctly reported and followed up.
To ensure that each reserve has a current Action Plan and where appropriate, work towards
Management Plans being in place for each of the sites in your area and ensure they are written to
the approved format. To ensure that the staff and wardens use their Management Plans to prepare
an Annual Action Plan and carry out the priority work from this Action Plan. The Reserves
Manager will be responsible for helping to keep the Action Plan / management plan database up
to date with monitoring the priority reserve work that has or has not been achieved.
To take on the day to day responsibility of managing our nature reserves, which includes the work
of the Reserves Staff and the volunteer wardens, deal with enquiries from them as well as from
the public or other interested groups.
To ensure that reserves staff and volunteers are aware of the boundaries and tenures of their sites
and make sure these are respected.
To work closely with the conservation staff to ensure, for example, that species and habitat
recording is done in a way which is clear, can be recorded by the Records Officer and which can
be used in an effective way.
To also take responsibility for ensuring that the wide range of equipment used by the Reserves
Staff and Volunteer Wardens in their area is appropriate for the priority work and that this is used
carefully and kept in good working order and to communicate and agree the timely use of
machinery across the county.
To ensure, under the guidance of the Senior Reserves Manager that budgets are prepared relating
to such work on each of the reserves you are responsible for and that, once approved, resources
are managed effectively and for the greatest benefit towards the Management Plan objectives of
the Trusts Landholdings.
To ensure that appropriate contracts are drawn up for contractors working on our nature reserves
and to assist other reserve staff in the preparation of these contracts.
10. To ensure that we have in place appropriate legal documents and records in place for such aspects
as grazing, pest control and other activities that need consent.
11. To ensure that consents are in place for reserve management work, particularly relating to
protected species, TPO, Agri-environment schemes, Archaeological, Planning etc.
12. To ensure that reserve income is maximised by putting reserves into appropriate Agrienvironment schemes and to assist other staff in the preparation of these grant applications
providing these are compatible with Management Plan Objectives. To consider other ways of
improving the income to the Trust through its reserves such as by sale of produce through Essex
Harvest providing this is compatible with Management Plan Objectives.
13. To ensure, compliance and any work relating to cross compliance and Agri-environment scheme
grants etc. is completed in good time and that any funds are claimed e.g. Entry and Higher Level
schemes, Reserves Enhancement schemes, Forestry Commission schemes, and other grants.
14. To promote Living Landscapes and Living Seas across our reserves work and lead on LL and LS
projects on EWT reserves and other landholdings where appropriate.
15. To ensure that opportunities are taken by the Reserves staff to celebrate successes on Trust sites and
promote these in ways which support the Trust brand.
16. Experience of providing excellent customer service, understanding your customers’ needs
17. To work together with the Reserves staff and volunteer wardens on practical tasks where this
encourages them, assists in getting the job done, improves line management and encourages their
work as a team.
18. To ensure that other elements of Trust work in addition to species and habitat conservation are
recognised within the work programs at a level that the reserves can sustain e.g. provision and
interpretation for visitors, opportunities for membership recruitment, links with local communities
19. Where appropriate organise a Reserve Management Forum and a warden’s thank you event.
20. To attend, report and play an active part in a range of meetings which are important to this
position: Management committees for several major reserves, Trusts AGM, Staff meetings,
Reserves Staff Meetings and other meeting as required
21. To undertake other comparable tasks under the directions of your line manager which are bound
to occur in a busy organisation.
Essex Wildlife Trust – Reserves Manager
Person Specification
Formal education or training in conservation or land based industry.
Proven knowledge of wetland, woodland and grassland management.
Experience of working with and communicating with the public.
Understanding of wildlife legislation.
Proven experience of practical reserve management whether through contractors or working
with volunteers.
Must have a valid driving licence.
Need to be physically fit, to walk around and undertake work on nature reserves
Must have proven ability to manage resources, prioritise workloads and work to targets.
Proven ability to use computers e.g. ability to use word, excel, email and internet.
Ability to prepare budgets and once approved strictly adhered to.
Good understanding of safe working practice, risk assessments and providing a safe nature
reserve for public enjoyment.
Proven ability to enthuse, motivate and encourage staff and volunteers, to work within a team
and encourage good working.
Name of Employer: Essex Wildlife Trust
Title of Post: Reserve Manager
A detailed job description is available but this does not form part of the terms of employment.
Responsible to: Senior Reserve Manager who is Line Manager for this post.
Place of Work: Abbotts Hall Farm
Hours of Work: 37.5 hours per week, normally 7.5 per day excluding lunch breaks and other breaks.
Normal office hours are 9 am to 5 pm; however, work will be required outside these hours, including
some work at evenings, weekends and Bank Holidays for which time may be taken off in lieu.
Guidance and procedures on claiming time off in lieu are included in the Staff Handbook, located on
Itinerary: You must complete a staff itinerary in advance for each week for your Line Manager to
read, this must show the days you are working, the hours you intend to work and indicate key jobs you
are undertaking. This is held on Microsoft Outlook Calendar. Instructions are in the Staff Handbook.
Salary: up to a maximum of £ 27,590 per annum depending on experience and qualifications and
subject to review with your Line Manager. Salary is paid monthly in arrears. If for some reason it is
clear that the Trust has over paid or under paid on one month it will adjust this by deduction or
addition on the next month. Rates of pay are reviewed in November each year. Details of salary
during Probationary period will be set out in your letter of appointment.
Travelling: When using your own vehicle on Trust business (excluding ordinary commuting) a
mileage allowance may be payable (full details and current rates are available in the Staff Handbook).
When you make a travel claim you will be asked to confirm that your private vehicle is appropriately
insured, taxed and has an MOT (where applicable).
Travel at the beginning or end of the working day to/from your normal place of work is within your
own time. It is not classed as working time and you are therefore not entitled to record time off in lieu
for these journeys. If an employee travels from their place of work to another work related location or
temporary place of work, this is normally in work time. If an employee’s role requires them to travel
from home to a temporary place of work at the start of the day it would be reasonable for an employee
to spend the first 30 minutes of the journey in their own time. The same would apply at the end of the
day if an employee travels from a temporary place of work to home in that it would be reasonable for
30 minutes of that journey to be in their own time. Full guidance can be found in the Staff Handbook
on SharePoint. Specific exceptions to this can be agreed by your Line Manager for going on a
particular visit or training outside of Essex, where the length of the journey is more than a normal
journey time you would do within Essex.
Annual Leave: Our holiday year runs from 1st January to 31st December. For a complete holiday year
full-time staff are entitled to 23 working days in addition to days in lieu of statutory bank holidays
rising to 25 days after 5 years’ service.
Holidays must be taken in consultation with other staff and with the agreement of your Line Manager.
If you commence work part way through the holiday year, you need to base your entitlement on the
remaining complete months in that holiday year.
You will not normally be able to take more than 3 consecutive weeks as holiday and at least three
working days must be taken between November 1st and March 1st. Annual leave must normally be
taken in the calendar year it is due, but some days can be carried over with agreement of the Line
Manager providing they are taken by 31st March of the following year.
If you leave your employment your holiday entitlement will need to be recalculated for the completed
months that you have worked in that holiday year. Discuss any over taken holidays with your Line
Probationary Period: 6 months during which time the employer or the employee may terminate the
employment upon one week's notice.
Length of Contract: This is a permanent post.
Other Expenses: Other legitimate claims for expenses on Trust business can be made on the
appropriate claim form providing these have been agreed in advance by the appropriate Budget Head.
Pension: The Trust or its subsidiaries will offer a pension contribution of 4% to a pension scheme
approved by Essex Wildlife Trust and which meets the criteria for auto-enrolment, providing that the
member of staff has passed probation and also contributes 3% into that same pension scheme.
Notice: After the probationary period, one month's notice of termination of employment is required by
either side. The Employer is required to give one additional week of notice for each completed year
of continuous employment exceeding 4 completed years to a maximum of 12 weeks’ notice. The Trust
may direct a staff member to take any outstanding holiday during the period of notice.
Disciplinary, Grievance and Appeals Procedures: Clear procedures for dealing with any
Disciplinary matter or Grievance or Appeal are set out in a separate document as part of the Staff
Handbook that may need to be updated from time to time and does not, therefore, form part of these
terms of employment.
An employee should take any Grievance or Appeal in the first instance to the Line Manager to whom
he/she is responsible. Any Disciplinary matter will, in the first instance, be raised by an Employee's
Line Manager.
Retirement Age: The Trust does not operate a compulsory retirement age for its employees.
Sickness and Sick Pay:
A member of staff who is not able to attend work must notify their Line Manager as soon as possible
on the first day of the absence. This notification should be before 10.00 a.m. except in exceptional
A friend or relative may make contact on behalf of the member of staff, but the member of staff
retains responsibility and must personally make contact with her/his Line Manager as soon as s/he is
The Line Manager must be informed of the reason for absence, the possible length and likely return
date and any medical advice that has been given which relates to the return to work.
If it is not possible to give a return date, the member of staff should make contact at least every three
days and must submit any relevant documentation as soon as possible.
Failure to follow the notification procedure given above may result in the absence being recorded as
On return to work the individual should participate with the Line Manager in a conversation to discuss
the absence and the reason for it. One of the purposes of this conversation will be to establish whether
the Line Manager can provide any support to the employee which could facilitate attendance at work
in the future.
The individual should agree on request to be interviewed and/or examined by an occupational doctor
nominated by the Trust, and the Trust will meet all related expenses.
If a member of staff is absent for 1 – 3 calendar days inclusive they should complete Part A of the
Appendix 2 Form Statement of Sick Absence and forward this to their Line Manager and the CEO’s
PA for confidential filing. Appendix 2 Statement of Sick Absence Form is available from Trust Main
Offices, from the Computer U Drive under Staff Information – Forms, or Sharepoint.
If a member of staff is absent for 4 - 7 calendar days inclusive, they should complete and submit both
part A and part B of Appendix 2 Form Statement of Sick Absence as a self-certification form to their
Line Manager on return to work. The form will then be forwarded to the CEO’s PA for confidential
If a member of staff is absent for 8 or more calendar days, a Statement of Fitness for Work (provided
by the GP) is required covering them from the 8th day of absence and should be sent promptly to the
Line Manager who will pass it to the CEO’s PA for confidential filing. If the absence continues
beyond the period covered further statements are required until a return to work.
Sick pay entitlements increase in relation to the time that a member of staff has been in continuous
employment with the Trust or its subsidiaries. The following are the total amounts of sick pay that a
member of staff is entitled to receive during any 12 month period as a result of sick absence which has
been properly notified to the Trust. (For these purposes the 12 month period is a rolling period of 12
consecutive months calculated from the first day of absence).
Up to one year of continuous service
Two weeks’ full pay, two weeks’ half pay
After one year of continuous service
One month’s full pay, one month’s half pay
After three years’ of continuous service
Two months’ full pay, two months’ half pay
After five years’ continuous service
Three months’ full pay, three months’ half pay
It should be noted that Company Sick Pay is discretionary and each situation will be subject to review
and dealt with on an individual basis.
If statutory sick pay (SSP) is for a longer period than any of the above then SSP will be paid to the end
of that longer statutory period. In order to qualify for sick pay then staff must follow the procedure set
out in their contract and in this policy. If there are exceptional circumstances then the Trust will use
discretion and this would involve the Line Manager discussing the circumstances with the CEO who
would come to a decision.
Full details relating to sickness and sick pay are found in the Staff Handbook.
Contact outside office hours: The Trust or its officers may need to contact you outside office hours
for important Trust business.
Redundancy: The Trust will, of course, observe any statutory requirements with regard to
redundancy. The details are available on request but as these are complicated and are changed from
time to time, the details cannot form part of these terms of employment.
Statement of Health and Safety Policy: The Trust provides a copy of this statement for all staff and
expects its staff to comply with this statement. This policy has to be reviewed regularly and therefore
the detail is not part of the terms of employment.
Staff Handbook: A Staff Handbook is available for all Trust staff on the Intranet. It must be
understood that this handbook and the details in it form clear guidance to staff, but do not form part of
a contract of employment. It is to be found on the Intranet, or a member of staff can request a copy if
they do not have access to the Intranet.
Copyright: Copyright material created during employment is the property of the Trust.
Confidentiality: You shall not use or disclose to any person either during or at any time after your
employment with the Trust any confidential information about the business affairs of the Trust, or
about any other matters which may come to your knowledge in the course of your employment. For
the purposes of this clause, confidential information means any information or matter which is not in
the public domain and which relates to the affairs of the Trust.
The restriction in this clause does not apply to:
(a) prevent you from making a protected disclosure within the meaning of section 43A of the
Employment Rights Act 1996; or
(b) use or disclosure that has been authorised by the Company, is required by law or by your
Right to Change Terms of Employment: We reserve the right to make reasonable changes to any of
your terms of employment. You will be notified in writing of any change as soon as possible and in
any event within one month of the change.
Third Party Rights: The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to this
agreement. No persons other than you and the Trust have any rights under this agreement and this
agreement shall not be enforceable by any person than you and the Trust.
References: The Trust must receive references that it considers satisfactory. At least one of these
must be from your current or most recent employer.
Qualifications: The Trust must receive evidence that you hold the qualifications relevant to the post.
Criminal Records Bureau Checks: Note that if this post is within Education or you are required to
have the qualification of a Chartered or Certified Accountant you will be subject to CRB background
checks. Convictions affecting your ability to work in these posts may result in termination of the post.
A criminal record is not necessarily a bar to working with the Trust.
(This information will be confidential to the Interview Panel and the line manager) (01/14)
EMAIL ADDRESS___________________________________________________________
Please outline what experience you have to meet the following Essential skills for this post.
Please feel free to expand the reply boxes or use a separate sheet if you wish to give us further information.
(Max 120 words per box)
1. Formal education or
training in conservation or
land based industry.
2. Proven knowledge of
wetland, woodland and
grassland management.
3. Experience of working with
and communicating with the
4. Understanding of wildlife
5. Proven experience of
practical reserve management
whether through contractors
or working with volunteers.
6. Do you have a valid clean
driving licence if not please
give details
7. Need to be physically fit, to
walk around and undertake
work on nature reserves
8. Must have proven ability to
manage resources, prioritise
workloads and work to
9. Proven ability to use
computers e.g. ability to use
word, excel, email and
10. Ability to prepare budgets
and once approved strictly
adhered to.
11. Good understanding of
safe working practice, risk
assessments and providing a
safe nature reserve for public
12. Proven ability to enthuse,
motivate and encourage staff
and volunteers, to work within
a team and encourage good
1. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? If so please give details of any
unspent convictions. Spent convictions do not have to be declared as the job is not one
covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974(Exceptions) Order 1975)
If you are invited for an interview we will require evidence of the qualifications you have
referred to in your application.
We will contact you before we take in references, but please give the name, address,
telephone number and email of two referees, stating how long you have known them and in
what capacity. One should be your current or most recent employer who is giving a reference
on behalf of that company.
Job Title:
Job Title:
Telephone Number:
Telephone Number:
Email address:
Email address:
How long you have known them:
How long you have known them:
In what capacity you have known them:
In what capacity you have known them:
I hereby give my consent to Essex Wildlife Trust and its subsidiaries processing the data
supplied in this application form for the purpose of recruitment and selection.
Thank you.
I declare that the above information together with my CV and covering letter are to the best of
my knowledge complete and correct. Please note: Any false, incomplete or misleading statement
may lead to dismissal from the Trust.
Signed by the Applicant:
To assist us with adverts please tell us where you saw this advert ____________________
4pm Monday 24th February
Interviews will take place; Monday 10th March at Abbotts Hall Farm
Application closing date:
Please return to:
Essex Wildlife Trust, The Joan Elliot Visitor Centre, Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough
Colchester, Essex, CO5 7RZ or e-mail to
John Hall
Personal Assistant
Kate Sheppard
Neil Harvey
Senior Ecologist
Adrian Knowles
Senior Ecologist
Pat Hatch
Martin Pugh
Asst. Ecologist pt
Colin Austin
Simon Smith
Andy May
Conservation Officer pt
Annie Gordon
Wildlife Sites Officer
John More
Records Officer
Lorna Shaw
Living Landscapes Coordinator
Emma Brogden
Living Seas Co-ordinator
Sarah Allison
Water for Wildlife Off
Darren Tansley
Biodiversity Coordin.
Mark Iley
Biodiversity Off
South Essex Project Off.
Jane Herbert
Conservation Assist.
Deb Howard
Neil Bedford
MANAGER Lisa Smart
Becky Gibson/Katie Fenton
Michele Kench
Rebecca Malthouse
Retail Manager
Kevin Blake
Reserves Manager NW
Adam Rochester
Reserves Officer
Graham Foxall
Roding Valley Warden
Patrick Bailly
Claire Rogers
Reserves Manager NE
Dave Smart
Reserves Officer
Alan Brown
Colne Point Warden pt
Bob Seago
Abbotts Hall Farm Manager
Mark Harrington
Tiptree Heath Warden pt
Joan Pinch
Reserves Manager
Carole Mander
Tollesbury Warden
Jonathan Smith
Lt Haven Warden
Stephen Grimshaw
Shoebury Ranger
Nick Macfarlane
Grazing Livestock
Reserves Manager S pt
Reserves Officer
Macbradan Bones
Blue House Warden
Nick Robson
Blue House Asst. Warden
Tim Lawrence
Essex Wildlife Trust
Last Update 16.01.2014
Sites with Centres
Abberton (SB)
Sen Warden & Tm Ldr
Jo Wray
Centre Manager
Liz Huxley
Education Officer
Ali Charnick
Charlotte Bradley
Bedfords (BG/KF)
Centre Manager & Tm Ldr
Fay Chapman
Educ. Officer
Emily Holt
Asst. Centre Manager pt
Daniel Bridge
Chafford (SB)
Centre Manager & Tm Ldr
Jonathan Tahir
Education & Community Off
Andrew Sidders
Matthew McGettigan
Fingringhoe (NB)
Centre Manager & Tm Ldr
Louise Beary
Education Officer
Hannah Elkington
Matt Cole
Belfairs (NB)
Centre Manager & Team
Woodland Ranger
Ashley Pinnock
Education & Community Off
Joanne Loman
Ingrebourne (BG/KF)
+ New Reserves with Centres
Hanningfield (BG/KF)
Centre Manager & Tm Ldr
Gayle Dyer
Education Officer
Carolyn Mallott
Bill Godsafe
Asst. Centre Manager pt
Joanna Scillitoe
Langdon (KF)
Centre Manager & Tm Ldr
Sue Adams
Education Officer pt
Karen McKay
Jonathan Wisbey
Asst. Educ. Officer pt
Donna Bennett
Lake/Meadows Warden pt
Lucy Sawyer-Boyd
Weekend Haven Assist.
Lauren Conroy/Gemma
Thorndon (Centre only) (SB)
Centre Manager & Tm Ldr
Susanne Eaton
Asst. Centre Manager pt
Emma Webb
Centre Asst. pt
Vicky Hood
Events Coordinator pt
Vicky Rudd
Thurrock Thameside (SB)
Senior Warden & Tm Ldr
Terry Morris
Centre Manager
Renae Laybourn
Education & Community Off
Rebekah Beresford
Sen Schools Outreach
Officer pt
Laura Harvey
Schools Outreach Officer
Leanne Block
Education & Community
Officer pt
Roz Wisniewski
Forest Schools Officer
Anna Rule
Forest Schools Officer
Laura Hopkins
Forest Schools Officer
Jo Ling
Seasonal Education
Lucy Addison (Bedfords)
Denise Cox (Chafford)
Michelle Easter (Fing)
Lauren Mack (Hann)
Sally Morley (Langdon)
Penny Brewster
Vicky Rudd
Centre Assts.
Tonie Wilson (Fing)
Denise Cox (Langdon)
Env. Projects Programme
Tarnya Carter
Env. Projects Manager pt
Claire Cadman
Env. Projects Manager
Louise Morris
Media & Marketing Off
Charlie Oliver
Marketing & Events Off pt
Gabbie Milligan
Management Accountant
Anna Solanke
Asst. Bookkeeper
Chris Vanderleelie
Asst. Bookkeeper
Evan Brown
Finance Officer
Andy Tatum
Finance Projects Officer
Legacy Officer pt
Rosalyn Leclercq
Office Manager
Fiona Hearn
Asst. Secretary
Gill Thompson
Asst. Secretary pt
Claire Lewis
Asst. Secretary pt
Phil Salter
Cleaner pt
Geoffrey Boyle
Fundraising Officer
Kate Denny
IT Manager
Peter Kidby
Corporate Manager
Michele Farrant
Fundraising Asst pt
Maxine Strugnell
Corporate Coms pt
Grant Maton
Corporate Officers pt
Mike Sedgewick
Patricia White
HR Officer
Linda Kendall
Volunteers Coordinator pt
Patricia Norris
Membership Officer
Kerry Precious
Asst. Memb Secretary pt
Peter Dwyer
Head Recruiter pt
Colin Rolfe
Ingrebourne PM (seconded)
Katy Haines
(Each member of staff has a Line Manager and some staff in centres have a
Professional Lead which is shown on the separate structure for each centre)