School Workplace Health and Safety Assessment 2010

WH&S Annual Assessment 2012
This WH&S Assessment should be coordinated by your WH&S Officer (WHSO). A new form incorporating
the latest improvements should be accessed from the CHW website each year. Refer to for further information. See the
After completing your Annual Assessment an Action Plan to outline timelines and responsibilities for each
recommendation should be completed.
If macros are enabled when opening this document the information you enter in each box under the
20 element headings can be automatically transferred to the Action Plan by clicking on the ‘update’
Workplace Name
Date of Assessment
Workplace Address
Location Code
Summary comments by the Workplace Health and Safety Officer including any recommendations to
rectify high priority unsafe workplace health and safety conditions and practices.
Name of WHSO
Principal / Manager
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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Communication of Organisational Health Policy and Information
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff e.g.
cleaner, teacher aide
Are workplace health and safety procedures and guidelines relevant to your job easily
Are current versions of documents being used? For example: annual check of the on-line
version of Schools Officers Folder to ensure any printed copies are the most recent version.
Is the importance of following WH&S procedures and guidelines communicated through a
range of forums such as the WH&S committee, daily notices, staff meetings and
professional development on pupil free days?
 Is the departmental Organisational Health Statement displayed and current?
Also Consider:
The level of communication to non-teaching and part-time staff.
Management emphasis on the importance of staff considering their own health and safety
when focusing on student outcomes.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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_______________________________ (workplace name)
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1. Allocation of Responsibility/Accountability for Health and Safety
Suggested staff to interview: Admin Team, HODs, teaching staff, non-teaching staff,
Are you aware of your own WH&S responsibilities?
Are staff in management positions aware of their allocated roles and responsibilities?
Does the workplace have strategies in place that identify who should act when a particular
WH&S issue is identified?
Does the Principal/WH&S Committee report back to school staff on health and safety
Also consider:
The level of acceptance by staff that workplace health and safety is their personal
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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2. Purchasing Controls (WH&S Controls, NOT finance)
Suggested staff to interview: Registrar, Admin Officers and all corporate card holders
 Are hazards considered when purchasing products and equipment?
o chemicals such as herbicides, fertilizers, cleaning
o equipment – including playground equipment, Industrial Technology & Design,
Agricultural Studies.
o building alterations
Is relevant documentation retained which identify what WH&S considerations were taken
into account during the purchase process? Eg risk assessment form
Are staff aware that they need to advise school management if they intend to bring plant,
equipment or substances onto the campus?
Also consider:
Was management not aware of any items identified in the inspection?
A simple reporting system that ensures management are advised of items coming on to
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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3. Contractors
Suggested staff to interview: manager/principal, deputy principal, registrar, schools
Are health and safety issues discussed with contractors before commencing work?
Do contractors provide written information in relation to their work procedures prior to
commencing work? (e.g. work method statement for the removal of material containing
Are arrangements in place for monitoring and managing contractors to ensure that they do
not pose a risk to staff or students? (e.g. vehicle movements)
Do contractors start work without reporting to the office?
Is Built Environment Materials Information Register (BEMIR) used to record and manage
contractor activities?
Has the school established processes as per FCM – PR - 003: Management of Asbestos
Products in Schools -
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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4. Health and Safety Consultation
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Is there a qualified Workplace Health and Safety Officer (WHSO) at your workplace (if you
have thirty or more staff)?
Has a Workplace Health and Safety Representative(s) (WHSR) been elected (if requested
by staff)?
Is there an active workplace health and safety committee or other forums to deal with
health and safety issues?
Is a member of the administration team e.g. Manager/Principal/Deputy Principal, an active
member of the committee?
Do all staff have the opportunity to discuss health and safety issues that are relevant to
their role?
Also consider:
The level of input in decision making by staff in relation to health and safety.
Is the manager aware of the Regional H&S Committee and how to contribute?
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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5. Risk Management
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Are policies, procedures, guidelines and forms on risk management accessible to staff?
Do staff know when a written risk assessment should be completed?
Do all staff know how to conduct a risk assessment?
Are health and safety risks managed in all areas of the school (e.g. engagement of
contractors, wh&s purchasing controls, curriculum activities, variation to school routine)?
Are all relevant staff aware of HLS – PR – 012 Curriculum Activity Risk Management
Also consider:
Hazard reporting system
Records of risk assessments are retained for future reference.
Practical subject areas have risk assessments completed that conform with statutory
Staff involved in an activity/process are always involved in the risk assessment process.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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6. Manual Tasks
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, cleaners, schools officers
Are the risks associated with manual tasks identified and assessed?
Are procedures followed for safely performing manual tasks?
Are staff trained to safely perform manual tasks?
If students with disabilities require assistance (e.g. where manual handling of students is
required), are staff aware of the policy HLS - PR – 010: Manual Handling of Students
Do they have access to and use the “Manual Handling of Students Resource Package
Also consider:
Easily accessible mechanical aids such as trolleys.
Heavy objects moved about the school, repetitive movements, awkward postures.
Storage suitability.
A staff attitude that might vary from ‘getting the job done regardless’ to considering ‘self’
when assessing manual tasks.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
(Do not rely solely on training as a control measure)
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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7. Hazardous Substances
Suggested staff to interview: schools officers, practical subject staff, cleaners
Are there procedures available to staff for the safe use and storage of hazardous
Have hazardous substances been identified, safety data sheets (SDS) obtained, risk
assessments completed and a register maintained?
Are staff aware of HLS-PR-006: Managing Risks with Chemicals in DET workplaces
Is Chemwatch in use? (priority for high schools)
Do staff consider volume, concentration and lower risk alternatives when purchasing hazardous
substances and dangerous goods?
Also consider:
 Information detailed above is available at point of use.
Unlabeled containers.
Haz Subs not recorded or in excessive quantity found in inspection
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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8. Plant & Equipment
Suggested staff to interview: schools officers, industrial arts and agricultural staff
Are manufacturers manuals and instructions accessible and available to staff?
Are written procedures for the safe use of plant and equipment available to staff (e.g.
standard operating procedures)
Is plant in good condition, inspected, maintained used and tested in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions?
Are records kept of any maintenance that has been carried out?
Are noise levels assessed and controls implemented for noisy working environments?
e.g. where you have difficulty hearing someone talking a from a metre away. For more
information please refer to:
Also consider:
Plant includes ‘clean’ items such as office equipment and a stanley knife
All guards and control devices are in place.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including hearing protection is easily procurable
by staff and worn when required through the risk assessment process?
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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9. Workplace Environment (playground, buildings and walkways)
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Does the school/workplace regularly monitor the environment e.g. playground equipment,
grounds, including paths and walkways, built environment?
Is there a system in place to ensure repairs and maintenance are prioritised and
Are systems in place to manage risks associated with bus and motor vehicle activity in and
around the workplace? E.g. isolation being the most effective method of control
Has an inspection of the school grounds ensured that there are no plants accessible to
students/children that pose an unacceptable risk from falling limbs, sharp protrusions or
poison? Refer to poisonous plants guide – Queensland Health
Also consider:
Sufficient funding for maintenance.
WH&S part of the process when designing workplaces or processes.
An acceptable standard of amenities exist.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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10. Training
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Has the Manager/Principal reviewed the training needs of all staff (including themselves)
and implemented an ongoing plan to provide relevant information, instruction and training?
E.g. induction, staff meetings, relevant staff attending OH&S network meetings, information
sessions, professional development opportunities.
Have all staff received health and safety induction training?
Are appropriate training records kept?
Also consider:
Also consider the level of training in relation to stress management, manual handling,
risk management (including curriculum), and hazardous substances.
Staff are supervised according to their capabilities.
Existing training has improved staff attitude to WH&S.
Professionals external to the workplace have credibility in their specialist area.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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11. Incident Reporting and Investigation
Suggested staff to interview: registrar, teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Are all health and safety incidents recorded?
Does the school follow HLS – PR 005: Injury, Illness and Dangerous Event Recording and
Are incident records regularly reviewed?
Are incidents investigated, corrective actions implemented and feedback provided to staff
as a way of improving awareness – refer to HLS-PR-019: Health and Safety Incident
Investigation ?
Is there a process to inform relevant staff of injuries/incidents (eg. How does the WHSO
become aware of incidents)?
Also consider:
Staff support incident investigation because they realise the aim is not to blame, rather to
prevent future incidents.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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_______________________________ (workplace name)
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12. Emergency Planning
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Are there written and communicated emergency procedures for;
o Evacuation and lockdown - to manage issues such as fire, bomb threat, natural
disasters, chemical spill and occupational violence?
o medical emergency eg anaphylaxis
o critical incidents eg serious assault, fatality
Is the evacuation plan displayed in each room?
Have local Emergency Services attended or approved evacuation/lockdown drills or
Are staff and students trained in emergency procedures? e.g. evacuation, lockdown and
medical emergency (staff)?
Also consider:
Staff take the drills seriously
Practicing drills without warning or in breaks.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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13. First Aid
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Does the school have appropriate first aid facilities and access to trained first aid personnel
for all school activities?
e.g. general classrooms, practical areas; industrial arts, sport, off site activities, camps and
HLS-PR-003 – First Aid:
Is there a process in place to check and restock first aid kits at specified intervals?
Are records kept of trained first aid personnel?
Also consider:
Students in the first aid room are visible to staff in case there is decoration in their
The kits are reviewed for suitability before sport and excursions.
Kits are never locked or in locked cupboards and located about the school as required
through risk assessment
Adequate numbers of staff, particularly teachers, are trained in first aid.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
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14. Electrical
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Is there a program and records showing the testing and tagging of electrical equipment and
the testing of RCDs (safety switches) in accordance with EQ guidelines. Refer to Electrical
Safety Guide for EQ schools:
Note: there are many electrical items that do not require testing and tagging. eg computers,
printers, fridges.
 Are staff trained to safely operate electrical equipment?
e.g. prevent electrocution and avoid damage to equipment
Do staff regularly visually inspect electrical equipment?
Is faulty electrical equipment immediately tagged, taken out of service and sent to an electrician
for repair?
Also consider:
The existence of faulty/damaged electrical equipment, wall mounted switches and sockets.
If RCDs are not installed across the school is future installation being considered?
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
Action :
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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15. Infection Control
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Are all staff informed about infection control in relation to communicable diseases including
those relevant to pregnancy? (e.g. CMV, measles, mumps, rubella, parvovirus). Refer to
the Infection Control Guideline
Do staff follow standard precautions when there is a risk of coming into contact with blood &
body substances (eg. Use disposable gloves, hand washing)?
Are disposable gloves readily available to staff who may be in contact with blood/body
substances? E.g on playground duty
Are sources of biological hazards (eg. Sharps, blood & body substances, first aid) in the
school identified and managed?
Are appropriate hygiene practices observed in the tuckshop and home economics kitchens
Does the school have records of staff immunisation status for vaccine preventable
diseases? (e.g. Hepatitis A&B, measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), chickenpox, whooping
cough and influenza)
Is there a process that identifies staff in high risk activities and coordinates and keeps
records for vaccination programs (eg Hep A&B, Q Fever, Japanese Encephalitis)?
Are all staff aware of their reporting obligations under Public Health legislation
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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16. Occupational Rehabilitation
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Are staff aware of their entitlements under the rehabilitation policy? HLS – PR -002 :
Workplace Rehabilitation
Do staff know who is their accredited Rehabilitation and Return to Work Coordinator
Is management implementing the Rehabilitation policy and adhering to timelines? E.g.
injured/ill employees who are absent for more than 4 days are contacted and offered
workplace rehabilitation?
Does the RRTWC perform a proactive role in the school?
 Are staff aware of their entitlements regarding workers’ compensation and rehabilitation?
(The WorkCover system in Queensland is a ‘no-fault’ system).
Also consider:
Level of staff support for rehabilitation.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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17. Employee Assistance
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Does the workplace have a process in place to cater for debriefing and counselling of staff
that may be in distress?
Are staff aware of the Employee Assistance Service that offers confidential counselling,
consultation and advice on employee wellbeing?
Do staff know how to contact their Regional Employee Advisor (Employee Assistance
Also consider:
The risk of occupational violence in relation to students and other groups.
The potential for, or the existence of, workplace harassment.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation :
Action :
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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19. Health Promotion
Suggested staff to interview: teaching staff, non-teaching staff, part-time staff
Does the school promote health and well being initiatives to staff? E.g. facilitating health
enhancing behaviours in areas such as physical activity, stress management and food /
Is work related stress acknowledged and discussed by staff and school management?
Does the culture of the school encourage staff to look after their own well being?
Also consider:
Stress management and/or health is a Professional Development option.
The inclusiveness of activities.
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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20. Corporate Governance – Ask the Principal/Deputy/BS
Suggested staff to interview: Ask the Principal/Deputy/BSM
Has the Principal reviewed the current department’s ‘Health, Safety and Wellbeing Action
Plan and established ways to meet the objectives of the plan?
Is the Principal (or delegate) aware of the opportunity to forward issues to their Regional
Health and Safety Committee? Refer to HLS-PR-016: WH&S Consultative Framework:
Does the school inform the Regional Director of significant risks, serious incidents and any
prohibition or improvement notices?
Are the outcomes of the annual assessment considered in the preparation of the school’s
Are sufficient funds allocated to respond to risks identified in the annual assessment?
Do school staff e.g. Workplace Health and Safety Officer, Workplace Rehabilitation
Coordinator attend district health and safety/rehabilitation network meetings?
Is the school WHSO and RRTWC allocated time and resources to complete their legislated
Enter hazards and deficiencies here that are identified from the questions above and
your own observation/investigation:
_______________________________ (workplace name)
Annual Assessment 2012.V1
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WH&S Annual Assessment Assignment Action Plan
Short and/or long term controls
responsible for
overseeing control
Resources required,
estimated cost if
1. Communication
2. Responsibility/Accountability
3. WH&S Purchasing Controls
4. Contractors
5. Consultation
6. Risk Management
_______________________________ State School
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7. Manual Tasks
8. Hazardous Substances
9. Plant & Equipment
11. Training
12. Incidents
13. Emergency Planning
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14. First Aid
15. Electrical
16. Infection Control
17. Rehabilitation
18. Employee Assistance
19. Health Promotion
20. Corporate Governance
_______________________________ State School
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