Yeast Fermentation Lab Report Guidelines

Fermentation of Yeast Lab Report Guidelines
For this lab report, include the following information in these sections...
background information about yeast (from your text book).
definition of cell respiration.
comparison of aerobic and anaerobic respiration (fermentation).
a simple equation for aerobic respiration and fermentation (in plants or fungi).
rationale: why you are doings this experiment.
purpose: what variables are you testing and what you expect to find out.
hypothesis: prediction of which sugar will yield the most amount of CO2 (alcohol).
written observations.
data table of the initial pressure, final pressure, initial time, final time, and slope; for
each sugar your group tested.
pressure v time graphs for each sugar your group tested. You could compile this data
onto one graph.
all measurements are labeled with appropriate units.
data table of all trials (data from all groups).
data table of calculations of the mean, median, range, maximum, and minimum for
each sugar type (derived data).
bar graph of class means for comparing all sugars tested.
summary of purpose and rationale of experiment.
state the sugar type which produces the most CO2.
site your data in order to support your findings.
tell if your hypothesis was supported by the data.
offer an explanation for the findings.
tell recommendations do you have for further studies or for improving the experiment.