Review Test on B1L9 + Grammar 33-34 + English 4U Dec. 26

Review Test on B1L9 + Grammar 33-34 + English 4U Dec. 26-30
Vocabulary (12%)
Brown rice contains a lot of vitamins and minerals; it can improve our health.
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
We need additional information to finish our final report.
By studying day and night, Sofia has made significant improvement in speaking
5. In this industrial town, thousands of men are hired in the production of cars.
6. These students have not reached an advanced level yet. They still need more time
and lots of practice.
Cloze (30%)
Have you ever watched the television program called Good Life (生活智慧王)? In
that program, the hostesses share many examples of the use of science in our
everyday (daily) lives. 2 For 3 example/instance (例如), warm water is more than a
common thing. You can put some salt into warm water and gargle with it so as to 4 soothe
(to ease pain) your sore throat. 5In 6 addition (Besides), you can make a tangerine taste
better by putting it into warm water for 7 a 8 few (some) minutes. The warmth of the
water could make the tangerine 9 seem (to appear to be) less sour, 10 as 11 if 12 by
magic (就像被施了魔法一樣).
A banana is another thing 14  ( finding  founded  found) around your
house that can also 15 perform (to do something) magic. Just imagine that you 16 were
(be) late for an important meeting; 16 what’s 17 worse (to make things more serious),
you couldn’t find any shoe polish to shine your dirty leather shoes. What could you do in
this kind of 18 situation (condition)? Well, the solution 19 to this problem is to use a
banana peel! To get a pair of shiny leather shoes, you should 20 rub (to spread
something over something else) the inside of the peel all over the shoes first, and then use
a piece of dry 21 cloth (woven fabric made from cotton or a fiber) to polish them. The
special 22 chemical (something used to cause changes to atoms or molecules) “tannin”
in the banana peel would make you 23 discover (find/learn) that your shoes will shine
more 25 brightly 26 than 27 ever 28 before (比之前亮上許多).
These two tricks are not just the magic used to surprise us, but the examples of the
use of science. As you get to know more about the 29 secrets (something that is kept
unknown by other) of science, you will definitely 30 realize (to begin to understand) that
science is around our life!
III. Translation
1. 如果我手邊有足夠的錢,我就會買那件漂亮的洋裝。
If I had enough money on hand, I would buy that beautiful dress.
2. Harvey 在吃完晚餐後,才開始做功課。(用 after + V-ing 改寫句子)
Harvey starts/started to do his homework after finishing dinner.
3. 根據這項科學研究,大多數的女人活得比男人久。
According to the scientific study, most women live longer than men.
4. Steve 非常認真工作,為了要給他的新老闆一個好印象。
Steve worked very hard in order to make a good impression on his new boss.
IV. Grammar (13%)
1. 請依題意,以 It’s time… 完成句子。(2%)
He was wearing a really old suit that had some holes in it.
He needed to buy a new one.
It’s time (that) he bought a new suit.
It’s time (that) he should buy a new suit.
It’s time for him to buy a new suit.
2. 請依各句文意,填入 can/could/would (like)/will/may/should/had better。(11%)
Could/Can/Would/Will you come and see me tomorrow?
It’s already 7:00. You had better go now, or you’ll be late for school.
It is very hot today. Would you like some cold drink?
You should obey your parents, but you never do.
A little girl asked her mother, “Do you think I could go outside and play with the
(6) You should see “The Lord of the Rings”—it’s a great film.
(7) This cup of coffee tastes sour. Could/Can/May I have a pinch of sugar, please?
(8) Nowadays, people live in a global village. I think everybody should learn a foreign
(9) The typhoon is coming, and now it is raining heavily outside. You had better not go
(10) The clerk: “ May/Can I help you?”
Mary: “I would like to try on this dress, please.”
V. English 4U
(A) carriage
(B) cozy
(C) disappearance
(F) however
(G) mysterious (H) reveal
(K) beloved
(L) indifference (M) request
(P) unfortunately (Q) reminded (R) escape
(U) slipped
(D) exchange
(I) mischievous
(N) invention
(S) comforted
(E) embark
(J) lonely
(O) emerge
(T) eventually
In Hans Anderson’s “A Winter’s Fairy Tale,” there was an evil goblin and his
(G) mirror which could make anything good appear bad in the glass. One day, the
goblin wonders how his mirror would reflect angels and decided to take his dreadful
(N) up to heaven. However, on his way to heaven, the mirror 3 (U) out of his hands
and broke into pieces. One of the tiny pieces of glass, 4 (P) , fell into a boy’s eyes. The
boy, Kay, turned to be very 5 (I) , and later on, was taken away by a 6 (A) .
Kay’s 7 (C) made his good friend Gerda feel sad and sorrowful. To find her 8 (K)
Kay, Gerda decided to 9 (E) on a journey. She went to the river first to ask for
information about Kay. Although she even gave the river her red shoes in 10 (D) , the
river didn’t 11 (H) anything. She then came across a kind old woman who 12 (S)
Gerda by combing her hair with a golden comb. The old woman’s kindness made Gerda
almost forget about her family and her 13 (M) for Kay. 14 (F) , a red rose on the
woman’s hat 15 (Q) Gerda of her love for Kay and pushed her to continue her journey.
As she moved on, Gerda met a 16 (J) girl who initially forced Gerda to stay and
play with her, but in the end helped her 17 (R) from the thieves. Riding on the reindeer
given by the little girl, Gerda finally found Kay in the palace of the Snow Queen.
However, Kay showed 18 (L) toward Gerda and refused to go home with her. At that
time, Gerda broke into a song and made Kay cry with joy. As tears washed out the piece
of glass, Kay recalled his memories of Gerda and his family. 19 (T) , Kay walked hand in
hand with Gerda, and happily made their way home.
(A) demand
(E) stature
(B) materials
(F) estimate
(C) broadcast
(G) resemble
(D) transformed
(H) register
The police (F) the number of casualties in the train crash at about 300.
Because of several typhoons, the supply of vegetables falls short of (A) .
The Lin family (D) their garage into a guest house.
Wood and stone are the only raw (B) on the island.
Jeremy went to the city hall to (H) the birth of his son.
The British writer Penelope Lively has grown in (E) since she won the Booker
Prize in 1987.