The Snow Queen Trivia

The Snow Queen Trivia
Summary: Young girl makes a dangerous journey to save her friend.
Trivia Questions:
1. Who retold the story? Sarah Lowes
2. Who illustrated the book? Miss Clara
3. Who wrote the original story? Hans Christian Andersen
4. What kind of mirror did the magician make? One that made ugly things look huge and shrank
beautiful ones to nothing
5. Who got hold of the mirror? The Snow Queen
6. What did she do with it? Had her apprentices fly up into the sky with it
7. What happened? It shattered and millions of pieces scattered over the world
8. What happened to the world? Everything looked ugly, people became mean and sad
9. Who is the main girl character? Gerda
10. Who is the main boy character? Kay
11. What kind of tree grows between Gerda and Kay’s house? Rose tree
12. Who lures Kay away? The Snow Queen
13. What does she do to Kay when he’s at the window? Blows him a kiss and 2 splinters of the
magic mirror
14. What happened? He became mean
15. What happens to the relationship between Kay and Gerda? They aren’t friends any more
16. What does Kay do one day? Hitches his sled to a sleigh
17. Whose sleigh is it? The Snow Queen
18. What happens to Kay? The Snow Queen takes him to her palace
19. What does Gerda do? Searches for him
20. What she do first? Throws red shoes into the river so river will give him back
21. What does the river do? Gives shoes back
22. Does Gerda stop when she gets the shoes back? No, she takes a boat
23. Where does she end up? At a cottage with an enchantress
24. What happens? Old woman combs Gerda’s hair and she forgets about home and Kay
25. What happens? Gerda sees roses on bonnet, remembers and flees
26. Who does she run into on the path? A raven
27. What happens? Gerda tells her story and raven takes her to a palace
28. What does the princess do? Listens to Gerda’s story to find Kay, gives her new clothes and a
reindeer to ride
29. Who did Gerda meet in the forest? The Outlaw Girl
30. What happened? She took Gerda’s reindeer, clothes and food
31. Did she keep them? No, when she heard about Gerda’s search, she gave her a cloak, food, and
let the wolf guide her to the Snow Queen’s palace
32. Where did they stop along the way? At a hut
33. Who lived in the hut? The Wise Woman
34. What happened? Wise Woman spoke with the wolf and fed them
What did the Wise Woman say was stronger than a potion? A loving heart
Did the reindeer, wolf and raven stay with Gerda for the rest of the journey? No
Who saved Gerda against the snowflake army? Angels
What was Kay doing all the time? Making jigsaws from icy fragments and words
What word did Kay have to make to be freed? Eternity
What happened to the ice in his heart? Gerda’s tears melted it
What happened to the ice in his eyes? Kay wept for joy at seeing Gerda and they melted
How was the word formed? After the spell was broken, the ice letters formed the word
How did Gerda beat the Snow Queen? By saying, ‘I have a loving heart and you have no heart
at all.’
What happened? The Snow Queen shattered into 1,000 ice crystals and the wind whirled her
What happened to the ice palace? Broke apart and fell into the northern sea.
How did they get away? They used the Snow Queen’s sleigh pulled by a white reindeer
Where did they go? Back to hut, then headed home
Whom did they meet on the way home? The Outlaw Girl
Did they ever make it back to their homes? Yes
What was it like? Church bells rang, the rose trees were in bloom, and Gerda and Kay were as
tall as their parents.
Discussion questions for the book group:
 Did you like that it was a girl rescuing a boy?
 Why or why not?
 What kinds of things do you do to show a loving heart?