Aostri: Once upon a time in a far away land there lived two children, Gerda and
Kay. They were best friends. In all the world no friends were as close. Not far
from them a demon made a magic mirror. One day the mirror shattered to a million
tiny pieces and something terrible could happen.
Santi sbocci: Oh, my eye and my heart, said Kay. Yes, the jabs came from the
splinters of the broken mirror. What they didn’t know was that if a splinter
touched your heart you became cruel and if it touched you eye you saw everything
horrible. At once Kay became cruel.
Flor: One day when Kay was playing with his friends, the snow queen appeared on
her white sleigh and took Kay. At first he was having fun and didn’t recognize her
…when he did, it was too late. The wicked snow queen had trapped him.
Lucia: Back in town gerda was so worried about Kay that she decided to set off
to look for her dearest friend. At first she met an old woman who cast a spell on
her because she wanted to take Gerda forever. Luckily, she realized she was not
good so she ran away.
Ivo: She stumbled through a gloomy forest where she met a crow who led her to
the wrong place. He thought Kay was in a castle but Gerda burst into tears when
she realized it wasn’t him. Luckily, the princess in the castle gave her a dress and a
carriage to continue with her search.
Justi: Travelling in her carriage a band of robbers attacked her. A robber’s
daughter took Gerda to a grim and lonely castle. Gerda met a reindeer who knew
where the snow queen lived. Gerda got on the reindeer’s silky back and raced north.
Valu S: A woman they met on their way knew all about Kay. After travelling far,
Gerda was left alone in the icy cold. After defeating some guards, she entered the
snow queen’s castle. Some angels appeared and helped her keep her feet warm.
She was now ready to hurry into the castle.
Sofi E: Inside the castle there was Kay, he was so still that he looked frozen
stiff. She ran and hugged him. She couldn’t believe her eyes when some hot tears
dripped from her nose onto Kay’s chest. They reached right through his heart,
thawing the ice and washing away the splinter of glass.
Marti Ch: Her words and his melting heart brought tears to Kay’s eyes. He could
see clearly again. Is it really you? Kay asked. The old Kay was back. They cried and
jumped for joy. The blocks of ice around them danced and they spelled a word,
eternity! As the snow queen had told Kay before. If he could put the letters in the
cubes in order he was free
Maria: when the snow queen saw they were running away she was furious but
there was nothing she could do. Laughing with relief they ran outside the castle
where Ba was waiting for them. To Gerda´s surprise the reindeer carried them all
the way home.
Giulio: At long last, they arrived at Gerda´s house. They hugged over and over.
This is truly a fairy-tale ending, grandma said and the roses in the window nodded
their heads. So this was the story of a wicked queen and two innocent children who
defeated evil and believed in love.