Part 1 (Open to the public) ITEM NO. ___________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES ___________________________________________________________________ TO THE DEPUTY CITY MAYOR (PROPERTY) AT HIS MEETING ON THURSDAY 20TH DECEMBER 2012 ___________________________________________________________________ TITLE: SURPLUS PROPERTY – LAND AT THE JUNCTION OF MILTON STREET AND CROMWELL ROAD, ECCLES ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Deputy City Mayor approves the following: 1. That the council declares the land at the junction of Milton Street and Cromwell Road Eccles surplus to its requirements and instructs Urban Vision accordingly. 2. That Urban Vision approach the owner of the former Eccles Baths, which is adjacent to the council’s site, to establish if an agreement for disposal to a special purchaser can be made. 3. That a period of two months is given for an agreement to be reached. 4. That the property by marketed for sale by informal tender, at the same time, but subject to an agreement being reached with the special purchaser. 5. That if agreement is not reached with the special purchaser or by informal tender, consideration should be given to the disposal of the site by way of Public auction. ___________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The site is located on Milton Street and is adjacent to the former Eccles Public Baths. The site was formerly part of the highway but following highway works in 1994 an informal off street parking area was created. However, the site is under used and is considered to be of no operational or strategic value to the council and is considered to be surplus to the holding directorate’s requirements. D:\106762619.doc The One Council Team has considered the potential options for the future use of this asset including retention and or re-use by the City Council and disposal. It has recommended that the Deputy City Mayor approves the above recommendations. ___________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) Option appraisal form sent to One Council Team members for consideration on the 4th December 2012. ___________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: NO ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: TITLE: SURPLUS PROPERTY – LAND AT THE JUNCTION OF MILTON STREET AND CROMWELL ROAD, ECCLES BACKGROUND The area of land shown edged red on the attached plan comprises of 330 Sq. ms. and was acquired in 1880 as part of the Eccles Public Baths scheme. The Public Baths were sold in 1989 and at that time the subject land formed part of the Public Highway. Highway works were carried out to narrow Milton Street in 1994 and an informal off street parking area was created. This land is tarmaced with bollards to the south of the site; access is gained from Milton Street. The land is currently used by local residents and users of the former public baths for car parking. Electrical and Water services run through the site, which is a maintenance liability to the City Council and has little if any development potential. The site could potentially be of interest to the adjoining occupier. The land is of no operational or strategic value to the council and is considered to be surplus to the holding directorate’s requirements. Urban Vision has been requested to provide an option appraisal regarding the possible options for the site. TITLE The land is unregistered at the Land Registry and the legal team are unable to locate the Deed Packet. The council is in the process of registering the land as part of the Voluntary Registration Project. There is a nominal fee to register the land. D:\106762619.doc A street closure application was granted in 1994 for the site which enabled the highway works to be implemented. PLANNING Planning state that the site is situated within a predominantly residential area and is not allocated in the city's Unitary Development Plan. Therefore, if the site were to be developed for any purpose, residential would seem to be the most suitable. However, issues relating to 1) the building line along Milton Street, 2) how any development would relate to the gable end of 21 Cromwell Road and 3) any parking problems that could arise from the development of this site, would all have to be satisfactorily addressed in the first instance if a planning application were to be successful. OPTIONS The land is considered to be surplus to requirements. Options associated with the site are as follows: 1. To retain the land for its current use as off street parking. 2. To approach the owner of the former Eccles Baths, which is adjacent to the council’s site, to establish if an agreement for disposal to a special purchaser can be made. 3. To dispose of the land by way of Informal Tender. 4. To dispose of the land by way of Public Auction. Prior to implementing any of the options it is recommended that the registration of the land with the Land Registry is completed. ___________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Salford City Council’s Asset Management Plan. ___________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: The most effective use of the Council’s assets impacts positively on the community and community groups. ___________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: LOW ___________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: N/A ___________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Supplied by Norman Perry, City Solicitors Department, Manchester City Council Tel. No. 0161-219 6316 D:\106762619.doc There seems to be no reason why the Council should not dispose of this property once a registered title has been obtained. However, care must be taken to ensure that the price obtained represents best value and no sale at an undervalue takes place. I may be that when the intention to dispose of this site is made public, objections and claims may be forthcoming from those persons who park on the site. __________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Supplied by Stephen Bayley Ext 2584 Sale of the land will realise a capital receipt and release the Council from maintenance liabilities. ___________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: All Directorates consulted. No adverse comments received. ___________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Russ Nutter TEL. NO. 2321 ___________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Eccles ___________________________________________________________________ D:\106762619.doc