Addendum – Fall, 2009

Addendum –Winter, 2013
Attendance/Classroom Behavior
Regular attendance to classes is recommended. You are responsible for keeping track of handouts and any materials posted on my web page.( If I do not have copies of
these materials available in class, you may obtain them from me at my office.
For the most part, I intend to post material.
I will keep you up-to-date via announcements on Blackboard (
Consider attending class, even if it means that you are coming in late. However, please respect
the rights of your classmates by keeping disruptions to a minimum.
Cell phones are to be turned off when class is in session.
 Seneca College has a strict policy regarding cheating and plagiarism.
Go to and click on “Academic Policy” to familiarize yourself
with our policies and procedures.
First Offence: A grade of 0 on the assignment/test, and a comment recorded on the
student’s transcript.
Second Offence: Mandatory withdrawal from the college for a period of one year plus a
comment on the student’s transcript
Tests and Exams
My expectation is that there will be two tests this semester; the first within the first seven week block
of the course (Week 6?), and the second during the second seven week block of the course (Week 11?)
. The test values will be 20% each for a total of 40% of your final grade.
The final exam will cover all the material for this subject and will be worth from 35% to 40% of your
final grade.
A medical note is required if illness prevents you from writing a test at the assigned time. In any case, I
would appreciate an e-mail to explain your absence.
Labs and Assignments
This component of the course has a value of 20%. These marks will come from an assortment of takehome assignments and in-class work.
Final Exam
The Final Exam will cover all the material covered in this subject throughout the semester.
Semester End Date: Friday, April ,12, 2013
Exam Week: Monday, April 15 to Friday, April19, 2013