ldac 06 aar

(Input from MS IV LDAC discussion, 31 Aug 06, and Cadet email)
(input in red is resultant of discussion between SMI, S3 team and Cadet BC and XO)
(Final as of 12 Sep 06)
Event/Area: Garrison
Things We Did Well In Preparation
-Switch in SY05-06 from 2 Companies to One allowed more full squads and better preparation/training. Maintain SY
-Emphasized using cadet chain, forced to use the chain. Maintain SY 06-07. MS IV influenced.
Recommended Changes
-Very hard to simulate garrison environment; we should have more explicit help sessions on garrison operations.
Agree. Cadet XO to develop help session schedule for MS IIIs and incorporate this area.
-Blue cards and counseling need to be better/more detailed; teach yellow cards to MS III cadets. MS IIIs are taught
yellow cards, but we will emphasize more in MS III instruction. LDP Calibration class held for MS IVs, first week of
class. Cadet chain to develop a yellow card help sheet. MS IVs-during LDP counseling, if MS III yellow card not up
to standard, teach and train them and then have them redo card…do not accept if not up to standard you have seen at
-As we are doing beginning this semester, get MS IIIs involved on Battalion staff now as it helps teach garrison
process, orders, etc. Will continue for SY 06-07 and reconsider in SY 07-08; although great training and OJT for MS
IIIs, we have to ensure that each MS IV has a relevant staff position; in 07-08, more MS IVs projected than currently
-Have MS III CoC brief WARNOs and OPORDs in front of evaluators to simulate the camp atmosphere (at PT?).
Cadet BC will have MS III chain brief OPORD to platoon level, likely after PT sessions. Note: MS IV evaluators
must also be there for LDP assessment.
Event/Area: Land Navigation
Things We Did Well In Preparation
Night land navigation course at Mattydale. Will continue to use – fall FTX and spring weeknight; minimum
twice for night land nav.
Highland Forest terrain very similar to LDAC terrain. Are putting in fixed points there using GPS.
LN training stressed a lot; continue with supplemental classes and give written tests more frequently. Concur.
Recommended Changes
-Obtain 1-50,000 maps of areas where we do land navigation; get cadets used to that scale map. Cadre S3 shop will
find out if 1-50 maps can be obtained for our training areas.
-Protractors at LDAC were different from ones we used on campus (triangle cut was different). We will order new
protractors, but this is likely due to “lowest bidder” and not a design change of protractor itself.
-Try and use a set LN course at a military base. Did not appear to be too much added benefit in this, as it appears our
LN training is ample (exceeded camp average at LDAC 06), and time, being a precious resource, will be strained if
we travel to a military post (nearest Drum 70 miles or so away) to conduct training that we can accomplish locally.
-Use map from LDAC (whichever map is tested on there, use in class). Will attempt to obtain that map (Yelm?) and
use, but use ICW other maps-Tenino, etc.
Event/Area: BRM
Things We Did Well In Preparation
Drilled home PMI’s, washer drills, etc; became second nature. Continue.
Started slowly w/.22 caliber and worked up. Continue. MS I and II build-up.
Recommended Changes
More BRM time; more firing opportunities. Agree. Reinvigorate rifle club and encourage MS III
membership. MS IIIs more to range downstairs. MS IVs must also fire, ready for BOLC II.
More timed, pop-up firing. Will do at spring FTX.
Practice each shooting position, especially kneeling position. Will incorporate. Do: prone, prone supported,
Stress the Rifle Team/get more people out to shoot. Agree, largelt falls within Cadet sphere of influence.
Event/Area: PT
Things We Did Well In Preparation
Cadre leading PT at times to show proper way to run PT. Agree, cadre will run first 3 sessions, each semester.
Addition of Friday PT in spring semester. Agree, will continue for spring 07.
PT more rigorous last year than in previous years. Agree, continue and improve.
Recommended Changes
We did videotaping of pushup and sit-up form, but cadets never sat down and saw it. Will videotape
diagnostic and record APFT for MS IIIs. Each will then be counseled by their instructor and shown the
videotape, where a discussion will be made regarding form and technique.
- Need to have cadets develop fitness plans for implementation in summer before attend LDAC. Agree, MS III
instruction team must implement. Strongly recommend that MS III team have them develop weekly plans now
to get them in the habit.
- Have a few PT sessions that stress and teach form as opposed to continually going for burn-out. Agree, Also,
more cadre presence at PT making form corrections.
Event/Area: Squad STX
Things We Did Well In Preparation
The way we ran SQD STX at FIG, Spring 06, was the same way run at camp (shorter movements, etc). Retain.
Variable training. Retain, add more in spring, especially civilians on the battlefield. Also, include in MS III
help sessions.
Overall STX training. Continue emphasis on (2 of 6 leadership opportunities at camp are SQD STX, and third,
patrol; important for camp and for basic leadership fundamentals).
Recommended Changes
Lanes too close, overlapping at FIG. Agree, was run by RIT. Will ensure this doesn’t transpire in spring 07
FTX. Possible move to USMA for spring FTX.
- More work required on: civilians on the battlefield, live EPWs, and clearing a room. Agree, incorporate.
- Safety at camp and in training: firing blanks too close to another cadet. Everyone is a safety officer-cover in
safety briefings and all, cadre and cadet, enforce during execution.
- Ensure Recorders look at map and do direction and distance; basically train better for Recorder duties that
they’ll be performing at LDAC. OK –include in MS III class and apply at labs.
- Attempt to give grid coordinates in STX lanes as opposed to direction and distance; caught off guard by this at
camp. Do at spring FTX.
- Keep track of which MS III does which lane so we can better ensure that the cadets get experience leading
each. Agree-Cadet XO or Cadet S3 charged with tracking this.
-LTC Smith note: MS IIIs will lead AAR after SQD and PTL STX lanes at LDAC; they need to be taught formal
process now in MLS 301 and it be incorporated into our LAB/FTX STX training. MS III team covers in MLS 301 and
reinforce in 302. Have MS III cadets do this during labs and at FTX. Help session topic for MS IIIs.
Event/Area: Patrol STX
Things We Did Well In Preparation
Did more than past years, better prepped. Agree.
Class on patrol base and occupying the patrol base as well as range cards and sector sketches. Agree. Conduct
minimum 2-3 classes on this; do outside to walkthrough and see proper spacing.
Keep help session class on patrolling. Agree, retain.
Recommended Changes
Teaching role of the patrol leader and all leaders, especially the APL. Conduct help sessions and cover in more
detail in class and during labs.
Memorizing the priorities of work. Agree. Possible final exam question and periodic quizzes in class.
Event/Area: Other
Things We Did Well In Preparation
-Continue to get cadets used to heights (for Confidence Course training). Obstacle course, spring FTX. Cadre S3 look
into ROPES course. Check Manley field house for ropes.
-Work more on upper body strength (for Confidence Course). PT/weight training, ropes.
-FIG provides good training for FLRC. Concur.
-Overall intensity of FTX’s, especially Spring FTX at FIG.
-Continue to push basics (TLPs, Battle Drills, METT-T, etc.
-MOUT training: done well, big plus at camp; more knowledgeable in it than most other cadets
-Sending cadets a day early to LDAC helps
-Excellent OPORD training; one note: perhaps too meticulous for field orders/hurt time management. Agree, but not
w/time management concern. This is a personal style and practice helps make near-perfect. Repetition important.
-MS IVs setting example
-Continue to use a variety of training locations
-Sustain friendly air/camaraderie
Recommended Changes
-Laminate entire TACSOP and cover FM7-08 w/100 mph tape; agree, but this will be at expense of cadet if they want
to do so, unless cadet fund provides the $.
-Obtain waterproof notebooks to write in. Cadre bought last year and provided one each to MS IIIs. Will do again for
LDAC 07. Any above one notebook, expense falls back to cadet.
-Help sheets on OPORD shells Cannot use in field at LDAC, further you cannot depend on it as a crutch. You must
know it.
-More fieldcraft and personal hygiene classes. Agree, spring FTX.
-FLRC: Specific help session on FLRC. Agree.
LTC Smith note: Fall 06, videotape actual post FLRC course; talk cadets through; Cadre S3 shop: responsible to do
this, try and do as a team runs through FLRC at Drum or elsewhere. At minimum, video tape each FLRC obstacle for
use during help sessions. Intent is not to give the cadet the solution, but rather cover things to think about and to get
them familiar w/course layouts.
-Obstacle Course training. Ranger Challenge will do in Fall 06, and all will do, spring FTX.
-More road marches. Consensus was that an ample amount was done, no Stalwart fall-outs during LDAC 06. Will
maintain same OPTEMPO regarding this.
-More field time. Cannot do when faced with budget/time constraints/retention aspects, cadet academic
considerations, etc. Our cadets are students, not Soldiers (yet) and we have to consider this always.
-Uniform standards: correct cadets not in proper uniform/wearing it incorrectly. On cadre AND Cadets to police.
-Stress hip-pocket classes more (fell off somewhat in the Spring); drop dead EPW from hip-pocket class. Agree. On
MS IV chain to develop implementation.
-Have a rope climbing class; it is tough for someone who has never done. Agree, see above comments.
-More rappelling training for MS IIIs. MS IIIs will all participate in rappelling this year, some didn’t last year, and
that was our mistake.
-For a help session, have MS IIIs break down a Company OPORD to platoon level. Agree, incorporate.
-Supply all MS IIIs with a respectable amount of 550 cord or bungee straps for the 10 day FTX. This was a hot
commodity at camp. Will do; each MS III will get approximately 50 feet of cord to bring to LDAC 07. Mr. Stikkel:
obtain roll of 550 cord.
-Have all MS IIIs say the Soldiers Creed and sing the Bar of Gold song before classes. Too many cadets didn’t have
time to learn them at camp. Agree, hand-outs and quizzes on.
-Get TACSOP to cadets earlier. Unfortunately we cannot get them to cadets until we receive them from Cadet
Command. In their place, we hand out TACSOPS used summer before by MS IVs.