First Grade Facts Absenteeism: If for any reason your child misses

Absenteeism: If for any reason your child misses school, you must call the
school office in the morning to report the absence. The office will then let me
know why your child is gone. If your child is gone for an extended period of
time, I will gladly put together his/her work.
Attendance Line: (309) 557-4459
Arrival: Students should plan to arrive at school after 8:25 am. There is no
adult supervision available before 8:25 am.
Behavior Management: We will be following the same expectations as the rest
of the school. We will be going over these expectations the first couple weeks of
school. We will use a clip chart behavior system. Every day each student starts
in the middle of the clip chart on green. They have the opportunity to move up
if they have made good choices or down if they need to think about their
choices. Students that move up to the top spot will earn a Bear Growl. Every
time students make a poor choice and have to move their clip down there is a
different consequence. The last spot on the chart requires students to fill out a
reflection and have their parents sign it. This sheet needs to be returned the
next day or I will call home.
There will also be a variety of positive reinforcement throughout the year. These
will be within the classroom and as a whole school. As a whole school students
will be able to earn “bear growls” and “bear bucks” for making good choices.
We will also be using a website called Class Dojo. This website gives each
student an avatar. Throughout the day students are able to earn points for good
behavior and lose points when they are not making good choices. Once a month
students will be able to turn these points in for different rewards.
Birthdays: Please feel free to send store bought treats to school for your child’s
birthday. The wording in our handbook states, “All treats and snacks must be store
bought, in the original packaging in individual servings. No homemade treats or snacks
are allowed at school.” If forks, plates, or cups are needed for the treats please
send those items to school as well. Students with summer birthdays can bring
treats in on his or her ½ birthday. If you plan to have a party outside of school,
please do not send the invitations to school, unless you plan on inviting
the entire class, or all of the boys or all of the girls.
Book Orders: I will send home several book orders at a time every month or
every other month. These book orders are good for finding birthday and other
holiday gifts. When you purchase from these book orders, it creates classroom
points. I am then able to make purchases for items that will be used in the
Backpacks: Backpacks on wheels are strongly discouraged due to safety
concerns. In addition they do not fit on the coat rack in our classroom.
Communication: Communication is key in making this a successful year. I will
be updating my website throughout the year with important information. It is
easy to access my website through the Benjamin School website. I will also be
sending home bi-weekly newsletters. The newsletters will keep you updated on
what we are learning during the week. The best way to reach me during the day
is email. I read my email frequently during the day. However, I may not always
be able to respond immediately. I usually am able to respond to emails at the
end of the day.
Dismissal: The dismissal bell rings at 3:30 pm. Any student riding the bus will
be dismissed out the back doors of the school. Any student getting picked up
will be dismissed out the front doors of the school. If your child is riding a bus
please be sure your child knows the bus number. During the first few weeks it
would be helpful for you to review with your child each day what your plans are
for after school (walk, bus, pick up, where to meet, etc.). Any changes in the
way your child goes home must be given to me in a written note or by email.
Emergency Contacts: It is vital that you let the school know of changes in your
home address, home, or work phone numbers. Please keep me informed if any
of your information changes.
Folders & Behavior Reports: A take home folder will come home every day.
Please look for the folder in your child’s bag. This is also an appropriate place to
write me a note since I will check the folders as they return. Bi-weekly
newsletters will come home every other Monday. On Fridays your child will
receive a weekly behavior report in their folder. I believe that these behavior
reports are an excellent way for us to communicate about your child’s progress.
Homework: Next week we will begin our homework program. At the beginning
of each week your child will bring home their weekly homework in their take
home folders. There will also be an assignment sheet in the folder. The
assignment sheet will list the child’s homework to be done each evening and
returned the next morning. Your child will be responsible for taking it out of
his/her folder and putting it in my hand-in box each morning. Most homework
should take about 10 minutes. Homework is usually a review of what we have
done in class that day. Please be sure your child’s name is on his/her paper. I
know that some nights can be hectic, there just might not be time for
homework. All students that turn in their homework everyday will be able to
play a game called “Homeworkopoly.” This is a reward/incentive for students
that turn in their homework on time each week, not a punishment for students
that don’t.
Independence: One of the goals in 1G is to foster the development of
independent first graders. Throughout the year I will challenge your first grader
in many areas and I think you will be surprised at what your first grader can do!
Homework: Never do your child’s homework. Show your support while encouraging
them to think for themselves!
Responsibility: Make it your child’s job to show you his or her take-home folder every
night, get out the homework, and put the completed homework or notes into the folder
for the next day. (A subtle reminder may be needed every now and then.)
Behavior: Have your child tell you every day what color they ended up on and why they
ended up on that color. Have them explain how they earned or lost points each day
Kindness: We are going to work very hard on treating our classmates and others
with kindness and respect. We will talk a lot about how we do not need to be
best friends with everyone, but we do need to be respectful to everyone. We
are a team and good teammates help and support each other.
Lunch: If you would like your child to go home for lunch, you must sign him/her
out and in at the office. First grade eats lunch from 11:50-12:40. Third grade
eats lunch at the same time.
Money: If you need to send money to school for any reason, please put the
money in a sealed envelope and include your child’s name and room code
(1G) on the outside of the envelope.
Mornings: It is VERY important that your child be on time in the mornings. The
first bell rings at 8:40 am. We begin our day with word study and journals and
communicate important information about the day. If your child is tardy, he/she
misses this valuable time and also interrupts our learning.
Newsletters: Newsletters will come home to you in your child’s take-home
folders once every 2 weeks. These newsletters will come home on Mondays.
Expect the newsletter to inform you on classroom happenings, projects, and
topics addressed in class. This may also be a source for upcoming information,
parent involvement, and topics to be studied next. These newsletters will also
be available on my website.
Parties: We will have three holiday parties in First Grade. We will have a
Halloween party, Winter Holiday party, and a Valentine’s Day party. The room
parents will coordinate the parties and will be calling other parents for help. Due
to the large classes and the size of the rooms, please make other arrangements
for younger siblings if you wish to come to the party.
Recess: Your child will go outside for recess at lunch time if the temperature
(with wind chill) is above 20 degrees. Please be sure you send your child
dressed for outside weather! The students go to recess after they eat lunch with
the 3rd graders. We will also go out occasionally in the afternoon.
Website: I have a classroom website that you can get to through the Benjamin
website. I will have the monthly newsletters, pictures, and other important
information on here for you to access.
Contacting me: Please feel free to contact me if you have any
questions or concerns. The school phone number is 309-557-4410.
Email is a great way to get in contact with me throughout the day as
well. I do my best to respond to emails as soon as possible, but as I
am teaching throughout the day responses may not happen until the
school day is over. My email is