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1 Why politics? Why Comparative?
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The state
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2 Democracy and its rivals
Liberal democracy
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Gender and participation
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Constitutional courts
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3 The Global Environment
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4 The Social Sources of Power
Civil society and culture
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Stratification and interest groups
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5 The Economic Sources of Power
Welfare state
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6 How Demands are Presented
Interest groups
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Political Parties
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Other party systems
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The former Communist states
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Multinational states
Anthony D. Smith, The Ethnic Origins of Nations (1986)
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Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (1988)
Rajni Kothari, Politics in India (1986)
James Mayall, Nationalism and International Society (1990)
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The former Soviet Union
Smith, Graham, The Nationalities Question in the Soviet Union (1991)
Sakwa, Richard, Postcommunism (1999)
Blum, Douglas, Russia’s Future: Consolidation or Disintegration? (1994)
Denber, R. (ed.), The Soviet Nationality Question: the disintegration in context (1992)
Krasnov, V., Russia beyond communism: chronicle of national rebirth (1991)
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Transition, vol. 2, no. 1, 12 January 1996: ‘How things fell apart: ethno-nationalism’, 5
interesting articles, pp. 5–27.
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Geography, 35, no. 4, 1994, pp. 185–203
Suny, R., ‘Incomplete revolution: national movements and the collapse of the Soviet Empire’,
New Left Review, 189, September/October 1991
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7 How Voters are Made to Choose
Electoral systems
Lakeman, Enid, How Democracies Vote, (1974)
Harrop, Martin and Miller, W., Elections and Voters: a comparative introduction (1987)
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8 Inside the Black Box
Presidential power
Calvert, Peter (ed.), The Process of Political Succession, (1987)
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Executive leadership
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Parliamentary government
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Wheare, Kenneth, Legislatures (1968)
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9 Maintaining the System
Protest and ungovernability
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Doering, H. and G. Smith, Party Government and Political Culture in Western Germany, (1982)
Ch. 11
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Ghita Ionescu (ed.), Between Sovereignty and Integration (1974)
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S. Bialer, Stalin’s Successors, Part III (1980)
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New social movements
Moulin, L. (ed.), The Church and Modern Society
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Secessionist movements
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December 1993
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Sharpe, L.J. (ed.), Decentralist Trends in Western Democracies (1979)
Carrere d’Encausse, Heléne, Decline of an Empire (1979)
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Rose, Richard, Governing without Consensus (1971)
Seton-Watson, Hugh, Nations and States (1977)
Kennedy, Paul, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (1988)
Pavlowitch, Stevan, The Improbable Survivor: Yugoslavia and its Problems, 1919–1988 (1988)
Political stability
Higgonet, P., Sister Republics (1988)
Lenz, G.S., The Crisis of Modernity (1986)
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Sakwa, Richard, Gorbachev and his Reforms, 1985–1990 (1990)
Co-optation (co-option)
Calvert, Peter (ed.), The Process of Political Succession (1987)
Neustadt, Richard, Presidential Power (1980)
Blondel, Jean, The Government of France (1968)
Smith, Gordon, Politics in Western Europe (1976)
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10 Force and Military Intervention
State building
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The military and authoritarianism
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11 Violence and Political Change
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Revolution and political change
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