LIR30Assn5S08 - Santa Rosa Junior College

Assignment 5 (Week 4)
A. Copy the basic bibliographic information (author, title, publication, date, pages etc.) given in
Expanded Academic ASAP for the article Why Are These Frogs Croaking? and paste it in the
space below:
PASTE THE Why Are These Frogs Croaking? article information from Expanded Academic ASAP
B. Copy the Noodlebib Print Magazine MLA citation for the “Frogs” article you created and paste it in
the space below:
PASTE THE BASIC Noodlebib MLA citation information for the Frogs article HERE!
C. Paste another copy of the Noodlebib Print Magazine MLA citation for the “Frogs” article and add
the subscription database information to the end (refer to assignment instructions):
PASTE THE Noodlebib MLA citation information HERE and ADD subscription database info.
Margolis, Mac. "Forests Are Not Green." Newsweek International 11 Dec. 2007:
64-65. Expanded Academic ASAP. Thomson Gale.
Santa Rosa Junior College Lib., Santa Rosa, CA. 8 Feb. 2008
PART 2: Search syntax and citation from Proquest Research Library
a. Your BOOLEAN search syntax (MUST include: phrase searching (2 words) IN quotation marks
and the AND syntax word). For example: “childhood obesity” AND soda
b. The basic information for the article you found (author, title, periodical, date, page etc.). Just copy
and paste from the database article list. Make sure this is a scholarly journal article from
Proquest Research Library:
PASTE THE SCHOLARLY JOURNAL article bibliographic information from Proquest Research
Library HERE!
c. Paste your MLA citation from Noodlebib in the space below. Add the subscription database
information to the end. Let the lines WORDWRAP – don’t press RETURN at the end of lines
(except the last line). (Hint: if the www link becomes blue and underlined press CTRL Z to revert
back to an unlinked URL).
PASTE THE SCHOLARLY JOURNAL Noodlebib citation here and ADD the subscription database
d. Completely highlight the citation you provided above and do the following:
Select FORMAT from the top menu in WORD (this program).
Select Paragraph
Under SPECIAL select “Hanging”
Under LINE SPACING select “Double.” Now click OK.
Your citation should be indented and doublespaced.
Example on next page
Article information copied from the database:
2. Portion Sizes and Obesity: Responses of Fast-Food Companies Lisa R Young, Marion Nestle.
Journal of Public Health Policy. South Burlington: 2007. Vol. 28, Iss. 2; p. 238 (13 pages)
MLA citation from Noodlebib using the article information with subscription database information
Young, Lisa R., and Marion Nestle. "Portion Sizes and Obesity: Responses of Fast-Food
Companies." Journal of Public Health Policy 28.2 (2007): 238-50. Proquest Research Library.
Proquest. Santa Rosa Junior College Lib., Santa Rosa, CA. 24 Jan. 2008