OLSIS: MLA CITATION MAKER http://old.oslis.org/MLACitations

For Middle School and High
School Students
Here is what the
home page will look
like. The yellow side
bar gives you a
variety of resources
to choose from. The
first step to take is to
click on the type of
source you need a
citation for.
Citation For A Book
 Once you click on Book (0-multiple authors) from the
yellow side bar menu this screen will appear. You will
need to plug in the required information.
Your MLA
Once you have
 Here is an example of a MLA
plugged in all of the
book citation with one author.
information a citation  Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Warner, 1982. Print.
in proper format will
be provided at the
bottom of the page.
Be sure to cut and
paste citations to a
word document so
you will have them to
include in your
research project.