Speech Assignments in General- Group Discussion

Speech Assignments in General- Group Discussion
Overview: We will have many classroom experiences that allow you
opportunities to speak in dyads and small groups, but ultimately you will need to
speak in front of the entire class alone as part of your group presentation. In
order to accommodate all of the speakers we must have some general guidelines
for all speeches. More specific guidelines (time limits, topics, # of sources, etc.)
will be given for each speaking assignment separately.
General Requirements:
1. You must turn in a complete labeled and typed outline before your
speech. The labeled sections on the outline should contain a purpose
statement, introduction, body, conclusion and bibliography in APA format.
You will lose substantial points on your speech if you fail to turn in an
outline or have an incomplete outline with many missing components. No
late outlines will be accepted.
2. You should subdivide your topic by main points within the body of your
speech and show on your outline where you will be quoting your sources
and interacting with your visual aid. Look at the sample outlines to see the
correct format.
3. Each speech outline should contain a complete bibliography that is
typed in APA format. The bibliography should document where you found
all your information and include your references for your oral citations.
4. You must use two oral citations (quotes) during your speech. When you
present evidence from any source other than yourself, you are expected to
orally cite the source of your information in a flowing and natural way
during your speech. You should not quote from someone or something
that is not listed in your bibliography.
5. You must speak for the required time of each speaking assignment to
receive an A or B grade. Speakers who fail to speak in the range of the
required time of cannot receive any grade higher than a “C” no matter how
clever, charming or entertaining their speech was to the audience.
Remember you will be stopped if your speech goes excessively over the
time limit.
6. You should give the professor your individual/group grading rubric along
with your outline and bibliography before your speech.