Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen – Departement Lerarenopleiding Vorselaar Bachelor in het onderwijs: secundair onderwijs Lepelstraat 2 – B 2290 Vorselaar Tel +32 (0)14 50 93 42 - Fax +32 (0)14 50 93 44 - E-mail: kvr@khk.be Lesvoorbereiding Student: Kristina Corneillie 1 ILSO c tel. 014/262738 E-mail: kristina.corneillie@edu.khk.be Datum stage: School: Klassengroep: Lokaal: Mentor: Stage-oefenles Proefles Uur: Aantal lln.: Vak: Engels Docent: Jen Van Loock Lesonderwerp (SUBJECT) Countables – Uncountables Bronnen (SOURCES) -Stairway to English 3: Student’s book, Student’s workbook, Teacher’s notes, Simonne Claessens, Mary Jane Farren, Eric Lee, Paul Massant, Uitgeverij De Sikkel NV, Oostmalle, 2000. -Beyond Measure, Grammar Review and exercises, E. Craenhals, R. Vanherreweghe, Uitgeverij Van In Lier, 1994. -Contact 3 An intermediate English Course, Jef Vanden Borre, Geert Claeys, Uitgeverij Wolters Plantijn, Deurne, 2000. -All Aboard 3, Textbook, Nadine Corbeels, Marc Meulemans, Guido Valée, Uitgeverij Van In Lier, 2000. -Grammar Practice Activities, A practical guide for teachers, Penny Ur, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993. -New English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises with answers, Louise Hashemi with Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 2001. -Teaching and Learning Grammar, Longman keys to language teaching, Jeremy Harmer, Longman New York, 1989. -Cognitive Grammar for Schools, Eugeen Hermans, De Nederlandsche Boekhandel Uitgeverij Pelckmans 1990. -Cognition and communication, Grammar, D. Benson, E. Hermans, Uitgeverij Pelckmans, 1995. -The internet. -Methodology Course. Beginsituatie (INITIAL SITUATION) It’s their second year of English (3 ASO/TSO). 1 Vakoverschrijdende eindtermen (FINAL ATTAINMENT LEVELS) 1. Listening: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. 2. Reading: 7. 3. Speaking: 16. 4. Writing: 19, 20, 21. Leerplan (CURRICULUM) Vormingsdoelen (FORMATION OBJECTIVES) 1. Language Pupils are able to use the correct expression of quantity in oral and written language. Pupils are able to make a distinction between countables and uncountables. Pupils are able to form sentences while using the right expression of quantity. Pupils realize the importance of knowing the difference between countables and uncountables in order to express…. The pupils are able to express themselves fluently in their free speech 2. Learning Strategies The pupils are able to discover grammar rules themselves by studying, comparing and analysing examples. The pupils are able to plan their time in order to select the needed information. The pupils are able to work together on a task in order to get the correct solution. The pupils are able to adjust their pronunciation by listening to the teacher. The pupils are able to find memory tricks to remember/study the subject of a lesson. The pupils are able to consult their knowledge of the English language in order to do exercises. The pupils should be able to compare different (foreign) languages and discover similarities and differences. This will help them to understand the foreign language (meaning of difficult words and typical grammar rules) better. The pupils become aware of the fact that repetition is all important in language acquisition. 3. Personality Formation The pupils are able (willing) to ask the teacher/their classmates for help. The pupils are willing to listen and practise their pronunciation (by imitating teacher) and aim at accuracy. The pupils are willing to listen to each other and respect each other’s opinion. 4. World View The pupils are willing to see that every language in the world is different from another. The pupils can use expressions of quantity correctly when they want to express themselves on a journey to England/America. Concrete doelen (SHORT RANGE OBJECTIVES) Knowledge, insight, application, pronunciation, rousing interest enthusiasm pleasure The pupils are able to look at pictures and say in English what they see in the picture (s). The pupils are able to discover a grammatical problem themselves after the teacher has pointed their attention on it. Pupils are able to make a distinction between countables and uncountables (l-r). The pupils are able to ask each other questions and are able to formulate answers to questions(s). The pupils are able to read an English text out loud and use the right intonation and pronunciation(r). The pupils are able to do exercises correctly after learning a new grammar topic (s-w). The pupils are able to listen to each other in order to get the right solutions to an exercise (l-s). The pupils are able to use a dictionary in an effective way (r). The pupils are able to use the grammar they have just learned in a creative way (dialogue and card game) (l-s). Werkpunten (PRACTICE AIMS) I’m going to use Stairway to English 3. Inhoud Content Methode Method Materiaal Teaching Aids Initial Stage (8 min) Introduction Teacher introduces herself I would like to show you a few pictures. What I want you to do is tell me what you see in these pictures. (answers: milk, beer, butter, bread, beer, chocolate, jam , perfume, pepper and salt, sugar, toothpaste, tea, soup, water, wine) Teacher shows pictures Pupils answer Teacher writes answers on the BB Pictures BB All these words have something in common, do you Teacher asks question know what? Can you count milk? Pupil answer (answer: No, only the bottles of milk) So, we can call them UNCOUNTABLES Picture with 3 bottles (C) of milk (U) These are uncountbles (or uncountable nouns) and that’s the topic of our lesson today. You can take your diaries and fill in for this lesson “Countables-uncountables, suitable words and expressions” BB Teacher explains the topic of the lesson + writes diary on the BB Development stage (30 min) Presentation Can you all take your books at page 52 ex 17. I’m Teachers asks to take TB going to indicate one pupil who is going to ask one Pupils take TB of these questions to another pupil in the class. That Pupils do exercise in turns pupils is going to answer the question. And afterwards he is going to ask a new question to someone else in the classroom. You can’t pick the TB same pupil twice. (Not all sentences, just a few) Were there any difficulties while answering these questions? (answer: you don’t always know the right expressions to answer) Integration On the next page, you find some expressions to specify these words. They are called uncountables. Who wants to read the instruction and the examples? (pupil reads the instruction + examples) Teacher asks question Pupil answer TB Pupil reads instruction + examples Let’s take our workbooks and try to do exercise 10. Pupils take WB WB A pupil reads the instruction Class in three groups, every group takes one column Individual preparation Afterwards: oral correction (pupils take turns answering, they say whether the noun is countable or uncountable, start in front of the class) Now let’s do exercise 11. The idea of this exercise is that you try to find out which of the words in italics are wrong and that you cross them out. Oke? (Division of the class in three groups, every group takes 5 sentences (a-e, f-j, k-o) Afterwards correction (pupils take turns answering, start last pupil of the row) Presentation + Integration (Division of the class in three groups, every group takes 5 sentences (a-e, f-j, k-o) Afterwards correction (pupils take turns answering, start last pupil of the row) WB Oke, take your textbooks again at page 53, number 19. I’m going to indicate someone who’s going to take the first sentence and try to complete it. And he is also going to indicate the next one to do the next sentence. If someone thinks he/she hears a mistake, raise your finger and help your fellow students. Well Done Pupils take TB Pupils do exercise orally Pupils have to listen to each other and correct themselves if necessary Presentation + Integration There are also more specific words to express a Pupils take TB certain quantity, in your textbook (p53 nr 20), you Pupils read words in silence and search in a dictionary in can find some of these words. I want you all to read order to find the right explanation for some unknown words these words in silence. If there are words you don’t understand I want you to look them up in your dictionary. TB TB Now let’s take our WB again and do exercise 12 A. (Class in three groups, each group one column, individually) Who wants to read the instructions? Afterwards oral correction (start in front of the class). Indicated pupil reads instruction. WB BB And let us also do exercise 12 D. WB BB (class in three groups) Afterwards correction (start at the back) Oral correction Teacher (or indicated pupil) writes solutions on the BB Presentation + Integration Oke, take your textbooks at page 54 number 22. Pupils take TB There are two fixed structures when you use Teacher explain the rules countables or uncountables: Countables are always used with a plural verb form and uncountable with a singular verb form. TB In this exercise you are being asked to create a dialogue using the new vocabulary from numbers 18 an 20 in your textbook. You can do this in pairs. I’ll give you 2 min. preparation time. Pupils create a short dialogue using the new vocabulary + grammar Some couples read their dialogues out loud. Pupils act their dialogue. TB Evaluation stage (10 min) Card game: Asking and giving information about quantities, degrees of quantities, speaking about containers, places where things are put. The class is divided into small groups( 4 to 6 pupils). The teacher hands out cards. (and makes a pile of cards in the middle of the circle)The aim of the game is that the students decide whether they want cards with only countables or only uncountables on them. If they have cards they don’t want to have, they have to pass them to the next pupil. From the moment one pupil thinks he or she only has countables or uncountables he has to take a match from the middle of the table (best without any noise) the other members of the group have to do the same thing as quickly as possible (but there is one card short, so one player doesn’t get a match, this is the ‘loser’). The ‘winner’ has to put his cards on the table so everyone can check whether the ‘winner’ actually has got only countables or Teacher gives instruction + hands out cards Pupils play the game. Teacher walks around and looks and listens to each group. Cards Paper with possible structures uncountables. And the ‘loser’ of the game has to make sentences using the words of the winner. (If there is a mistake in the pile of the winner, he or she has got to make the sentences) (possible structures: -is/are there any… -how much/many… -There isn’t/aren’t… -there’s a little… -there are a few… -there is/are a lot of… -there isn’t much… -there aren’t many… -…) Card Game Possible structures: -is/are there any… -how much/many… -there isn’t/aren’t… -there is a little… -there are a few… -there is/are a lot of… -there isn’t much… -there aren’t many… … Apple Apple Bottle Bottle Chicken Chicken Cup Cup Plastic Plastic Pint Pint Soup Soup Jar Jar Jam Jam Tube Tube Honey Honey Loaf Loaf Cheese Cheese Coin Coin Advice Advice Tin Tin Paint Paint Pinch Pinch Furniture Furniture Pig Pig Salade Salade Lettuce Lettuce Pork Pork Tourist Tourist Bread Bread Source Source Money Money Egg Egg Sugar Sugar Suitcase Suitcase Music Music Chair Chair Luggage Luggage Table Table Work Work Drink Drink Chalk Chalk Crash Crash Pen Pen Information Information Blackboard Scheme Milk, beer, butter, bread, beer, jam, perfume,... Diff: how can we express quantity in a correct way? Ex 12A: correction. Ex 12D: correction -milk - a bottle of milk -perfume - 3 bottles of perfume UNCOUNT -no plural -no ‘a’ -much -a little -sg verb Diary: “Countables – uncountables, suitable words and expressions” Ex 12A: correction. Ex 12D: correction - COUNTABLE -many -a few -plural verb