FIC CLA - Bad Axe High School

258 WIL
Wilkerson, David R. The cross and the switchblade. [New York]:
Random House, [1963]. A minister who left his small church in
Pennsylvania to go to New York City relates his experiences
working with street gang members. Accelerated Reader Level 6.2
Points 11
292.13 HAM
Hamilton, Edith and Savage, Steele. Mythology : timeless tales of
Gods and heroes. New York: Penguin Group, [1989, 1942]. A
collection of Greek and Roman myths from various classical
sources arranged in section on the gods and early heroes, love and
adventure stories, heroes before and during the Trojan War, and
lesser myths. Includes a brief section on Norse mythology.
Accelerated Reader Level 8.2 Points 20
301.152 HUX
Huxley, Aldous. Brave new world revisited. New York: Harper,
[1958]. The author discusses some of the concerns addressed in
his novel "Brave New World," covering such issues as
brainwashing, overpopulation, and the use of propaganda in
democratic societies. Accelerated Reader Level 11.4 Points 7
301.451 GRI
Griffin, John Howard. Black like me. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
[1961]. The author, a white man, recounts his experiences when he
darkened his skin and traveled through the South as an AfricanAmerican man. Accelerated Reader Level 7 Points 11
303.4 TOF
Toffler, Alvin. Future shock. New York: Bantam, [1990, 1970]. :
Examines the role of change in contemporary society, touching on
trends in education, technology, the arts, and interpersonal
relations, and explores what these changes hold for the future.
Accelerated Reader Level 11.6 Points 30
364.1 CAP
Capote, Truman. In cold blood : a true account of a multiple murder
and its consequences. New York: Random House, [1966, 1965].
Two two-time losers living in a lonely house in western Kansas are
out to make the heist of their life, but when things don't go as
planned, the robbery turns ugly. The book is a real-life look into
murder, prison, and the criminal mind. Accelerated Reader Level
7.1 Points 21
599.74 ADA
Adamson, Joy. Born free, a lioness of two worlds. Collector's ed.
Norwalk, Conn: Easton Press, [1989]. Joy Adamson describes the
remarkable relationship she and her husband had with Elsa, a lion
cub they cared for during the late 1950s in Kenya, and Elsa's return
to the wild as a lioness; includes the many photographs from the
original publication. Accelerated Reader Level 7.3 Points 9
812 HAN
Hansberry, Lorraine. A raisin in the sun. New York: The Modern
Library, [1995]. A three-act play concerned with the tensions in a
middle-class African American family living on Chicago's Southside
in the 1950s. Accelerated Reader Level 4.9 Points 6
812.5 MIL
Miller, Arthur. Death of a salesman : certain private conversations
in two acts and a requiem. New York: Viking Press, [1949]. Pulitzer
Prize-winning play in which Willy Loman, a sixty-three-year-old
traveling salesman, is forced to face the reality he has avoided all
his life. Accelerated Reader Level 6.2 Points 5
812.5 WIL
Wilder, Thornton. Three plays: Our town, The skin of our teeth, The
matchmaker. New York: Harper, [1985 1957]. Pulitzer Prize–
winning drama of life in the town of Grover's Corners, an allegorical
representation of all life Accelerated Reader Level 3.9 Points 3
812.52 MIL
Miller, Arthur. The crucible : a play in four acts. New York, N. Y:
Penguin Books, [1995]. In 1692 nineteen men and women and two
dogs were convicted and hanged for witchcraft in a small village in
eastern Massachusetts. Based on historical people and real
events, Arthur Miller's play uses the destructive power of socially
sanctioned violence unleashed by the rumors of witchcraft as a
powerful parable about McCarthyism. Accelerated Reader Level
4.9 Points 5
818 THO
Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. Boston: Beacon Press, [1997]. :
Presents an annotated version of the 1854 edition of "Walden," in
which Thoreau offers his philosophy of life and observations of
nature gleaned from two years of solitude living in a cabin on
Walden Pond in Massachusetts. Accelerated Reader Level 8.7
Points 21
822 SHA
Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950. Pygmalion. New York: Dover
Publications, [1994]. : A play about Eliza Doolittle, an untutored
flower girl who is transformed into a "duchess" with the help of
Henry Higgins. Accelerated Reader Level 7 Points 6
822.3 SHA
Shakespeare, William and Braunmuller, A. R. Macbeth. New York:
Cambridge University Press, [1997]. Drama about Scottish
nobleman Macbeth and his murderously ambitious wife, who
decide to take royal ascension into their own hands after hearing a
prediction by three witches. Accelerated Reader Level 10.9 Points
822.33 SHA
Shakespeare, William and Charney, Maurice. Julius Caesar. A
parallel text, 2nd ed. Logan, Iowa: Perfection Learning Corp,
[1998]. Tragedy in which Brutus, best friend of Julius Caesar,
destroys himself when he reluctantly joins a plot to murder the
Roman ruler. Accelerated Reader Level 10.8 Points 6
822.33 SHA
Shakespeare, William and Richetti, John J. Hamlet. A parallel text,
2nd ed. Logan, Iowa: Perfection Learning Corp, [1998]. Presents
Shakespeare's tragedy in which the Danish prince Hamlet takes
revenge upon his uncle for murdering his father. Accelerated
Reader Level 10.5 Points 7
822.33 SHA
Shakespeare, William. A midsummer night's dream. Logan, Iowa:
Perfection Form Co, [1987]. Presents the original text of
Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, discusses
the author and the theater of his time, and provides quixxes and
other study activities. Accelerated Reader Level 10.9 Points 3.
883 HOM
Homer and Lawrence, T. E. The Odyssey of Homer. New York:
Oxford University Press, [1991]. The epic poem recounting the
experiences of Odysseus during his return from the Trojan War.
Accelerated Reader Level 10.3 Points 24
883.01 HOM
Homer and Fitzgerald, Robert. The Iliad. [1st ed.]. Garden City,
N.Y: Anchor Press, [1974]. Homer's classic account of the war
between the Greeks and the Trojans from Agamemnon's visit by
the priest Chryses to the burial of Hector. Accelerated Reader
Level 11.3 Points 25
891.734 TOL
Tolstoy, Leo and Maude, Louise Shanks. War and peace. Chicago:
Encyclopµdia Britannica, [1955, 1952]. An epic novel featuring the
Russian role in the Napoleonic wars and providing a complex
panorama of the life of the time. Accelerated Reader Level 10.1
Points 118
910 HEY
Heyerdahl, Thor. Kon-Tiki : across the Pacific by raft. 35th
anniversary ed. Chicago: Rand McNally, [1984]. The record of a
4,300 nautical mile journey across the Pacific Ocean by raft.
Accelerated Reader Level 8 Points 14
921 ALC
Meigs, Cornelia. Invincible Louisa : the story of the author of Little
Women. Boston: Little, Brown, [1968]. Meet the author of Little
Women and find out what happened to the real Jo (Louisa) and her
sisters, and whether there really was an Aunt March, a Professor
Bhaer -- or a Laurie. Accelerated Reader Level 8 Points 10
921 ANG
Angelou, Maya. I know why the caged bird sings. New York:
Bantam, [1971, 1969]. : Autobiography covering the childhood of a
woman who has been a professional dancer, actress, poet,
journalist, and television producer. Accelerated Reader Level 6.7
Points 13
921 BRA
Braithwaite, Edward Ricardo. To Sir, with love. Englewood Cliffs,
N.J: Prentice -Hall, [1960, 1959]. A black teacher from British
Guiana describes how he overcame the hostility and prejudices of
his students in a London slum. Accelerated Reader Level 7.5
Points 10
921 HER
Herriot, James. All things bright and beautiful. New York: St.
Martin's Press, [1974]. An English veterinarians reminisces about
his life, career, and animal patients in a small village. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.7 Points 23
921 MAT
Mathabane, Mark. Kaffir boy : the true story of a Black youth's
coming of age in Apartheid South Africa. New York: Macmillan,
[1986]. Recreates the author's boyhood experiences in South
Africa. Accelerated Reader Level 7.1 Points 24
921 WAS
Washington, Booker T. Up from slavery. New York: Oxford
University Press, [1995]. The autobiography of the man who,
though born in slavery, educated himself and went on to found
Tuskegee Institute. Accelerated Reader Level 8.2 Points 13
921 WRI
Wright, Richard. Black boy : a record of childhood and youth. New
York: Harper & Row, [1969, 1945]. The autobiography oan AfricanAmerican writer, recounting his early years and the harrowing
experiences he encountered drifting from Natchez to Chicago to
Brooklyn. Accelerated Reader Level 7.4 Points 22
921 X
X, Malcolm and Haley, Alex. The autobiography of Malcolm X. New
York: Ballantine Books, [1999, 1965]. Story of national leader who
rose to prominence as a Negro force in shaping the destiny of this
country. Accelerated Reader Level 7.5 Points 32
923.273 KEN
Kennedy, John F. Profiles in courage. [Memorial ed.]. New York:
Harper & Row, [1964]. A now classic study in courage as seen in
the lives of J. Q. Adams, Daniel Webster, T. H. Benton, Sam
Houston, Robert Taft, and others. Commemorative Edition with a
forward by Robert F. Kennedy. Accelerated Reader Level 11.4
Points 13
940.53 TEN
Ten Boom, Corrie and Sherrill, Elizabeth. The hiding place. 25th
anniversary ed., new pbk. ed. Grand Rapids, Mich: Chosen Books,
[1996]. The memoirs of a Dutch woman who was sent to
Ravensbruck concentration camp during World War II as a result of
her activities in the anti-Nazi underground. Accelerated Reader
Level 6.4 Points 13
940.54 HOU
Houston, Jeanne Wakatsuki and Houston, James D. Farewell to
Manzanar : a true story of Japanese American experience during
and after the World War II internment. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
[1973]. Accelerated Reader Level 6.7 Points 7
982.6 REA
Read, Piers Paul. Alive : the story of the Andes survivors. [1st ed.].
Philadelphia: Lippincott, [1974]. True ordeal of a soccer team who
lived through an airplane crash and severe winter in the Andes.
Accelerated Reader Level 7.7 Points 19.
Adams, Richard. Watership Down. Harmondsworth: Penguin,
[1974]. : Chronicles the adventures of a group of rabbits searching
for a safe place to establish a new warren so that they can live in
peace. Accelerated Reader Level 6.2 Points 25
Alcott, Louisa May. Little men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys. New
York: Knopf, [1995]. Follows the adventures of Jo March and her
husband Professor Bhaer as they try to make their school for boys
a happy, comfortable, and stimulating place. Accelerated Reader
Level 8.1 Points 19
Alcott, Louisa May. Little women. Philadelphia: Courage Books,
[1995]. : The adored classic of four sisters and their enduring
devotion to and protection of one another, loosely based on Louisa
May Alcott's own life. Jo, willful, headstrong, and undoubtedly the
backbone of the March family, is a heroine unlike any seen before.
Follow the sisters from innocent adolescence to sage adulthood,
with all the joy and sorrow of life in between in this endearing story.
Accelerated Reader Level 7.4 Points 15
Armstrong, William Howard and Barkley, James. Sounder. New
York: Harper & Row, [1969]. Angry and humiliated when his
sharecropper father is jailed for stealing food for his family, a young
black boy grows in courage and understanding by learning to read
and with the help of the devoted dog Sounder. Accelerated Reader
Level 5.3 Points 3
Asimov, Isaac and Kleiner, Harry. Fantastic voyage. New York:
Bantam Books, [1966]. Five people are miniaturized and sent on a
rescue mission through a man's body where they have sixty
minutes to reach and break up a blood clot in his brain. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.0 Points 10.
Asimov, Isaac. Forward the foundation. Bantam Spectra ed. New
York: Doubleday, [1994]. Hari Seldon struggles to perfect his
revolutionary Theory of Psychohistory and the means to ensure the
survival of humanity: Foundation. Accelerated Reader Level 6.0
Points 19
Asimov, Isaac. Foundation and empire. New York: Bantam Books,
[1991]. : The Galactic Empire declines, and a period of disruption
ensues, followed by the emergence of the Foundation, creation of
psychohistorian Hari Seldon, as a state strong enough to finally
defeat the decrepit First Empire. Accelerated Reader Level 6.4
Points 12
Asimov, Isaac. I, robot. Bantam ed. New York: Bantam Books,
[1991, 1977]. : Dr. Susan Calvin, the first great practitioner of the
new science of robopsychology in 2008, looks back on her career
with U.S. Robotics on the occasion of her retirement fifty years
later, telling stories of how the mechanical race developed.
Accelerated Reader Level 6.1 Points 11
Auel, Jean M. The Clan of the Cave Bear : a novel. New York:
Crown, [1980]. : Story of the orphaned Ayla's struggle to fit in and
survive in the period when Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals existed
at the same time on the Earth. Accelerated Reader Level 7.0 Points
Austen, Jane and Bradbrook, Frank W. Pride and prejudice. New
York: Oxford University Press, [1995]. In early nineteenth-century
England, a spirited young woman copes with the courtship of a
snobbish gentleman as well as the romantic entanglements of her
four sisters. Accelerated Reader Level 12 Points 27
Austen, Jane and Parrish, Stephen Maxfield. Emma. Reader's
Digest ed. Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's Digest Assoc, [1994]. A
novel of Regency England that centers upon a self-assured young
lady who is determined to arrange her life and the lives of those
around her into a pattern dictated by her romantic fancy.
Accelerated Reader Level 9.3 Points 30
Austen, Jane and Sutherland, Kathryn. Mansfield Park. London:
Penguin Books, [2003]. Fanny Price, a teenaged girl of low social
rank brought up on her wealthy relatives' countryside estate, feels
the sharp sting of rejection when her cousin Edmund, the only
person who treats her as an equal, is won over by a flirtatious,
exciting--and unprincipled--London girl. Accelerated Reader Level
12.0 Points 35.
Austen, Jane. Sense and sensibility. Dover ed. New York: Dover
Publications, [1996]. Two sisters of opposing temperaments share
the pangs of tragic love. Their mutual suffering brings a closer
understanding between the two sisters and true love finally
triumphs. Accelerated Reader Level 8.4 Points 22
Baldwin, James. Go tell it on the mountain. New ed. New York:
Dell, [1985, 1953]. Fourteen-year-old John struggles against the
environmental influences of Harlem. Accelerated Reader Level 6.5
Points 13
Borland, Hal. When the legends die. [1st ed.]. Philadelphia:
Lippincott, [1963]. : An orphaned Ute Indian boy wins stardom on
the rodeo circuit but, disillusioned by his success, returns to the
ways of his ancestors. Accelerated Reader Level 5.2 Points 13
Boyd, James and Wyeth, N. C. Drums. New York: Atheneum,
[1995]. The son of Scottish immigrants now living in North Carolina,
goes off to fight in the Revolutionary War and has adventures on
both sides of the Atlantic. Accelerated Reader Level 7.9 Points 25
Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Simon & Schuster,
[1993]. A bookburner official in a future fascist state finds out books
are a vital part of a culture he never knew. He clandestinely
pursues reading, until he is betrayed. Accelerated Reader Level 5.2
Points 7
Bradbury, Ray. The Martian chronicles. New York: Avon Books,
[1997]. The first Earth people to attempt the colonization of Mars try
to build their new world in the image of the civilization they left
behind. Accelerated Reader Level 3.7 Points 6
Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble
Books, [1993]. This is a story of a woman of passion and
intelligence who refuses to be satisfied with her "place" in society,
and asserts her identity and aspirations with defiance and dignity.
Accelerated Reader Level 7.9 Points 33
Brontë, Emily and Hoffman, Alice. Wuthering Heights. New York:
Scholastic, [2001]. Forced by a storm to spend the night at the
home of Heathcliff, Mr. Lockwood uncovers a tale of terror and
hatred on the Yorkshire moors. Accelerated Reader Level 11.3
Points 23
Buck, Pearl S. The good earth. Pleasantville, NY: Reader's Digest
Association, [1992, 1931]. The story of a Chinese peasant and his
passionate, dogged accumulation of land during famine, drought,
and revolution. Accelerated Reader Level 6.8 Points 19
Burnford, Sheila Every and Burger, Carl. The incredible journey.
Boston: Little, Brown, [1961]. A Siamese cat, an old bull terrier, and
a young Labrador retriever travel together 250 miles through the
Canadian wilderness to find their family. Accelerated Reader Level
7.6 Points 5.
Camus, Albert and Gilbert, Stuart. The stranger. New York: A. A.
Knopf, [1946]. : Caught in the grip of forces he does not
understand, a quiet, ordinary clerk in Algiers commits a murder.
Accelerated Reader Level 6.8 Points 6
Cather, Willa. Death comes for the archbishop. New York: A. A.
Knopf, [1927]. : In 1851 an Apostolic Vicar comes to New Mexico,
American by law, but Indian in custom and belief. In spreading his
faith he must contend with an unforgiving landscape, derelict and
sometimes openly rebellious priests, and his own loneliness.
Accelerated Reader Level 5.8 Points 8
Cather, Willa. My Antonia. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [1995]. : Tells
of the difficulties of settling on the prairies of Nebraska through the
eyes of a young girl who moved there with her family. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.9 Points 14
Cather, Willa. O pioneers! Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's Digest
Association, [1990]. Alexandra, daughter of a Swedish immigrant
farmer in Nebraska, inherits the family farm and finds love with an
old friend. Accelerated Reader Level 6.7 Points 9
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote. New York: Knopf,
[1991]. : Tells the story of the adventures of Don Quixote, the
visionary idealist and Sancho Panza, the practical realist.
Accelerated Reader Level 13.2 Points 91
Christie, Agatha. Murder on the Orient Express. 1st ed. New York:
Dodd, Mead, [1985, 1933]. A Russian princess, a Hungarian count,
a Swedish beauty, and an assortment of Americans, English and
French are brought together on the elegant Orient Express. A
brutal murder and an unexpected blizzard bring in the vacationing
Hercule Poirot. Accelerated Reader Level 6.2 Points 9
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg. The Ox-Bow incident. New York: New
American Library, [1968]. A posse captures and hangs three men
believed to be guilty of cattle rustling and murder, only to learn later
that the men were innocent. Accelerated Reader Level 5.4 Points
Clarke, Arthur Charles and Kubrick, Stanley. 2001 : a space
odyssey. New York: ROC, [2000, 1999]. The spacecraft Discovery
journeys to the outer edge of the solar system, and two navigators
become uneasy when Hal, the craft's talking computer system,
demonstrates unusual behavior. Accelerated Reader Level 9 Points
Clarke, Arthur Charles. Childhood's end. New York: Ballantine
Books, [1995, 1990]. When the Overlords first came to Earth, they
brought peace and prosperity with them, but it soon became
apparent that their purpose was the elimination of the human race.
Accelerated Reader Level 7.7 Points 12
Clarke, Arthur Charles. Rendezvous with Rama. London [etc.]: Pan
Books, [1974]. : As a team of scientists make their way aboard a
dead space capsule headed toward Earth, it suddenly comes alive
with a biological life. Accelerated Reader Level 8.2 Points 13
Clavell, James. Sh¯ogun : a novel of Japan. 1st ed. New York:
Atheneum, [1975]. : An explorer in 17th century Japan, ambitious
Englishman Blackthorne, encounters the powerful and powerhungry Lord Toranaga and Catholic convert Lady Mariko.
Accelerated Reader Level 5.1 Points 64
Conrad, Joseph. Heart of darkness, typhoon. Garden City, N.Y:
Doubleday, [1959]. : Heart of Darkness: In this dark allegory,
Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and
psychological journey in search of the enigmatic Kurtz. Travelling to
the heart of the African continent, he discovers how Kurtz has
gained his position of power and influence over the local people.
Marlow's struggle to fathom his experience involves him in a radical
questioning of not only his own nature and values but the nature
and values of his society. Accelerated reader Level 9 Points 10
Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim. Limited ed. Franklin Center, Pa: Franklin
Library, [1977]. A man haunted by guilt over an act of cowardice
becomes an agent at an isolated East Indian trading post. There
his feelings of inadequacy and responsibility are played out to their
logical and inevitable end. Accelerated Reader Level 9.1 Points 24
Conroy, Pat. The prince of tides. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [1986]. :
Tom Wingo is a high school football coach whose marriage and
career are crumbling. He flies to New York after learning of his twin
sister's suicide attempt. He realizes that while trying to save her,
this may be his last chance to save himself as well. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.3 Points 41.
Cooper, James Fenimore and Peck, H. Daniel. The deerslayer.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, [1993]. Set in 1740 during the
French and Indian Wars, The Deerslayer testifies to the murderous
humanity and natural beauty on which the history of America was
written. In the climactic novel of the Leather-stocking Tales,
Hawkeye, the noble white youth, learns to sacrifice self-interest for
the common good and discovers his identity in bloody struggles
among the powerful Iroquois confederacy. Accelerated Reader
Level 11.2 Points 44
Cooper, James Fenimore. The last of the Mohicans. New York:
Bantam, [1981]. : During the French and Indian War, a Mohican
brave struggles to protect two white girls from an evil Huron.
Accelerated Reader Level 10.3 Points 29
Crane, Stephen. The red badge of courage, and other stories. New
York: Avenel Books, [1985]. Red Badge of Courage -- During his
service in the Civil War, a young Union soldier matures to manhood
and finds peace of mind as he comes to grips with his conflicting
emotions about war. Accelerated Reader Level 8 Points 8
Craven, Margaret. I heard the owl call my name. Garden City, N.Y:
Doubleday, [1973]. Sent to live with an Indian tribe in British
Columbia, a young minister learns not to fear his impending death.
Accelerated Reader Level 6 Points 6
Defoe, Daniel. Moll Flanders. New York: Knopf, [1991]. : Follows
the heroine's adventures from seventeenth-century England to the
American colonies. Accelerated Reader Level 12.1 Points 31
Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe : the life and strange surprising
adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: who lived eight
and twenty years all alone in an uninhabited island on the coast of
America, near the mouth of the great river of Orinoco; having been
cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but
himself, with an account how he was at last as strangely delivered
by pirates. New York: Harper & Row, [1965]. During one of his
several adventurous voyages in the 1600's, an Englishman
becomes the sole survivor of a shipwreck and lives for nearly 30
years on a deserted island. Accelerated Reader Level 12.3 Points
Dickens, Charles and Blake, Quentin. A Christmas carol. 1st U.S.
ed. New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books, [1995]. A miser learns
the true meaning of Christmas when three ghostly visitors review
his past and foretell his future. Accelerated Reader Level 6.7 Points
Dickens, Charles and Gill, Stephen Charles. Bleak house. New
York: Oxford University Press, [1996]. Set in the 1850s, the novel
tells several interconnected stories involving dozens of characters
from all levels of society, giving a broad picture of life in London
and in the countryside during this period. As is often the case with
Dickens, his satire and humor enliven his sometimes dark subjects,
without blunting his criticism of bureaucracy and the mistreatment
of children. Accelerated Reader Level 8.8 Points 67
Dickens, Charles. A tale of two cities. Modern Library ed. New
York: Modern Library, [1996]. Relates the adventures of a young
Englishman who gives his life during the French Revolution to save
the husband of the woman he loves. Accelerated Reader Level 9.7
Points 27
Dickens, Charles. David Copperfield ; The old curiosity shop ; Hard
times. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, [1993]. Classic story of
orphan David Copperfield growing up in nineteenth-century
England. Accelerated Reader Level 9.5 Points 66
Dickens, Charles. Great expectations. Philadelphia: Courage
Books, [1992]. : An unknown person has provided money for the
education of Pip, a poor English boy, in nineteenth-century
England. Accelerated Reader Level 9.2 Points 35
Dickens, Charles. Nicholas Nickleby. New York: Dodd, Mead &
Company, [1944]. : In a series of adventures Nicholas, a young
hero, journeys from the dungeon like Yorkshire boys' boarding
school to a high-spirited acting troupe in nineteenth-century
England. Accelerated Reader Level 11.9 Points 71.
Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist. [Complete and unabridged].
Philadelphia: Courage Books, [1996]. In nineteenth-century
England, a young orphan boy lives in the squalid surroundings of a
workhouse until he becomes involved with a gang of thieves.
Accelerated Reader Level 11.3 Points 33
Dickens, Charles. The Pickwick papers. New York: New American
Library, [1964]. : In 1836 the 23-year-old Dickens was invited by his
publishers to write `a monthly something' illustrated by sporting
plates. Thus the Pickwick Club was born: its supposed `papers'
soom outgrew their origins and became a brilliantly comic novel,
still among Dicken's most popular works. Accelerated Reader Level
11.8 Points 60
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor and Gibian, George. Crime and punishment :
the Coulson translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in
criticism. 3rd ed. New York: W. W. Norton, [1989]. Describes the
resultant physical and mental depletion after a student in St.
Petersburg murders an old woman, a money lender, and her sister.
Accelerated Reader Level 8.7 Points 40
Doyle, Arthur Conan and Green, Richard Lancelyn. The adventures
of Sherlock Holmes. Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press,
[1994]. A collection of Sherlock Holmes mystery adventures,
including "A Scandal in Bohemia," "The Red-headed League," and
"The Adventure of the Speckled Band." Accelerated Reader Level
8.8 Points 16
Dreiser, Theodore. An American tragedy. New York: World Pub.
Co, [1971, 1948]. : The corruption of a young man becomes a
portrait of the society that shaped his ambitions and destroyed him.
Accelerated Reader Level 8.5 Points 65
Du Maurier, Daphne. Rebecca. Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's Digest
Association, [1994]. For months after her death, the memory of
Rebecca de Winter continues to dominate everyone at her former
home, Manderley, one of the most famous English country houses.
Accelerated Reader Level 6.8 Points 26
Dumas, Alexandre and Bair, Lowell. The Count of Monte Cristo.
Bantam classic ed. New York: Bantam, [1981, 1956]. After
escaping from the island where he has been in prison, Dantes plots
his revenge on the people responsible for his imprisonment.
Accelerated Reader Level 8.8 Points 34
Dumas, Alexandre and Bair, Lowell. The three musketeers. New
York: William Morrow & Co, [1998]. In seventeenth-century France,
young D'Artagnan initially quarrels with, then befriends, three
musketeers and joins them in trying to outwit the enemies of the
king and queen. Accelerated Reader Level 11.3 Points 42
Edmonds, Walter Dumaux. Drums along the Mohawk. 1st Syracuse
University Press ed. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press,
[1997]. Gilbert Martin and his young wife, Lana, struggle to survive
along the Mohawk Valley during the Revolutionary War.
Accelerated Reader Level 6.2 Points 31.
Eliot, George. Silas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe. New York:
Barnes & Noble Books, [1996]. Embittered by a false accusation
and disappointed in friendship and love, the weaver Silas Marner
retreats into a life alone with his loom and his gold. Fate steals his
gold and replaces it with a golden-haired foundling child.
Accelerated Reader Level 9.7 Points 14
Ellison, Ralph. Invisible man. Special 30th anniversary ed. New
York: Random House, [1982, 1952]. In the course of his
wanderings from a Southern Negro college to New York's Harlem,
an American Black man becomes involved in a series of
adventures. Introduction explains circumstances under which the
book was written. Accelerated Reader Level 7.2 Points 30.
Engdahl, Sylvia Louise. Enchantress from the stars. New York:
Firebird, [2003]. : Three civilizations from different planets in widely
varying stages of development clash in what could be either a
mutually disastrous or
beneficial encounter. Accelerated Reader Level 7.3 Points 15
Fast, Howard. April morning : a novel. New York: Crown
Publishers, [1961]. : Adam Cooper signs up on the muster roll of
the Lexington Militia on April 19th, 1775, and then lives through the
first day of conflict with the British, during which his father is killed.
Accelerated Reader Level 6.1 Points 9
Faulkner, William. Intruder in the dust. 1st Vintage international ed.
New York: Random House, [1991, 1948]. Charles, a sixteen-yearold white boy, repays a debt he owes to an elderly black man,
Lucas. After Lucas is accused of murdering a white man, Charles
proves his innocence and saves him from a lynching in a southern
town. Accelerated Reader Level 7.8 Points 13
Faulkner, William. The reivers : a reminiscence. New York:
Random House, [1962]. : One day in 1905, eleven-year-old Lucius
is persuaded by Boon Hogganbeck to "borrow" his grandfather's
automobile. Ned McCaslin, a Negro, stows away in the car and the
three embark on an odyssey which ends at Miss Reba's bordello.
Accelerated Reader Level 6.1 Points 16.
Faulkner, William. The sound and the fury. New York: Random
House, [1984]. The members of a genteel southern family are
portrayed as petty failures, drunkards, suicides, pathological
perverts, and idiots. Accelerated Reader Level 4.4 Points 14
Fielding, Henry and Bowers, Fredson. The history of Tom Jones, a
foundling. 1994 Modern Library ed. New York: Modern Library,
[1994]. Revolves around the life and experiences of an orphaned
baby who grows up to be a kind-hearted, if overly vigorous, young
man. Accelerated Reader Level 13.8 Points 82
Finney, Jack. Time and again. New York: Simon and Schuster,
[1970]. Simon Morley is selected by a secret government agency to
test Einstein's theory of the past co-existing with the present and is
transported back to 1880s New York where he falls in love with a
beautiful woman of yesteryear. Accelerated Reader Level 6.8
Points 26.
Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain : a novel for old & young. Santa
Barbara, Calif: ABC-Clio, [1987, 1943]. After injuring his hand, a
silversmith's apprentice in Boston becomes a messenger for the
Sons of Liberty in the days before the American Revolution.
Accelerated Reader Level 5.9 Points 13
Forster, E. M. A passage to India. San Diego: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, [1984]. : This classic account of the clash of cultures in
British India after the turn of the century portrays the relationship
between the British and the Indians in India and the tensions that
arise when a visiting Englishwoman, Adela Quested, accuses a
well-respected Indian man, Dr. Aziz, of attacking her during an
outing. Accelerated Reader Level 7.7 Points 18
Freedman, Benedict and Freedman, Nancy Mars. Mrs. Mike.
Berkley Bks, [1991, 1947]. A young woman who had been raised in
Boston marries a member of the Northwest Mounted Police and
goes with him to live in the Canadian wilderness. Accelerated
Reader Level 5.3 Points 16
Gaines, Ernest J. A lesson before dying. New York: Vintage Books,
[1994,1993]. Tells the story of a young black man sentenced to
death for a murder he did not commit, and a teacher who tries to
impart to him his learning and pride before the execution.
Accelerated Reader Level 4.4 Points 11
Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. New
York: Bantam Books, [1996?, 1971]. A 110-year-old AfricanAmerican woman reminisces about her life, which has stretched
from the days of slavery to the black militancy and civil rights
movements of the 1960s. Accelerated Reader Level 4.6 Points 13
Fitzgerald, F. Scott and Bruccoli, Matthew Joseph. The Great
Gatsby. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, [1991]. The tragic
story of the wealthy Jay Gatsby and his attempt to win back the
love of Daisy Buchanan. Accelerated Reader Level 7.3 Points 8
Gipson, Fred. Old Yeller. New York: HarperTrophy, [1990, 1956]. In
the late 1860s in the Texas hill country, a big yellow dog and a
fourteen-year-old boy form a close, loving relationship. Accelerated
Reader Level 5.0 Points 5
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Tender is the night. 1st Scribner classic/Collier
ed. New York: Collier Books, [1986, 1933]. The tragic and haunting
story of Dick Diver, a young psychiatrist whose career is thwarted
and his genius numbed through marriage to the exquisite and
wealthy Nicole Warren. Accelerated Reader Level 8.8 Points 20
Golding, William. Lord of the flies : a novel. [1st American ed.]. New
York: Coward-McCann, [1955, 1954]. Stranded on an island while
an atomic war destroys the rest of the world, a group of young boys
revert to savagery as they struggle to survive. Accelerated Reader
Level 5 Points 9.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. This side of paradise. 1st Scribner
classic/Collier ed. New York: Collier Books, [1986]. Traces Amory
Blaine's intellectual and moral development, from pampered
childhood, through prep schools and Princeton, love affairs and
WWI, to maturing self-acceptance. Accelerated Reader Level 5.2
Points 8.0
Grahame, Kenneth and Benson, Patrick. The wind in the willows.
1st U.S. ed. New York: St. Martin's Press, [1995]. The escapades
of four animal friends who live along a river in the English
countryside--Toad, Mole, Rat, and Badger. Accelerated Reader
Level 8.2 Points 11
Green, Hannah and Greenberg, Joanne. I never promised you a
rose garden. Holt, 1964. Chronicles the three-year battle of a
mentally ill, but perceptive, teenage girl against a world of her own
creation, emphasizing her relationship with the doctor who gave her
the ammunition of self -understanding with which to destroy that
world of fantasy. Accelerated Reader Level 6.7 Points 14
Greene, Graham. The power and the glory. New York, N.Y., U.S.A:
Viking, [1990]. : In one of the southern states of Mexico, the last
priest is hunted down during an anti-clerical purge. Accelerated
Reader Level 5.9 Points 12
Grey, Zane. Riders of the purple sage. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, [1995]. : Even the wild purple wasteland falls into jeopardy
when a gunman named Lassiter and a rich homesteader named
Jane Witherspoon join forces--and fates--to take on an entire
violent town. Accelerated Reader Level 7.2 Points 18
Haggard, H. Rider. King Solomon's mines. Reader's Digest ed.
Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's Digest Association, [1994]. An
elephant hunter's chronicle of his safari into the interior of South
Africa to search for a fabled diamond mine and to rescue the
brother of the English gentleman who accompanies him across the
deserts and mountains. Accelerated Reader Level 8.9 Points 15
Haley, Alex. Roots. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, [1976]. :
A black American traces his family's origins back to the African who
was brought to America as a slave in 1767. Accelerated Reader
Level 7.4 Points 48
Hammett, Dashiell. The Maltese falcon. 1st Vintage crime/Black
Lizard ed. New York: Vintage Books, [1992, 1957]. In San
Francisco in 1928, Sam Spade searches for a priceless statuette.
He finds himself torn between loyalty to his murdered partner and
an opportunity for personal gain. Accelerated Reader Level 6.0
Points 11
Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd : With photos. of the
author, his environment and the setting of the book, together with
an introd. New York: Dodd, Mead, [1968]. Bathsheba Everdene is
courted by three young men: an adventurer, a young farmer who
becomes bailiff of the farm she inherits, and a neighboring farmer.
Accelerated Reader Level 9.7 Points 25
Hardy, Thomas. Jude the obscure. New York: Knopf, [1992]. : The
story of Jude Fawley, an impoverished stonemason who aspires to
the ministry and fails to fulfill the opposite expectations of the two
women he loves in Victorian society. Accelerated Reader Level 8.9
Points 27
Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the D'Urbervilles : a pure woman. New
York: New American Library, [1980]. An English woman finds
herself the victim of fate and of forces beyond her control.
Accelerated Reader Level 9.5 Points 23
Hardy, Thomas. The return of the native. New York: New American
Library, [1980]. : Clym Yeobright, tired of Paris city life, returns to
Egdon Heath to open a school. There he marries a pleasure-loving
girl and tragedy follows. Accelerated Reader Level 10.2 Points 42
Hawthorne, Nathaniel and Stern, Milton R. The house of the seven
gables. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, [1981, 1965]. Follows
the Pyncheon family who lived for generations under a dead man's
curse until his death restored their house. Accelerated Reader
Level 11 Points 22
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The scarlet letter. Pleasantville, N.Y:
Reader's Digest Association, [1984]. Classic tale about Hester
Prynne, her lover, their child, and Hester's husband, and the effect
of sin on the mind and spirit of these characters. Accelerated
Reader Level 11.7 Points 14
Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger in a strange land. Ace ed. New York:
Ace, [1987, 1961]. After his arrival on Earth from his home on Mars,
Valentine Michael Smith becomes the founder and pastor of a new
religious sect. Accelerated Reader Level 5.6 Points 25
Heller, Joseph. Catch-22 : a novel. New York: Simon & Schuster,
[1999]. : Presents a classic edition of the 1961 satire of military
bureaucracy, focusing on the story of John Yossarian, a bombadier
in World War II who is trying to avoid getting killed while at the
same time dealing with a colonel who keeps upping the number of
missions he must fly. Accelerated Reader Level 7.1 Points 30
Hemingway, Ernest. A farewell to arms. New York, NY: Quality
Paperback Book Club, [1993, 1957]. An American ambulance
officer serving on the Austro-Italian front deserts to join an English
nurse after the retreat of Caporetto. Accelerated Reader Level 6
Points 13
Hemingway, Ernest. For whom the bell tolls. New York: Scribner,
[1996]. : The story of Robert Jordan, an American fighting during
the Spanish Civil War with the anti-fascist guerillas in the
mountains of Spain. Accelerated Reader Level 5.8 Points 28
Hemingway, Ernest. The old man and the sea. New York: Scribner,
[1952]. : An old fisherman battles the sea and sharks to bring home
the giant marlin he caught. Accelerated Reader Level 5.1 Points 4
Hemingway, Ernest. The sun also rises. P.F. Collier, [1926] . Set in
the 1920s, the novel deals with a group of aimless expatriates in
France and Spain. They are members of the cynical and
disillusioned post-World War I Lost Generation, many of whom
suffer psychological and physical wounds as a result of the war.
Friendship, stoicism, and natural grace under pressure are offered
as the values that matter in an otherwise amoral and often
senseless world. Accelerated Reader Level 4.4 Points 10.
Herbert, Frank. Dune. Ace 25th anniversary ed. New York: Ace
Books, [1990, 1965]. Dune is a planet of harsh deserts where water
is more precious than jewels and is home of the prophesied
Messiah. Accelerated Reader Level 5.7 Points 28
Hesse, Hermann. Siddhartha. New York: New Directions, [1957,
1951]. : A moral allegory, set in ancient India, about one soul's
quest for the ultimate answer to the enigma of man's role in this
world. The hero, Siddhartha, undergoes a series of experiences to
emerge in a state of peace and wisdom. Accelerated Reader Level
7.1 Points 6
Hilton, James. Good-bye, Mr. Chips. [Boston]: Little, Brown, [1962].
: A retired teacher reminisces about his years at Brookfield School,
the thousands of boys he had known, and his happy marriage.
Accelerated Reader Level 6.5 Points 3
Hilton, James. Lost horizon : a novel. 1st ed. New York: Morrow,
[1960]. : On the northwestern frontier of India, Conway was a
passenger on a plane taken over by a native pilot and never heard
of again. What Conway found in ShangriLa makes the story.
Accelerated Reader Level 9.5 Points 12
Hugo, Victor and Lang, Andrew. The hunchback of Notre Dame.
Philadelphia: Courage Books, [1995]. In fifteenth-century Paris, a
disfigured man named Quasimodo, who was abandoned as an
infant in the cathedral of Notre-Dame and now lives in its bell tower,
must come to the aid of a beautiful gypsy girl named Esmeralda
after she repels the advances of the cruel archdeacon Don Claude
Frollo. Accelerated Reader Level 11.8 Points 38
Hugo, Victor. Les misérables. New York: Signet Classic, [1987]. :
Traces the life of Jean Valjean, a peasant who steals a loaf of
bread to feed his starving children and thereby becomes a convict.
Accelerated Reader Level 9.8 Points 105.
Huxley, Aldous. Brave new world. New York: HarperPerennial,
[1998]. A satirical novel about the utopia of the future, a world in
which babies are decanted from bottles and the great Ford is
worshipped. Accelerated Reader Level 7.5 Points 11
James, Henry and Meisel, Perry. The turn of the screw, and other
short novels. New York: Signet Classic, [1995]. Turn of the Screw.
A ghost story in which a governess believes her two charges are
being haunted by former servants. Accelerated Reader Level 8.3
Points 10
Kadohata, Cynthia. Kira-kira. 1st ed. New York: Atheneum Books
for Young Readers, [2004]. Chronicles the close friendship
between two Japanese-American sisters growing up in rural
Georgia during the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the despair
when one sister becomes terminally ill. Accelerated Reader Level
4.7 Points 7
Kafka, Franz and Lloyd, A. L. Metamorphosis. [New York]: The
Vanguard press, inc, [1946]. A young man wakes up one morning
to find himself transformed into a giant beetle-like insect. He
becomes an object of disgrace to his family and an alienated man.
Accelerated Reader Level 10.5 Points 12
Kantor, MacKinlay. Andersonville. New York, N.Y., U.S.A: Plume,
[1993]. : Story about the infamous Andersonville prison of Civil War
fame, into which tens of thousands of Northerners were inhumanely
confined under obscene conditions. Accelerated Reader Level 7.8
Points 62
Kaufman, Bel. Up the down staircase. 1st HarperPerennial ed. New
York, N.Y: HarperPerennial, [1991]. A young high school teacher
relates the frustrations and challenges of teaching through fictitious
memos, letters, papers, and student comments. Accelerated
Reader Level 5.9 Points 9
Kesey, Ken. One flew over the cuckoo's nest. New York: New
American Library, [1963, 1962]. The struggle for power between a
head nurse and a male patient in a mental institution leads to a
climax of hate, violence, and death. Accelerated Reader Level 6.2
Points 18
Keyes, Daniel. Flowers for Algernon. 1st ed. New York: Harcourt
Brace, [199-, 1966]. After being mentally retarded for all of his
thirty-two years, Charlie Gordon undergoes an operation designed
to change his life. Accelerated Reader Level 5.8 Points 13
Kinsella, W. P. Shoeless Joe. New York: Ballantine, [1982]. : An
Iowa farmer builds a baseball stadium in his cornfield, hoping his
hero, Shoeless Joe Jackson, will play in it. Accelerated Reader
Level 6.2 Points 13.
Kipling, Rudyard and Eichenberg, Fritz. The jungle book, books 1 &
2. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, [1995]. Presents the adventures of
Mowgli, a young boy raised by the animals in an Indian jungle, as
well as other animal stories and songs. Accelerated Reader Level
7.4 Points 20.
Kipling, Rudyard and Ormond, Leonée. Captains courageous.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, [1995]. The adventures of the
spoiled son of an American millionaire who is washed overboard off
Newfoundland and must share the hard life and labor of the
fishermen who rescue him. Accelerated Reader Level 8 Points 9
Kipling, Rudyard. Kim. Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's Digest
Association, [1990]. : Reared in the teeming streets of India at the
turn of the century, the orphan Kim is the 'Friend of all the world',
an imp with an endless interest in the extraordinary characters he
meets daily. One of them, an old Tibetan lama, sets him on the
path that will lead him to travel the Great Trunk Road, and become
a spy for the British. Accelerated Reader Level 7.7 Points 18.
Kjelgaard, Jim. Wild trek. Bantam Skylark ed. New York: Bantam,
[1981, 1950]. : A trapper and his dog travel into the Caribou
Mountains to rescue a naturalist and a pilot whose plane has been
downed in the rugged wilderness of northern Canada. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.0 Points 9.
Knowles, John. A separate peace : a novel. 1st Macmillan Hudson
River ed. New York: Macmillan, [1986, 1959]. A boys school in the
summer of 1942 is bursting with adventure and promise, even
though the World War II has thrown a shroud over the outside
world. Accelerated Reader Level 6.9 Points 10
Lederer, William J. The ugly American. [1st ed.]. New York: Norton,
[1958]. : Describes the errors and short-comings of the United
States foreign policy through a series of short stories around a
common plot during the 1950s in South East Asia. Accelerated
Reader Level 8.2 Points 13
L'Engle, Madeleine. A wrinkle in time. New York: Farrar, Straus,
and Giroux, [1962]. Meg Murry and her friends become involved
with unearthly strangers and a search for Meg's father, who has
disappeared while engaged in secret work for the government.
Accelerated Reader Level 4.7 Points 7
Leroux, Gaston. The phantom of the Opera. New York, NY: Warner
Books, [1986,1911]. A viscount seeks to unravel the mystery of the
Paris Opera House and rescue the woman he loves from the threat
of the phantom of the opera. Accelerated Reader Level 7.1 Points
Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt. New York: New American Library, [1950]. :
George Babbit is a middle class American living in an average
Midwestern city, in this satire of middle class life. Accelerated
Reader Level 7.8 Points 22.
Lewis, Sinclair. Main Street. New York: Carroll & Graf, [1996]. A
young woman has difficulty adjusting to life in a small town in
Minnesota. Accelerated Reader Level 8.6 Points 30
Llewellyn, Richard. How green was my valley. New York:
Macmillan, [1940]. Tells the story of Huw Morgan, his gentle but
tyrannical father, his strong-willed brothers and sisters, and his
brave and beloved mother. Accelerated Reader Level 5.7 Points 28
London, Jack. The call of the wild. New York: Scholastic, [2000]. :
Buck, who is half St. Bernard and half Scotch shepherd, is
abducted and taken to the Klondike where he reverts to the wild
and becomes a leader of a pack of wolves. Accelerated Reader
Level 8.0 Points 7.
London, Jack. The sea wolf. New York: Bantam Books, [1981,
1904]. Relates the story of a wealthy young man who is rescued
after a shipwreck by the brutal, ruthless captain of a tramp steamer.
Accelerated Reader Level 8.1 Points 18
London, Jack. White Fang. Stamford, Conn: Longmeadow Press,
[1994]. In the desolate, frozen wilds of northwest Canada, a wolf
cub soon finds himself the sole survivor of his litter. Son of Kiche -half-wolf, half-dog -- and the ageing wolf One Eye, he is thrust into
a savage world where each day becomes a fight to stay alive.
Accelerated Reader Level 7.4 Points 13
Malamud, Bernard. The fixer. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
[1966]. : Jewish handyman Yakov Bok, is arrested, imprisoned, and
accused for a murder he did not commit. Accelerated Reader Level
7 Points 17
Marshall, Catherine. Christy. New York: Avon Books, [1967]. : In
1912, nineteen-year-old Christy Huddleston leaves her comfortable
home to teach in a one-room schoolhouse in an isolated area of the
Great Smokies. Accelerated Reader Level 6.2 Points 29
Maugham, W. Somerset. Of human bondage. New York: Penguin
Books, [1992]. : Philip Carey, a handicapped orphan, is brought up
by a self-indulgent Victorian clergyman. Shedding his religious faith
as a young man, he begins to study art in Paris, but finally returns
to London to qualify as a doctor. Accelerated Reader Level 8.3
Points 48
McCullers, Carson. The heart is a lonely hunter. New York:
Bantam, [1967]. A deaf mute who has lost his only friend to a
hospital for the insane becomes the recipient of the confidences of
several other town residents. Accelerated Reader Level 6.3 Points
McCullers, Carson. The member of the wedding. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin company, [1946]. A bored twelve year old madly jealous of
her brother's impending marriage, makes herself look sixteen and
accepts a date with a soldier. Accelerated Reader Level 6.3 Points
McCullough, Colleen. The thorn birds. New York: Harper & Row,
[1977]. : Follows the lives of three generations of the Cleary family,
who leave their New Zealand home to live on a huge Australian
sheep station. Accelerated Reader Level 7 Points 39
Melville, Herman and Summers, Mark. Moby Dick. New York:
Barnes & Noble Books, [1994]. Captain Ahab's determination to
find and kill the great white whale becomes an obsession driving
him to disaster. Accelerated Reader Level 10.3 Points 42.
Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the wind. N.Y: Warner, [1993, 1936].
: Flaming epic of Civil War and Reconstruction. After the Civil War
sweeps away the genteel life to which she has been accustomed,
Scarlett O'Hara sets about to salvage her plantation home.
Accelerated Reader Level 7.1 Points 71
Montgomery, L. M and Wiggins, Genevieve. Anne of the island.
Philadelphia, Pa: Courage Books, [1994]. Continues the
adventures of Anne Shirley and her friends at college. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.3 Points 12
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. New York: Bantam,
[1992,1935]. : Anne, an eleven-year-old orphan, is sent by mistake
to live with a lonely middle-aged brother and sister on a Prince
Edward Island farm and proceeds to make an indelible impression
on everyone around her. Accelerated Reader Level 7.3 Points 17
Neufeld, John. Lisa, bright and dark : a novel. New York: S. G.
Phillips, [1969]. Sixteen-year-old Lisa, smart, attractive, and
outwardly successful, suffers from a nervous breakdown that only
her closest friends seem to notice and care enough about to try to
find a way to help her. Accelerated Reader Level 4.6 Points 5
Nordhoff, Charles. Mutiny on the bounty. The 1789 case of mutiny
aboard the "Bounty" in which commander William Bligh and
eighteen of his loyal crew members were put off the ship by
mutineers led by Fletcher Christian. Accelerated Reader Level 8.4
Points 22
Oneal, Zibby. The language of goldfish : a novel. New York:
Fawcett Juniper, [1980]. Thirteen-year-old Carrie, clinging to
memories of her idyllic early childhood, struggles to communicate
with family and classmates. Accelerated Reader Level 3.9 Points 6
Orczy, Emmuska Orczy. The Scarlet Pimpernel. New York:
Bantam, [1992]. Sir Percy Blakeney defies the French
revolutionaries in order to save innocent men and women from
being put to death in the guillotine. Accelerated Reader Level 8
Points 15
Orwell, George and Fromm, Erich. 1984 : a novel. New York:
Signet Classic, [1949, 1977]. The story of one man's nightmare
odyssey as he pursues a forbidden love affair through a world ruled
by warring states and a power structure that controls not only
information but also individual thought and memory. Accelerated
Reader Level 8.9 Points 17
Orwell, George. Animal farm. New York: Harcourt, Brace, [1954]. :
A political satire in which the animals take over running the farm but
find their utopian state turning into a dictatorship. Accelerated
Reader Level 7.3 Points 5
Parks, Gordon. The learning tree. New York: Harper, [1963]. An
African-american youth in a small town in Kansas finds himself the
only witness to a murder. Accelerated Reader Level 5.0 Points 13
Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich. Doctor Zhivago. New York:
Pantheon Books, [1991]. Presents the classic story of Dr. Zhivago
and Lara who fall in love in the midst of the turmoil of the Russian
Revolution. Accelerated Reader Level 8.2 Points 36
Plath, Sylvia. The bell jar. New York: Perennial Classics, [1999,
1971]. Note: Chronicles the mental breakdown of Esther
Greenwood--a brilliant, beautiful, talented, and successful young
woman. Accelerated Reader Level 7.2 Points 11
Rand, Ayn. Atlas shrugged. New York: Random House, [1957]. :
Female protagonist, Dagny Taggart, struggles to manage a
transcontinental railroad amid the pressures and restrictions of
massive bureaucracy. Her antagonistic reaction to a libertarian
group seeking an end to government regulation is later echoed and
modified in her encounter with a utopian community, Galt's Gulch,
whose members regard self-determination rather than collective
responsibility as the highest ideal. Accelerated Reader Level 8.2
Points 102
Rand, Ayn. The fountainhead. 50th anniversary ed. New York:
Signet, [1993]. : The story of a gifted young architect, his violent
battle against conventional standards, and his explosive love affair
with a beautiful woman who struggles to defeat him. Accelerated
Reader Level 7.0 Points 53
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan and Shenton, Edward. The yearling. 1st
Scribner classic/Collier ed. New York: Collier Books, [1986, 1938].
A young boy living in the Florida backwoods is forced to decide the
fate of a fawn he has lovingly raised as a pet. Accelerated Reader
Level 5 Points 19
Rawls, Wilson. Where the red fern grows : the story of two dogs
and a boy. New York: Bantam, [1974, 1961]. A boy and his two
dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, go through adventure and tragedy in
the Ozark Mountain Valley. Accelerated Reader Level 4.9 Points 11
Remarque, Erich Maria and Wheen, A. W. All quiet on the western
front. Thorndike, Me: G.K. Hall, [1997]. Depicts the experiences of
a group of young German soldiers fighting and suffering during the
last days of World War I. Accelerated Reader Level 6 Points 10
Richter, Conrad. The light in the forest. New York: Knopf, [1966]. :
After being raised as an Indian for eleven years following his
capture at the age of four, John Butler is forcibly returned to his
white parents but continues to long for the freedom of Indian life.
Accelerated Reader Level 5.5 Points 5
Rolvaag, Ole Edvart. Giants in the earth : a saga of the prairie.
Harper, [1927]. A Norwegian pioneer family struggles with the land
and the elements of the Dakota Territory in their efforts to make a
new life in America. Accelerated Reader Level 8.4 Points 28
Salinger, J. D. The catcher in the rye. [1st ed.]. Boston: Little
Brown, [1951]. : An adolescent boy, knowing he is about to be
dropped by his school, spends three days and nights in New York
City. Accelerated Reader Level 4.7 Points 11
Schaefer, Jack. Shane. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [1954]. : Shane
rides into a Wyoming valley in 1889 and becomes involved in a
feud between big cattle dealers and homesteaders. Accelerated
Reader Level 5.5 Points 7
Scott, Walter and Lalauze, Adolphe. Ivanhoe. New York: Hart Pub.
Co, [1977]. : Relates the adventures of the Saxon knight Ivanhoe in
1194, the year of Richard the Lion-Hearted's return from the Third
Crusade. Accelerated Reader Level 12.9 Points 40
Sewell, Anna and Kemp-Welch, Lucy. Black Beauty. New York:
Morrow, [1997]. : A horse in nineteenth-century England recounts
his experiences with both good and bad masters. Accelerated
Reader Level 7.7 Points 11
Shute, Nevil. On the beach. New York: W. Morrow, [1957]. : A
novel about the survivors of an atomic war, who face an inevitable
end as radiation poisoning moves toward Australia from the North.
Accelerated Reader Level 6.3 Points 14
Sinclair, Upton. The jungle. New York: New American Library,
[1988]. Describes the conditions of the Chicago stockyards through
the eyes of a young, poor Slav immigrant who comes to the new
world with his family. They are cheated, abused, and oppressed
and find death a blessed release. Accelerated Reader Level 8
Points 22
Smith, Betty. A tree grows in Brooklyn : a novel. New York: Harper
& Brothers, [1943]. Francie grows up in the slums of Brooklyn
during the early part of the twentieth century, and life treats her
badly. Less favored in her dysfunctional family than her brother,
forced to leave school early, maltreated by fate and by people--she
plunges forward, indomitable, courageous. Accelerated Reader
Level 5.8 Points 23
Smith, Betty. Joy in the morning. 1st Perennial Classics ed. New
York: Harper Perennial Modern Classics, [2000, 1963]. The story of
a young couple from Brooklyn who marry young, have little money,
and face bitter parental opposition, but are determined to make
something of their life together. Accelerated Reader Level 4.9
Points 13 .
Steinbeck, John. East of Eden. John Steinbeck centennial ed.
(1902-2002). New York: Viking, [2003, 1952]. The story of Cal and
Aron, twin brothers in early twentieth-century California, who act
out a modern-day version of the biblical story of Cain and Abel.
Accelerated Reader Level 5.3 Points 34.
Steinbeck, John. Of mice and men. New York, N.Y., U.S.A:
Penguin Books, [1994]. : Sustained by the hope of someday
owning a farm of their own, two migrant laborers arrive to work on a
ranch in central California. Accelerated Reader Level 4.5 Points 4
Steinbeck, John. The grapes of wrath. Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's
Digest Association, [1991]. The saga of a family in 1939 that
struggles through the Great Depression by laboring as Dust Bowl
migrants. Accelerated Reader Level 4.9 Points 25
Steinbeck, John. The pearl. New York: Penguin, [1992, 1973]. :
Terrible events follow the discovery of a magnificent pearl by a poor
Mexican fisherman. Accelerated Reader Level 7.1 Points 4
Steinbeck, John. The winter of our discontent. [1st ed.]. New York:
Viking Press, [1961Ethan Allen Hawley, the protagonist of the
novel, works as a clerk in a grocery store that his family once
owned. With the decline in their status, his wife is restless, and his
teenage children are hungry for the tantalizing material comforts he
cannot provide. Then one day, in a moment of moral crisis, Ethan
decides to take a holiday from his own scrupulous standards.].
Accelerated Reader Level 4.4 Points 13.
Stevenson, Robert Louis and Winter, Milo. Treasure Island. New
York: Park Lane Press, [1996]. While going through the
possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the
mistress of the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads to a
pirate fortune as well as great danger. Accelerated Reader Level
8.3 Points 12
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. NY: Airmont,
[1964]. : Presents nineteenth-century Scottish author Robert Louis
Stevenson's novel about good and evil in human nature, in which a
scientist named Dr. Jekyll is transformed by a drug into a violently
evil version of himself named Mr. Hyde. Also includes Vladimir
Nabokov's Cornell lecture on the novel. Accelerated Reader Level
9.5 Points 5
Stewart, Mary. Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy. 1st ed. New York:
Morrow, [1980]. : The crystal cave is the first book in this Merlin
trilogy. Accelerated Reader Level 5.7 Points 24. The hollow hills
(book 2) Accelerated Reader Level 6.2 Points 25. The last
enchantment (book 3) Accelerated Reader Level 6.3 Points 27
Stewart, Mary. The hollow hills. 1st Ballantine Books trade ed. New
York: Fawcett Columbine, [1996]. Note: The spellbinding,
suspenseful story of how Merlin, the Enchanter, helped Arthur
become king of all Britain, in an extraordinary story that brings the
legend Merlin and his protege Arthur to glowing life. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.2 Points 25
Stewart, Mary. The last enchantment. 1st ed. New York: Morrow,
[1979]. : Arthur is King! But while unchallenged on the battlefield,
sinister powers plot to destroy him in his own Camelot. When the
rose-gold witch Morgause, Arthur's half-siser, ensnares him into an
incestuous liaison--and bears his son, Mordred, to use to her own
evil ends--a fatal web of love, betrayal and bloody vengeance is
woven. Accelerated Reader Level 6.3 Points 27
Stoker, Bram and Humphries, Tudor. Dracula. : After discovering
the double identity of the wealthy Transylvanian nobleman, Count
Dracula, a small group of people vow to rid the world of the evil
vampire. Accelerated Reader Level 8.2 Points 36
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin. New York: Modern
Library, [1996]. : A novel of the pre-Civil War South indicting
slavery and exposing the attitudes of white nineteenth-century
society. Accelerated Reader Level 9.3 Points 32
Styron, William. The confessions of Nat Turner. New York: Modern
Library, [1994]. In the late summer of 1831, in a remote section of
southeastern Virginia, there took place the only effective, sustained
revolt in the annals of American Negro slavery. The revolt was led
by a remarkable Negro preacher named Nat Turner, an educated
slave who felt himself divinely ordained to annihilate all the white
people in the region. Accelerated Reader Level 8.5 Points 28
Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels. Unabridged [ed.]. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania: Running Press, [1987]. The voyages of an
Englishman carry him to a land of people six inches high, a land of
giants, an island of sorcerers, and a land where horses are masters
of human-like creatures. Accelerated Reader Level 13.5 Points 25
Taylor, Mildred D. Roll of thunder, hear my cry. New York: Dial
Press, [1976]. : A black family living in the South during the 1930's
are faced with prejudice and discrimination which their children
don't understand. Accelerated Reader Level 5.7 Points 10
Thackeray, William Makepeace. Vanity fair. A limited ed. Franklin
Center, Pa: Franklin Library, [1979]. A satirical look at Victorian
manners recounting the experiences of two finishing school
graduates, Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley. Accelerated Reader
Level 12.4 Points 66
Tolkien, J. R. R and Tolkien, Christopher. The Silmarillion. New
York: Ballantine Books, [2002, 1977]. Tolkien's creation myth, a
lovingly crafted history of elves, men, and all of Middle-Earth that
informs the worlds of THE HOBBIT and THE LORD OF THE
RINGS. Here are the origins of familiar characters Elrond,
Galadriel, and dark lord Sauron. Accelerated Reader Level 7.9
Points 21
Tolkien, J. R. R. The fellowship of the ring : being the first part of
The lord of the rings. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [1981, 1965]. Frodo
the hobbit and a band of warriors from the different kingdoms set
out to destroy the Ring of Power before the evil Sauron grasps
control. Accelerated Reader Level 6.1 Points 29
Tolkien, J. R. R. The hobbit : or, There and back again. Rev. ed.
New York: Ballantine Books, [1982, 1966]. Bilbo Baggins, a
respectable, well-to-do hobbit, lives comfortably in his hobbit-hole
until the day the wandering wizard Gandalf chooses him to share in
an adventure from which he may never return. Accelerated Reader
Level 6.6 Points 16
Tolkien, J. R. R. The return of the king : being the third part of The
lord of the rings. 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co, [1986?,
1965]. As the Shadow of Mordor grows, the companions find their
way through danger and mystery as they defeat the Dark Lord and
celebrate Aragorn's ascent to become King of the West. Includes
appendices containing genealogical and historical information that
form the background of the story. Accelerated Reader Level 6.2
Points 22
Tolkien, J. R. R. The two towers : being the second part of The lord
of the rings. Silver anniversary ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [1981,
1965]. The second part of J. R. R. Tolkien's classic fantasy novel
"The Lord of the Rings," in which Frodo and Sam journey down the
River Anduin--followed by a mysterious creeping figure--on their
quest to protect the Ruling Ring from the Dark Lord until it can be
destroyed. Accelerated Reader Level 6.3 Points 23. 910.45 DAN
Dana, Richard Henry. Two years before the mast : a personal
narrative of life at sea. Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's Digest
Association, [1995]. Recounts the joys and hardships of a sailor's
life in a daily journal written on a journey around Cape Horn to
California between 1834 and 1836 aboard the brig Pilgrim.
Accelerated Reader Level 7.7 Points 26
Tolstoy, Leo and Garnett, Constance Black. Anna Karenina.
Modern Library pbk. ed. New York: Modern Library, [2000]. In
nineteenth-century Russia, the wife of an important government
official loses her family and social status when she chooses the
love of Count Vronsky over a passionless marriage. Includes an
introduction by Mona Simpson, commentary, and a reading group
guide. Accelerated Reader Level 9.6 Points 69.
Trumbo, Dalton. Johnny got his gun. New York: L. Stuart, [1970,
1959]. : A young man who was severely wounded in World War I
thinks about his life and about the horror and futility of war.
Accelerated Reader Level 5.9 Points 11
Twain, Mark and Inge, M. Thomas. A Connecticut Yankee in King
Arthur's court. New York: Oxford University Press, [1997]. Social
and technological satire in which Hank Morgan, a nineteenthcentury American, is transported to sixth-century England.
Accelerated Reader Level 9.2 Points 21
Twain, Mark. Pudd'nhead Wilson. New York, N.Y: Signet Classic,
[1964]. Slave woman Roxana switches her baby with the infant son
of the master of the house in an attempt to ensure her child will not
be sold down the river, but the episode has tragic results for
everyone involved. Accelerated Reader Level 8.3 Points 9.
Uris, Leon M. QB VII. New York: Bantam, [1972, 1970]. In Queen's
Bench Courtroom Number Seven, the renowned surgeon Sir Adam
Kelno stands accused of having been a sadistic doctor in a World
War II concentration camp. Accelerated Reader Level 8.4 Points 22
Uris, Leon. Exodus. New York: Bantam, [1986]. The founding of the
new nation of Israel is vividly portrayed in this novel about an
American nurse and a young Israeli freedom fighter. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.7 Points 41
Verne, Jules. A journey to the center of the earth. New York:
Signet, [2003]. Three men dare to adventure into a subterranean
world full of danger and beauty discovering many unusual things on
their trip to the Earth's mysterious core. Accelerated Reader Level
9.9 Points 17.
Verne, Jules. The mysterious island. New York: Scribner's, [1988,
1918] . Based on the true story of Alexander Selkirk, who survived
alone for almost five years on an uninhabited island off the coast of
Chile. It is the enthralling tale of five men and a dog who land in a
balloon on a faraway, fantastic island of bewildering goings-on and
their struggle to survive as they uncover the island’s secret.
Accelerated Reader Level 10.8 Points 41.
Verne, Jules. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea.
Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's Digest, [1990]. Trapped aboard a
fantastic submarine with a mad sea captain, a French professor
and his companions come face to face with exotic ocean creatures
and strange, forbidden sights hidden from the world above.
Accelerated Reader Level 10.0 Points 28
Verne, Jules. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea.
Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's Digest, [1990]. Trapped aboard a
fantastic submarine with a mad sea captain, a French professor
and his companions come face to face with exotic ocean creatures
and strange, forbidden sights hidden from the world above.
Accelerated Reader Level 10.0 Points 28
Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-five, or, The children's crusade : a
duty-dance with death. New York: Bantam, [1991, 1969]. A fourthgeneration German-American is tortured by his memories of the
firebombing of Dresden in 1944 which he witnessed while a
prisoner of war. Accelerated Reader Level 6.0 Points 8
Vonnegut, Kurt. Welcome to the monkey house. [New York]:
Delacorte Press, [1968] A collection of Kurt Vonnueguts shorter
works originally printed in publications as diverse as The Magazine
of Fantasy and Science fiction and The Atlantic Monthly. What
these superb stories share is Vonnegut's audacious sense of
humor and extraordinary range of creative vision.. Accelerated
Reader Level 5.7 Points 16.
Walker, Alice. The color purple. 1st Harvest ed. Orlando: Harcourt,
[2003]. : Tells the story of two African-American sisters: Nettie, a
missionary in Africa, and Celie, a child-wife living in the south, in
the medium of their letters to each other and in Celie's case, the
desperate letters she begins, "Dear God." . Accelerated Reader
Level 4.0 Points 9.
Walker, Alice. The temple of my familiar. New York: Pocket Books,
[1990, 1989]. : Transcending the conventions of time and place,
Walker's novel moves from contemporary America, England, and
Africa to unfamiliar primal worlds, where women, men, and animals
socialize in surprising ways. The author of The Color Purple has
created a mesmerizing novel of vision and spirit. Accelerated
Reader Level 7.5 Points 23
Walker, Margaret. Jubilee. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [1966]. : The
fortunes of a mulatto girl--as a slave during the Civil War and then
as a woman freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.4 Points 24.
Wallace, Lew. Ben-Hur : a tale of the Christ. Pleasantville, N.Y:
Reader's, [1992] . This New Testament tale combines the events of
the life of Jesus with grand historical spectacle in the exciting story
of Judah of the House of Hur, a man who finds extraordinary
redemption for himself and his family. A classic of faith, fortitude,
and inspiration. Accelerated Reader Level 9.1 Points 31.
Wells, H. G. The first men in the moon. New York: Modern Library,
[2003]. Cavor, a scientist, and his materialistic companion Bedford,
travel to the moon in a ship built by Cavor, where they encounter a
hostile race of biologically engineered creatures. Accelerated
Reader Level 7.7 Points 12.
Wells, H. G. The invisible man. New York: TOR, [1992, 1988]. : The
tale of a scientist who discovers how to make his body become
invisible, but, when he can't make himself visible again, becomes
violently insane. Accelerated Reader Level 7.7 Points 9
Wells, H. G. The island of Dr. Moreau. New York: TOR, [1996]. :
Miraculously, Edward Prendick survives a shipwreck. Yet what he
would encounter in the days ahead was more horrible and terrifying
than death, for the island on which he landed was the home of the
infamous Dr. Moreau whose goal was to create a powerful new
breed of animal part man and part beast. Accelerated Reader Level
7.2 Points 7.
Wells, H. G. The war of the worlds. Mineola, N.Y: Dover
Publications, [1997]. : An intellectually superior race invades the
Earth. Accelerated Reader Level 9.1 Points 11
Wells, H.G. The time machine : and other stories. Scholastic Book
Services, [1963]. Relates the adventures of a scientist who invents
a machine that transports him into the future. Accelerated Reader
Level 7.4 Points 6
West, Jessamyn. The friendly persuasion. San Diego: Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, [1991, 1940]. Account of a Quaker family
struggling to maintain its identity amid confusion and heartbreak of
the Civil War. Accelerated Reader Level 6.1 Points 12
Wharton, Edith and Wolff, Cynthia Griffin. The age of innocence.
New York: Penguin, [1996]. Newland Archer is about to achieve
every young man's dream. his engagement to the wealthy young
heiress May Welland, has just been announced. But Newland has
a secret: he is secretly in love with May's cousin, the scandalous
divorcee, Countess Ellen Olenska, who has brought to New York
all the glitter and glamour of Europe's aristocratic playground.
Accelerated Reader Level 8.8 Points 19
Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. New York: Collier Books, [1987]. The
tragic story of Ethan Frome, a New England farmer married to a
hypochondriac and in love with his wife's lively cousin, Mattie.
Accelerated Reader Level 7.6 Points 6
White, T. H. The once and future king. New York: Putnam, [1958]. :
Tells the story of the youth and reign of King Arthur, the
establishment of the Round Table, and the search for the Holy
Grail. Accelerated Reader Level 7.4 Points 41
White, T. H. The sword in the stone. New York: G. P. Putnam's
sons, [1939]. : Young King Arthur, Wart -- unaware of his true
identity -- is tutored by Merlyn, who occasionally transforms the
young boy into various animals as a part of his schooling.
Accelerated Reader Level 17.5 Points 16
Wilde, Oscar. The picture of Dorian Gray : and other writings.
Bantam Books, [1982]. A fashionable young man sells his soul for
youth and beauty -- only his portrait ages. Accelerated Reader
Level 7.7 Points 14.
Bunyan, John and Furlong, Monica. The pilgrim's progress.
Rockport, Mass: Element, [1996]. The simple, earnest story of
Christian, the Pilgrim, as he makes his way to the Celestial City.
Accelerated Reader Level 10.4 Points 21
Wilder, Thornton. The bridge of San Luis Rey. New York: Harper &
Row, [1967, 1927]. A tiny footbridge in Peru breaks, and five
people hurtle to their deaths. For Brother Juniper, a humble monk
who witnesses the catastrophe, the question is: Why those five?
Accelerated Reader Level 7.1 Points 5
Wouk, Herman. War and remembrance : a novel. 1st trade ed.
Boston: Little, Brown, [1978]. A sequel to "The Winds of War,"
following the lives of members of the American Henry family as
they deal with the triumphs and tragedies of life during the World
War II years. Accelerated Reader Level 8.4 Points 71
Wright, Richard. Native son. New York: Harper & brothers, [1940]. :
Bigger Thomas is charged with rape and murder. Being black in
Chicago in the 1930s he searches for an identity and finds violence
a release. Accelerated Reader Level 6.1 Points 24
Wister, Owen and Irwin, Don. The Virginian. Chicago: Childrens
Press, [1968]. : The foreman of a large cattle ranch on the
Wyoming frontier lives by the honor code of the West even though
it means helping lynch a friend or possibly losing the girl he is to
marry. Accelerated Reader Level 6.3 Points 21
Wyndham, John. The day of the triffids. London: M. Joseph, [1951].
Traces the fate of the world after a comet shower blinds most of the
world's population. The few with sight must struggle to reconstruct
society while fighting mobile, flesh-eating plants called triffids.
Accelerated Reader Level 6.9 Points 15.
Wolfe, Thomas. Look homeward, angel : a story of the buried life.
New York: Scribner, [1952]. An elaborate and moving coming-ofage story about Eugene Gant, a restless and energetic character
whose passion to experience life takes him from his small, rural
hometown in North Carolina to Harvard University and the city of
Boston. The novel's pattern is artfully simple -- a small town, a large
family, high school and college -- yet the characters are
monumental in their graphic individuality and personality.
Accelerated Reader Level 7.7 Points 38.
Wyss, Johann David and Rhead, Louis. The Swiss family
Robinson. New York: A.A. Knopf, [1994]. Relates the fortunes of a
shipwrecked family as they adapt to life on an island with abundant
animal and plant life. Accelerated Reader Level 9.7 Points 23
Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. San Diego: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, [1985, 1925]. Mrs. Clarissa Dalloway, occupied with
the last-minute details of party preparation, finds her thoughts on a
very different route through the past. Accelerated Reader Level 7.2
Points 11.
Wouk, Herman. The Caine mutiny. Pleasantville, N.Y: Reader's
Digest Association, [1992]. This book is the account of a well-to-do
man who serves on a minesweeper during World War II, describing
the events on the Navy ship Caine and what ultimately led the first
mate, Lieutenant Maryk, a man with little schooling or experience,
to take command of the vessel from Captain Queeg and the
subsequent court-martial of Maryk. Accelerated Reader Level 6.4
Points 34
Wouk, Herman. The winds of war, a novel. [1st ed.]. Boston: Little,
Brown, [1971]. The lives of the members of the Henry family,
headed by Naval Commander 'Pug' Henry, are irrevocably changed
in the days heading up to the outbreak of World War II. Accelerated
Reader Level 6.6 Points 61