Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity 2004 Distinguished Fiji Award Dear Brothers, Attached is the 2004 Distinguished Fiji Award nomination form. Please help us recognize deserving graduate Brothers by nominating those you feel are worthy of this coveted award. Nominations must be received by the Educational Foundation on or before April 6, 2004 to guarantee entry into this year’s competition. Late nominations will not be considered. We greatly appreciate your assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you should have any questions. Fraternally, Jason H. Culp Director of Graduate Relations Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation 859.255.1848 Perge! DISTINGUISHED FIJI AWARD If Phi Gamma Delta molds leaders, then how does it recognize those that go on to excel in what they do? By awarding the Distinguished Fiji Award to deserving graduate Brothers. Does your chapter have a graduate Brother who truly exemplifies the ideals of Phi Gamma Delta? A Brother who has gone on to "be all that he can be?" Through this special bulletin and nomination form, nominations for the 2004 Distinguished Fiji Award are being solicited. The Archon policy on this award is: "The Distinguished Fiji Award will be presented annually to no more than six Graduate Brothers who shall be deserving of recognition for their faithful and unselfish service to Phi Gamma Delta or their special contribution to mankind and society at large." Please nominate those men whom you would so honor by the Distinguished Fiji Award. Send the following information on the form enclosed. Include any quality news articles or stories on your nominee that apply to his nomination. 1. Name, address, chapter, and year 2. Statement of justification for nomination to include a short but fully explanatory biography of your nominee. This statement will be taken into consideration in the final ballot by the Archons. Nominations must be received at the International Headquarters on or before April 6, 2004, to guarantee entry in this year's competition. Nominations received after this date will not be counted. Past recipients of the Distinguished Fiji Award are listed on the attached pages and are not eligible for re-nomination. Current General Officers (Archons, Section Chiefs, etc.) of the International Fraternity are also ineligible. Remember that your nomination will be much more legible if it is typed. If your nominee is selected as a Distinguished Fiji Award winner, your assistance in presenting him with this prestigious Award is greatly appreciated. Perge! Distribution: Archons, FAB, General Officers, Section Chiefs, Purple Legionnaires, Field Secretaries, Undergraduate Chapter Presidents, BCA Presidents, House Corporation Officers, Graduate Chapter Presidents, Former Archons, Former Trustees, Foundation Board 2004 PHI GAMMA DELTA DISTINGUISHED FIJI AWARD NOMINATION FORM Due April 6, 2004 NOMINEE'S FULL NAME: ________________________________________SCHOOL/YEAR : ___________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________________________________________ STATE: ________________ ZIP: ___________ TELEPHONE: (WORK) ________________________________________ (HOME):______________________________ STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION FOR NOMINATION: (must be included to be nominated) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME:_________________________________________SCHOOL&YEAR:_______________________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:(O)________________________________________ (H)____________________________________________________ Return to: The Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation P. O. Box 4599 Lexington, KY 40544-4599 FAX (859) 253-0779 Email to Jason Culp, Director of Graduate Relations: DISTINGUISHED FIJI AWARD RECIPIENTS Stephen J. Adorian, (Lafayette '62) Robert L. Albin, (Missouri '62) George R. Aldhizer, Jr., (Richmond '53) Robert H. Alexander, (Lafayette '55) Rick L. Allen (Wabash '62, Arizona '62) Gordon L. Allott, (Colorado '27)** Luis W. Alvarez, (Chicago '32)** Harold W. Andersen, (Nebraska '45) Walter B. Anderson, (Richmond '21)** Eugene C. Andres, Jr., (Dartmouth '28)** Ronald C. Andrews, (British Columbia '38)** Roone P. Arledge, (Columbia '52) Charles G. Armstrong, (Purdue '64) William J. Armstrong (Allegheny '16)** John Fox Arnold (Colorado, Missouri ‘61) Victor G. Atiyeh, (Oregon '45) Leland L. Atwood, (WPI '31)** Edward L. Bacher, (Williams College '11)** George D. Bailey, (Wisconsin '12)** Hugh J. Baker, Jr., (Ohio State '31)** Theodore R. Banks, (Lafayette '26)** John W. Barkley, (Allegheny '11)** William P. Barnes (Idaho '44) Glenn R. Barr, (Allegheny '19)** Benny J. Bedford, (Texas Tech '57)** Alphonzo E. Bell Jr., (Occidental '38) Arthur H. Bell, (Cal @ Berkeley '11)** Louis S. Binkley, (DePauw '19)** William F. Binkley, (Purdue '49) John H. Binning (Nebraska ’45) Edward L. Bishop III, (Wash. & Lee '68) Charles R. Black, (Texas Tech '58)** Bruce Blanchard, (MIT '54) Kenneth H. Blanchard, (Cornell '61) David C. Bland, Jr., (Texas '38)** Girard D. Bond, (Ohio State '22)** Louis W. Bonsib, Jr., (Indiana '40)** Richard J. Borda (Stanford '53) Donal C. Bosson, Sr., (Tennessee '44) Francis C. Bragg, (WPI '24)** Henry S. Brainard, (Case West. Res. '22)** James B. Brill, (Michigan '18)** Charles M. Brown, (Georgia Tech '25)** Edmund L. Browning, (Sewanee '52) Dale J. Bruce, (Ohio Wesleyan '52) Alfred Buckley, Jr., (Brown '49) Rowland Burnstan, (Lafayette '25)** Lyle K. Bush, (Washington '22)** Ellis E. Busse, (Chicago '31)** Ralph H. Cake, (Oregon '13)** Donald T. Canfield, (WPI '19)** William J. Carmichael, (Illinois '42)** Joseph B. Carney, (DePauw '50) Richard E. Carver, (Iowa '59) Dr. Theodore J. Castele ( Case Western Reserve ‘51) Eugene A. Cernan, (Purdue '56) A. Russell Chandler (Georgia Tech >67) Eugene A. Clapp II, (Lafayette '36)** Donald J. Clark, (Texas '30)** Robert F. Clarke, (Wisconsin '66) Peter O. Clauss, (Chicago '55) G. Wayne Clough (Georgia Tech ‘63) DeWitt R. Cogswell, (Case West. Res. '15)** John P. Collett, (Wabash '24)** Edwin T. Colton, (Illinois '17)** Douglas A. Corbishley, (Brit. Columbia '59) Lewis M. Costello, (Virginia '55)** Chan F. Coulter, (Iowa '25)** Robert F. Coverdale (Ohio Wesleyan '52) Frank Coyle, (Washington '10)** Frank B. Crandall, (Ohio Wesleyan '06)** Ronald D. Crockett, (Washington '61) Richard H. Crowder, (DePauw '31, Purdue '31)** William J. Crowe, Jr., (Oklahoma '46) Glenn V. Cunningham, (Kansas '34)** Theodore S. Curtis, (Maine '23)** Robert S. Curtiss, (Columbia '27)** John C. Cushman III, (Colgate '63) Samuel M. Dague, (Wabash '96)** Marshall B. Dalton, (MIT '15)** Richard W. Darrow, (Ohio Wesleyan '36)** Harry L. Davis, Jr., (Case Western Reserve '37) James M. Davis (Ohio State '37) Willard B. Dean, (Knox '19)** George H. Decker, (Lafayette '24)** John R. Dellenback, (Yale '40) George H. Dirks, (DePauw '29)** Douglas H. Dittrick, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan >55) Walter L. Ditzler, (Oklahoma '17)** Fred L. Dixon, (Colorado '44)** Robert James Dixon (Dartmouth ‘41) Richard L. Dobson, (Chicago '53) Edwin D. Dodd, (Ohio State '41) Robert M. Donovan, (Virginia '54) J. Henry Doscher, Jr. (Texas ‘42) J. Earle Dunford, Jr., (Richmond '47) J. Earle Dunford Sr., (Bethel '12, Richmond '15)** Edmond A. Edmonston, Jr., (Oklahoma '42)** Stephen H. Edwards, (Idaho '64) Karl Eller, (Arizona '52) Gordon Elliott (British Columbia ‘55) David G. Elmore, (Indiana '55) James R. Ellis, (Yale '43) Ronald L. Enna, (Oregon State '65) Robert K. Erf (Michigan '53) George R. Eshelman, (Washington & Lee '43) John F. Eulich, (Kansas '51) Daniel F. Evans, (Wabash '43) Wallace W. Everett, Jr., (Cal @ Berkeley '27)** Stuart W. Evey (Washington '56) Fred F. Fielding, (Gettysburg '61) Hummel Fishburn, (Pennsylvania State '22)** Cyrus S. Fleck, (Gettysburg '20, Lafayette '20) Eugene Fletchall (Indiana ’32) Walter B. Franklin, Sr., (Colorado '20)** Richard L. Gannett, (Texas '58) Robert M. Gardner, (Ohio Wesleyan '51) Oliver B. Garver, Jr., (UCLA '45)** Francis A. Gilfillan, (Oregon State '18)** Thomas M. Gilliland, (Nebraska '59) James P. Glenny (Idaho ‘60) John E. Gottschalk, (Nebraska '65) Richard E. Grace, (Purdue '51) Charles H. Graham, (British Columbia '67) Clarence J. Gray, (Richmond '33) DeWitt J. Griffin (UCLA '38, Berkeley '38)** Emlyn I. Griffith, (Colgate '42) Cornelis E. Groenewegen, (Occidental, Stanford '28)** George Gunn, Jr., (Washington '16)** Edwin G. Halter, (Case Western Reserve '26)** Kenneth B. Hamlet, (Cornell '66) Arthur G. Hansen, (Purdue '47) Thomas P. Hanson, (Union '45)** Robert J. Harker, (Iowa State '43) Philip S. Harper, Sr., (Columbia '16)** Robert E. Harris, (Toronto '49) George L. Harvey, Jr., (Pennsylania '10)** Donald S. Hauck, (Wittenberg '56) William R. Hauser, (Denison '50) W. Tyler Haynes, (Richmond '22)** Craig P. Hazelet, (Washington '14)** Benjamin T. Head III, (Oklahoma '42) Albert H. Heimach, Jr., (Minnesota '42)** Felix R. Helms, (Alabama '43) Reginald H. Helvenston, (Sewanee '22)** Martin J. Her, (Minnesota '27)** Robert W. Higgins, (Washington State '56) Charles W. Hill, (Minnesota '05)** Albert F. Hillix, (Missouri '18)** Wallace A. Hilton, (William Jewell '33)** George Hopper ( Cincinnati ‘32) Jack H. Horenberger, Ill. (Wesleyan '37) James J. Howard III, (Pittsburgh '57) Vance M. Hubbard (Texas Tech '62) James F. Hudson, (Missouri '46) Charles E. Hugel, (Lafayette '51) Arthur E. Humphrey, (Idaho '48) Frank Iacobucci, (British Columbia '62) Hale S. Irwin, (Colorado ‘67) O. Wayne Isom (Texas Tech ‘62) Henry N. R. Jackman (Toronto '53) Robert S. Jepson, Jr., (Richmond '64) C. James Jessee Jr., (Virginia '49) Alan W. Johnson, (UCLA '36) Donald E. Johnson, (Oregon State '36)** Robert L. Johnson, (MIT '38)** Jenkin L. Jones, (Wisconsin '33) David M. Joyner (Penn. St. '72) Victor S. Kamber, (Illinois '65) Jordan S. Kanikkeberg, (Idaho '51) William G. Karnes, (Illinois '33) Howard C. Kauffmann, Jr., (Oklahoma '43) William H. Keck, (Indiana ‘41)** John L. Kendall, (DePauw '66) Hubert B. Kennleyside, (Toronto '23)** Richard W. Kerlin, (William Jewell '28)** Joseph R. Kerrey, (Nebraska '65) William J. Kliber (Syracuse '52)** Philip H. Knight (Orgeon ‘59) Vernon M. Knox, (Pennsylvania '19)** Walter A. Koelbel, (Colorado '47) Raymond E. Lacy, (Tennessee ‘71) Brian P. Lamb, (Purdue '63) Brainerd W. LaTourette Jr, (Westminster '52) Alfred M. Landon, (Kansas '08)** R. Kirk Landon, (Georgia Tech '50) John H. Lathe,Jr., (Case Western Reserve '44)** Charles R. Lee, (Cornell '61) Fred J. Lekson, (Case Western Reserve '52) Donald B. Lindsley, (Wittenberg '32) William S. Livingston (Ohio State '42) Howard M. Logan, (Iowa State '46) Charles E. Lovejoy, (Illinois '20)** William C. MacDonald, (WPI '62) W. James MacIntosh, (Pennsylvania '22)** Ernest L. Mackie, (North Carolina '17)** Arthur Madison, (Minnesota '19)** Danner L. Mahood, (Virginia '22)** J. Kurt Mahrdt, (DePauw '28)** Louis A. Mangels, (Indiana '56) Theodore M. Mann, (Case Western Reserve '43) William A. Manuel, (Ohio Wesleyan '37)** Boyd A. Martin, (Idaho '36)** Robert B. Mathias, (Stanford '53) Walter W. McAllister III, (Texas '63) William T. McConnell, (Dension ‘55) Richard D. McCormick, (Iowa State '61) Porter McCoy, (DePauw '13)** Roland A. McCrady, (Pittsburgh '11)** Archibald H. McCulloch, (Texas '22)** Robert E. McCulloch, (Toronto '65, Western Ontario '69) John R. McGillivray, (Toronto '28)** James R. McKeldin, (Virginia '25)** Richard W. McKinney, (Lafayette '21, Texas '23)** Carl H. McLauthlin, (Colorado '37)** Richard F. McNamara, (Minnesota ‘56) Robert S. McNamara, (Cal @ Berkeley '37) Hamilton E. McRae, (Arizona '60) Phillip J. Meek, (Ohio Wesleyan '59) Nicholas J. Melas, (Chicago '45) Crandall Melvin, Jr., (Syracuse '51) Crandall Melvin, Sr., (Syracuse '11)** William G. Mennen, (Cornell '08)** Frederick T. Merchant, (Ohio Wesleyan '33)** G. Harold Merry, Jr. (Syracuse '34)** F. Carl Meyer, Jr., (Lafayette '35)** Frederick W Mielke, Jr., (Cal @ Berkeley '43) Donald R. Mighell (Texas ‘56) Kenneth J. Mighell, (Texas '52) James Millan, (Missouri '53)** Douglas W. Miller, (British Columbia '50)** J. Paul Miller, (Pittsburgh '15)** John S. Miller, (Idaho '29)** U. Grant Miller, (Washington & Jefferson '07)** William R. Miller, (Indiana '62) Abbot P. Mills, (Williams College '11)** Charles B. Mills, (Ohio Wesleyan '19)** Andrew L. Minier, (Nebraska '35) T. Dwight Mitchell, Jr., (Oklahoma '42) Almer S. Monroney, (Oklahoma '24)** William T. Morris, (Penn State '49)** J. Phillip Morrow, (Knox '63) John R. Munro, (Colgate '57) Wilbur H. Nagel, (Hanover '14)** George H. Nelson (Texas Tech ‘58) Jack W. Nicklaus, (Ohio State '61) H. Gilbert Nicol, (Amherst '44) Frank L. O'Bannon, (Indiana '52) Edward J. O'Connell, (Michigan '40, Alabama '40)** Barratt O'Hara II, (Colorado College '32)** Peter O’Malley, (Pennsylvania ‘60) Edwin J. Ogden III, (Purdue '52) L. Jay Oliva, (New York '67) John G. Pappajohn, (Iowa '52) John A. Parker, (Tennessee '38)** Norman V. Peale, (Ohio Wesleyan '20)** Richard A Pecaut (Iowa St. ’52) David W. Peck, (Wabash '23)** Ronald J. Pedrick, (Bucknell '60)** Roger S. Penske, (Lehigh '59) Thomas J. Peters, (Cornell '64) Thomas N. Pollard, Jr., (Richmond '53) George F. Qua (Michigan ‘52) Robert P. Radcliffe, (Sewanee '61, Kansas '61) Robert W. ‘Bobby’ Rahal (Denison ‘75) Edward S. Rand, (Amherst '31)** Jerry S. Rawls (Texas Tech ‘66) William C. Reed, (Indiana '17)** Ogden R. Reid, (Yale '49) Malcolm M. Renfrew, (Idaho '32) Dale F. Renner, (Ohio Wesleyan '50) Charles R. Richey, (Ohio Wesleyan '45)** James C. Rinaman, Jr. (Florida ‘56) H. Dean Ritchie, (Kansas '40) J. Proctor Ritchie (Kansas ‘39) William S. Robb, Sr., (Pennsylvania '34)** Frederick C. Robbins (Missouri '36) Ivan D. Robertson, (Texas '24)** Peter C. Rockel, (Wittenberg '21)** Gilbert M. Roddy, (MIT '31)** T. Daniel Romero, (Arizona '22)** Raymond J.Rudolph, (Purdue '45) Edward B. Rust, (Stanford '40)** John Sagan, (Ohio Wesleyan '48) Richard I. Sampson, (Washington '46) Charles L. Sargeant, (Purdue '26)** Dave E. Satterfield III, (Richmond '43)** Alexander K. Scherer, (Michigan '30)** Lee C. Schmitt, (Miami '63) Ronald Shcuffield (Tennessee ’71) Howard I. Scott, (Pittsburgh '45) John E. Scott, (Indiana '30)** Roy A. Seaberg, Jr., (WPI '56) William H. Seay, (Texas '41)** Fred M. Selkregg, (Pennsylvania State '13)** W. Edward Sell, (Washington & Jefferson '42) Michael R. Shaffer, (Wittenberg '49) Kennedy Shaw, (Syracuse '50)** John D. Sheppard, (Pittsburgh '44) George H. Shevlin, Jr., (Illinois '35)** Michael O. Shipley, (Syracuse '58) Thomas E. Shull, (Idaho '50) A. Anthes Smith, (Iowa '42)** Dean E. Smith, (Kansas '53) Herbert W. Smith, (Michigan '10)** Rollin B. Smith, (Nebraska '21)** William H. Smith (Purdue '39) Guy E. Snavley, (Allegheny '10)** N. W. "Jerry" Sololmon, (Nebraska '51) Gordon T. Speckman, (Denison '47) F. Alan Stamper, (Kansas '64) William A. Steele, (Colorado '26)** James H. Stellar, (Occidental '54, Arizona '54) Roderick Stephens, (Columbia '06)** George C. Sternad, Jr., (Ohio Wesleyan, Pennsylvania '47) Joseph M. Stewart, (Washington & Lee '38) W. Payne Stewart (Southern Methodist ‘79) ** Frederick Stines, Jr., (Iowa '49) Calvin C. Stoddard, (Oregon State, Iowa '38)** Arthur Surkamp, (Texas '13)** Fred R. Sutter, Sr. (Arizona ‘58) Burr S. Swezey, (Purdue '13)** John L. Swigert, Jr. (Colorado '53)** C. William Swinford, (Washington & Lee '43)** John R. Taylor, (Idaho '48) Robert Taylor (Southern Methodist ’52) Peter B. Teets, (Colorado '63) Harry E. Templeton, (Stanford '25)** W. Paul Thayer, (Kansas '42) Dean D. Thornton, (Idaho '52) T. Paul Tissot, (Stanford '17)** Hayse Tucker, (Colorado College '18)** James L. Tuman, (Michigan State ‘64) William R. VanAken, (Lafayette '34)** Nicholas A. Veliotes, (Cal. @ Berk. '53) Gerald E. Veltmann, (Texas '32)** Hicks B. Waldron, (Michigan '44) Stanley T. Wallbank, (Colorado '17)** R. W. Walters, Sr., (Pittsburgh '17)** DeWitt Waltmon (Texas '49) William J. Wardall, (Illinois '08)** Lucian C. Warren, (Denison '36)** George H. Watkins, (Chicago '35)** Robert D. Watt, (Washington '35) Roger L. Weinheimer, (Oregon State '51) Sherman S. Welpton, Jr. (Nebraska '30) Robert K. Whipple, (DePauw '53) Byron R. White, (Colorado '38) Lloyd H. Wiborg, (Arizona '61) Floyd Wilkins, Jr., (Cal @ Berkeley '46) Cecil J. “Scoop” Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan ’17)** James T. Willerson (Texas ‘61) Albert G. Williams, (Case West. Res. '27)** Barry L. Williams, (Florida '53)** Clarence H. Williams, (Case Western Reserve '14)** G. Mennen Williams, (Michigan '63)** Thomas H. Williams, Jr., (Auburn '62, Ala. '62) John F. Winch, (Michigan '46) Carl R. Woodward, Sr., (Rutgers '14)** Ellis T. Woolfolk, Jr., (Davidson '23) Thomas L. Wylie, (Hanover '63) Alfred H. Young, (Toronto '24)** James R. Young, (Johns Hopkins '25)** Richard D. Zanuck (Stanford ‘56) William S. Zerman, (Michigan '49) Donald J. Zinn, (Rhode Island '37)** ** indicates brother is deceased Revised 5/29/2003