EHP5 for SAP ERP 6.0 September 2011 English Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182) Business Process Documentation SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Copyright © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 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Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP France in the United States and in other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. © SAP AG Page 2 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax External Process Business Process Alternative/Decision Choice Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. © SAP AG Page 3 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Contents 1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 5 2 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Master Data ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Business Conditions ............................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Roles ...................................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Preliminary Steps ................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.1 Setting Controlling Area .................................................................................................. 8 3 Process Overview Table .................................................................................................. 9 4 Process Steps ................................................................................................................ 11 4.1 Stock Valuation for Raw Materials and Trading Goods ....................................................... 11 4.1.1 Procurement of Raw Materials and Trading Goods ..................................................... 11 4.1.2 Determination of Lowest Value for Raw Materials and Trading Goods on the Basis of Market Prices ........................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Stock Valuation of Semifinished and Finished Products – Determination of Lowest Value Using Inventory Costing ............................................................................................ 14 4.2.1 Copying Inventory to Controlling Version ..................................................................... 15 4.2.2 Posting Book Depreciation ........................................................................................... 17 4.2.3 Revaluation: Set Old Posted Values Depreciation to Zero ........................................... 18 4.2.4 Activity Price Planning - Plan Activity Based on Capacity (optional) ............................ 19 4.2.5 Activity Price Planning - Plan Reconciliation ................................................................ 21 4.2.6 Activity Price Planning - Change to Calculate Rates Based on Capacity (optional) .... 22 4.2.7 Activity Price Planning - Plan Price Calculation ............................................................ 23 4.2.8 Inventory Costing .......................................................................................................... 24 4.2.9 Price Update – Marking ................................................................................................ 25 4.3 Analyzing Stock Valuation for Materials using Price Comparison for Each Material Stock Account/Material Type/Material ........................................................................................... 26 4.4 Stock Value Adjustment ....................................................................................................... 28 5 Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 30 5.1 Reversal of Process Steps ................................................................................................... 30 © SAP AG Page 4 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing 1 Purpose This document outlines the process of inventory valuation at the end of the fiscal year. It provides end users with an example process description, which they can use as a template for their own valuation processes. The Business Process Documentation includes the following process steps: Review of the Inventory General Ledger Accounts and their related price difference/Production Variance accounts Calculation of the adjustment to the IFRS valuation. Manual inventory value adjustment posting in the financial accounting component These Business Process documents can be used by all companies running an SAP ERP system that integrates the Materials Management (MM), Production Planning (PP), Financial Accounting (FI), and Controlling (CO) components. Inventory valuation is carried out in accordance with IFRS, which states that the inventory must be valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value. The cost comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. 2 Prerequisites 2.1 Master Data You have entered the master data required to go through the procedural steps of this scenario. Ensure that the following scenario-specific master data exists before you run this scenario: Master data Selection Comment Material master Purchased and Manufactured materials. For example materials with material type FERT/HALB/ROH/VERP /HAWA No specific materials necessary, but transaction data must be available. Production master Data – BOM, Work center, routing For all FERT and HALB data that is used for costing with quantity structure No specific BOMs/Routings are necessary but they must have been used in the manufacture of semi/finished products. General Ledger Inventory accounts Inventory Accounts for each of the different types of inventory held. For Example: 130000 Raw materials 1 130010 Raw materials 2 130100 Operating supplies © SAP AG Value Page 5 of 30 SAP Best Practices Master data Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Value Selection Comment 130100 Operating supplies 2 133000 Spare parts 130110 Packaging materials 133010 Trading goods 132010 Semifinished product 132000 Finished products General Ledger Inventory accounts Inventory Value Adjustment accounts for each of the different types of inventory held.: 130001 Raw materials 1 130011 Raw materials 2 130101 Operating supplies 130101 Operating supplies 2 133001 Spare parts 130111 Packaging and empties 133011 Trading goods 132011 Semifinished product 132001 Finished products General Ledger Price Difference accounts PPV or Production Variance Accounts for each of the different types of inventory held: 500200 Raw Materials 1 - PPV 500210 Raw Materials 2 - PPV 500220 Operating Supplies - PPV 500230 Operating Supplies 2 - PPV 500240 Packaging and Empties - PPV 500340 Finished Products - Prod Var 500330 Semifinished Product - Prod Var 500250 Spare Parts PPV 500260 Trading Goods PPV © SAP AG Page 6 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD 2.2 Business Conditions The business process described in this Business Process Documentation is part of a bigger chain of integrated business processes or scenarios. Therefore you must have completed the following processes and fulfilled the following business conditions before you can start running this scenario: Business condition Scenario Before you can run this scenario, you must have completed the following scenarios: Procurement to stock (130) Make-to-Stock Production – Discrete Industry (145) (for material F126) or/and Repetitive Manufacturing (149) (for material S21) or/and Make-to-Stock Production – Discrete Industry (145) (for material F126) Make-to-Stock Production – Process Industry (146) (for material F29) or/and Procurement-to-Stock (130) Make-to-Stock – Process Industry (146) Make-to-Stock Production – Process Industry (146) (for material F29) Repetitive Manufacturing (149) (for material S21) Make-to-Stock – Process Industry (146) 2.3 Roles Use To run this scenario in the SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC), the following roles must already be installed. The roles in this Business Process Documentation must be assigned to the user or users running this scenario. You only need these roles if you are using the NWBC interface. You do not need these roles if you are using the standard SAP GUI. Prerequisites The business roles have been assigned to the user who is running this scenario. Business role Technical name Process step Employee (Professional User) SAP_NBPR_EMPLOYEE_S Assignment of this role is necessary for basic functionality. Warehouse Manager SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSEMANAG ER_M Determination of lowest value © SAP AG Page 7 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Business role Technical name Process step Warehouse Manager SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSEMANAG ER_M Analyze stock valuation Enterprise Controller SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M Copy inventory to CO-version Enterprise Controller SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M Post book depreciation Enterprise Controller SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M Revaluation Enterprise Controller SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M Activity price planning capacity (optional) Enterprise Controller SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M Plan reconciliation Enterprise Controller SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M Change rate base to capacity (optional) Enterprise Controller SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M Plan price calculation Product Cost Controller SAP_NBPR_PRDCOST_CONTRLR _S Costing (cost estimate) Product Cost Controller SAP_NBPR_PRDCOST_CONTRLR _S Price update General Ledger Accountant SAP_NBPR_FINACC_S Post stock revaluation 2.4 Preliminary Steps First, check if purchase requisitions are available in transaction MD04. If no purchase requisitions are available, perform the following steps: - In case of material planned by reorder point planning: MRP does not create purchase requisitions if the available quantity is bigger than the reorder point. In this case, reduce the stock of that material with MIGO and movement type 562. - In case of material planned by MRP type PD (MRP): MRP does not create purchase requisitions if the available quantity is larger than the current requirements. In this case, create planned independent requirements with MD61. You need to complete the settings and configurations that are necessary for a standard cost estimate. For an example, refer to the Product Cost Planning (169) scenario. 2.4.1 Setting Controlling Area Use The controlling area is to be set before you carry out the first steps in controlling. If the controlling area is already assigned in the user parameters (see the Quick Guide), this step is no longer necessary and can be omitted. © SAP AG Page 8 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Element Accounting Environment Set Controlling Area Transaction code OKKS Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu Overhead Cost Controlling Planning Planning Preparation Set Controlling Area 2. On the Set Controlling Area screen, in the field of Controlling area, enter 1000, and then choose Save (F5) your entry as a user parameter. 3 Process Overview Table Process step External process reference Stock Valuation for Raw Materials and Packaging Materials: Procurement of Raw Materials and Packaging Materials See 130 Procurement of Stock Material Business role Transaction code Expected results See 130 Procurement of Stock Material See 130 Procurement of Stock Material Valuated Material movements Stock Valuation for Raw Materials, packaging materials and trading goods : Determination of Lowest possible Value on the Basis of Market Prices Warehouse Manager MRN0 lowest value has been updated in the material master records Stock Valuation of Semifinished and Finished Products: Copy Inventory Controlling Version Enterprise Controller KP98 planned values in CO version 003 Stock Valuation of Semifinished and Finished Enterprise Controller S_ALR_87099918 planned values for taxbalance © SAP AG Business condition Page 9 of 30 SAP Best Practices Process step Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD External process reference Business condition Business role Transaction code Products: Post book depreciation Expected results depreciation in CO Version 003 Stock Valuation of Semifinished and Finished Products: Revaluation - set old posted values depreciation to zero Enterprise Controller Stock Valuation of Semifinished and Finished Products: Activity Price Planning - Plan Activity Based on Capacity Enterprise Controller Stock Valuation of Semifinished and Finished Products: Activity PricePplanning Plan Reconciliation Enterprise Controller KPSI activity type reconciliation in Version 003 Stock Valuation of Semifinished and Finished Products: Activity Price Planning Change to Calculate Rates Based on Capacity (Optional) Enterprise Controller KP26 activity type planning based on capacity in Version 003 Stock Valuation of Semifinished and Finished Products: Activity Price Planning – Plan Price Calculation Enterprise Controller KSPI calculated activity prices in Version 003 Inventory Costing Product Cost Controller CK11N value for material as result of cost estimate Price Update – Marking Product Cost Controller CK24 price update in material master © SAP AG KP90 planned values for costaccounting depreciation are zero KP26 capacity for activity type in Version 003 Page 10 of 30 SAP Best Practices Process step Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Business role Transaction code Analyzing Stock Valuation for Materials Using Price Comparison for Each Material Stock Account/Material Type/Material Warehouse Manager MRN9 Stock Value Adjustment General Ledger Accountant FB50, FB50L 4 External process reference Business condition Expected results value posted in accounting Process Steps 4.1 Stock Valuation for Raw Materials and Trading Goods Use To perform a material valuation for balance sheet purposes using the lowest value principle, physical inventory prices are required. These prices are used to calculate the value for balance sheet valuation. This scenario describes the procedures for lowest value determination on the basis of market prices. The system determines a costing result that can differ from the costs of goods manufactured. This value is updated in the material master to determine the lowest value. The system compares the costing result with the current price in accordance with price control and the price from the previous period. The lowest value is then updated in the commercial price. Legal inventory requirements (German GAAP): In Germany, it is not allowed to sell goods below their purchase price. Therefore, the sales price is irrelevant for the valuation of purchased goods. Prerequisites Materials of material type ROH, HAWA Stocks Posted receipts and issues To carry out the business processes in this scenario, the materials that should be considered must be available and assigned to the storage locations. 4.1.1 Procurement of Raw Materials and Trading Goods Use In a business, inventory is calculated at the end of a fiscal year. During the fiscal year, materials have been procured. The purchasing process can take place with several characteristics. The © SAP AG Page 11 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD following description will focus on purchasing prices and price-dependencies, regardless of the logistical characteristics. This step is not a prerequisite for inventory calculation, but provides the transaction data that is relevant for this process. Process Reference to Procurement without QM (130) scenario You can do the physical inventory beforehand, but, it is not needed as a prerequisite for doing the inventory calculation. Normally, the physical inventory is a step in the year-end procedure and is done before the valuation process for the year-end. Process Reference to Physical Inventory / Inventory Count & Adjustment (137) scenario 4.1.2 Determination of Lowest Value for Raw Materials and Trading Goods on the Basis of Market Prices Use The lowest value based on market prices should be determined. The system searches for the lowest price (or alternatively the most recent price) among the various prices stored for each material. The determination can be done at material level or based on other selections, for example the material type used. This process steps is based on material types. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Materials Management Valuation Balance Sheet Valuation Determination of Lowest Value Market Prices Transaction code MRN0 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Warehouse Manager (SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSEMANAGER_M) Business role menu Warehouse Management Balance Sheet Valuation Deter. Lowest Value: Market Prices 2. On the Determine Lowest Value: Market Prices screen, enter the following values: Field name Company Code © SAP AG Description User action and values Comment 1000 Page 12 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Key Date Period end Plant 1000 Material Type ROH, HAWA 3. In the Price Comparison group box, choose Market Price. 4. On the Overview tab page in the Select the Required Price Sources dialog box, assign the ranking to the comparison prices: Checkbox Description Checkbox User action Field Ranking Value Receipt Prices Select 2 Order Prices Select 1 Sched.agmt prices Select 3 Contract prices Select 5 Info record prices Select 4 Standard prices Deselect This ranking is an example and has to be adjusted to the specific customer needs. 5. On the Receipts tab page in the Select the Required Price Sources dialog box, enter the following data: Field name Description User action and values Comment Receipt prices Select Analyzed prices for example, 1 Posting date from Any date for example, <current date> Posting date to Any date for example, end of current month Strategy A Lowest Price of Receipts in Time Interval Ex.rate Comp. A Document Exchange Rate 6. On the POs, Contracts, Sched. Agmts screen, under Info Records tab pages in the Select the Required Price Sources dialog box, adjust the purchase order date in the same way as the posting date on the Receipts tab page. The strategy and the exchange rate comparison are also defined in the same way as on the Receipts tab page. 7. Exit the dialog box by choosing Continue (Enter) and go back to the selection screen. 8. In the Price Comparison group box, choose Comparison Price. 9. In the Select a Comparison Price dialog box, select Lowest Val. Comparison. Below this box, specify the prices that the system will compare in order to determine the lowest value. Select the following: Current Material Price Current Standard Price Current MAP 10. Confirm your entries and exit the dialog box by choosing Continue (Enter). © SAP AG Page 13 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD 11. In the Update Material Master group box, select Database Update. Two additional pushbuttons appear on the selection screen: Change Material Prices and Update Prices. 12. To copy the lowest value to an inventory price field, choose Update Prices. 13. In the Update Prices – Select. dialog box, select Commercial Price 1. Confirm your entry by choosing Continue (Enter). 14. Choose Execute (F8) to determine the lowest value. The system displays a warning saying you that you have not entered a material number interval. If you have large volumes of material master data, you should enter a material number interval. The system outputs an evaluation for each material. This evaluation specifies the price that is used as the comparison price and shows whether a new price was determined for the valuation. 15. Open a second session by choosing Create a New Session or System Create Session. 16. Call up transaction MM03 Display Material and enter a material number from the lowest value determination overview. Select the Accounting 1 and Accounting 2 views and enter plant 1000. 17. Check the price according to price control and the commercial inventory price 1. Then compare the values with the lowest value determination log. 18. Choose Exit. Result The Commercial Price 1 field in materials master records has been updated with the lowest value (material types ROH and HAWA). 4.2 Stock Valuation of Semifinished and Finished Products – Determination of Lowest Value Using Inventory Costing Use Based on the commercial prices of the material components and the adjusted prices of the activity types considering several valuation approaches, the system determines a costing result that differs from the costs of goods manufactured. This calculated value is updated in the material master in the procedure for determining the lowest value. Stock valuation of semifinished and finished products can only be done with production. If production is not activated, this step cannot be executed. This inventory costing might produce a value that is smaller than the released cost of goods manufactured estimate. In this case, you can carry out the stock valuation on the basis of the new calculated inventory costs. Prerequisites © SAP AG Page 14 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Costing variant for inventory costing Actual cost-accounting depreciation for the production cost center exists The Commercial Price 1 in the material master records of purchased materials (raw materials and trading goods) contains the lowest value (see process step before: Determination of Lowest Value for Raw Materials and Trading Goods on the Basis of Market Prices) Adjusting/Planning activity prices for each cost center The activity types for the machine hours that are used in the work centers to calculate the costs of goods manufactured can contain different depreciation cost for assets for local accounting. Costing for activity prices should include the expenses for depreciations of machines that are directly assigned to the work center. If the expenses for depreciations included in the price cost estimate differ greatly, the prices should be calculated in accordance with local legislation in plan version 3 Plan Version Local Valuation. In the following steps, you maintain prices for activity types in plan version 3. This process does not involve a complete price calculation with transfer of the depreciation values to plan version 3. The process of the activity price calculation is also described in the Manufacturing Cost Center Planning (176) scenario Reference to Manufacturing Cost Center Planning (176) scenario The following steps are preliminary steps for reaching the activity price in consideration of the local requirements for valuation. 4.2.1 Copying Inventory to Controlling Version Use The current actual controlling version data is copied to the controlling version, which is used for inventory calculation. In further steps, postings need to be adjusted to legal regulations. Prerequisites The controlling-plan version 3 (local valuation) exists and actual postings for the valuation period has been done. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Planning Planning Aids Copy Copy Actual to Plan Transaction code KP98 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role © SAP AG Enterprise Controller Page 15 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu Overhead Cost Controlling Planning Planning: Cost Centers Copy Actual to Plan If the dialog box Set Planner Profile appears, enter SAPALL in the field of Planner Profile. 2. On the Copy Actual to Plan screen, enter the following data: Field Name Description Controlling Area User Actions and values Comment 1000 Target Cost Centers Cost centers Select for example 1301, 1302 Or the cost center group that is necessary for all cost centers with allocations. If there are distribution and/or assessment planned to be done, copy all cost centers that are involved in these allocation Template Actual Period 1-12 Fiscal Year <current year> Target (Plan) Version 003 Period 1-12 Fiscal Year <current year> Version used for inventory calculation Actual Data Select Actual Data select Structure w/values select Select „Primary Costs“ in „Actual data” screen. Processing options Reset and overwrite select Test Run Deselect Detail List Select Select in test mode if no postings should be done Execute © SAP AG Page 16 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Result The planning report can be checked with transaction KSBL. Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Information System Planning Reports Cost Centers: Planning Overview Transaction code KSBL Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu 4.2.2 Overhead Cost Controlling Reporting Cost Centers Cost Centers: Planning overview Posting Book Depreciation Use Book depreciation is posted to cost center accounting with controlling version used for inventory calculation. Prerequisites The Asset Accounting is in use and a special depreciation area for the book depreciation on planned cost centers is active. Also, an asset master record with the link to a production cost center must exist. For demo data refer to Prerequisite Process Steps (154) scenario Or Run the processes in the Create Assets (155.02) scenario, using our master data. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Planning Planning Aids Transfers Depreciation/Interest FI-AA Transaction code S_ALR_87099918 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu © SAP AG Overhead Cost Controlling Planning Planning: Cost Centers Primary Cost Planning: Depreciation/Interest Page 17 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD 1. On the Primary Cost Planning: Depreciation/Interest screen, enter the following data: Field Name Description User Actions and values Comment 1000 Company Code Settings 01 Depreciation area For Book Balance Planning periods Period 1-12 Fiscal Year current year Further settings for planning Plan Version 003 Version used for inventory calculation 50000 Exclude these asset classes. Select More Edit All Selections Asset Classes Select Multiple Selection Exclude Single Values Tab 79000 89000 95000 95010 95020 Click Copy Test run deselect Execute Result Planned book depreciations under the depreciation area are posted to a cost center under a costing element. Example Here the depreciation is booked under the cost element 920500 to the cost center 1301. 4.2.3 Revaluation: Set Old Posted Values Depreciation to Zero Use If you transfer the tax-based depreciations to the inventory version of cost center accounting, you need to delete the costing-based depreciations in this version. Prerequisites Costing-based depreciations have been booked for the corresponding fiscal year. © SAP AG Page 18 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Planning Planning Aids Delete Planned Costs Transaction code KP90 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu Overhead Cost Controlling Planning Planning: Cost Centers Delete Planned Costs 2. On the “Delete Planned Costs” Screen, enter the following data: Field Name Description User Actions and values Version 003 Fiscal Year <current year> Comment Restrictions Cost element 920100-920400 Cost elements that are assigned for costing based depreciation Processing option Test run deselect Execute Result The actual posted cost accounting depreciations are deleted. The planning version 003 contains only costs for the tax depreciation assigned to the production cost center. 4.2.4 Activity Price Planning - Plan Activity Based on Capacity (optional) Use In this activity, you will plan activities rates based on capacity. This step is needed for manufactured materials. In this case activity types are included in product costing. Finished goods should be checked at year end for correct valuation and this includes the use of activity type rates based on actual figures. Optional step – if capacity of cost centers is to be adopted © SAP AG Page 19 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Prerequisite CO Version 3 is maintained The actual data of the current year are copied as plan data into CO version 3 Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Planning Activity/Output prices Change Transaction code KP26 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu Overhead Cost Controlling Planning Planning: Cost Centers Change Activity Type/Price Planning 2. On the Change Activity Type/Price Planning - Initial Screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Version 3 From period 1 To period 12 Fiscal year <current year> Cost Center Group 1000 Activity Type Group YBMF_P01_AT Form-based X Comment Activity types used for manufacturing 3. Choose Overview. 4. Enter the number of hours calculated based on capacity in Capacity column. 5. The Plan Activity column must be zero or a contingency amount to adjust scheduled quantity. If a third quantity is needed in the business, it can be entered in the Plan Activity column. In this case, the step Plan Reconciliation should not be executed as this will add scheduled quantity to the planned quantity. 6. Equivalent number must be 1 for activity 1 and blank for the others. 7. Choose Save. Result The capacity is updated in the cost center. © SAP AG Page 20 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD To generate a report, use transaction code S_ALR_87013647. 4.2.5 Activity Price Planning - Plan Reconciliation Use In this activity, you will plan reconciliation. Prerequisites The activity requirements have been transferred from LTP or other production planning scenarios to cost center accounting. For the process of transfer refer to Manufacturing Cost Center Planning (176) scenario, perform step “Transfer Planned Activity Requirements for Production”. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Planning Planning Aids Plan Reconciliation Transaction code KPSI Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu Overhead Cost Controlling Planning Planning: Cost Centers Execute Plan Reconciliation 2. On the Execute Plan Reconciliation - Initial Screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Cost Center group 1000 Version 003 From period 1 To period 12 Fiscal year <current year> Detail lists <Select> Test Run <Select as needed> Comment CO planning version 3. Choose Execute. Result The scheduled activity is added to plan activity and updated as plan in the cost center. © SAP AG Page 21 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD To generate a report, use transaction code KSBL. The planned activity from the cost center (usually 0) is shown as well as the new plan activity. Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Information System Planning Reports Cost Centers: Planning Overview Transaction code KSBL Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu 4.2.6 Overhead Cost Controlling Reporting Cost Centers Cost Centers: Planning overview Activity Price Planning - Change to Calculate Rates Based on Capacity (optional) Use In the normal flow of business, activity rates will be calculated based on planned activity. If your business wants to calculate activity rates based on capacity, execute this step. Prerequisites To execute this activity, go to transaction KL02 Basic Data tab Allocation Default values, and enter 2 in the Price indicator – Plan price, automatically based on activity field. This is an optional step. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Planning Activity/Output prices Change Transaction code KP26 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu Overhead Cost Controlling Planning Planning: Cost Centers Change Activity Type/Price Planning 2. On the Change Activity Type/Price Planning - Initial Screen, make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 22 of 30 SAP Best Practices Field name Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Description User action and values Version 3 From period 1 To period 12 Fiscal year <current year> Cost Center Group 1000 Activity Type Group YBMF_P01_AT Form-based X Comment 3. Choose Overview. 4. Change planned price indicator column to 2 to calculate the rates based in the Capacity column. 5. Choose Save. Result The plan is updated with the correct plan price indicator. 4.2.7 Activity Price Planning - Plan Price Calculation Use This activity is used for an automatic calculation of plan prices in inventory calculation version. The basis for the rate calculation depends on the settings in the master data of the activity type. Prerequisites Case: “Step Activity Price Planning – Plan Activity Based on Capacity” is not executed: the plan price will be calculated on the basis of the plan activity. Case: “Step Activity Price Planning – Plan Activity Based on Capacity” is executed: the plan price will be calculated on the basis of the capacity. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Planning Allocations Price Calculation Transaction code KSPI Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu © SAP AG Overhead Cost Controlling Planning Planning: Cost Centers Execute Plan Price Calculation Page 23 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD 2. On the Execute Plan Price Calculation – Initial Screen, make the following entries: Field name Description User actions and values Cost Center Group 1000 Version 3 From period 1 To period 12 Fiscal year <current year> Test Run x Detail Lists x Comment CO plan version 3. Choose Execute. Result The activity prices are calculated. To generate a report, use transaction code KSBL. Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Information System Planning Reports Cost Centers: Planning Overview Transaction code KSBL Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Enterprise Controller (SAP_NBPR_CONTROLLER_M) Business role menu 4.2.8 Overhead Cost Controlling Reporting Cost Centers Cost Centers: Planning overview Inventory Costing Use In this activity, you will execute the costing run. Prerequisites The single-level materials have been updated with the commercial price 1 in the material master. The tariff in Version 3 is available. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Material Costing Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure Create Transaction code CK11N © SAP AG Page 24 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Product Cost Controller (SAP_NBPR_PRDCOST_CONTRLR_S) Business role menu Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Create Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure 2. On the Costing Data tab page on the Create Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure screen, enter the following values: Field name Description User action and values Comment Material Use a materials with type HALB and FERT Finished and semifinished products Plant 1000 Costing Variant YB03 Costing Version 1 Inventory valuation variant 3. Choose the Dates tab page and enter the following data: Costing Date from: Period start Costing Date to: Period end Qty Structure Date: <date> Valuation Date: <date> 4. Confirm your entries by choosing Enter. The system begins the cost estimate automatically. 5. Check the values and compare the result with the prices in the material master (transaction MM03 Display Material). 6. Save the inventory cost estimate. Result The saved inventory cost estimate can now be used to update the inventory price in the material master. 4.2.9 Price Update – Marking Use The prices needed for year-end inventory valuations are updated in material master records. Prerequisites Cost estimate with the costing variant YB03 with the status “KA” exists. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu © SAP AG Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Page 25 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Cost Planning Material Costing Price Update Transaction code CK24 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Product Cost Controller (SAP_NBPR_PRDCOST_CONTRLR_S) Business role menu Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Price Update: Mark Standard Price 2. On the Price Update: Mark Standard Price screen, choose Other Prices. 3. On the Price Update: Release Other Prices screen, make the following entries: Field Name Description User Actions and values Company Code 1000 Plant 1000 Material Use all materials with type HALB and FERT Costing Variant YB03 Costing Date <date> Costing Version 1 Comment 4. In the Update Prices in Material Master Record group box, set the Commercial Price 1 checkbox. 5. Choose Execute (F8) to carry out the update. 6. On the Price Update screen, the system provides a short log for the test run. The log contains green traffic lights and the message Of 1 (or the number of materials that have been selected) materials, 1 (or the number of materials that have been selected) cost estimates were updated successful. 7. Choose Back until you get to the Price Update: Release Other Prices selection screen. 8. Use the same selection parameters as in the test run for the price release. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Deselect the Test Run indicator in the Processing Options group box. 9. Update the prices in update mode and choose Back. 10. Call up transaction MM03 and check whether the prices have been updated in the material master. Result The lowest value is determined in inventory costing when the prices are updated in the material master record. The system compares the valuation price according to price control for the current period or previous period with the costing result. If the valuation price is lower, this price is updated, rather than the value determined in inventory costing, as the tax or commercial price. Commercial price 1 has been updated in the Accounting 1 view in the material master. 4.3 Analyzing Stock Valuation for Materials using Price Comparison for Each Material Stock © SAP AG Page 26 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD Account/Material Type/Material Use The process of analyzing the material prices supports the valuation adjustment posting. The price comparison report supplies the current stock values and the lowest stock value at various aggregation levels: material stock account, material type, and material. The difference between the stock values can then be posted in FI as a stock value adjustment. Prerequisites Material valuation Stocks Evaluation by material stock account only in the case of system integration (account determination) with FI Physical inventory Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Materials Management Valuation Balance Sheet Valuation Results Balance Sheet Value Per Account Transaction code MRN9 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Warehouse Manager (SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSEMANAGER_M) Business role menu Warehouse Management Balance Sheet Valuation Balance Sheet Values by Account 2. On the Balance Sheet Values by Account screen, enter the following parameters: Field name Description User action and values Company Code 1000 Key Date End of the month in current year Plant 1000 © SAP AG Comment Page 27 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD The selection can be further restricted by material type or material number interval. If you have large volumes of material master data, you should always further restrict the selection. If you do not restrict the selection by material/material type, the system outputs a message when you execute the report, informing you that you have not made any restrictions. In this example, you can confirm this message by choosing Enter. Result The report presents the balance sheet values for each account, subdivided into valuation areas and material numbers, as follows: Material/Description Stock Quantity Stock Value Tax Value Commercial Value Bal. Sheet Value For the stock value, the current material price according to price control is multiplied by the stock quantity. The tax value is calculated from the stock quantity, multiplied by the tax price or the current material price. The commercial value is calculated from the stock quantity, multiplied by the commercial price or the current material price. The balance sheet value is the lowest value of the stock, tax, and commercial values. For a revaluation of products, it needs to be decided whether a value adjustment posting for year-end closing is required. This decision has to be made for each material depending on the material type. 4.4 Stock Value Adjustment Use To carry out the stock revaluation, you need to make a posting to the relevant stock adjustment accounts. A stock value adjustment represents a balance sheet valuation. Therefore you should not post it to the material stock accounts for updating the goods movements. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Document Entry Enter G/L Account Document Transaction code FB50 or FB50L(for ledger group) Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role General Ledger Accountant (SAP_NBPR_FINACC_S) Business role menu © SAP AG General Ledger Posting Posting Post G/L Account Document Page 28 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD 2. On the Enter G/L Account Document: Company Code 1000 screen, enter the following values: Field name Description User action and values Comment Document Date Period end Posting Date Period end Currency ZAR Reference Stock Valuation Doc. Header Text Revaluation Material types for example: ROH,, HAWA, HALB, FERT G/L Acct 132001 Item 1 D/C Credit Item 1 Value Value from stock value comparison log Item 1 G/L Acct 500540 Item 2 D/C Debit Item 2 Value Value from stock value comparison log Item 2 Cost Center 1201 Item 2 3. Choose Simulate to display and check the document. 4. If the document does not contain any errors, choose Post. This document is an example. Any other stock differences from the price comparison report must be posted in the same way. The various material stock accounts can be revaluated in a document. If necessary, you can define a unique revaluation account for each material stock account. In the balance sheet structure, the stock revaluation accounts must be assigned to the material stock account items. This ensures a complete view of the current stock on the balance sheet key date. Result Revaluating stock in separate adjustment accounts is a simple way of keeping record of revaluation postings and history. If MM and FI are fully integrated, it is usually not possible to post to the material stock accounts manually. The aim of this is to separate posting procedures in upstream components from standardizing entries and to ensure that system integration can be checked from a technical perspective. © SAP AG Page 29 of 30 SAP Best Practices Inventory Valuation for Year-End Closing (182): BPD 5 Appendix 5.1 Reversal of Process Steps In the following table, you find the most common reversal steps, which you can take to reverse some of the activities described in this document. Determination of Lowest Value Transaction code ( SAP GUI) MRN0 Reversal: N/A Transaction code ( SAP GUI) N/A Business role Warehouse Manager (SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSEMANAGER_M) Business role menu Warehouse Management Balance Sheet Valuation Deter. Lowest Value: Market Prices Comment You can overwite the updated prices © SAP AG Page 30 of 30