Minutes of the First Meeting of the Governing Council, NCSR Hub A meeting of the Governing Council was held on 23rd September, 2011 at the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Government of India (GoI). The following were present: 1. Mr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Secretary, DPE, GoI 2. Dr. S. Parasuraman, Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) 3. Dr. Sharit Bhowmik, Dean, School of Management and Labour Studies, TISS 4. Mr. Ashok Kawadia, Joint Secretary, DPE, GoI 5. Ms. Vanadana Chanana, Head – CSR, GAIL (Representative from PSU) 6. Representative from SCOPE 7. Mr. Rakesh Bhartiya, Director, DPE, GoI 8. Dr. B. Venkatesh Kumar, Director, CSR Hub After initial observations, Secretary, DPE, Director, TISS, and Director, CSR Hub, were requested to conduct the proceedings of the meeting. 1) The Council noted and approved the Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Council held on 30th June, 2011. 2) Director, CSR Hub gave the Status Report of the activities of the CSR Hub. a. The Committee noted with satisfaction the progress made by the Hub in engaging with several Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). The Secretary, DPE also noted with satisfaction the progress made by TISS and its partner institution, in its efforts towards Training representatives of CSR personnel of PSUs. The Secretary also observed that additional efforts to be made to get on board other PSUs for training. The Director, TISS also informed the Council about the need to strengthen the course curriculum for the Training. b. Director, DPE, Mr. Rakesh Bhartiya mentioned an amount of Rs. 15 lakhs as a onetime grant given to TISS for the year 2010-11 upon submission of the Utilisation Certificate an Annual recurring grant of Rs. 3.6 lakhs will be paid towards engagement of Research staff for 2011-12. TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 1 c. The Director, CSR Hub also gave an update on the process of Empanelment, mentioning that a robust and transparent system has been put in place for the empanelment of NGOs. d. He also gave an update on the individual profile of the CSR personnel. The Secretary, DPE observed that the Hub should have a core group of personnel recruited apart from Project-specific appointments. e. Arising out of a discussion on project-specific funding and the funding for the corpus, Director, Hub and Director, TISS informed the Council that a Society under the Section 25 will be set up so that the fund flow for the CSR Hub is professional managed and a robust and transparent system is put in place. At this point Director, TISS also informed that such a corpus would be managed by team and system of Director, TISS, Registrar, Chartered Accountant, Dean, Deputy Registrar (Finance& Accounts), Director, Hub. Members of the Management team will not be paid out of the Corpus Fund. f. With a view to increase the resource mobilization for the Hub, so as to enable the Hub to recruit more consultants, research personnel, it was resolved that PSUs would be requested to contribute the Corpus fund – a one-time allocation of 2% out of their CSR budget in a particular year. TISS will approach PSUs till such a time when the Corpus amount achieves a target of Rs. 50 crores. This, the Committee felt, will enable TISS to meet its financial requirements in running the cost of the CSR Hub. g. The Director, Hub presented to the Council the Income-Expenditure and Balance amount of the CSR Hub. 3) Director, TISS presented the Strategy Paper on the way in which the PSUs should develop their strategy. The Secretary, DPE complimented TISS for taking such an initiative and suggested that PSUs be left with an option that either pursuing individual CSR strategy in keeping with their individual requirements OR allow a group of PSUs to work towards their CSR strategy, based on their strategy paper. However, the Secretary, DPE suggested the organisational structure of the Hub be in tune with the DPE guidelines. 4) Secretary, DPE underlined the potential that the CSR Hub has in bringing about such a transformation and emphasised that over time the PSUs should be recognised for their TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 2 immense contribution of CSR activities by instituting CSR Awards like Best Research Paper, Best Case Study Award, Best Documentation, etc. He also observed that the day of the Inauguration of the CSR Hub, 21st March, be also noted as the Annual Day of the Hub where such awards can be announced. 5) The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks. The Director, TISS put on record the immense contribution made by Secretary, DPE – Mr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, in conceptualizing CSR as a potential of the PSUs in transforming the socio-economic milieu of the country and these initiatives and contribution are laudable. This expression of appreciation and gratitude was also echoed by the Dean, TISS and other Representatives of various institutions. Updates of the NCSR Hub Table 5.1.refers to the status of each PSU that has signed or is in the process of signing the MoU with the NCSR Hub. This will give a clear picture of the tasks completed, on hand and to be undertaken, and by which Programme Officers (POs), for the following PSUs. Table 5.2.and 5.3.refer to the updates on CSR training with different institutions (including TISS, Mumbai), which will conduct the programme for the CSR personnel of PSUs. Table 5.1.Status Update on the PSUs (as on 21.09.2011): Sr. No. 1. Name of PSU GAIL Status Baseline survey and Impact Assessment Draft report completed. Response being prepared for the points in discussion in the Report Final report yet to be submitted Projects for Impact assessment informed by GAIL. Details awaited Empanel NGOs once report is final Review CSR policy CSR Trainin g Updates No informat ion received TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 Company contact person Contac t details PO incharge Mr. Vikas Gupta, CM (CSR & Maint.) vikasgu pta@ga il.co.in Avadh Bihari & Abhinav Prakash 3 2. Goa Shipyard 3. RCF Ltd. Baseline survey report submitted. Out of Rs.12 Lakhs budget for Hub studies, 30% - Rs.360,000 3rdinstalment received. 20% final installment left. Account details to be given Proposal with budget for entrepreneurial projects no. 3&4 from Prof. Satyajit Majumdar Empanelment process to start for rest of the projects Budget for training- to be discussed Baseline survey report submitted for Thal. Empanelment process on. Estimated completion time- Oct. 4th Register ed and confirm ation given for the upcomin g Training program me. Two Consultants from Social Entreprene urship No informat ion received Mr. A.N. Gandhe, Dy. General Manager (CC/CSR) No informat ion received Mr. S. Gopinath, ISKON’s (Akshaypatra) food programme for M ward schools and Diamond Garden Project by Chembur Citizen’s Group-approved by NCSR Hub 4. ONGC Revised draft of Proposal & budget submitted for Baseline Survey and Impact Assessment. Approval awaited Send Articles of Association from DPE to receive corpus fund TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 Ms. Anusha Chatterjee angand he@rcf ltd.com Phone No.022255231 38/240 45012 Fax No.022240453 05 sgopina th99@g mail.co m Avadh Bihari Avadh Bihari anusha. chatterj ee@gm ail.com 4 5. NCL (Coal India Subsidiary) 6. Proposal & budget submitted for Baseline Survey and Impact Assessment. Approval awaited Account details to be given No informat ion received Mr. Ashok Kumar Singh, Sr. Manager (Civil/ CSR) Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) No informat ion received Ms. Lipi Das 7 IOCL Register ed and confirm ation awaited. 7.1. IOCL – Tamil Nadu 7.2. IOCL – Banglore 7.3. IOCL – Western Region Baseline survey to be conducted to be conducted by Dec 2011 Full-time consultants to be appointed for GRSE from 1st Nov. 2011 Project in Leh-Ladakh by Hindustan Prefab Ltd. (HPL). Identify agencies for ongoing projects (by 4th Oct) Account details to be given Refer 7.1., 7.2., and 7.3. Draft of Proposal & bud1get submitted for Baseline Survey. Approval awaited Draft of Proposal & budget submitted for Baseline Survey. Approval awaited Draft of Proposal & budget submitted for a Project Evaluation Study. Approval awaited No informat ion received TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 ashr410 @yaho o.co.in M: +91942517 8841 hra.sm1 @grse. co.in Priyanka Korde -- -- -- Ms. Mary J Louisa jmlouis a@iocl. co.in Avadh Bihari Mr. V.Himabi ndu, DM(HR)KASO vhbind Priyanka u@indi Srivastava anoil.co .in Mr. G.K. Khandate, Sr. Manager (Emp. Relations) gkhand ate@in dianoil. co.in Neha Yadav Priyanka Korde 5 8. Mazgaon Docks Ltd. 9. Cochin Shipyard 10. Power Finance Corporation MoU has been signed Work on schedule Baseline Survey conducted NGOs identified. NGOs executing projects arising out of Baseline Survey. Request was to be sent on 19th September 2011 for Baseline Survey. Details awaited from Cochin Shipyard. No informat ion received MoU being put to the Board (28th Sept). Corpus fund will be given to the Hub 3 Projects communicated by PFC, to be reviewed by NCSR Hub No informat ion received MoU forwarded to PSE to be signed. Awaiting final signed MoU from PSE. MoU to be signed. Negotiations in process. Corpus fund will be given to the Hub. MoU to be signed. Informed the Hub with a list of their CSR Projects, to be evaluated by the Hub. No informat ion received No informat ion received No informat ion received Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL) 12. Coal India Ltd. 13. BHEL 11. No informat ion received TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 Priyanka Srivastava 6 14. Tehri Hydro Developme nt Corporation India Limited (THDCIL) No information received 15. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. – Vishakhapat nam Steel Plant (RINLVSP) Manganese Ore (India) Limi ted MoU has been sent. Revised MoU received from PSU to review and finalise. Rural Electrificati on Corporation Limited Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited No information received RailTel Corporation of India Ltd. (RCIL) Indian Rare Earths Ltd. List of CSR Projects communicated to the Hub. Hub has sent its approval of the same. Meeting held seeking clarifications regarding the Hub studies. PSU wants the Hub to suggest projects for CSR in four locations in India. Baseline survey suggested. Details to be sent via formal mail by PSU. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. No information received No information received Register ed and confirm ation given for the upcomin g Training program me. Register ed and confirm ation awaited. Register ed and confirm ation awaited. Register ed and confirm ation awaited. Register ed and confirm ation awaited. No informat ion received TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 7 21. 22. 23. 24. Bridge and Roof Co India Ltd. Mumbai Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. Chennai Petroleum Braithwaite Burn and Jessop Constructio n Company Limited Skill Development scheme communicated to the Hub. Communications in process. Rs. 40 lacs approved as CSR for M-ward project MoU being sent to Hub Requested a list of empanelled NGOs. MoU to be signed for this process – communicated by the Hub. Response awaited. TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 Rohan Sharma 8 Table 5.2.Update on the Training of PSUs with 7 academic institutes: No . 1. 2. Registered Institution IPE, Hyderabad TISS, Mumbai No. of PSUs 11 07 Name of the PSUs Zones 1. BEML Ltd 2. Bharat Dynamics Ltd 3. Bharat Electronics Ltd 4. Cochin Shipyard 5. Ennore Port Ltd 6. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. 7. KIOCL Ltd 8. Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemical Limited 9. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd 10. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. 11. NMDC Ltd 12. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd 13. Dredging Corporation of India 1. Goa Shipyard 2. IOCL 3. Manganese Ore India Ltd 4. Rural Electrification Corporation Status of Registration South Confirmation awaited. West Goa Shipyard and THDCIL have confirmed. Response from 5 PSEs awaited TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 No. of People Date of Training (Tentative ) Not confirm ed October- 2 programs, Nov- 2 programs, Dec- 1 program. Dates not finalized yet Not confirm ed October 13th and 14th, 2011 9 Ltd 5. THDCIL 6. RashtriyaIspat Nigam Ltd. (RINL) 7. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd 3. 4. EDI, Ahemdaba d OKD, Guwahati 07 08 1. HPCL 2. Northern Coalfields 3. Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Ltd 4. Western Coalfields Ltd 5. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd 6. Container Corporation of India 7. State Trading Corporation of India 1. North Eastern Electric Power Corp Ltd 2. Numaligarh Refinery Ltd 3. Oil India Ltd 4. NHPC Ltd 5. Airports Authority of India Ltd 6. Central Warehousin TOTAL –9 persons West Confirmed HPCL – 6 persons September 15th, 16th State Trading Corp. of India – 3 persons North East Completed Phase-I of training TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 15 persons Training scheduled on Sept. 20th and 21st 10 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IIFT, Delhi 07 5. 6. 7. 6. IMI 12 g Corp Ltd Hindustan Paper Corp Ltd Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd Engineers India Ltd MMTC Ltd ONGC Power Finance Corp Shipping Corp of India Steel Authority of India GAIL 1. Bharat Pumps & Compressor s Ltd 2. India Tourism DevCorpn Ltd 3. Ircon Internationa l Ltd 4. National Fertilizers Ltd 5. National Small Industries Corpn Ltd 6. NTPC Ltd 7. RITES Ltd 8. WAPCOS Ltd 9. SJVN Ltd 10. Housing & North Mailed 6 PSEs, confirmation awaited Not confirm ed October 10th and 11th, 2011 NSICL –2 persons RITES2 persons North Confirmed TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 WAPC OS- 1 person September 22nd, 23rd SJVN Ltd.-4 persons 11 7. XIM 13 Urban Dev Corporation Ltd 11. Bharat Petroleum Corpn Ltd 12. Mazagaon Dock Ltd 1. Balmer Lorrie & Co. Ltd 2. Bridge & Roof CO (India) Ltd 3. Central Coalfields Ltd 4. Coal India Ltd 5. Engineering Projects (India) Ltd 6. Hindustan Copper Ltd 7. MSTC Ltd 8. Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd 9. MECON Ltd 10. National Aluminium Company Ltd 11. South Eastern Coalfields 12. Power Grid Corporation of India 13. RCF Ltd East No information TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 No informat ion No Informatio n 12 Table 5.3. Details of Training of PSUs: Following are the details of the training programme of the PSUs going to be held in Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai: No. PSU Status of Registration 1. Goa Shipyards Registered & 9 Confirmed 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. No. of People Date of Training (Tentative) 13-14th Oct. 2011 Venue for Training Training Centre of SHCIL, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai THDCIL Registered & 5 13-14th Training Confirmed Oct. 2011 Centre of SHCIL, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai IOCL Registered & Awaited Yet to be Yet to be confirmation decided decided awaited RINL Registered & Awaited Yet to be Yet to be confirmation decided decided awaited Manganese Registered & Awaited Yet to be Yet to be Ore (India) confirmation decided decided Ltd. awaited RECL Registered & Awaited Yet to be Yet to be confirmation decided decided awaited MTNL Registered & Awaited Yet to be Yet to be confirmation decided decided awaited TISS CSR Hub: First Governing Council Meeting: Sept. 23, 2011 13