Part 1 ITEM NO. ___________________________________________________________________ JOINT REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR CHILDREN’S SERVICES AND THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER ___________________________________________________________________ TO SCHOOLS FORUM ON 16 SEPTEMBER 2015 ___________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Schools funding: de-delegation for services provided by the authority ___________________________________________________________________ CONCLUSION Each year, Schools forum makes decisions on behalf of all primary and secondary schools separately in relation to the de-delegation of specified central services and budgets. This decision does not impact on special schools and academies. Dedelegation allows the council to manage services collectively on behalf of schools. Following an initial consultation with schools in 2013/14, and taking into account any subsequent schools views, Schools Forum has, to date, determined to de-delegate all the specified service areas. RECOMMENDATION: Schools forum is asked to consider the details in the report and make a decision on the de-delegation of funding for the detailed central services for 2016/17. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This paper identifies the impact of schools funding reforms on specific services where the funding was de-delegated in 2013/14 following the consultation responses from schools. Schools Forum is empowered to determine which services should be de-delegated in 2016/17. ___________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: DfE schools funding reform guidance documents s251 Budget Statement 2015/16 ___________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: DSG dedicated schools grant ___________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Supplied by Chris Hesketh, strategic finance manager 1 ___________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: None ___________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICERS: Chris Hesketh Tel No: 0161 793 2668 Debbie Fulton Tel No: 0161 778 0486 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): All ___________________________________________________________________ REPORT DETAIL 1. Introduction 1.1 In April 2013, the government introduced the simplification of the funding formula allowed for schools. The funding reform had significant implications for schools budgets, but robust protection arrangements have ensured that schools do not lose or gain significantly in cash terms. Continuance of those arrangements is subject to any decisions the government might make in the 2015 comprehensive spending review. There is no protection in place for central budgets. 1.2 Within the overall fairer funding arrangements, local authorities are required to delegate, to maintained schools and academies, budgets for some services that were previously managed and provided centrally. That is, the funding will be in both the maintained schools’ and academies’ budgets up front. 1.3 Maintained primary and secondary schools can then choose to “de-delegate” certain, specified budgets, ie to return the budget to the council. Schools Forum is empowered to make the decision on behalf of schools. 1.4 De-delegation does not apply to special schools. Any elements of funding for the service areas involved will be included as part of any top up funding and special schools will be able to buy into any SLA agreements in place. 1.5 Academies are not permitted to de-delegate funding but they can buy into SLAs where offered by the council. 2. Delegation/de-delegation of centralised services 2.1 The table at Appendix A shows the categories of expenditure within the DSG that were de-delegated in 2015/16. The amounts indicated are those figures currently included within the s251 budget statement for 2015/16 and they include both the direct service costs and the related overheads. Should Schools Forum agree to the de-delegation proposals, these will be the figures included in the S251 budget statement 2016/17. 2.2 The government directs that the items in Appendix A have to be delegated to schools on a rate per [type of] pupil. This rate has been calculated for each 2 item on a base appropriate for the type of expenditure. So, for instance, the behaviour support rate per pupil is based on prior attainment pupil data. 2.3 De-delegation allows the council to manage services collectively on behalf of schools. The potential impact of not de-delegating each item is outlined in the appendix. The decision on each of the de-delegated items needs to be made separately for both sectors. If the primary sector decides to de-delegate a service but the secondary sector does not, then the council may not be able to continue providing a service on that basis. 2.4 The results of the schools funding consultation in 2013/14 indicated that, for those schools who responded, the preferred option was for the funding for all the specified service areas to be de-delegated. Since that time, Schools Forum has, each year, determined to continue to de-delegate all the items. Approval is sought to continue on the same basis in 2016/17. 3 Conclusions 3.1 Each year, Schools forum makes decisions on behalf of all primary and secondary schools separately in relation to the de-delegation of specified central services and budgets. This decision does not impact on special schools and academies. De-delegation allows the council to manage services collectively on behalf of schools. 3.3 Following an initial consultation with schools in 2013/14, and taking into account any subsequent schools views, Schools Forum has, to date, determined to de-delegate all the specified service areas. 4 Recommendations 4.1 Schools forum is asked to consider the details in the report and make a decision on the de-delegation of the detailed central services for 2016/17. 3 Appendix A Amount as per Amount Amount S251budget allocated on allocated on statement a per pupil a per pupil 2015/16 basis basis £ Item Allocation Contingencies (including previous amounts for schools in financial difficulties) Rate per pupil Free school meals eligibility Rate per FSM pupils Staff costs, supply cover Rate per pupil Support for minority ethnic pupils and underachieving groups (EMTAS) Rate per pupil using english as an additional language (EAL) Behaviour support services Rate per pupil using prior attainment £ £ Primary Sector Secondary Sector 135,940 6.63 60,491 5.46 678,293 408,277 60,384 Impact if not de-delegated Schools contingency allows for some approved in year adjustments to budgets. If the funding was not de1.80 delegated then there would be no provision for opening/closing schools, amalgamating schools, closing schools deficits and unforeseen expenditure which it would be unreasonable to expect governing bodies to meet from their budget share. This covers the assessment of pupils' entitlement to free school meals. This is currently undertaken by staff in 7.26 the Gateway centres. Schools would have to arrange for the assessments to be undertaken either by the school or externally commissioned if possible. 21.97 This funds maternity cover for teaching staff and higher level teaching assistants. It covers the cost of staff undertaking magisterial duties and territorial army assignments. If this was not de-delegatd schools would need to make contingency arrangements to fund this type of expenditure or source external insurance cover. It also funds facilities time for unions representing school staff. If this was not managed collectively, there would be two 36.10 options. (a) Current arrangements could continue but the schools who employed union representatives would have to fund the backfill to cover union activities. The council would not be able to continue to employ union representatives not attached to schools. (b) All schools would need to put in place local representation arrangements. 157.61 EMTAS helps young people from ethnic minorities, including gypsy roma travellers, to maximise their potential in the education system. If this funding was not de-delegated, schools would have to meet the needs of these 466.09 pupils using existing staff expertise or buy in advice and support if available. If schools did not de-delegate there would not be any expertise retained in the council to advise on issues affecting these children. The changing demographics of Salford mean that the work of this team continues to increase. 3.78 This budget funds specialist support to help children and young people with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties to maximise their potential in the education system. The service links to a significantly developed provision made through resource provided to Alderbrook, The LEAF, The KS3 &4 PRU's and New Park High School, providing a continuum of response to behavioural issues in schools as part of a wider response to the increasing prevalance of challenge in this area from across all ages and phases of education. If this funding is now a very small element, one post in what is an ongoing commitment from the High Needs Block, the funding 25.74 covers the post required at a senior level to manage the provision, if it was not de-delegated there would not be any expertise retained centrally to manage the service which advises on issues affecting these children and liaise with other elements of the learning support service. Over the past year the LA in conjunction with schools has developed a 10 strand strategy regarding Behaviour Support for Schools which will meet the needs of these pupils using a range of staff resources tailored to individual schools needs. The de-delegated funding support for this service of £60k is complemented by a significant contribution from the high needs block of c.£350k. 4