FIN-4723 – BANK MANAGEMENT COURSE SYLLABUS – FALL 2006 – DR. LARRY R. WHITE OFFICE: OFFICE PHONE: OFFICE HOURS: 310I McCool Hall 662-325-1979 (Direct Line)/662-325-2341 (Departmental Office) 9:00 – 11:00 a.m., Mondays and Wednesdays, and 9:00 - 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, AND BY APPOINTMENT E-MAIL ADDRESS: PERSONAL WEBSITE: COURSE DESCRIPTION: A study of the banking environment, the functional areas of banking, and the tools and techniques required to effectively manage banking decisions in a highly competitive and dynamic environment. The first of a two-course sequence, this course is taught in a lecture/discussion format. PREREQUISITES: FIN-3113, Financial Systems, FIN-3123, Financial Management, and FIN-3723, Financial Markets (NOTE: FIN-3513 (ACC 3203), Financial Statement Analysis, and FIN-4423, Investments, are recommended courses; however, they may be taken simultaneously. With the permission of the instructor, FIN 3723, Financial Markets, may be taken simultaneously.) COURSE OBJECTIVES: The major objectives of this course are: 1. To review and examine the various components of the banking environment in which banks must operate. 2. To examine the evolution of banking and investigate how this evolution relates to dealing with each of the various environmental components. 3. To analyze the various financial management techniques and familiarize the student with the application of these techniques to the decision-making required in the management of a bank. 4. To demonstrate to the student how each of the functional areas of a bank are coordinated to provide the services required by customers. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Bank Management, Sixth Edition, Koch and MacDonald, Thomson-Southwestern, 2006. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Materials posted on my WEBSITE, including PowerPoint slides that may be downloaded and printed in preparation for class discussions, note taking, and review. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to attend each class, be on time, and stay for the entire class period, as well as to be prepared to take an active and constructive part in the class discussion of the assigned material. More than three (3) unexcused absences will result in a zero (0) for the class attendance/participation portion of the grade. An excused absence is one approved by the instructor in advance of the absence. Students who are disrespectful or disruptive to the orderly conduct of the class will be asked to leave. GRADES AND GRADING: The final grade in the class will be based on a percentage of the maximum points attainable during the semester. These percentages are: A: 90% or higher D: 60% - 69% B: 80% - 89% F: 59% or lower C: 70% - 79% There will three (3) tests, each worth 100 points. There will be some, as yet, undetermined number of unannounced quizzes, homework assignments, and short class projects turned in for credit. Class attendance and participation will be worth a total of 30 points. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: ACADEMIC DISHONESTY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Any student who gives or receives assistance during an exam is guilty of ACADEMIC DISHONESTY. The punishment for the first offense is an “F” on the test. Any subsequent occurrence will result in an “F” for the class and reporting to the Dean of Students. FIN-4723 – BANK MANAGEMENT CLASS SCHEDULE – FALL 2006 – DR. WHITE WEEK DATE DISCUSSION TOPIC(S)/ASSIGNMENT(S) CHAPTER(S) 1 8/21 8/23 AN OVERVIEW OF BANKS AND FINANCIAL SERVICES*/** AN OVERVIEW OF BANKS AND FINANCIAL SERVICES*/** 1 1 2 8/28 8/30 AN OVERVIEW OF BANKS AND FINANCIAL SERVICES */** ANALYZING BANK PERFORMANCE 1 2 3 9/4 9/6 NO CLASS – LABOR DAY HOLIDAY ANALYZING BANK PERFORMANCE 2 4 9/11 9/13 MANAGING NON-INTEREST INCOME AND EXPENSES MANAGING NON-INTEREST INCOME AND EXPENSES 3 3 5 9/18 9/20 REVIEW TEST #1 1,2,3 1,2,3 6 9/25 9/27 FUNDING THE BANK AND MANAGING LIQUIDITY FUNDING THE BANK AND MANAGING LIQUIDITY 8 8 7 10/2 10/4 NO CLASS – FALL BREAK HOLIDAYS EFFECTIVE USE OF CAPITAL 9 8 10/9 10/11 EFFECTIVE USE OF CAPITAL MANGING THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO 9 13 9 10/16 10/18 MANAGING THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGING THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO 13 13 10 10/23 10/25 REVIEW TEST #2 8,9,13 8,9,13 11 10/30 11/1 OVERVIEW OF CREDIT POLICY* OVERVIEW OF CREDIT POLICY* 10 10 12 11/6 11/8 EVALUATING COMMERCIAL LOANS EVALUATING COMMERCIAL LOANS 11 11 13 11/13 11/15 EVALUATING COMMERCIAL LOANS EVALUATING CONSUMER LOANS* 11 12 14 11/20 11/22 EVALUATING CONSUMER LOANS* NO CLASS – THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 12 15 11/27 11/29 EVALUATING CONSUMER LOANS* REVIEW 12 10,11,12 12/5 TEST #3 (3:00 – 6:00 p.m.) *** - ETHICS ISSUES INCORPORATED INTERNATIONAL ISSUES INCORPORATED 10,11,12