Poetry Portfolio Rubric | Historical Change, Personal Change, SLAM Traits Ideas Organization Word Choice Conventions 5 3 1 You present the ideas of historical and personal change in an insightful and original way. You use words to help the reader see, hear, feel, and think about the idea of change. Your poetry does not connect to the idea of change. All poetry forms you use enhance the subject and message, and follow all the technical details and rules. Most poetry forms you use match the subject and message, and follow most technical details and rules. Poetry forms and technical details are not accurate or do not fit the subjects of the poems. You use poetic language and sensory details consistently and effectively. You use specific words and details to add meaning to your poems and portfolio. Your word choice is simple or vague, and does not add emotion or meaning. You always use grammar, tense, syntax, spelling correctly throughout your portfolio. You attempt to use some higher level conventions. Most of your grammar, tense, syntax, spelling are used correctly throughout your portfolio. Errors do not distract the reader. Your conventions errors throughout your portfolio confuse or distract the reader. Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________