KINGTON ST MICHAEL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON THE 21ST JULY 2011 AT THE VILLAGE HALL, KINGTON ST MICHAEL THAT COMMENCED AT 8.00 PM Present: Councillor: Mrs L Durno – Chairman Mrs M Hall, Mr W Isaac, Mr B Low, Mr R Sealy (until item 11/104), Mr R Squires. In Attendance: Mrs C Sutton (Clerk), Cllr H Greenman (Wiltshire Council) and 2 members of the public. Prior to the start of the meeting Julia Stacey from ChAPS gave an interesting presentation on the work that the Partnership gets involved in, and outlined some of their recent projects. Public Question Time There were no public questions. MINUTES 11/093 Apologies Apologies had been received from Cllr Marlow and Cllr Charge. 11/94 Declarations of Interest Name Item Cllr Hall Planning Application Cllr Sealy Jubilee Footpath Cllr Squires Planning application Type of Interest Personal Reason for interest On board of Almshouses Historical Personal Personal Previous owner of land Householder Action taken Did not participate in discussion None. Did not participate in discussion. 11/095 Minutes of Last Meeting The minutes of the meetings held on 16th June 2011 were received and approved as a correct record before being signed by the Chair. 11/096 Report on Actions from last meeting (i) Clerk’s Report Planning Tallywacker Farm is now shown on the web-site as having been granted permission. There is no reference to the agricultural tie. QEII Fields The application has been submitted, and current feedback is that the field would be suitable. Tor Hill A response has been received on the baffle gates, Cllr Hall has contacted WC to provide the further information requested. The new signs are up, the two signs are now the road narrowing signs, and the pedestrians in road signs. Westlea A meeting was held with Westlea on 27th June. Westlea are intending to do a topographical survey soon. They also intend to talk to the current Honeyknob Hill residents and the occupants of 45 & 47 KSM. They intimated that they are possibly short on funding to a certain degree, as Government grant funding has been reduced, and so they will look at the potential of an additional unit; either one 2 bed house or one house divided into 2 flats (which will still look like a house from the exterior) to increase income. Engineering works are going to be costly, against the amount of income they will receive from the 1 new units, and so, as a last resort, they might need to sell one of the new properties rather than lease it. Additional parking spaces have now been included as we requested and they would offer parking within the gardens of numbers 2 HKH (Westlea) and 3 HKH (privately owned). The project is ongoing and they seem to have sorted out the access in principal with WC Highways department. Westlea have since noted that despite the viability proving somewhat challenging due to the costs associated with the new road infrastructure, they are still keen to progress the scheme feasibility in more detail and as a result will be arranging a topographical survey of the area and will notify surrounding residents in advance of this taking place. Recreation Field Benches - Cllr Charge has found the missing bench hidden in undergrowth and she and Cllr Low have returned it to its original position. This has since been removed and damaged, and the purchase of a new bench will be put on the agenda for September. Tidy Up – 5 Councillors, the Clerk and a Councillor’s husband spent a few hours in June clearing rubbish from the recreation field and stream area. Many thanks to Bill and Roger for transporting and storing some of the debris. Bus Shelter It was also reported that work had been carried out on the bus shelter to repair damaged roof tiles. Insurance Aon have responded to say that since the fencing around the kick wall was not specifically noted on the listing of equipment it counts as a fence rather than play equipment, and as such is covered by their usual fence policy, which is limited to damage by vehicles. The new insurers will be contacted and asked to include the fencing with the kick wall as a separate specific piece of play equipment. Defibrillator Scheme The 2 defibrillators and cabinets have been ordered and received and an estimate for the electrical installation has been received, amounting to £140.56. The defibrillator at the school has already been installed, and the one at the Jolly Huntsman will be installed once a convenient date has been agreed with the Landlady. It was noted that leaflets had been received, which would need to be printed with KSM specific information. The PC printer would be used to do this. 11/097 Policing The Police had apologised for their non attendance at the meeting. They had reported that everything was fairly quiet, but that any incidents should continue to be reported to them in the usual way. The fair at Stanton Manor had gone well. 11/098 Planning Matters (i) WC Decisions received a. N/11/01164/FUL – Erection of dwelling at Tallywacker Farm. Application APPROVED. Cllr Greenman explained that once the certificate of lawful use had been issued it became almost impossible for the Council to object to a replacement dwelling. Concern was raised as to whether the agricultural condition had transferred to the new planning application, and Cllr Greenman agreed to look in to this. (ii) 11/099 Planning Applications received a. N/11/02031/FUL – Demolition of garage building and replace with oak framed garage complex at The Manor, KSM. b. N/11/02032/LBC - Demolition of garage building and replace with oak framed garage complex at The Manor, KSM. c. N/11/02081/FUL – Relocation of Access Path and 3 porches at Lytes Almshouses KSM. All three applications above had been dealt by the Clerk under delegated authority. The response to each was to support. d. N/11/01882/TCA – 20% reduction to Two Ash Trees at 2 Home Farm House, KSM. It was agreed that this application should be supported, and the Clerk agreed to respond to Wiltshire Council. ACTION CLERK Highway Matters (i) Jubilee Footpath progress A response had been received from Michael Crook to the letter to Wiltshire Council. In it he offered to put an application in to the next PIGS grant session for half the costs of installing fencing and hedging as required by Mr Royal along the length of the footpath. He indicated that this was all that the PIGS scheme would consider until usage of the path had been assessed. 2 Concern had been raised about the continuation of the path past Magpie Cottage. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the proposal to submit a grant application to PIGS should be accepted and that Mr Crook should be informed that the PC is in discussions with the owners of Magpie Cottage about that stretch of path. ACTION CLERK. The Clerk was asked to formally request Mr Hughes to obtain the stakes to mark out the Wiltshire Council owned land. ACTION CLERK (ii) 11/100 Baffle Gates A substantive response had been received on the baffle gates, and Cllr Hall had attempted to contact the sender to provide further information. Recreation Field (i) Bonfire Night It was noted that in previous years the Parish Council had purchased the fireworks after a donation had been made by the Recreation Field Working Group. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the Parish Council should purchase the fireworks, and were prepared to wait until after the event for a donation if that proved to be necessary. (ii) Pergola Cllr Low presented two quotes for the installation of a pergola at the children’s play area. The design and siting of this had previously been agreed by the Parish Council. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the quote received from S.J.G. Construction Ltd for £1,850 + Vat be accepted. Cllr Low agreed to place the order, ensuring that the invoice was addressed to Kington St Michael Parish Council. ACTION CLLR LOW. (iii) Signage Proposed wording for signs at the entrance to the recreation field and the playground were circulated. With some changes the wording was agreed and the clerk was asked to investigate the provision of signs. These should be of at least double A3 in size. ACTION CLERK. (iv) 2010 RoSPA Report This had been received late. The report highlighted that the ropes on the main climbing frame were in need of attention, and the risk for this was high. (v) Play Equipment Maintenance A quote had been obtained from Playdale for £1,365.20 to replace the seats on the junior swings, and the nets, and to deliver and install these. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that this quote be accepted. The Clerk was asked to arrange the installation. ACTION CLERK 11/101 Village Maintenance It was noted that the plaque on the bus shelter could be repaired at a minimum cost, and Cllr Low would look into this. ACTION CLLR LOW 11/102 Wiltshire Council Consultation (i) Wiltshire Core Strategy Development Plan It was noted that Kington St Michael would be classed as a large village, due to the amenities available. This would mean that new development would be allocated, but that more grant funding could also be available. Discussion ensued over the necessity of employment opportunities to be provided as well as housing. (ii) 11/103 Wiltshire and Swindon Waste Allocations Development Plan It was noted that the only impact on the Parish would be the expansion of the recycling facility at Stanton St Quintin, which was seen as a positive development. Allotments Cllr Low reported that he had checked old maps of the parish for allotments, and found some at Kyneton Way. There were none which could be reinstated. 3 Possible sites had been identified ; Mr Tayler’s land behind the school, Land at Stanton Lane, Mr Royal’s land at Paddock End and Tor Hill. Of these, Mr Tayler’s land would be the only suitable site due to it’s proximity to a water supply and the people who had requested allotments. It was noted that a long lease may be preferable to Mr Tayler than an outright purchase, and it was agreed that Cllr low should find out the minimum length of lease for funding to be available. ACTION CLLR LOW The Clerk should then write to Mr Tayler explaining the benefits of providing allotment land and requesting a meeting. ACTION CLERK Cllr Sealy left the meeting. 11/104 Standing Orders Draft Standing Orders and Financial Regulations had been circulated prior to the meeting. These were based on the new NALC model, and had been modified to reflect Kington St Michael Parish Council’s requirements. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the documents be adopted as the Standing Orders of Kington St Michael Parish Council. The Clerk agreed to circulate the final documents to everyone by email and in hard copy. ACTION CLERK. 11/105 Financial Matters (i) Report for June/July 2011 The financial report for June/July 2011 was reviewed and it was proposed seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the report be accepted and that payments be approved. (ii) 11/106 Defibrillators It was agreed that a separate savings account be opened to hold the defibrillator funds, since there would be ongoing associated expenditure. Exchange of information / reports from members Cllr Low reported that the Jubilee Group wishes to donate some trees to the Parish to mark the Jubilee. The group was thanked for this, and it was agreed that a suitable place for the trees would be by the side of the Jubilee footpath. Cllr Hall reported that the new almshouses would be ready by October, and applications were invited. There would be a one bed unit and a two bed unit. 11/092 Correspondence Correspondence received was available for inspection at the meeting, and a schedule was circulated. Meeting closed at 9.47pm Next meeting; 8.00pm 22nd September 2011, KSM Village Hall 4