
Chairperson of the Agency of the Republic
Kazakhstan on regulation and supervision
of financial market and financial
Bahmutova Е.L.
April 10, 2009
Testing questions for candidates to positions of actuaries
1. Since when does an insurance agreement come into effect and become obligatory for parties:
2. What is compulsory insurance:
3. On which terms must an insured make an agreement with an insurer in compulsory insurance:
4. Whom can a compulsory insurance agreement be made with:
5. What can be an object of insurance:
6. What belongs to a personal insurance:
7. What is an accumulative insurance:
8. Who is an insured:
9. What is an insurance event:
10. What are insurance premiums:
11. What is an insured sum:
12. What is an insurance benefit:
13. What is a double (multiple) insurance:
14. In double insurance an insured has a right:
15. What is co-insurance:
16. Since when does an insurance agreement cease to be effective:
17. Insurance secrets include:
18. Which of the following must obligatorily be contained in an insurance agreement:
19. Who is responsible for non-comprehensiveness of terms to be indicated in an insurance
20. Which of the following does not belong to an insured’s duties:
21. Out of which reserves is a compulsory insurance performed:
22. Is a person in whose favor a compulsory insurance has been performed according to
legislative acts and he came to know that he was not insured, empowered to claim in court to be
insured by a person responsible for that:
23. What is a voluntary insurance:
24. What is referred to as a property insurance:
25. Who is an insurer:
26. Which of the following does not belong to insurance forms according to the Civil Code of
27. On what basis is an insurance performed:
28. What is an annuity insurance agreement:
29. Which type of insurance are accumulative insurance agreements made in:
30. To agreements of which insurance is an agreement of annuity referred to:
31. Insurer responsibility period against an insurance agreement:
32. What is a group insurance:
33. What type of insurance is a collective insurance by an employer of its employees:
34. May property insurance agreement terms stipulate on the replacement of an insurance
35. In a double (multiple) insurance, how are insurance liabilities of insurers before the insured
36. For joint insurance of large and extra large risks, insurers can establish:
37. What is a reinsurance:
38. What is the size of responsibility of an insurer (reinsurer) who made a reinsurance agreement
with the reinsurer before an insured :
39. An insurance agreement is made in a written form by means of:
40. Is it mandatory for an insurer to pay an insurance benefit upon the occurrence of insurance
event according to accumulative insurance agreement during the period of delay for insurance
premium payment:
41. An insured has a right to renew an accumulative insurance agreement within:
42. Which of the following is not a liability of an insurer:
43. Are expenses incurred by an insured with the purpose to prevent or decrease losses subject to
44. Which of the following is not a liability of an insured:
45. What are associations of citizens and legal entities referred to that aim to insure their
property interests on a mutual ground by way of joining relevant facilities:
46. By virtue of which acts is a compulsory insurance performed:
47. Which of the following is the basis to declare an insurance agreement invalid:
48. When does an insured have the right to refuse from an insurance agreement:
49. An insurance agreement is terminated pre-schedule, if:
50. What is a subrogation:
51. Are insurance contributions received from an insured at pre-schedule termination of the
accumulative insurance agreement due to the ruling of court concerning forced liquidation of an
insurer came effective, subject to return:
52. Submission of deliberately false data by an insured to an insurer concerning the subject of
insurance, insurance risk, insurance event and its consequences is a basis for:
53. What kind of circumstantial changes communicated to an insurer by an insured when making
insurance agreement is considered essential:
54. Who is responsible for informing an insurer on the occurrence of the insurance event, if an
insured was not insured:
55. In what period of time can a person whose responsibility has been insured by an agreement
of damnification be replaced by any other person, if otherwise is not specified by the agreement:
56. Can a liability to insure his own life and health be entrusted to a citizen:
57. Is it allowed to insure unlawful interests of an insured:
58. Submission of deliberately false data by an insured to an insurer concerning the subject of
insurance, insurance risk, insurance event and its consequences is a reason for:
59. Will a property insurance agreement be valid if made in the absence of interest by an insured
or beneficiary to preserve the insured property:
60. What is a non-accumulative insurance:
61. In what types of insurance is an insured free in choice of an insurer:
62. Who is an insured:
63. When insuring property, should an insured person being not an insured be interested at
preservation of this property:
64. According to an insurance agreement, beneficiaries can become:
65. Who (what) defines a beneficiary in obligatory types of insurance:
66. Who (what) defines a beneficiary in voluntary types of insurance:
67. Whose duty is to prove the occurrence of an insurance event as well as losses caused:
68. Do insurance premiums received from an insured belong to an insurer:
69. How is the amount of insurance premium determined in obligatory types of insurance:
70. How is the amount of insurance sums determined in obligatory types of insurance:
71. How is the amount of insurance benefit determined in property and civil responsibility
72. In what type of insurance can a beneficiary be appointed:
73. Which of the insurers does an insured have a right to obtain an insurance benefit from, in
double insurance:
74. What requirements should a reinsurance agreement meet:
75. Who develops insurance rules:
76. Do general conditions of insurance activity performed, list of insurance services offered,
insurance rates, insurance terms, as well as any other basic terms of insurance (reinsurance)
agreements belong to commercial secrets or insurance secrets:
77. Does an insurer have a right to inspection and evaluate the property being insured when
making property insurance agreement:
78. Is it mandatory for an insured, after he came to know of an insurance event occurrence, to
inform an insurer or his representative:
79. What is a buy-out sum:
80. How is a sum of money referred to that an insured has a right to receive upon pre-schedule
termination of the accumulative insurance agreement:
81. Who has a right to receive a buy-out sum upon pre-schedule termination of the accumulative
insurance agreement:
82. In which case does an insured have the right to get a buy-out sum:
83. Which kind of insurance enables an insured to receive a buy-out sum:
84. Which amount of voting shares witnesses to a significant shareholding in the capital of an
insurance (reinsurance) company:
85. Which amount of voting shares proves the fact that a legal entity or a physical person is a
large shareholder of an insurance (reinsurance) company:
86. What is meant by “own deductible”:
87. What is a part of liabilities referred to within which an insurer or a cedent bears
responsibility on his own account according to an insurance (reinsurance) agreement:
88. Who can become a professional participant of the insurance market:
89. Who are referred to as objects of insurance activity:
90. According to insurance legislation, who is referred to as a cedent:
91. Which calculations does an actuary perform against insurance (reinsurance) agreements:
92. What is an insurance (reinsurance) company referred to that is engaged in transference of
insurance risks accepted by it into reinsurance:
93. What is an insurance portfolio:
94. What is a legal entity referred to that is engaged in making and executing of (reinsurance)
95. What is determined by insurance rules:
96. Which body establishes prudential standards for insurance (reinsurance) companies:
97. What is the activity referred to that arises in regard to concurrent acceptance by several
insurance companies of insurance risks against insurance agreements as well as relationships
connected to it:
98. An insurance company performs its activity on the basis of:
99. Which activity is performed by an insurance agent:
100. Who can be an insurance agent:
101. An insurance agent performs mediatory activity on behalf of and by commission of:
102. What is a physical person or a legal entity referred to that is engaged in mediatory activity
on making insurance agreements on behalf of and by commission of one or several insurance
companies in accordance to powers given:
103. What kind of activity is performed by an insurance broker:
104. Who can be an insurance broker:
105. On whose behalf does an insurance broker perform an mediatory activity:
106. What is a legal entity referred to that represents an insured in the relations with an insurer
regarding making and executing of insurance agreements by commission of the insured:
107. Based on what kinds of calculations, are insurance reserves formed:
108. Who calculates insurance reserves:
109. What do insurance reserves of an insurance (reinsurance) company represent:
110. What is referred to as an insurance (reinsurance) company’s liabilities against insurance
(reinsurance) agreements assessed on the basis of actuarial calculations:
111. Who is authorized to be engaged in insurance activity:
112. What is referred to as an insurance (reinsurance) company’s activity connected to making
and executing of insurance (reinsurance) agreements:
113. What is the way to consummate insurance protection rights of citizens of other countries,
persons without citizenship, legal entities of other countries, including those that perform their
activity within the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
114. Who may perform insurance of material interests located within the territory of the
Republic of Kazakhstan that belong to a legal entity or its separate subdivisions as well as
material interests of a physical entity-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
115. What are sectors of insurance:
116. What is “Life insurance”:
117. What is “General insurance”:
118. How many categories are there in “General insurance” sector in voluntary form of
119. How many categories are there in “Life insurance” sector in voluntary form of insurance:
120. Which of the following categories in voluntary form of insurance are there in “Life
insurance” sector:
121. To which of the insurance sectors belongs mortgage insurance:
122. To which of the insurance sectors belongs accident insurance:
123. To which of the insurance sectors belongs annuity insurance:
124. To which of the insurance sectors belongs motor car insurance:
125. To which of the insurance sectors belongs railway transport insurance:
126. To which of the insurance sectors belongs airway transport insurance:
127. To which of the insurance sectors belongs waterway transport insurance:
128. To which of the insurance sectors belongs cargo insurance:
129. To which of the insurance sectors belongs insurance of property against damage:
130. To which of the insurance sectors belongs loan insurance:
131. To which of the insurance sectors belongs insurance of civil liabilities of motor car owners:
132. To which of the insurance sectors belongs other financial loss insurance:
133. To which of the insurance sectors belongs insurance of civil liabilities of airway transport
134. To which of the insurance sectors belongs insurance of civil liabilities of waterway
transport owners:
135. To which of the insurance sectors belongs legal expenses insurance:
136. To which of the insurance sectors belongs insurance of warranties and guarantees:
137. To which of the insurance sectors belongs health insurance:
138. What types of insurance are provided for by insurance laws:
139. What is an insurance product referred to that is made up and offered by an insurance
company under the frame of one or several insurance categories, by means of making an
insurance agreement:
140. What is a type of insurance:
141. When does an insurance company have a right to perform activity in the type of insurance
elaborated by it:
142. Each type of compulsory insurance is:
143. Each type of compulsory insurance is a separate category of insurance, is it not?
144. Which document specifies the content of each category in compulsory insurance mode and
additional requirements to the terms of its performance:
145. Is it possible to perform activity in “general insurance” sector in the form of accumulative
146. Is it possible to perform activity in “life insurance” sector in the form of accumulative
147. Which sector of insurance does not allow performing activity in the form of accumulative
148. Which sector of insurance enables performing activity in the form of accumulative
149. Does an activity in “Life insurance” branch combine with an activity in “General insurance”
150. Does it require licensing to perform activity of reinsurance in the territory of the Republic
of Kazakhstan:
151. Is it permitted for an insurance company to be engaged in transference of insurance risks to
reinsurance without having reinsurance license:
152. When does an insurance company have the right to accept insurance risks to reinsurance:
153. In which sector can insurance companies having “general insurance” sector license perform
reinsurance activity:
154. In which sector can insurance companies having “life insurance” sector license obtain
license of and perform activity of reinsurance:
155. In which sectors can reinsurance companies engaged in license-based reinsurance as the
sole kind of activity perform reinsurance:
156. Who is referred to as the insurance market participants:
157. What kind of business, carried out by an insurance (re-insurance) company is the principal
158. Does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to carry out investment activity:
159. Does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to perform loan issuance to the
160. In which cases does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to perform loan
issuance to the insured within the limits of buy-out sum:
161. Does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to sell software:
162. Does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to sell literature:
163. Does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to sell or lease property:
164. Does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to give consulting services:
165. Does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to train specialists:
165. Does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to be engaged in insurance
166. Does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to carry out activity of security
portfolio management:
167. Which insurance companies are allowed to be engaged in securities portfolio managing:
168. In which case does the Fund of guaranteed insurance benefit guarantee paying of insurance
benefits to the insured (beneficiaries):
169. Upon which condition does an insurance (reinsurance) company have a right to carry out an
insurance activity:
170. Which document specifies structure, objectives, functions and powers of insurance
(reinsurance) companies’ divisions: :
171. Which document specifies structure, number of members, objectives, functions and powers
of internal audit service and other permanent bodies:
172. Which document specifies a risk management system:
173. Which document specifies rights and duties of executive officers of structural divisions:
174. Which document specifies powers of officers and employees of an insurance (reinsurance)
company when making deals on behalf of and on account of the company:
175. Which body of an insurance (reinsurance) company approves the rules of insurance:
176. Which body of an insurance (reinsurance) company approves internal rules:
177. Insurance (reinsurance) companies are not permitted to perform insurance activity without
having which expert:
178. In what limits does an insurance company carrying out accumulative insurance activity
have a right to issue loans to its insured:
179. Does an insurance company have a right to increase the amount of regular insurance
payouts during the validity period of annuity agreement:
180. Upon which conditions is a co-insurance agreement made when performing risk insurance
by means of creation of an insurance pool:
181. Does an insurance company have a right to participate in co-insurance, if an appropriate
category of insurance is not specified in the license:
182. When does an insurance company have a right to participate in co-insurance:
183. Do persons not having an appropriate license of the authorized body on regulation and
supervision of financial market and financial organizations have a right to carry out insurance
activity on its behalf:
184. Do persons not having an appropriate license of the authorized body on regulation and
supervision of financial market and financial organizations have a right to carry out re-insurance
activity on its behalf:
185. Do persons not having an appropriate license of the authorized body on regulation and
supervision of financial market and financial organizations have a right to render services of an
insurance broker:
186. Do persons not having an appropriate license of the authorized body on regulation and
supervision of financial market and financial organizations have a right to render services of
187. Do persons not having an appropriate license of the authorized body on regulation and
supervision of financial market and financial organizations have a right to use the words
“insurance company” in their titles, documents, notices and advertisement:
188. Do persons not having an appropriate license of the authorized body have a right to use the
words “reinsurance company” in their titles, documents, notices and advertisement:
189. Do persons not having an appropriate license of the authorized body on regulation and
supervision of financial market and financial organizations have a right to use the words
“insurance broker” in their titles, documents, notices and advertisement:
190. What is referred to as insurance related to performance by an insurance company of
activities to make and execute insurance agreements on the territory of other states:
191. What is a trans-border insurance:
192. Transference by an insurance (reinsurance) company of accepted risks to reinsurance is
allowed provided which requirements are taken into account:
193. At trans-border insurance, is it allowed to perform brokerage activity of making insurance
agreements on behalf of insurance companies – non-residents of Kazakhstan:
194. Within what period of time an insurance company must inform its insured about changing
the location of its permanent body:
195. Which way must an insurance company inform its insured about changing the location of its
permanent body:
196. A duly certified copy of which document must be placed by an insurance company in a
location available for view and reading:
197. When making an insurance agreement, what may an insured request from an insurance
198. What is the organizational and legal form of an insurance broker:
199. The title of an insurance broker must contain the words:
200. Which words are forbidden to be used in the title of an insurance broker:
201. What is the procedure of state registration of an insurance broker:
202. Is it permitted for an insurance (reinsurance) company or its employees to participate in
establishing of an insurance broker or in his activity:
203. Who has no right to participate in establishing of an insurance broker or in his activity:
204. May founders and employees of an insurance broker at the same time occupy positions in
an insurance (reinsurance) company:
205. Which way must founders, participants or shareholders of an insurance broker pay for
acquired shares or participation shares:
206. Is it possible for founders, participants or shareholders of an insurance broker to pay for
acquired shares or participation shares by means of property:
207. By which moment must a minimal amount of the chartered capital of a newly established
insurance broker have been fully paid by its founders:
208. What should founders of a created insurance broker pay in full to the moment of his state
209. Which document specifies the requirements to a minimal amount of the chartered capital
and other terms of an insurance broker’s activity:
210. Is the activity of an insurance broker the sole kind of activity:
211. Is an activity of an insurance broker a subject to licensing:
212. Who licenses an activity of an insurance broker:
213. Does an insurance broker have a right to carry out an insurance agent’s activity:
214. Does an insurance broker have a right to carry out an intermediary activity of making
insurance agreements on his behalf and by commission of an insured:
215. Does an insurance broker have a right to carry out an intermediary activity of making
reinsurance agreements on his own behalf and by commission of a cedent:
216. Does an insurance broker have a right to carry out consultative activity regarding insurance
(reinsurance) matters:
217. Does an insurance broker have a right to search and attract physical and legal persons to
insurance (reinsurance):
218. Does an insurance broker have a right to conduct comparative analysis of services and
financial status of insurance (reinsurance) companies:
219. Does an insurance broker have a right to collect information about the subjects of insurance
with the purpose of conducting comparative analysis of services rendered by insurance
(reinsurance) companies:
220. Does an insurance broker have a right to perform elaboration, by commission of his clients,
of insurance (reinsurance) terms and criteria of insurer (reinsurer) choice:
221. Does an insurance broker have a right to render expert services of insurance risk
222. Does an insurance broker have a right to to prepare and/or register, by commission of an
insured (cedent), documents necessary for making an insurance (reinsurance) agreement:
223. Does an insurance broker have a right to collect information regarding insurance matters:
224. Does an insurance broker have a right to register, by commission of an insured (cedent), an
insurance (reinsurance) agreement:
225. Does an insurance broker have a right to collect insurance premiums from the insured
(cedents) according to insurance (reinsurance) agreements and subsequently transfer them to
insurance (reinsurance) companies:
226. Upon which condition does an insurance broker have a right to collect insurance premiums
from the insured (cedents) according to insurance (reinsurance) agreements and their subsequent
transference to insurance (reinsurance) companies:
227. Does an insurance broker have a right to distribute insurance risks of insurance
(reinsurance) or co-insurance agreements by commission of a client:
228. Does an insurance broker have a right to ensure correct and duly make up of documents
when making insurance (reinsurance) agreements, paying insurance benefits, considering claims
should an insurance event occur:
229. Does an insurance broker have a right to carry out consultations and render assistance in
obtaining of an insurance benefit by an insured (cedent) or a beneficiary should an insurance
event occur:
230. Does an insurance broker have a right to make up, in compliance with powers given,
documents necessary to obtain an insurance benefit:
231. Does an insurance broker have a right to collect, by commission of an insured (cedent),
insurance benefits from insurance (reinsurance) companies and subsequently transfer them to an
insured (cedent)/beneficiary:
232. Does an insurance broker have a right to prepare documents for consideration and
regulation of losses should an insurance event occur, by commission of the interested parties:
233. Does an insurance broker have a right to arrange for services of experts to assess damage
and determine the amount of an insurance benefit:
234. When performing its activity, will an insurance broker be a party to insurance (reinsurance)
235. In what document should basic rights, liabilities and responsibility of an insurance broker
be determined:
236. What is defined by internal rules of the implementation of activity of an insurance broker:
237. What document are the powers of an insurance agent on the implementation of an
intermediary activity in an insurance market determined by:
238. Is an insurance agent allowed to act as such if he lacks powers given by an insurance
239. Who fulfills liabilities accepted by an insurance company according to an insurance
agreement made by insurance agent on its behalf:
240. Which document specifies conditions bound to be observed by an insurance agent,
including those that concern matters of counting and keeping of insurance documentation forms
and work with cash:
241. Who establishes conditions bound to be observed by an insurance agent:
242. Who maintains the register of insurance agents to conduct insurance brokerage operations:
243. Can a physical person be an insurance agent if he has previous conviction which had not
been redeemed or removed in a prescribed order:
244. In what case a physical person cannot be an insurance agent:
245. Is it mandatory for an insurance agent to show to an insured an agent’s agreement or any
other document that proves his right to make insurance agreements on behalf and by commission
of an insurance company:
246. Must an insurance agent give information about the insurance company (all insurance
companies) of which he is an insurance agent:
247. Is it mandatory for an insurance agent to acquaint an insured, should he require, with
insurance terms of the insurance agreement being made:
248. Who has a right to act as actuary:
249. Whose initiative brings forth making initiative actuarial calculations:
250. In which cases are compulsory actuarial calculations made:
251. Which way are actuarial calculations subdivided:
252. What is to be submitted by an insurance (reinsurance) company when making actuarial
253. Is an actuary responsible comprehensiveness and reliability of documents and data
presented by an insurance (reinsurance) company:
254. Who is responsible for correctness and accuracy of actuarial calculations made:
255. Who is to be immediately informed by an actuary about the established facts of nonobservance by an insurance (reinsurance) company of requirements to form insurance reserves:
256. Within what period of time must an actuary inform the authorized body on regulation of
financial market and financial organizations about the established facts of non-observance by an
insurance (reinsurance) company of requirements to form insurance reserves:
257. Who carries out audit of the activity of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
258. Within what period of time insurance (reinsurance) companies are permitted to have the
audit of their activities performed by one and the same audit company:
259. Is an insurance (reinsurance) company allowed to have its activity audited by one and the
same audit company more that seven years running:
260. When conducting compulsory audit of an insurance (reinsurance) company, must an audit
company inform the authorized body on regulation of financial market and financial
organizations about the decisions that led to violation by the insurance (reinsurance) company of
the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
261. Is the internal audit (auditor) service of an insurance (reinsurance) company subject to
262. Is an insurance (reinsurance) company bound to have internal audit (auditor) service within
its structure:
263. Which document provides for the duty of an insurance (reinsurance) company to have
internal audit (auditor) service within its structure:
264. Which document prescribes the procedure of internal audit conduct:
265. Who may become founders and shareholders of an insurance (reinsurance) company:
266. Which amount of shares in the chartered capital or distributed shares of organizations must
be possessed by the state if they cannot become founders and shareholders of an insurance
(reinsurance) company:
267. Is it allowed for the companies 50% of shares in the chartered capital or distributed shares
of which belong to the state to become founders and shareholders of an insurance (reinsurance)
268. Can the state be a founder or shareholder of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
269. Can legal persons, registered in off-shore zones, or physical persons, being participants
(founders, shareholders) of legal persons, registered in off-shore zones, be founders or
shareholders of an insurance (re-insurance) company – resident of Republic of Kazakhstan
expressly or by implication:
270. Who fixes the list of zones, accepted as off-shore under performance of supervision on
insurance activity:
271. What organization is the organization of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
272. Is an insurance (re-insurance) company a commercial organization:
273. Who is an entity of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
274. What is determined by the state registration of a legal person as an insurance (re-insurance)
company in law enforcement agencies and by presence of a license of the state authoritative
body on the carrying out of an insurance activity:
275. What is determined a legal status of an insurance (re-insurance) company by:
276. What name does an insurance (re-insurance) company use:
277. What kind of word (words) should a full name of an insurance company contain without
fail, carrying out an activity in “General insurance” branch:
278. What kind of word (words) should a full name of an insurance company contain without
fail, carrying out an activity in “Life insurance” branch:
279. What kind of word (words) should a full name of an insurance company contain without
fail, carrying out an activity exclusively on re-insurance:
280. Which words is an insurance (re-insurance) company forbidden to use in its name:
281. In which cases is the usage of a word “national” in the name of insurance (re-insurance)
company allowed:
282. In which cases is the usage of a word “central” in the name of insurance (re-insurance)
company allowed:
283. In which cases is the usage of a word “budget” in the name of insurance (re-insurance)
company allowed:
284. In which cases is the usage of a word “republican” in the name of insurance (re-insurance)
company allowed:
285. What body is an authority of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
286. What body is a committee of directors of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
287. What body is an executive board of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
288. What body is a government of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
289. What body is a control board of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
290. What body is a service of internal audit of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
291. How should shares of an insurance (re-insurance) company under allocation be paid:
292. Is a payment of shares of an insurance (re-insurance) company possible under property and
stock allocation:
293. Upon which condition does a legal person acquire shares of an insurance (re-insurance)
company under its creation:
294. What financial institutions is a requirement of insurance (re-insurance) company share
acquisition under its creation only in presence of a positive own capital spread on:
295. When should a minimal size of an authorized capital of created insurance (re-insurance)
company be paid in full by its founders:
296. What body consent is necessary for an insurance (re-insurance) company for a redemption
of own shares from shareholders:
297. On what requirements observance of legislation does an insurance (re-insurance) company
have the right to pay off the own shares from shareholders:
298. Without what state body consent cannot a person be a large participant of an insurance (reinsurance) company:
299. What kind is a consent of an authoritative body on status acquisition of a large participant
of an insurance (re-insurance) company given in:
300. Upon which condition can legal persons – non residents of RK get an approval of an
authorized board on status acquisition of a large participant of an insurance (re-insurance)
301. Who defines the order of issue of consent on status acquisition of a large participant of an
insurance (re-insurance) company:
302. What should a person for getting an approval of an authorized board on status acquisition of
a large participant of an insurance (re-insurance) company undertake:
303. Within what period of time should a decision under application on status acquisition of a
large participant of an insurance (re-insurance) company by an authorized body be made on:
304. In what case does an authorized body have the right to recall a consent to status acquisition
of a large participant of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
305. What should a large participant of an insurance (re-insurance) company undertake under
recall of a consent to an acquisition of such a status by an authorized body:
306. What cases are not the requirements of legislation about necessity of obligatory getting of
an authorized body consent to a status acquisition of a large participant of an insurance (reinsurance) company spread on:
307. What should a large participant of an insurance (re-insurance) company at the change of his
part of voting shares undertake:
308. Within what period of time should a large participant of an insurance (re-insurance)
company inform an authorized body about change of his part of voting shares:
309. With what periodicity should an insurance (re-insurance) company present a list of all its
large participants to an authorized body:
310. What period should an insurance (re-insurance) company inform an authorized body about
change of shareholders’ membership, having ten an more percents of its voting shares:
311. What does a late provision, non-provision or provision of invalid data by an insurance (reinsurance) company and its large participants involve:
312. What is a foundation of refusal in giving permission of an authorized body to a status
acquisition of a large participant of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
313. What is necessary for creation of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
314. What document should a founder of an insurance (re-insurance) company, who is a nonresident of Republic of Kazakhstan present from a board of an insurance supervision of his state:
315. What procedure are the documents of a founder – non-resident of Republic of Kazakhstan,
given by foreign state board subject to:
316. Within what period of time is a permission of an authorized body to creation of an
insurance (re-insurance) company valid:
317. In what case is a permission to creation of an insurance (re-insurance) company subject to
return to an authorized body:
318. Within what period of time should an application about giving a permission to creation of
an insurance (re-insurance) company be considered from the day of presentation of all
319. How does an authorized body inform an applicant about accepted decision on giving
permission to creation of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
320. What is the one from foundations of refusal by an authorized body in giving permission to
creation of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
321. What is the one from foundations of refusal by an authorized body in giving permission to
creation of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
322. Is a presence at founders – physical persons of an outstanding debt or uncleared
convictions, a foundation for refusal of permission to creation of an insurance (re-insurance)
323. Which consequences do presentation to an authorized body of invalid information,
concerning created insurance (re-insurance) company and its founders involve:
324. Does a deficiency of founder’s own means for share payment a foundation for refusal in
giving permission to creation of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
325. What is the one from foundations for recall of permission to creation of an insurance (reinsurance) company by an authorized company:
326. Does an authorized body have the right to recall given permission to creation of an
insurance (re-insurance) company:
327. What body carries out a state registration of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
328. Within what period of time should founders of an insurance (re-insurance) company apply
to law enforcement agencies for its state registration from the day of getting permission by an
authorized body to its creation:
329. When are alterations and amendments in articles of association of an insurance (reinsurance) company a subject to endorsement with authorized body:
330. Does an insurance (re-insurance) company have the right to create its subsidiary insurance
(re-insurance) companies:
331. Does an insurance (re-insurance) company have the right to take up shares of financial
332. Does an insurance (re-insurance) company have the right to take up shares of financial
organizations, not being financial organizations, which shares are not included in the lists of
stock exchange on the highest and the following after the highest categories:
333. Does an insurance (re-insurance) company, being a subsidiary insurance (re-insurance)
company – resident of Republic of Kazakhstan have the right to create its subsidiary insurance
(re-insurance) company:
334. What kind of words (word) should a subsidiary insurance (re-insurance) company specify in
its full name:
335. Is the usage of the name of paternal insurance (re-insurance) company in the name of
subsidiary insurance (re-insurance) company an obligatory condition:
336. Should a subsidiary insurance (re-insurance) company show the word “subsidiary” in its
full name:
337. Within what period of time should an authorized body give permission to creation, getting
of a subsidiary organization after submission of application:
338. Of what activities should a subsidiary insurance (re-insurance) company inform an
authorized body without fail:
339. On the grounds of what body decision does an insurance company have the right to open a
branch or agency:
340. Is getting approval of an authorized body necessary for opening of a branch or agency of an
insurance (re-insurance) company:
341. Does an insurance (re-insurance) company have the right to open branches and agencies
within the limits of Republic of Kazakhstan:
342. Within what period of time should an insurance company inform an authorized body about
opening of a branch or agency:
343. What requirements are made to the name of a branch (agency) of an insurance (reinsurance) company:
344. Is a branch of an insurance (re-insurance) company a legal person:
345. Does a branch of an insurance (re-insurance) company have the right to carry out an activity
on its behalf:
346. What is an agency of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
347. Is an agency of insurance (re-insurance) company a legal person:
348. Does an agency of an insurance (re-insurance) company have the right to carry out an
insurance (re-insurance) activity:
349. Can an insurance (re-insurance) company – non-resident of Republic of Kazakhstan open
branches in the territory of Republic of Kazakhstan:
350. Can an insurance (re-insurance) company – non-resident of Republic of Kazakhstan open
agencies in the territory of Republic of Kazakhstan:
351. Upon which condition does an insurance (re-insurance) company - resident have the right
to open agencies:
352. What persons are admitted as leading employees of an insurance broker:
353. Which body consent is required for choice (appointment) to positions of leading employees
of an insurance (re-insurance) company and insurance broker:
354. Does an authorized body have the right to recall the consent to choice (appointment) of
leading employee of an insurance (re-insurance) company under revelation of invalid data, on
which foundation the consent was given:
355. Is systematic usage of sanctions to leading employee by an authorized body a foundation
for recall of a given consent by an authorized body to election (appointment) of a leading
employee of an insurance broker:
356. Can a person, having uncleared or expunged convictions in a legal form for crimes,
committed in the sphere of economic activity be elected to leading positions of an insurance (reinsurance) company:
357. Can be a person, not having a higher education be elected to a leading position in an
insurance (re-insurance) company:
358. Can a person, not having experience, established by legislation in the sphere of presentation
and (or) regulation of financial services be elected to a leading position in an insurance (reinsurance) company:
359. What kind of education is obligatory for election (appointment) to a position of the first
head of an insurance broker:
360. Can a large participant of an insurance (re-insurance) company be appointed to a position of
the first head of the government:
361. What percent of independent directors is in the structure of committee of directors of an
insurance (re-insurance) company:
362. Within what period of time does a leading employee of an insurance (re-insurance)
company have the right to have its position with no concurrence:
363. Within what period of time is a decision of giving consent or refusal in the giving of
consent to a position of a leading employee of an insurance (re-insurance) company, insurance
broker made on:
364. Within what period of time is committed a recurring presentation of documents to
concurrence after refusal in giving consent to the election of a leading employee of an insurance
(re-insurance) company, insurance broker by an authorized body:
365. Should the copies of articles of association, having the state registration and presented to an
authorized body for license obtaining to the carrying out of an insurance broker activity be
366. Who signs a business plan on an insurance category, presented to an authorized body for
license obtaining:
367. Does a condition of an internal audit service present to an authorized body for license
obtaining to the carrying out of an insurance activity:
368. What is collected for granting a license by an authorized body on regulation of financial
market and financial organizations to the carrying out of an insurance activity:
369. Within what period of time should an application of the granting of license to the right of
the carrying out of an insurance activity from the day of presentation of full documents be
considered by an authorized body::
370. Where is a decision of an authorized body about granting a license to the performance of an
insurance activity and activity of an insurance broker published:
371. Upon which condition does an insurance (re-insurance) company have the right to perform
a transfer of insurance portfolio on several insurance categories of another insurance (reinsurance) company:
372. Upon which condition can an insurance (re-insurance) company take an insurance portfolio
on one or several insurance categories from another insurance (re-insurance) company:
373. In what case should an insurance (re-insurance) company perform a transfer of insurance
portfolio on one or several insurance categories from another insurance (re-insurance) company:
374. Performance of which requirements of legislation should an insurance (re-insurance)
company, taking an insurance portfolio provide for:
375. What body determine the order of transfer of an insurance portfolio:
376. Within what period of time should an insurance organization address in an authorized body
for granting a license to carry out an insurance activity from the day of the state registration:
377. Within what period of time should an insurance broker address to an authorized body for
granting license to the right of carrying out of an activity from the day of the state registration:
378. What is the one from foundations of refusal on including an extra category of insurance in a
license of an insurance company:
379. What is the one from foundations of refusal on including an extra category of insurance in a
license of an insurance company:
380. Is an actuary activity in an insurance market a subject to a licensing in the territory of
Republic of Kazakhstan:
381. What body is a single licensor in the territory of Republic of Kazakhstan on a license
granting to carrying out of an actuary activity in an insurance market:
382. Within what period of time should an authorized body consider applications and
documents, presented for granting an actuary license:
383. With what periodicity should an actuary pass a qualified examination:
384. Is a decision of an authorized body of a license granting to carrying out of an actuary
activity in an insurance market a subject to publication:
385. Where is a decision of an authorized body of a license granting to carrying out of an actuary
activity in an insurance market published:
386. In which cases is an intervention of the state bodies in an activity of an insurance (reinsurance) company admitted:
387. Who cannot be a worker of an insurance supervision structural subdivision of an authorized
388. In what case cannot the relatives of persons, having voting shares of insurance (reinsurance) companies in ownership or management be workers of an insurance supervision
structural subdivision of an authorized body:
389. What body are the requirements to automation of (re-insurance) company determined by:
390. What body a procedure of settlements of unprofitability factor of an insurance (reinsurance) company determined by:
391. What body is an inspection of an activity of an insurance (re-insurance) company and an
insurance broker made by:
392. To whom should the state bodies, inspecting an activity of insurance (re-insurance)
companies within their commission, given them by legislative acts inform of revealed
infringements of the legislation about insurance an insurance activity
393. An inspection over paying capacity and financial sustainability of an insurance (reinsurance) company is made by means of such restrictions:
394. What body are prudential standards for insurance (re-insurance) companies established by:
395. What factor from the following does not concern prudential standards of an insurance (reinsurance) company:
396. Which of the following are not prudential standards of an insurance (re-insurance)
397. What is a margin of paying capacity:
398. What is the purpose of creation of a guarantee fund of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
399. Who calculates a minimal size of own charges of an insurance (re-insurance) company on a
separate insurance agreement:
400. What size should not exceed a minimal size of own charges of an insurance (re-insurance)
company on a separate insurance agreement:
401. Who of the following persons can be made answer for the infringement of prudential
standards by an insurance (re-insurance) company:
402. What should an insurance (re-insurance) company have for provision of fulfillment of
accepted liabilities on active insurance agreements and re-insurance:
403. What are the means of insurance reserves of an insurance (re-insurance) company assigned
404. By what means does an insurance (re-insurance) company make insurance payouts:
405. What document are the requirements to formation, method of insurance reserves calculation
and its structure established by:
406. What size is an acquisition of shares of stock investment funds – residents of Republic of
Kazakhstan by an insurance (re-insurance) company admitted in:
407. What size is an aggregate value of market share of an insurance (re-insurance) company in
an authorized capital or shares of legal persons, not being financial organizations:
408. In what time should an insurance (re-insurance) company inform an authorized body of a
security of own property, issue of warrants or acceptance of another liability, not shown in a
balance sheet:
409. What body should a decision of settlement of transaction by an insurance (re-insurance)
company be confirmed by:
410. Does an insurance (re-insurance) company have the right to issue a gold share:
411. When should a person, taking the right to ownership or management of voting shares of an
insurance (re-insurance) company present written notice of issue of such a transaction to an
authorized body:
412. In which structure creation does an insurance (re-insurance) company have the right to
413. Within what period of time is an agreement of mutual activity with the participation of an
insurance (re-insurance) company a subject to registration in an authorized body from the day of
its conclusion:
414. In what case does an authorized body have the right to recommend shareholders to take
measures on financial improvement of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
415. With respect of which participants of an insurance market does an authorized person to take
restricted measures of influence:
416. Which of the following measures of influence is not used regarding an actuary:
417. With respect of whom from the following persons can restricted measures of influence, set
by the legislation about an insurance activity be taken:
418. Who has the right to sanction an insurance (re-insurance) company and insurance broker:
419. What time of period can the license action of an insurance (re-insurance) company and
insurance broker be stopped:
420. What does the termination of a license of an insurance (re-insurance) company involve:
421. What should an insurance (re-insurance) company do in case of termination of license
action on early made insurance (re-insurance) agreements:
422. From what moment is an action of a license of an insurance (re-insurance) company
considered stopped:
423. Is a breach of requirements, connected with the concurrence of leading employees of an
insurance (re-insurance) company or insurance broker a foundation for suspension of a license
424. Is the case of his carrying out of an activity of insurance agent a foundation for suspension
of a license action of an insurance broker:
425. Is a breach of requirements of prudential standards and other obligatory to observance
standards and limits, established by the legislation of Republic of Kazakhstan a foundation for
suspension of a license action of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
426. Is a non-fulfillment of written order of an authorized body about removal of infringements
of legislation about insurance and insurance activity a foundation for suspension of a license
action of an insurance (re-insurance) company and an insurance broker:
427. Is a non-assignment of reporting within two following months in an authorized body,
established by the legislation of Republic of Kazakhstan a foundation for suspension of a license
action of an insurance broker:
428. Is a refusal in documents and information presentation, demanded by an authorized body
within his competence in connection with the inspection of an insurance activity a foundation for
suspension of a license action of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
429. Is a fact finding of giving invalid information in documents, been a basis for a granting of a
license a foundation for suspension of a license action of an insurance broker:
430. Is a fact finding of infringement of legislation, connected with improper showing in
accounting of financial operations on insurance (re-insurance) a foundation for suspension of a
license action of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
431. Is a non-payment, late payment or payment of obligatory or extraordinary in not full volume
two and more times within last twelve months in fund, guaranteeing performance of insurance
payouts a foundation for suspension of a license action of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
432. What kind of operations does an insurance (re-insurance) company, devoid of a license
have the right to carry out:
433. From what date does a decision about deprivation of licenses of an insurance activity
subjects and insurance broker come into effect:
434. Within what period of time should an authorized body go to the law with an application of
compulsory liquidation of an insurance (re-insurance) company, insurance broker from the day
of a license deprivation:
435. What actions should an authorized body undertake from the date of coming a decision of an
insurance (re-insurance) company license deprivation into effect:
436. To whom are the powers of all authorities of an insurance (re-insurance) company from the
date of coming a decision of license deprivation of an insurance (re-insurance) company into
effect passed on:
437. Who has the right to appeal in a legal form against decision of an authorized body about
license deprivation of an insurance (re-insurance) company:
438. Until what period of time does a temporary administration of an insurance (re-insurance)
company carry out its activity:
439. Who appoints a liquidation commission to a forcibly liquidated insurance (re-insurance)
440. Who carries out a control over activity of a temporary administration of an insurance (reinsurance) company till the appointment of a liquidation commission:
441. To what period can a license action of an actuary be stopped by an authorized body:
442. Is a refusal in assignment of an obligatory actuary conclusion and the other documents,
demanded by an authorized body within its competence a foundation for suspension a license
action of an actuary by an authorized body:
443. Is a non-fulfillment of a license activity in an insurance market within last two years a
foundation for suspension a license action of an actuary by an authorized body:
444. Is a failure of an actuary to pass a qualified examination in accordance with the
requirements of legislation a foundation for suspension a license action of an actuary by an
authorized body:
445. Is a fact finding of presentation of invalid information in documents, been a basis for
licensing a foundation for suspension a license action of an actuary by an authorized body:
446. Is a non-fulfillment of written order of an authorized body about removal of infringements
of legislation about insurance and insurance activity a foundation for suspension a license action
of an actuary by an authorized body:
447. Is a non-fulfillment of written notice of an authorized body about removal of infringements
of legislation about insurance and insurance activity a foundation for suspension a license action
of an actuary by an authorized body:
448. What day is a license action of an actuary considered stopped:
449. Can an authorized body dislisence an actuary under disclosure and transfer of data, get
during actuary calculations and having secrets of insurance or commercial secrets to third
persons (excluding an authorized body):
450. Is repeated (two times within last twelve months) suspension of an action of his license a
foundation for actuary license deprivation by an authorized body:
451. In what case does an authorized body have the right to make a decision of forcible
redemption of stock from an insurance (re-insurance) company from its shareholders and realize
it to a new investor:
452. Upon which condition is a realization of an insurance (re-insurance) company shares,
forcibly bought by an authorized body from its shareholders, new investor carried out:
453. What price is a forcible redemption of shares of an insurance (re-insurance) company made
454. What purpose is a forcible redemption of shares of an insurance (re-insurance) company
made with:
455. What price is a realization of shares of an insurance (re-insurance) company under their
forcible redemption made on:
456. Who are the rights and liabilities of owners of all forcibly redeemable shares of an
insurance (re-insurance) company pass on:
457. Which body prescribes the procedure of a forced buy-out of shares of an insurance
(reinsurance) company and their subsequent sell to a new investor:
458. In what accordance do an insurance (re-insurance) company and an insurance broker carry
out a calculation of their conducted operations with:
459. How often does an insurance (re-insurance) company carry out an obligatory audit of its
460. How often does an insurance broker conduct an obligatory audit of his activity:
461. What integral part is an audit conclusion on the annual results of an insurance (re-insurance)
462. What periodicity is a financial reporting by large participants of insurance (re-insurance)
companies, being legal persons presented with:
463. What integral part is an obligatory actuary conclusion on insurance reserves of an insurance
(re-insurance) company:
464. What purpose are factors, characterizing deficiency used by insurance (re-insurance)
465. What do factors, characterizing deficiency reflect:
466. Who fixes a factor calculation order, characterizing deficiency of an insurance (reinsurance) company:
467. What terms does an insurance (re-insurance) company publish an annual financial
468. Does an actuary, having a license of an authorized body to carrying out of an actuary
activity have the right to give his license to another legal and physical persons, in the territory of
what state is it valid:
469. Who has the right to act as an actuary:
470. What state body do carry out control over observance of license rules by an actuary:
471. What is a task of an actuary activity:
472. What should an insurance (re-insurance) company have for provision for a fulfillment of
accepted liabilities on insurance agreements and re-insurance:
473. What principles is an actuary estimation of a size of insurance reserves of an insurance (reinsurance) company founded on:
474. Is an actuary conclusion, made by an actuary in connection with an estimation of required
size of insurance reserves, spend in the framework of obligatory or initiative actuary
calculations, necessary to implementation by insurance (re-insurance) companies:
475. Who do insurance reserves calculated with:
476. Which copies does an actuary conclusion made in:
477. Who signs an actuary conclusion:
478. An actuary has the right:
479. An actuary is obliged to:
480. Within what period of time should an actuary keep all the documents, relating to an actuary
481. What information does an authorized state body ask from an actuary:
482. What body is a general methodology and method of making of insurance reserves actuary
calculations on insurance (category) branches determined by:
483. Who has the right to address to an authorized state body for acquisition of a license to
carrying out of an actuary activity:
484. What documents are necessary for acquisition of a license to carrying out of an actuary
485. Which organizations do have the right to train actuaries in the Republic of Kazakhstan:
486. What is a term of consideration by an authorized body of an application on a license issue to
carrying out of an actuary activity:
487. What form is a testing on knowledge of legislation of Republic of Kazakhstan about
insurance and insurance activity of candidates for acquisition of a license to carrying out of an
actuary activity made in:
488. Who can be present at testing of a candidate to acquisition of a license to carrying out of an
actuary activity in one room with the tested person:
489. What percent of right answers on results of testing should an applicant get for acquisition of
a license to the right of carrying out of an actuary activity:
490. Within what period of time can an applicant (actuary) in case of disagreement with results
of testing address with appellation in written form in an authorized state body:
491. Within what period of time does a Board of appeals consider an appellation of a candidate
for acquisition of a license to carrying out of an actuary activity:
492. In what case is a decision of a Board of appeals on consideration of appellation on results of
testing of a candidate for acquisition of a license to carrying out of an actuary activity considered
493. What decision can a Board of appeals on consideration of a candidate appellation for
acquisition of a license to carrying out of an actuary activity accept:
494. How much time and within what period of time can a candidate be accepted to a testing for
acquisition of a license to carrying out of an actuary activity, in case of primary negative testing
495. In which cases can be refused in a license issue to carrying out of an actuary activity:
496. From what period of time is a license to carrying out of an actuary activity considered
stopped on an authorized state body decision:
497. In what mass media is information of suspension of a license action to carrying out of an
actuary activity published:
498. From what period of time does a decision of an authorized state body of deprivation of a
license to carrying out of an actuary activity come into effect:
499. What periodicity does an actuary pass a qualified examination, confirming presence of a
necessary level of knowledge and qualification:
500. Is an actuary admitted to passing a qualified examination, if an action of his license is
stopped to the moment of a qualified examination passing:
501. To what period of time is an action of a license to carrying out of an actuary activity
stopped, if an actuary did not pass repeatedly a qualified examination (two times running within
a year):