Cisco networking academy program

Cisco networking academy program
Class Name
Start Date
(1) Local course material mirror site :
(2) Global cisco academy main page :
Interesting teaching material demo :
(1) Lab Activity : OSI Model Characteristics and Devices
(2) Interactive Media Activity : Encapsulation Process Flowchart
(3) Interactive Media Activity : The OSI Model
(4) Interactive Media Activity : Collision Detection Flowchart | <solution>
Module Started!
To do list:
(1) Enrolled students to on line class - done.
(2) Try to do the on line assessment for CCNA1 module 4, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11. (take
home open book)
(3) Start reading the on line curriculum
(4) Download packet tracer version4.01 from assessment server and try the
simulator by yourself.
(5) Prepare a technical journal (networking) and bring it to class. Open technical
journal for CCNA1 module 1, 2, 3, 5, and 9.
CCNA1 Practical #1 : TCP/IP and its basic commands - from a network USER's
(1) Download the TCP/IP worksheet #1 (doc)
(2) Run the given commands and capture the screen dump.
>>> ipconfig /all
>>> ping -t ...
>>> tracrt ...
(3) upload the completed assignments to assessment server and we can compare the
Internet services from different ISP and an overall picture of the Internet.
注意: 此功課不適宜在中文大學及培正中學校園範圍內的電腦進行, 否則你的答
案會和其他同學有出入, 而且較難解釋。
>>> My computer cannot access to the Internet, how to fix it?
>>> No FTP is allowed at home, why?
>>> The network interface card does not work properly, why?
>>> No access to a particular web page, why?
CCNA1 Practical #2 : Find the gateway/router of a local area network (LAN) from a network ADMIN's view
(1) check the following school network
there are 4 separated LOGICAL networks
- / 16 (Intranet)
- / 27 (PCCW segment)
- / 27 (HGC segment)
- /30 (PCCW private network)
(2) Here is the NIC configuration of ONE of the above machines, find it out:
(3) Here is the NIC configuration of ANOTHER ONE of the above machines, find it
>>> How to add one machine to this LAN?
>>> How to connect this LAN to the Internet?
>>> How to increase the network security of this LAN?
>>> Chungsir is moving to his new office, does he need to reconfigurate the
network settings of his computer for networking accessing?
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Networking
1. DMA controller
2. Hot plug
3. Plug and Play (PnP)
4. COAST memory
5. VGA/SVGA/XGA/... display standard
6. IP addressing
7. PING command and an interesting ping -t demo (hot plug the UTP cable and check
the error messages accordingly)
8. IP and subnet mask
9. Network number, broadcast address
10. number of usable networks
11. number of usable hosts
Good luck for your day 3 quiz#1 ... If you still have some questions, post here!
The following threads are our past expereinces ...
1. What is IP subnet mask?
2. DMA Controller and CPU Cache (we talk about cache before your HKCEE
3. Hot plug and Plug & Play (PnP)
4. Display standard
5. IP addressing FAQs
6. Network numbers and broadcast addresses
7. Usable networks and usable hosts
Chapter 2 : Networking fundamentals
1. Network topology
2. Network protocols
4. Intranets and extranets
5. bandwidth and throughput
6. Digital versus analog
7. OSI network model and OSI 7 layers
8. TCP/IP model and TCP/IP 4 layers
9. Peer-to-peer communications
10. Data encapsulation
Ch3 : Pre-class assignment : Networking Media --> 大家的答案
3.1 Copper Media
>>> 3.1.6 Cable specifications
>>> 3.1.7 Coaxial cable
>>> 3.1.8 STP cable
>>> 3.1.9 UTP cable
3.2 Optical Media
>>> 3.2.3 Reflection
>>> 3.2.4 Refraction
>>> 3.2.5 Total internal reflection
>>> 3.2.6 Multimode fiber
>>> 3.2.7 Single-mode fiber
3.3 Wireless Media
>>> 3.3.1 Wireless LAN organizations and standards
>>> 3.3.2 Wireless devices and topologies
>>> 3.3.3 How wireless LANs communicate
>>> 3.3.4 Authentication and association
>>> 3.3.5 The radio wave and microwave spectrums
前人的討論, 後人可以參考參考:
1. bandwidth calculation exercises .. Pui Ching real life cases!!!
3. Lab 2.3.6/Lab 2.3.7 Suggested Answer
4. What is different between Router, Switch and Hub?
5. 一位已經考取了 CCNP 好友教大家的 tutorial...
Self check exercises :
(1) Interactive Media Activity : The OSI Model
(2) Lab Activity : OSI Model Characteristics and Devices
(3) Interactive Media Activity : Encapsulation Process Flowchart
>>> Five conversion steps in order to encapsulate data:
(Layer 7-5) Build the data --> As a user sends an e-mail message, its alphanumeric
characters are converted to data that can travel across the internetwork.
(Layer 4) Package the data for end-to-end transport --> The data is packaged for
internetwork transport. By using segments, the transport function ensures that the
message hosts at both ends of the e-mail system can reliably communicate.
(Layer 3) Add the network IP address to the header --> The data is put into a packet
or datagram that contains a packet header with source and destination logical
addresses. These addresses help network devices send the packets across the network
along a chosen path.
(Layer 2) Add the data link layer header and trailer --> Each network device must put
the packet into a frame. The frame allows connection to the next directly-connected
network device on the link. Each device in the chosen network path requires framing
in order for it to connect to the next device.
(Layer 1) Convert to bits for transmission --> The frame must be converted into a
pattern of 1s and 0s (bits) for transmission on the medium. A clocking function
enables the devices to distinguish these bits as they travel across the medium. The
medium on the physical internetwork can vary along the path used. For example, the
e-mail message can originate on a LAN, cross a campus backbone, and go out a WAN
link until it reaches its destination on another remote LAN.
Pre class Mini Quiz --> [Answers for sharing]
OSI 7 layers model vs TCP/IP 4 layers model
重點是由老師搬 office 重置電腦事件開始...
Question : Chungsir is moving to his new office, does he need to reconfigurate his
computer for networking accessing?
layer 1 : cable
>> Yes, unplug the UTP cable in the old office, find a valid new UTP cable again in
the new office
layer 2 (phsical) : NIC (ping local loopback, ping gateway)
>> No, obvious. Try to write down a situation that we should reset the layer 2 things.
layer 3 (logical) : IP (static IP vs DHCP)
>> No, TWO reasons. Firstly, I am using DHCP. Secondly, the logical network
doesn't change in this case.
layer 4 to layer 7 就當然唔會轉啦! 搬之前重好地地上緊網!
Students FAQ :
(1) 3. Lab 2.3.6/Lab 2.3.7 請你盡快作好你的那一句 OSI 7 LAYER「金句」
(2) 為什麼要分 n 個 Layer?
Layer 1 : Physical layer (hub, cable, repeater) >>> signals, bits, port assignments
Layer 2 : Data link layer (switch, NIC) >>> frame (一個樽), mac address
Layer 3 : Network layer (router) >>> packet (一封信), ip address, ipx address
Layer 4 : Transport layer >>> segment (一本書), TCP/UDP
任何一層會使用下面那一層的功能去完成自已的工作。 layer 3 會使用 layer 2 的
功能去傳送一封信, layer 4 會使腦 layer 3 的功能去傳送一本書等等。 layer 2 把
layer 3 交來的東西進行「包裝重組」叫做 encapsulation。
(3) layer 2 的運作: tracing mac address 和 arp -a
(4) 分辨 straight (normal) cable 和 cross-over cable 的用途:
male devices : nic, router, server, host computer
femal devices : switch, hub
ch 5 : Cabling LANs and WANs
5.1 Cabling LANs
5.1.1 LAN physical layer
5.1.2 Ethernet in the campus
5.1.3 Ethernet media and connector requirements
5.1.4 Connection media
5.1.5 UTP implementation
5.1.6 Repeaters
5.1.7 Hubs
5.1.8 Wireless
5.1.9 Bridges
5.1.10 Swtiches
5.1.11 Host connectivity
5.1.12 Peer-to-peer
5.1.13 Client/server
5.2 Cabling WANs
5.2.1 WAN physical layer
5.2.2 WAN serial connections
5.2.3 Routers and serial connections
5.2.4 Routers and ISDN BRI connections
5.2.5 Routers and DSL connections
5.2.6 Routers and cable connections
5.2.7 Setting up console connections
(1) Ch5 mini lecture: 802.2, 802.3, HUB, SWITCH, ROUTER, LAN, WAN, ...
(2) Demo Lab: set up a LAN using WS, Hub, Switches, crosscables and straight
(3) 介紹培正個 wan connection 及 lan connection, 大家上網自已睇 : 2004 Server
Room Guided Tour (video)
(4) According to FOLDOC, details of 802 standards for your references:
IEEE 802.2 LLC (upper portion of data link layer)
IEEE 802.3 MAC (lower portion of data link layer)
IEEE 802.3u 100Mbps MAC FE (lower portion of data link layer)
IEEE 802.3z 1000Mbps MAC GE (lower portion of data link layer)
(5) Ch 9 : ip v4 addressing, subnet and subnet mask。
大家可以用 Packet Tracer 去明白如何做 ip address design ...。
(6) IP addressing :
Class A : 0 - 127 (sm : 8-bits network, 24-bits host)
Class B : 128.0 - 191.255 (sm : 16-bits network, 16-bits host)
Class C : 192.0.0 - 223.255.255 (sm : 24-bits network, 8-bits host)
Class D & E : 224 - 255
(7) Special IP ranges :
- Private IP (No one own these IP and anyone can use them.
Class A : 10.x.x.x
Class B : 172.16.x.x
Class C : 192.168.x.x
- Local loopback (your own network card, lo)
Teacing Ch 5 and Ch 9 using Packet tracer 4.0.1
(1) Download and installed Packet tracer 4.01
(2) Complete this activities and check your answer by yourself: PC Config lab (pka)
(For this SAT's competition, pls complete ALL the CCNA1 exercises by yourself at
home! and upload the pka file to assessment server)
(3) Complete this cables and PC setup lab and submit to assessment server : Cable
and PC Config lab (pkt)
大家可以先睇下我的「教學 video」:
Cable Making Demo (video) | Punch Down Lab Demo (video)
Part 1 – Build and Test Cable
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Possible Score: 30 points
Build a straight-through Ethernet cable for connection of two PCs using a hub or
switch. Test the cable with a cable tester for correct pinouts and continuity. Use
Category 5 or 5e cable and T568A or T568B standards.
A length of Category 5 or 5e cable, two RJ-45 connectors, wire cutter and stripper
tool, crimping tool, basic cable tester, Fluke LAN Cable Meter 620.
Part 2 – Subnet Calculation (packet tracer)
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Part 3 - Workstation Configuration and Cabling (packet tracer)
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Possible Score: 40 points
經過 2 個小時的努力... 16 位同學都順利完成 practical exam 了。
一共消滅了六十多個 RJ-45 connector, 大家可以算得上是「network equipment
餘下的便是大家會不會努力吃下所有 on line module exam, 下週回來會講解
coursework, 拔尖的同學如果不想 9 月份再回來, 可以於下星期的補課時間上線
做 on line exam, 甚至 on line final exam 和 on line survey。 希望可以為大家簽
發 ccna 的證書...
Network security
1. Network Monitoring Tools (with firewall functions) : Sygate Personal Firewall
2. Effective measures to improve network security :
(a) Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
(b) Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)
(c) virtual private network (VPN)
3. Network Security Survey