Assignment 1 - Psychology 260

Fall 2006
Assignment Ch 1 - Psychology 260
Name: _______________
multiple choice: circle the correct answer
1. When trying to define brain, behavior and the relationship between the two you
could say.....
a. both represent physical objects
b. both represent theoretical concepts
c. the brain is conceptual whereas behavior is physical
d. the brain is physical whereas behavior is conceptual
e. the two are most likely unrelated
2. What is the term commonly given to the brain and spinal chord collectively?
a. the nervous system
b. the sensory pathway
c. the motor pathway
d. the peripheral nervous system
e. the central nervous system
3. Descartes was among the first to suggest that the brain drove body function
through mechanical means. What form of energy did he suggest was the basis
for movement?
a. thermal energy produced by heat from the brain
b. electrical energy produced by individual cells in the brain
c. hydraulic energy produced by movement of fluid from the brain
d. chemical energy produced by chemicals from the brain
e. none of the above; Descartes did not believe the brain played a role in
physical movement
4. From the theories of Charles Darwin and related research since his time,
modern researchers believe which of the following regarding human emotions?
a. emotions are inherited rather than learned
b. human emotions are similar to emotions expressed by other animals
c. emotions are common to all human cultures
d. both the brain and behavior (including emotions) have evolved together over
e. all of the above
Fall 2006
5. Neoteny is one theory to explain why humans have developed such large and
complex brains relative to other primates. Which if the following is true according
to this theory?
a. adult humans have a greater capacity for neural development than do other
adult primates
b. Adult humans have some physical features that resemble those of juveniles
from other primates
c. adult humans have some behavior patterns that resemble those of juveniles
from other primates
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
definitions: use two or three sentences to define these terms
1. natural selection members of a species whose traits most help them to survive will be the most
likely to reproduce. Darwin used this theory to explain how new species evolved
as a result of this interaction between traits and environment.
2. peripheral nervous system all of the neurons of the body outside the brain and spinal cord
3. materialism theory that behavior can be fully explained by the function of the nervous system.
4. autonomic nervous system - system that regulates organs and glands
sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
5. radiator hypothesis - improved brain cooling led to more complex nervous