ANNIE KRINGLE [MUSIC] 01:00:00 [INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS] ALBIE 01:00:15 Oh, good morning, Miss Klaus. ANNIE Merry Christmas, Albie. ALBIE Merry Christmas to you. IAN Good morning, Miss Annie Klaus. ANNIE Oh, Merry Christmas, Ian. IAN You do know that Christmas is over a month away. ANNIE Merry Christmas, Tracy. Beautiful bows. Ian, here, every day is Christmas. IAN 01:00:32 Of course it is. You are absolutely right. Oh, here's the toy popularity report you'd asked for. ANNIE Oh. Just as I thought. We have a lot of work to do. Rally the troops. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:00:47 Conference in ten minutes. Hot cocoa and sugar cookies for everyone! [ALL CHEERING] CHESTER (clears throat) Merry morning, villagers. ANNIE KRINGLE - 2 [BELLS CHIME] ANNIE Oh, it's announcement time! CHESTER 01:01:03 This is Chester Singleton, Executive V.P. of Operations. We have prepared a state of the village address to give you our status for the upcoming holiday season. So without further ado, I give you the man himself, Santa Claus! [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] MARTHA 01:01:19 Go get 'em, Santa Claus. SANTA CLAUS Ahem, fellow villagers... ANNIE Cookie? SANTA CLAUS Mrs. Klaus and I would like to thank you all for all your hard work this year. ANNIE Have one. SANTA CLAUS And I'm happy to report that we are poised to have our greatest season that we have seen since I began my tenure as Santa Claus. [ALL CHEER] 01:01:40 SANTA CLAUS Now, it is due in no small part to Chester here, and my daughter Annie, Vice President of toys, [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] SANTA CLAUS And all of you who have worked endlessly year-'round to make this season special for children worldwide. ANNIE KRINGLE - 3 [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] 01:02:00 SANTA CLAUS Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas! [ALL CHEER] ALL Merry Christmas. MARTHA Oh, and that is how we do that. WOMAN 01:02:17 Okay, uh, here we go... [OVERLAPPING CHATTER] MARTHA Well, naughty and nice lists are coming in fast and furious. SANTA CLAUS Well, they do every year. A parent's greatest ammunition. ANNIE 01:02:32 Anybody have time for a cocoa break? SANTA CLAUS Who has time for breaks this time of year? I mean, the season's upon us! With you going on sabbatical, my load just got considerably heavier. Maybe you should not go. ANNIE Oh, father! ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:02:47 I've only been waiting for this trip my entire life. MARTHA Santa, you know that this is her time. None of us would be here if you had not taken your season off. ANNIE KRINGLE - 4 SANTA CLAUS Yes, but I came back to the village. MARTHA And Annie might too. But she needs to experience the world before she can make that important decision for herself. SANTA CLAUS 01:03:04 It's a harsh and unforgiving world out there, Martha. MARTHA Do not listen to your father, Annie. The outside world is so full of adventure and wonder. Why, the day Santa came into my diner... SANTA CLAUS Ho! (chuckles) Then I was known just as boring old Calvin Klaus. MARTHA 01:03:22 Calvin Klaus was anything but boring to me. It was love at first sight. ANNIE Wouldn't it be wonderful, mother, to go out into the world and find my very own Calvin Klaus! MARTHA This journey is about finding where you belong. But if there is a Calvin Klaus out there who makes your decision easier, all the better. MARTHA (CONTINUED) 01:03:45 All right, Annie, are you ready to find out where sabbatical will be taking you? ANNIE I'm so excited, mother. It could be anywhere. Paris...Prague...Pittsburgh... MARTHA It all depends on this. SANTA CLAUS 01:04:00 Very exciting indeed. ANNIE Places that I've only seen on the globe. And I could go there! ANNIE KRINGLE - 5 MARTHA One of the perks of being a Klaus. No peeking, now. ANNIE Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. This is far too important. MARTHA 01:04:15 All righty, then. SANTA CLAUS & MARTHA Throw away, throw away, and let the fates fall where they may! ANNIE 01:04:42 Where am I going? Where am I going... MARTHA Los Angeles, California. ANNIE Just like the Beverly Hillbillies! SANTA CLAUS 01:04:57 "Swimming pools, movie stars." For sabbatical? MARTHA Think of all the excitement that awaits you in that wonderland of Sunny Southern California! (gasps) CHESTER I know I, for one, would be absolutely devastated if, come Christmas day, Annie decides to sign over her rights. IAN 01:05:16 It--it would be that day? CHESTER That very day. IAN Wait. Does this mean I'm out of a job? Because I--I--I need this job. My father cut me off, and-- ANNIE KRINGLE - 6 CHESTER Calm--shh... Ian, you have not heard the best part yet. IAN What's the best part? CHESTER 01:05:31 The best part is that, upon Santa's retirement, the head of operations takes over. IAN Wait, you're the head of operations. CHESTER Yes, I am. I did not make the rules, Ian. I merely follow them. CHESTER (CONTINUED) 01:05:47 And you know, I have had my eye on you for some time now. IAN Me? Re--really? CHESTER Oh, yes. You see, Ian, I was not born into power and privilege, like the Klauses. My parents came from the rank and file of sleigh maintenance. IAN 01:06:02 Mine were in postal management. CHESTER I have worked too hard--we--we have worked too hard to get here, and it is time for us to get what's coming to us. Now, you stick by me, and you have a very big future. IAN just can't force her to stay. IAN (CONTINUED) 01:06:19 What--what if she comes back? CHESTER I cannot...but he can. ANNIE KRINGLE - 7 IAN Who is Dean Durling? CHESTER He is the man that Annie is going to fall in love with. CHESTER (CONTINUED) 01:06:34 The man who is going to ask her to stay in Los Angeles with him. DIRECTOR Okay, Dean, take 49. With feeling, project! Action. DEAN Hey there. You know, after my accident, I was told I may never walk again. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:06:50 But Shaw, Shaw, and Shaw got me $180,000! DIRECTOR Cut! Let's do it again. Take 50. ANNIE Good-bye. MAN Bye, Annie. ANNIE Bye. CHESTER Have fun. ANNIE Good-bye. Uncle Chester will take good care of you. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:07:08 Good-bye. Good-bye. Bye. Good-bye. WOMAN Bye, Annie. There she goes. ANNIE KRINGLE - 8 SANTA CLAUS Now, if you get homesick, just shake up this snow globe and it'll remind you of the home you love so. ANNIE 01:07:23 Thank you, father. SANTA CLAUS & ANNIE (chuckle) MARTHA Ready for your big adventure? ANNIE I'm more ready for it than anything. Good-bye. ALL 01:07:38 Bye, Annie! WOMAN We're gonna miss you, Annie. MAN Be careful. WOMAN Come back to us. MAN We'll miss you a lot. Be careful out there. Bye-bye. ANNIE Good-bye, everyone. Good-bye. I'll miss you. Eat lots of cookies! [UPBEAT COUNTRY/BLUES MUSIC] SINGER 01:07:56 Snowflakes are fallin', the yuletide's callin', reindeers are spotted in flight. Mistletoe is hangin', everybody's makin' plans for this wonderful night. ANNIE 01:08:13 Snowflakes are driftin', I been thinkin'… ANNIE KRINGLE - 9 TRAFFIC MAN (whistle blows) SINGER What to do to make things right. ANNIE Oh...what a wonderful trick! SINGER Hey, Santa. ANNIE Merry Christmas, driver. MAN Where you going, lady? ANNIE 01:08:29 The Candy Cane Motel, if you please. Doesn't that sound like the most wonderful place in the world? MAN Delicious. ANNIE (chuckles) Merry Christmas. TRAFFIC MAN Mmm. SINGER 01:08:44 The wintertime's freezin', somebody's dreamin'... [ELECTRICITY CRACKLES] [ENTRY BELLS JINGLE] 01:09:05 TED Happy Black Friday, Barry. ANNIE KRINGLE - 10 BARRY Happy Black Friday, Ted. How's business going? TED See for yourself. BARRY Wow, this place used to be packed around the holidays. What happened? TED Well, the lovely people at Super Store decided to build a flagship two blocks away. BARRY 01:09:23 Super Store opened at 3:00 a.m. this morning. First 40 people in line got flat screen TVs for a dollar. TED That is why it is time to pull out the big guns. Gotta do something to restore this place to it's former glory, right? BARRY 01:09:38 Charley Boone's trains. TED Yep. Care to do the honors? BARRY I'd be honored to do the honors. And... [ELECTRICITY CRACKLES, BUZZES] BARRY Huh. Plan "B." Maybe, uh...advertising. BARRY (CONTINUED) 01:09:56 Online presence, perhaps. TED All of those things cost money. And, as my accountant, you should know that I don't have any of that. BARRY Yeah. And I don't think I need to tell you that you have a balloon payment due at the end of the month. ANNIE KRINGLE - 11 TED I've still got a month. I'll think of something. [MUSIC] 01:10:16 MAN You sure you don't want to stay someplace a little nicer? ANNIE 01:10:31 Look at the name--the Candy Cane Motel. I have to stay here for Christmas. LUCY No, it's not the Four Seasons, but it's cheap and it's clean. You want to make a reservation or not? Great. You're booked. Can't wait to meet you. ANNIE 01:10:46 Hi. I believe that you have a room waiting for me. LUCY What's it under? ANNIE Annie Klaus. Uh, K-L-A-U-S. LUCY Oh, there it is. The little Annie Klaus. Sounds like I should be saying Santy Klaus. LUCY (CONTINUED) 01:11:02 Your parents have a good sense of humor. ANNIE (chuckles) I get that a lot. LUCY We have you under the extended stay. Sign right there. ANNIE Yes, I'll be staying for quite a while. LUCY Right this way, Miss Annie Klaus. ANNIE KRINGLE - 12 LUCY (CONTINUED) 01:11:18 Honey, what happened? MIA Amy Winton and her stupid friends. LUCY Those girls teasing you again? MIA She chased me, and then I fell into the mud! But she's just jealous because she didn't get the part for the solo in the pageant. MIA (CONTINUED) 01:11:34 And then she called me a baby for believing in Santa Claus. ANNIE What? Who would say something like that? LUCY Honey, don't you think you're getting a little too old? ANNIE I assure you there is nothing babyish about believing in Santa Claus. MIA 01:11:49 Who are you? LUCY That's Annie. She's not a movie star. She's gonna be staying here with us for the next month. ANNIE This Amy Winton person shouldn't be making fun of anyone, let alone someone believing in Santa Claus. LUCY Do you believe? ANNIE Of course I believe. I know Santa is real. And he knows who's naughty and who's nice. ANNIE KRINGLE - 13 LUCY 01:12:05 Here we go. Room number six. Here's your key. Let us know if you need anything. Welcome to the Candy Cane. ANNIE Thank you. I think I'm gonna be very happy here. [DIALING CELLPHONE] 01:12:31 [CELL PHONE RINGS] CHESTER Chester Singleton. DEAN First contact is imminent. CHESTER Excellent. [PHONE BEEPS OFF] [HORN HONKS] ANNIE 01:12:47 Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas. MAN What a freak. WOMAN I know. ANNIE Merry Christmas. BOY 01:13:02 Dork! ANNIE Merry Christmas. ANNIE KRINGLE - 14 MAN Okay, ignore the crazy. WOMAN Come on, come on. [HORN HONKING] MAN Hey, are you thirsty, freak? [LAUGHTER] ANNIE 01:13:19 (gasps) Why am I-DEAN 01:13:36 You all right? ANNIE Uh...I'm okay. I--I--I--my pride may have suffered a blow. DEAN Well...well, I'll have you know that not many people in this town are like that to newcomers. ANNIE 01:13:54 How did you know I was a newcomer? DEAN Um, it was just a hunch. You have a good day now. [SIREN IN DISTANCE] 01:14:18 ANNIE Wait, wait, so you're saying that I shouldn't give people hugs when they're sad? LUCY Nope. And don't take it personal when they don't say "hi" back. ANNIE KRINGLE - 15 ANNIE It's just so different here. When someone back home passes without a smile, then you know that something is probably very wrong. LUCY 01:14:34 Well, we're pretty comfortable around here living in fear of each other. We tend not to make eye contact if we can help it. ANNIE When I pass someone without a smile, I like to offer mine. MIA Mom! LUCY Here, Mia. MIA Mommy, the pageant was cancelled. LUCY I'm sorry, baby. LUCY (CONTINUED) 01:14:50 What happened? MIA Mrs. Carmichael's mom got sick, and they had to cancel because she had to go to Michigan. LUCY That's too bad, baby. So there's no one else that can direct it? MIA No. They just cancelled it. MIA (CONTINUED) 01:15:06 And I was gonna sing. ANNIE Ahh, I love singing. ANNIE KRINGLE - 16 LUCY Baby, you know I would do it, but I can't pay Carmen any more than I already do to watch the motel. ANNIE By the time I was five, I knew every Christmas song under the sun. Oh, Mia, I'm so sorry. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:15:23 Music is food for the soul, especially Christmas music. MIA I know, but now it's like Christmas is cancelled. ANNIE Oh...we can't let this happen, Mia. MIA We? ANNIE What if I direct the pageant? ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:15:40 Uh, Christmas is sort of my thing. LUCY You don't say. ANNIE I directed the Spring Elf Show to rave reviews. MIA Oh, thank you, Annie. I've been waiting for this forever. MIA (CONTINUED) 01:15:56 Thanks, Annie. ANNIE 01:16:16 Come and play. Wonderland of Toys." Wonderland of Toys. How exciting! ANNIE KRINGLE - 17 ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:16:44 Oh, this is not right. [ELECTRICITY CRACKLES] 01:17:00 TED 01:17:32 What do you think you're doing? ANNIE This is a very popular game this season, in the 85th percentile. You have it all but behind this toy from last year. TED Lady, are you from the bank? I have till the end of the month. ANNIE From the bank? No. (chuckles) I'm merely a fan of toys. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:17:53 Oh...hi. I'm Annie Klaus. I'm just visiting. I'm staying at the Candy Cane Motel. I, uh, saw your flier, and had to experience your wonderland for myself. TED 01:18:09 Ted Boone, owner of said Wonderland. ANNIE Except I don't understand why you would call it a Wonderland, though. That word evokes images of amazement and adventure, which...your store has none of. TED 01:18:28 Thanks. That makes me feel amazing. ANNIE I finished that display. However, there's plenty of other work to be done. TED Well, it does look much better. ANNIE I'm in the toy business too. Back home, in Idaho...uh, where I'm from. ANNIE KRINGLE - 18 ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:18:45 My family has a toy business there...uh, in Idaho, where I'm--we have a toy business. TED Yeah, you said that. So is this family business very successful? ANNIE Oh, I should say so. It's one of the most successful ones ever. TED For your town. ANNIE Yes...for my town. TED 01:19:01 Then I sure could use your help around here, but unfortunately, I can't really afford to pay you right now. ANNIE I would never, ever take money for working with toys. I'd be happy to help you while I'm in town. TED Well, that doesn't seem right. ANNIE 01:19:16 I'm here for a short time to experience the world and try to decide if I want to go back and run my father's business. Working in your store would help me make that decision. TED You're sure about this? ANNIE Oh, nothing comforts me more than working with toys. TED 01:19:33 Working for free, it must be a very successful family business, huh? ANNIE is. (chuckles) So when do I start? ANNIE KRINGLE - 19 [MUSIC] ANNIE 01:19:49 And I can promise I'll make you all proud. I'm going to infuse you with Christmas spirit while we make the most wonderful pageant ever. Yes, Amy? AMY Will you be re-casting a more mature soloist? AMY (CONTINUED) 01:20:06 Some of us feel that maybe someone got the lead because she started to cry like a baby. MIA I did not cry! ANNIE I don't think re-casting is necessary. Here, everyone is a star. There are no small roles, only small actors. AMY One more thing. ANNIE Mm-hmm. AMY 01:20:21 I know the script Calls for a Santa. Will the real Santa Claus be participating? ANNIE Oh, heavens no. He's far too busy this time of year. But we'll get one of Santa's helpers to play him. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:20:36 Shall we, uh, practice some scales? Here we go. (playing scales) Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. ALL Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. ANNIE Bounce. ANNIE KRINGLE - 20 ALL Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. ANNIE 01:20:52 Look alive, Amy! ALL Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. [BEEP] CHESTER Status report. DEAN I can't talk right now. I'm at work. CHESTER Time is ticking, Dean. I need you to make this happen now. DEAN You know, Chester, nobody could live on this pittance that you're paying me, man. CHESTER 01:21:07 Quit that job. You work for me exclusively. Consider the ante upped. DEAN How upped? CHESTER Way upped. ANNIE Trust me, Ted, there's a method to my madness. [MUSIC] 01:21:22 TED You've been at it all morning, yet all I see is madness. ANNIE (chuckles) In chaos there is order. How's the train coming? ANNIE KRINGLE - 21 TED Still having technical difficulties. ANNIE Well, keep working on them. The store needs energy. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:21:38 It needs excitement. People shop in places that make them feel good. TED What makes you feel good? ANNIE Christmas. Christmas makes everyone feel good, and you don't have so much as a single candy cane in here. TED Well, this might come as a shock to you, Annie, but Christmas makes some people feel like failures at life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. ANNIE 01:21:58 All the more reason to surround yourself with it. You have to give people a reason to shop here instead of that Super Store. I'm sorry to tell you, Ted, but Christmas may be the best thing you've got going for you. TED It worked for my father. ANNIE Exactly. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:22:14 So put out some sugar cookies, throw up some garland, and put up some lights. Oh, lots of lights. TED Do you think decorating is gonna magically solve the problem of this balloon payment? ANNIE Oh...not just your money problems, but your soul. ANNIE KRINGLE - 22 ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:22:32 Infuse yourself with the Christmas spirit, and life just looks better. LUCY We are treating you today. MIA Yes. WAITRESS Here you go. ANNIE Excuse me...are you married? WAITRESS 01:22:48 Why? ANNIE I'm just curious. WAITRESS Prince charming hasn't been lucky enough to find me yet. ANNIE Oh. Well, you can't give up hope. You're in the right place. One day, he is gonna walk through that door and sweep you off your feet. And then you'll move to his village with him and be crazy in love for years and years. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:23:07 And you'll help him run a successful family business. And then maybe you'll have a daughter that you'll love dearly. WAITRESS Then I guess I better stay in this dream job. ANNIE That's how my parents met. LUCY 01:23:22 Yeah. ANNIE KRINGLE - 23 ANNIE Him! LUCY Who's him? ANNIE The man who helped me the other day. Hello! Hey, hello! Hello! MIA 01:23:37 What is she talking about? LUCY I don't know, baby. [MUSIC] ANNIE Hello! LUCY (knock on glass) ANNIE 01:23:57 Where'd he go? LUCY Don't you ever run after no man. Hear me? MIA Okay. LUCY Not a good look. Don't do that. [WINDOW SQUEAKING] 01:24:12 DEAN Excuse me, ma'am. ANNIE It's you. ANNIE KRINGLE - 24 DEAN Well, if it isn't the lady soda shake. ANNIE I'm Annie. DEAN Dean. Dean Durling. ANNIE 01:24:28 It's so nice to meet you...(giggling) again. DEAN The pleasure is most definitely mine. So what, do you work here? ANNIE Uh, yes. DEAN Well, then, this must be fate. ANNIE 01:24:43 Yes. Uh, this would be great for a six-year-old. DEAN Oh. I really appreciate your help. I have absolutely no idea what to get for him. ANNIE Is--is this your own child? DEAN 01:24:59 Oh, no, no. No, I'm not married. I'm single as the day is long. No, it's for an orphan that I'm sponsoring for Christmas. You know, I just knew I had to do whatever I could to give this poor kid the best Christmas imaginable. ANNIE & DEAN Christmas is far too imp-ANNIE 01:25:16 Whew, what a lucky boy to have been chosen by you. ANNIE KRINGLE - 25 DEAN Oh, it's the least I can do. You know, Christmas is my favorite time of year. ANNIE Mine too. DEAN I love the decorations, the music, the... ANNIE & DEAN Lights. (chuckle) ANNIE I love lights. DEAN I love lights. ANNIE & DEAN (laugh) DEAN So... ANNIE Huh... DEAN Thank you so much again for your help. This place is so much better than Super Store. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:25:46 I guess people don't realize it's here. But I will definitely be back. Bye. ANNIE Bye. [BELLS JINGLE] [BUBBLES PERCOLATING] LUCY 01:26:01 I bet that foot bath feels perfect. ANNIE KRINGLE - 26 ANNIE Oh...(chuckles) it's the most wonderful feeling in the world. LUCY Who needs a man? That's always warm and never talks back. ANNIE Why don't you have a husband, Lucy? LUCY 01:26:16 I had three husbands, Annie. ANNIE Oh. LUCY The last one, he left me with a baby and ran off with a 20-year-old named Kiki Keller. ANNIE I'm so sorry to hear that. LUCY It's cool. Between running the business and raising Mia, I really don't have the energy to date. ANNIE 01:26:32 Well, I think that there's a Calvin out there for everyone. LUCY Who's Calvin? ANNIE Oh, it's a--it's a saying that we have back home. It means your one true love. LUCY You think the guy at the diner could be your Calvin? ANNIE Well, I couldn't be certain, but I'd sure like to find out. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:26:49 At least before Christmas. That's when my family wants me to make the decision whether I'll go back and run our business. But I have to see what's out here for me first. ANNIE KRINGLE - 27 LUCY Don't you think that's a lot of pressure to put on yourself? ANNIE Not when you know he's out there waiting for you to find him. LUCY 01:27:05 I wish I had that kind of faith. How 'bout Ted? That guy from the toy store. He's cute, right? ANNIE Oh, I suppose so. But he's my boss, Lucy. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:27:20 That would--that would be inappropriate. LUCY True. Trust me, I have dated a lot in L.A. there's not a lot of options. ANNIE Well, you can't have met everyone. I mean, there must be at least 100 people in this town. LUCY At least. Let me take that. ANNIE 01:27:35 Oh. Well, I'm not gonna give up. LUCY Good for you, Annie. ANNIE Oh... [MUSIC] 01:27:53 MARTHA Well, do you see how silly you were to be worried, Santa? ANNIE KRINGLE - 28 SANTA CLAUS 01:28:08 I do, Martha. I should have listened to you. MARTHA I'm glad you finally realize that. Well, it's time to turn in. Come along. SANTA CLAUS I'll be in shortly. MARTHA Well, all right. Good night, my love. MARTHA (CONTINUED) 01:28:23 Chester. CHESTER Good night, Mrs. Klaus. SANTA CLAUS Let's hope she doesn't meet up with this boy again. CHESTER Well, you want your daughter to be happy, do you not, Santa? SANTA CLAUS Of course, Chester! SANTA CLAUS (CONTINUED) 01:28:38 I'd just prefer her to be happy here. CHESTER I know. But have faith, my friend. One never know what then next several weeks will bring. SANTA CLAUS Mm. TED 01:28:58 This is what it used to look like during Christmas. ANNIE (chuckles) Is that you? ANNIE KRINGLE - 29 TED Uh-huh. ANNIE You look so happy. TED I was. I loved that engine. ANNIE We'll get it working soon enough. TED She's a goner. TED (CONTINUED) 01:29:14 Death by neglect. Welcome to Wonderland Toys. How can I help you? DEAN Hey. I'm here to see Annie. Hi. ANNIE Hi. DEAN 01:29:29 Hey, I, uh...have a bit of a confession to make. I couldn't stop thinking about you. You know that feeling like you've--like you've known someone forever? I don't know, it's silly. ANNIE No, no, no. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:29:44 I don't think it's silly at all. DEAN Well, do you want to grab coffee or a hot cocoa? ANNIE Hot cocoa is only my most favorite thing in the world! ANNIE KRINGLE - 30 DEAN No kidding. Me too. Like I said, Annie, this really must be fate. ANNIE 01:29:59 Uh, well, right now? DEAN Don't you get a break or something? TED 30 minutes? ANNIE (exhales, chuckles) DEAN 01:30:14 Yeah, that's when I realized I had to become a lawyer. ANNIE I think that is so wonderful. It hurts my heart to see people in need. DEAN Yeah, I feel like I've been really blessed in my life, so I feel sort of an obligation to give back. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:30:31 Like with the orphans. ANNIE And how long have you worked for this orphanage? DEAN Years. I know. I mean, the kids are really amazing. You know, I feel like if they don't have parents, then they should have a really great holiday. ANNIE 01:30:46 If you give me the name, I can ask, father to send presents as well. DEAN Oh, sure, yeah. It's called Our Lady of the Holy Grail Orphanage for boys in need. ANNIE KRINGLE - 31 WAITRESS 01:31:07 Hey, you're that guy from that commercial. "After my accident, I was told I would never walk again." Kurt, look it's "I'll never walk again" guy! DEAN I think you have me confused with someone else. WAITRESS Oh, I've been doing this a long time, and I never forget a face. DEAN 01:31:22 Well, I'm not an actor. You know, I don't think they hire lawyers to do commercials. Excuse us. SINGER Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way... [BEEP] [MUSIC] [CELLPHONE RINGS] 01:31:38 [BEEP] DEAN Yeah? CHESTER Status check. DEAN I just dropped her off. Gave her a little taste. Look, I don't want to come on too strong to early, but don't worry. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:31:57 I know exactly what I am doing. CHESTER Good-bye. [BEEP] ANNIE KRINGLE - 32 [DIAL TONE] CHESTER (sniffs) MIA (singing off key) Away in the manger, no room for a bed. The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head. ANNIE 01:32:18 Don't be afraid, Mia. Sing from your heart, like no one's listening. AMY Oh, people are listening...and looking for ear plugs. MIA I'll try. [MUSIC] 01:32:34 [INDISTINCT SHOUTS] [ENTRY BELLS JINGLE] 01:32:54 ANNIE (sighs) where have you been? I've been worried. TED Wandering. (clears throat) Thinking. I'm not gonna torture myself by dragging this out. TED (CONTINUED) 01:33:12 It's over. ANNIE We'll--we'll figure something out. TED I've gone over this for the past three hours in my head. Two weeks is nothing. ANNIE Please don't give up hope, Ted. Not this close to Christmas. ANNIE KRINGLE - 33 TED What does Christmas have to do with anything? TED (CONTINUED) 01:33:28 It's just a stupid day to go along with the other 364 horrible days that my year's made of. ANNIE Don't say that! Ted, miracles always happen at Christmas. TED You know, people keep saying that, but I have yet to see one. ANNIE 01:33:43 Well, you have to have faith. TED Faith means nothing. I tried it. I tried hope too, and that also failed. I'm not gonna fight the inevitable. Sorry, Annie, but I'm letting you go. LUCY 01:34:00 I'll get Carmen to stay late and watch the motel. Why are you doing this for Ted, again? ANNIE Because he's a good person. He deserves to be happy. He's just lost his way, and I'm trying to help him find it again. LUCY Seems like a lot of effort to go through for someone who's just a friend. MIA 01:34:15 I mean, I would do it for a friend. ANNIE Yes. Anyone would. All right, you two, we don't have much time. Here are your lists. Lucy, I'll meet you at Wonderland in an hour. I can't wait to see Ted's face in the morning when he sees this. TRUDY 01:34:34 Mom, look at this place. ANNIE KRINGLE - 34 ANNIE Oh! Here they come. TRUDY I know, it's cool. WOMAN It's really cool. TED What the... TRUDY Can we go in? BARRY Oh, wow. WOMAN 01:34:49 Wow, this is really great. They really spruced it up, huh, honey? TRUDY I want to go in. WOMAN Do you? TRUDY Yeah. [OVERLAPPING POSITIVE COMMENTS] TED 01:35:04 Did you do this? BARRY Dude, I was babysitting you all night. LUCY I'd say it was a success. BARRY Where did you get all this stuff? ANNIE KRINGLE - 35 TED 01:35:20 I was gonna ask you the same exact question. Barry, seriously. Come on. All right? BARRY Dude, I have no--a real tree? Wow. Okay, okay. WOMAN 01:35:35 Excuse me, do you gift wrap? TED Of course. It's complementary. WOMAN Excellent. Trudy, could you go get three more of those for your cousins? TRUDY Okay. MAN (chuckles) Isn't it great? GIRL Yeah. GIRL (CONTINUED) 01:35:50 Oh, look, dad. [OVERLAPPING CONVERSATIONS] TED It's all coming together. LUCY You gonna go talk to him? ANNIE Oh, I just wanted to see his expression. Like I said, Christmas makes everything better. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:36:05 I just wanted him to see what I see. What Dean sees? ANNIE KRINGLE - 36 DEAN I gave up on love a long time ago. I didn't think there was anyone out there with the same...morals and ethics as me. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:36:21 I didn't know that I'd ever find my other half, so I--I stopped looking. And then one day, I wandered into a sink hole, and there you were. My paramedic savior. WOMAN Stop, Dean. WOMAN (CONTINUED) 01:36:36 I--I can't. I cannot. Did anyone here believe him? CLASS No...nah... WOMAN We have to believe you, Dean. Now, read it again. Live it. Feel it. WOMAN (CONTINUED) 01:36:51 Mean it! Action! DEAN (voice breaking) I gave up on love a long time ago. WOMAN Better. DEAN You know, I didn't--(clears throat) line! WOMAN 01:37:10 (sighs) ALL Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah ANNIE All right. Great work, everybody. Please memorize your solos and your songs before tomorrow's rehearsal. ANNIE KRINGLE - 37 AMY 01:37:27 Will do. Oh, wait. I don't have a solo. Right, Mia? ANNIE Remember what I said, Amy. AMY Right. There are no small parts, only teeny parts. ANNIE 01:37:43 Hey! (laughing) TED Is there anything you can't do? ANNIE Oh, I can't, uh, eat shellfish. My throat closes up, and I could die. TED I have to remember that. ANNIE 01:37:58 What are you doing here? TED I went to the motel. Lucy told me where I could find you. ANNIE Mm-hmm. had a good day, huh? TED It was a good day. ANNIE (chuckles) TED What you did for me was just--I mean--I have no words. ANNIE 01:38:17 I can think of a few. ANNIE KRINGLE - 38 TED Such as? ANNIE Such as..."You were right, Annie." All it took was a whole lot of Christmas spirit to awaken the sleeping giant. TED We're not out of the woods yet, but we live to see another day. TED (CONTINUED) 01:38:32 Why would you do this for me? ANNIE To prove to you that miracles exist. TED Perhaps they do. ANNIE Once you witness a miracle, you can't not believe. Oh, Ted, this is just the beginning. There's so much more that we can do. TED 01:38:48 We? You still want to work for me, even after I fired you? ANNIE Oh...that. I didn't believe that for a minute. MAN Thanks. Merry Christmas. TED 01:39:04 I bought a couple newspapers. ANNIE Let me see. TED It's just a blurb, but a blurb with a large circulation. ANNIE Oh, I feel wonderful. ANNIE KRINGLE - 39 TED Every little bit helps. And it's all because of you. ANNIE No. It's all thanks to Christmas. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:39:22 Oh...there you are! I was wondering when you would show up. DEAN Yeah, huge court case. But we settled. And here I am. I love what you guys have done with the place. ANNIE Oh, it's just a little something we threw together. DEAN A little something? DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:39:37 It's like I walked into a dream. And seeing you makes it even more so. TED You know, I'm gonna step into the office and cut these out. ANNIE Save me one. DEAN So hey, Annie, I stopped by the orphanage this morning, and I met the cutest new little orphan, his name's Charlie Brownstone. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:39:57 He's eight years old. You know, passed amongst his relatives. You know, abandoned by all of 'em. He's out hiking one day, and he wanders off and ends up getting lost, and ends up spending, like, three days in the wild eating nothing but sticks and ants. ANNIE 01:40:12 (half-gasps) ANNIE KRINGLE - 40 DEAN Fortunately, somebody found him, you know, and they dropped him off at the orphanage steps. The attached a note to his tattered little sweater. ANNIE Oh, that's awful. DEAN Yeah. See, I just felt like I had to stop by and get something for little Charlie Brownstone. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:40:31 Seeing you is just icing on the cupcake. ANNIE & DEAN (laugh) ANNIE How old is Charlie again? DEAN Uh, nine. ANNIE Okay--all right, we have a lot of things for him. DEAN All right. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:40:54 Annie...look, could we have a seat for a second? You mind? ANNIE Sure. DEAN 01:41:09 you believe in love at first sight? ANNIE I'm sorry? DEAN Do you believe that when we find our one true soul mate, we'll know? ANNIE KRINGLE - 41 ANNIE I do. DEAN Yeah, it happened that way with my parents. ANNIE With my parents too. (chuckles) DEAN Huh. ANNIE 01:41:24 Why do you ask? DEAN Just looking at you right now made me think about that. Hey, do you want to go out this Friday night? I have tickets to The Nutcracker. I'd love it if you come with me. ANNIE I love The Nutcracker. DEAN Yeah? ANNIE I'd love to go. DEAN All right, it's a date. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:41:39 It starts at 7:30, so I'll pick you up at 6:30? ANNIE Oh, I work until 6:00, so can you pick me up here? DEAN I look forward to it. ANNIE Me too. ANNIE KRINGLE - 42 ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:42:00 Um...that's Ted. DEAN Yeah. ANNIE & DEAN (chuckle) LUCY Oh, we are having the best girls day. MIA Yeah. ANNIE I love this place. LUCY Oh, you want to take your picture with Santa? MIA No, mom. He's not the real Santa anyway. ANNIE 01:42:16 Of course he's not. MAN Hi. LUCY This is one of my favorite stores. (gasps) Ooh, look! Look. How about this for Annie's date? MIA 01:42:31 Mom, she's dating a lawyer, not a rock star. ANNIE Maybe something a little less...revealing would be nice. LUCY Well, I think it's cute. I'm gonna go find out how much it is. (laughs, makes cat noise) ANNIE KRINGLE - 43 MIA Oh, no, it's Amy Winton. ANNIE 01:42:46 Oh. Throw her a smile and kill her with kindness. Remember, the cure for animosity is generosity. MIA Hi, Amy. AMY (scoffs) Mia, I'm surprised to see you here and not on Santa's lap, like all the other infants. ANNIE 01:43:03 Amy...can I speak to you for a minute? Hi. We both know that Santa is real, very real indeed. In fact, I know that you personally wrote him a letter asking for an iPod, a $100 gift certificate to Forever 21, and a teddy bear to replace the old one that Isabella, your housekeeper, ruined in a washing machine. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:43:32 Am I right? Now, your letter is gonna look pretty sad to Santa after he gets one from me, telling him how naughty you've been. I can put you on the naughty list for life...(softly) for life, Amy. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:43:49 Now, if you'll just, uh...improve your attitude and apologize, I can put you back on the nice list. Have a nice day. AMY 01:44:08 I'm sorry, Mia. MIA Well, thank you. Bye. MIA Bye. ANNIE Bye. (chuckles) ANNIE KRINGLE - 44 LUCY 01:44:23 Merry Christmas. TED You too. LUCY Your stylist has arrived. Who's ready for a first-date makeover? TED Me! You're probably talking to her, huh? LUCY Once I get my hands on her, she's gonna look like a supermodel. TED 01:44:38 I think she looks great as she is. WOMAN Thank you. ANNIE Thank you, Ted. I can only hope Dean agrees with you. TED I just hope he knows how lucky he is. ANNIE That's a very sweet thing to say. LUCY 01:44:53 (chuckles) ANNIE Well, I don't know why I bothered bringing blush. Ted seems to bring that out in you just fine. TED (chuckles) You guys go get ready. I'll finish up here by myself. LUCY Come on, Annie. ANNIE KRINGLE - 45 TED 01:45:14 (exhales deeply) [CASH REGISTER BELL DINGS] TED So, Dean...what kind of law do you practice? BARRY Oh, the kind where you show up in court and represent a client. TED Sorry, Matlock. BARRY 01:45:29 I don't mean to be rude. Just, all day, you know, it's law this, legal that, blah, blah, blah. You know, once I punch out, I like to turn it off. [DOOR OPENS] 01:45:45 LUCY 01:46:07 She looks good, right? TED Annie, you look beautiful. ANNIE Do you really think so, Ted? TED I'm speechless. DEAN Annie, you are a vision of gorgeousness. LUCY You look familiar. DEAN I have one of those faces. ANNIE KRINGLE - 46 LUCY 01:46:23 No, no, that's not it. Where you taking her tonight? DEAN Uh, that ballet, then Maurice's. LUCY The French place? DEAN Yeah, I hear the food's great. LUCY I hear it's expensive. DEAN Well, she's worth it. TED He's a lawyer, Lucy. I'm sure he can afford it. DEAN Well, guys, I--we best be going. ANNIE 01:46:40 Of course. (laughs) Bye, everyone. LUCY Have fun. [BELLS ON DOOR JINGLE] LUCY So what did you and Dean talk about? TED Nothing important. TED (CONTINUED) 01:46:56 I found him kind of smarmy. He's not good enough for her, Lucy. ANNIE KRINGLE - 47 LUCY Look, I don't want to get in your business, but I've seen the way you look at her, and you know Annie has an important decision to make. TED I am well aware of it. LUCY Maybe she should have all the facts before she decides whether to stay or go. TED 01:47:11 What facts do you think she's missing? LUCY That she has other options besides Captain Smarmy. TED I don't want her to go. LUCY And you have the power to prevent it. BARRY Hey, you go those books for m--hello. LUCY Hi. Remember what I said. LUCY (CONTINUED) 01:47:27 Bye, Ted. BARRY Um...bye. Okay. Who was that? TED Her name's Lucy, and she would crush you. WAITRESS Here you go. [INDISTINCT CHATTER] ANNIE KRINGLE - 48 ANNIE 01:47:43 I loved that giant Christmas tree. DEAN Oh, it was awesome. ANNIE I've never seen The Nutcracker live before, only on video. The ballet doesn't often come to Norpole. DEAN How come I've never heard of Norpole, Idaho, before? ANNIE's very small and difficult to get to. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:48:02 But this time of year, it's magical. Every inch of our village is covered with snow and spectacular lights and rows of gorgeous poinsettias. DEAN Oh, I'd love to visit sometime. ANNIE I'd like that. DEAN You know, when I was a kid, we had these, uh, neighbors at the end of our cul-de-sac that went all-out decorating. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:48:21 I mean, you know, they had the animatronic Santa, the reindeer on the roof--you know, the whole nine. And everyone called the house "the Christmas House." ANNIE That sounds like some neighbors of mine back home. DEAN You know, when I have a family, I don't care how exhausted I am, but I am picking up where the staidlams left off. ANNIE KRINGLE - 49 DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:48:38 I mean, my house will be the Christmas house. ANNIE I think that's a marvelous idea. All it takes is one family, and the Christmas spirit is infectious. DEAN Yeah. I just, uh...I really hope I can find a woman to come on board with me for that. ANNIE 01:48:55 Well, I don't imagine that she'd be that difficult to find. DEAN Well, maybe I've already found her. ANNIE (laughs) [DOOR CLOSES] 01:49:10 TED But we're doing better, aren't we? BARRY I mean, yeah, but you're not in the clear yet, Ted. And the payment's only part of it. You still have to make monthly expenses. TED Ah, my good-luck charm's gonna come through. I have faith. BARRY Annie. TED Yeah. BARRY (chuckles) ANNIE KRINGLE - 50 TED 01:49:25 And I wish there was something I could do for her to thank her for everything she's done, maybe give her some of that Christmas spirit she's so fond of. BARRY Well, if I know one thing about women--is that all they want is for a man to listen to what they want and then get it for her. TED Very true. BARRY So what does Annie love? TED 01:49:40 Annie loves lights. BARRY Okay. You're gonna have to figure that one out on your own. TED I think I just did. DEAN So I-I went down to the orphanage. There was a little money in my pocket, and I said, "Rally the troops." DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:49:56 "We're going to Disneyland." ANNIE & DEAN (laughing) ANNIE They must've been so thrilled. DEAN Oh, they were beyond. ANNIE (laughs) You know, I've never been there before. [MUSIC] ANNIE KRINGLE - 51 ANNIE 01:50:20 Wow. Why did you do that? DEAN Uh, I...I just couldn't resist. I'm having so much fun on our date, I didn't want it to end. ANNIE (laughs) Me neither. DEAN Why don't we go grab a drink, then? ANNIE Yes. Eggnog? [MUSIC] 01:50:37 LUCY 01:50:56 Annie. ALL Surprise! ANNIE What is this? (laughs) MIA It was Ted's idea. ANNIE Oh, look at these lights, Dean. DEAN Yeah, hard to miss. ANNIE They are so beautiful. TED Well, we wanted it to feel a little more like home to thank you for everything you've done for us, for store, for the pageant. ANNIE KRINGLE - 52 ANNIE 01:51:17 Hmm. Well, you did a wonderful job. MIA Oh, thank you. ANNIE Oh, isn't it gorgeous, Dean? DEAN Peachy. ANNIE (sighs happily) Peachy. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:51:32 (chuckles) They all have the kindest hearts, father, just like you. SANTA CLAUS Uh, Chester's here. Say hello, Annie. I'm putting you on speaker. ANNIE Hello, Uncle Chester. CHESTER My dear Annie, we miss you something awful around here. ANNIE 01:51:47 Things are looking up here, but you never know. I might be back before you know it. Perhaps I'll be bringing someone home with me. CHESTER Why, that would be lovely. DEAN 01:52:02 I'm really sorry I'm not gonna be able to help you build sets tomorrow. I promised Charlie Brown I'd teach him how to play chess. ANNIE That's more important, Dean. Charlie needs you. ANNIE KRINGLE - 53 DEAN Yeah, I just wish I didn't have such a big heart. It hurts too much. ANNIE (chuckles) Ted, can you imagine these poor orphans who can't have a traditional Christmas? TED 01:52:20 We could make sure these kids have a real Christmas. ANNIE What do you mean? TED Well, we've been doing better. I can throw the Wonderland Christmas party for Dean's orphans, maybe even get some of that exposure we've been looking for for the store. ANNIE Two birds, one stone. TED Mm-hmm. And a balloon payment. DEAN You know, I really don't think they're gonna like this. ANNIE 01:52:36 What do you mean? The orphans will love it. DEAN No. Yeah, I just--I mean, it's really difficult to get them up here. You have to get clearance from an administrator. It's a whole... TED Well, I'll be happy to make the call if you're too busy with your law cases. DEAN No, I... I'll handle it. I mean, I'm--I'm the one with the relationship, right? DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:52:52 (chuckles) ANNIE KRINGLE - 54 TED They can play with anything in the store, take some stuff home. We can do face painting and make ornaments. ANNIE Oh. (laughs) We'll help those poor children at Our Lady of the Holy Grail Orphanage for Boys in need, while helping our store as well. TED Everybody wins. ANNIE 01:53:08 Yeah! (laughing) You've been wanting to do more, and now you can. DEAN Yeah. Yeah, it's great. It's just--it's great. I mean, it's…really, really great. I-I actually got--I'm gonna go get on that right now. All right. DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:53:24 Whew. TED Ah! ANNIE & TED (laughing) ANNIE Oh, that really looks like snow. Oh, Mia, that's great snow. TED Channel 11 is on board. They're sending a crew to cover the party. ANNIE Oh, that's fantastic. TED This is it, Annie. ANNIE Miracles keep happening. ANNIE KRINGLE - 55 TED 01:53:39 You know, it's funny. They didn't start coming until you did. LUCY Hey, Annie, come here! ANNIE (gasps) I love that! LUCY Okay, Annie, we've got the Ernsons Building and the Gingerbread House, and the Becks just arrived with more green paint. LUCY (CONTINUED) 01:53:56 Now, if we can only find someone who's handy with a circular saw, so we can start on the manger. BARRY I'm sorry. Did you say circular saw? LUCY I did. BARRY That just happens to be my specialty. LUCY Really? BARRY Almost every other day. I mean, I-I could help you out, if--if you'd like. LUCY All right. LUCY (CONTINUED) 01:54:12 Come out back with me. BARRY I'd be honored to. Um, is this thing hard to use? TED No, no, it's a piece of cake. You'll be fine. Yeah, this isn't gonna end well. ANNIE KRINGLE - 56 [INDISTINCT CHATTER] MIA Ted...have you ever did something you wanted to do, but you were scared. TED 01:54:31 Sure. We all have. WOMAN This one over here is done. TED Is this about your solo? MIA Well...what if I mess up or...or everyone hates it? TED It's not easy to put yourself out there. MIA 01:54:46 I really want to do it, but...I'm scared. TED It's tough to be vulnerable, to put yourself out there for ridicule and rejection, hoping beyond hope that the rewards outweigh the risks. TED (CONTINUED) 01:55:06 But you just stand there, frozen...not doing anything. WOMAN I love the sparkle! MIA Are we still talking about my solo? LUCY Excuse us. Excuse us. BARRY Ow! Mm! ANNIE KRINGLE - 57 BARRY (CONTINUED) 01:55:21 Ooh, oh! Ouch! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Uh, it's just a little flesh wound. It will heal. LUCY No, no, no. I am taking you to the emergency room. BARRY If you insist. LUCY Come on. BARRY Ow. Ow. MIA 01:55:36 You know what, Ted? I'm gonna go for it. No fear. I'm gonna go for it. And you should, too. [CHILDREN CHATTERING PLAYFULLY] 01:55:58 [MUSIC] WOMAN Hi. DEAN 01:56:14 Hey. Um...I need to, uh--I need to rent some orphans. WOMAN I'm sorry? DEAN I need to, like, rent or--or sign out some orphans for the day, Saturday. WOMAN Were you interested in adoption? DEAN Oh, no, I hate kids. No, I just want to borrow some so I can throw a party for them, you know, and the dirtier and the skinnier, the better. ANNIE KRINGLE - 58 DEAN (CONTINUED) 01:56:34 Yeah, it's to impress a girl. WOMAN That's it. I'm calling the police. DEAN There's no need to be rash. I'm...I'm leaving. I was just--I was just kidding. (chuckles) ANNIE Oh, you look great. GIRL Thanks. ANNIE 01:56:50 Listen, everyone! This is our last chance to get this right before we show everyone what we can do, so I need you guys to focus. Santa, everyone, in your places. Shepherds... AMY 01:57:09 Once upon a time, in the snowy village of the North Pole lived a man who went by the name of Santa Claus. [HOLY NIGHT PLAYING ON KEYBOARD] ANNIE 01:57:50 See you tomorrow! GIRL Okay. ANNIE Call time is 5:00 p.m. Do not be late. MIA Ted! GIRL Don't forget your costume! ANNIE KRINGLE - 59 MIA I didn't miss a single lyric. TED I can't wait to see it. ANNIE Hi. How was today? ANNIE (CONTINUED) 01:58:05 Were you terribly busy without me? TED We were terribly busy without you--a welcome problem, considering how business has been. ANNIE What are you doing here? TED I came to see if you're busy. ANNIE Uh, between this and the orphans, busy--no. Overwhelmed--a lot. TED 01:58:20 You do everything for everyone else, Annie. Time to let me do something good for you. ANNIE I was supposed to have a date with Dean, but he had to work late again. TED His loss is our gain. Come on, we have to go back to the motel and get you two changed. MIA Changed for what? ANNIE Where are we going? TED 01:58:35 Just dress warm--Norpole, Idaho, warm. ANNIE KRINGLE - 60 MIA This was a great idea. I love skating. ANNIE (laughs) It's so wonderful to be cold again. Thank you, Ted. I really needed this. TED Well, anything I can do to make this place a little more like home for you. MIA 01:58:53 (laughs) Hurry up, slowpokes! Whoa! [LAUGHTER] ANNIE Oh! TED Careful, Apolo Ohno. ANNIE Sorry! [LAUGHTER] MIA I think I better go--I'm gonna go sit down. MIA (CONTINUED) 01:59:08 You know, I don't want to injure myself for tomorrow's big debut. I'll see you. [LAUGHTER] ANNIE Mia, I'm very proud of you. You really earned your solo. MIA Why, thank you, Annie. MIA (CONTINUED) 01:59:25 And you know what else? ANNIE KRINGLE - 61 ANNIE What? MIA Amy Winton said I did a good job, too. ANNIE I always say, this is the time of year to be kind. I'm glad Amy Winton heard it, too. MIA Proceed with caution. ANNOUNCER And now it's time for couple's skate. So grab that special someone and take a few laps around the rink. TED 01:59:46 That Mia is one incredible little girl. ANNIE (chuckles) Isn't she? She adores you. TED It's just nice having kids in the store again. ANNIE So why have you spent the last two Christmases alone? TED Well, I guess after my marriage ended, I just got used to being alone--no love, no disappointment. ANNIE 02:00:09 No love, no love. TED I know. But my perspective has changed drastically since. It's like you came into my store and you saved my life. ANNIE It's not me. It's Christmas. ANNIE KRINGLE - 62 TED 02:00:24 No, it's you. ANNIE Aah! WOMAN Okay, don't let me fall. Don't let me fall. TED Hey, hey, it's couples-only skate. ANNIE 02:00:41 Uh...uh, we--we should probably go see if Mia's all right. TED Yeah, yeah. Um, yeah, that's a good idea. ANNIE (laughing) ANNIE (CONTINUED) 02:01:04 Would you like to come inside for some hot cocoa? TED Sure. That sounds great. ANNIE (laughs) DEAN Annie. ANNIE Dean. How was court? DEAN Oh, it was good. I won...again. DEAN (CONTINUED) 02:01:21 I always win. ANNIE KRINGLE - 63 TED Yeah, I bet you do. DEAN Hey, I'm really sorry I had to work so late, but I got us a movie and my laptop to watch it on. It's not too late for our date, is it? ANNIE No. Uh, no, of course not. TED Well, good luck at the show, Mia--break a leg. TED (CONTINUED) 02:01:37 I can say that to you now that you're not on the ice. MIA Thank you. Okay, bye. ANNIE Wait. You're more than welcome to join us on our date. Well, then, uh, cocoa another time? TED You two lovebirds have a good time. ANNIE 02:01:53 Thank you so much for today. [ENGINE TURNING] ANNIE It was really wonderful. Bye. DEAN Movie? [KEYS CLACKING] 02:02:10 [MUSIC] ANNIE KRINGLE - 64 ANNIE 02:02:28 Whew. Can you finish up? I need to get the children in places, and we start in five. LUCY I got you covered. Go ahead. TED Annie. ANNIE You came. I didn't know if you would. TED Of course I would. Why not? ANNIE 02:02:43 I...I thought you might be angry at me. TED Annie, I'm not angry at you. You have your life, and I have mine, and that's just where we are right now. ANNIE Yes. I'm glad you came...for Mia. TED 02:02:58 Yeah. Me too...for Mia. ANNIE Well, I have to get started, so... DEAN 02:03:13 You got to stop calling me like this, Chester. You're messing with my chi. CHESTER Our deal was that you'd be checking in every day, Dean. DEAN Look, I've been busy. Look, I had to go to, like, 13 orphanages in the last 3 days. I mean, you really ought to be paying me more. ANNIE KRINGLE - 65 CHESTER You're getting plenty. CHESTER (CONTINUED) 02:03:29 Now, I need an update. DEAN Listen...this girl is gonna be so in love with me when she sees how happy those orphans are on the account of my giant heart that she's--she is gonna be begging me to let her stay in L.A. with me. CHESTER How can you be so sure? DEAN 02:03:44 Because, Chester, I am a really good actor. CHESTER Just get it done. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, Dean. [CELL PHONE BEEPS] DEAN (exhales deeply, grunts) ALL (singing) Be near me, Lord Jesus. ALL (CONTINUED) 02:03:59 (singing) I ask thee to stay close by me forever and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in thy tender care and take us to heaven to live with thee there. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] 02:04:25 MIA A wise person once told me Christmas is the season of giving, and I've got a lot. So it's time for me to give back. ANNIE KRINGLE - 66 MIA (CONTINUED) 02:04:42 May I have my good friend Amy Winton, please? I dedicate this song to one of my family members. I mean, she's not really my family member, but she's done so much for me that I think she's family. MIA (CONTINUED) 02:05:01 This song is dedicated to Annie Klaus. [APPLAUSE] MAN Hear, hear. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] MIA & AMY (singing) Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright. MIA & AMY (CONTINUED) 02:05:28 (singing) Round yon virgin mother and child holy infant so tender and mild. MIA & AMY (CONTINUED) 02:05:43 (singing) Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace. ANNIE (laughs) [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] LUCY 02:05:59 That's good! That's good, baby! My baby--oh, I'm so proud of you. MIA 02:06:14 Thank you. BARRY You did an awesome job--awesome. ANNIE You should be proud. She really is quite amazing. ANNIE KRINGLE - 67 MIA Thank you. LUCY Yeah, she is. Um, Annie, I want to thank you... MIA Ted. Oh, thank you. TED 02:06:29 Hey, so I liked what you said about going for it. MIA Well, thank you. And, um, how's things going? TED What are you talking about? MIA You and Annie. TED Annie is with Dean. MIA Oh. MIA (CONTINUED) 02:06:45 She shouldn't be, and you know it. I'll see you. AMY Can I talk to you? ANNIE Uh, sure. You sang beautifully tonight, Amy. AMY Thanks. I was wondering, um...can you tell Santa I've changed? ANNIE 02:07:07 Oh, honey, he already knows. ANNIE KRINGLE - 68 AMY Thanks, Annie. ANNIE Attention, everyone! There's no rest for the weary. We have another event to get off the ground. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 02:07:23 We can't let Dean down. He's working tirelessly, as we speak. [APPLAUSE] ANNIE (sighs) [KNOCK AT DOOR] ANNIE 02:07:46 Oh. DEAN Hi. ANNIE I didn't expect you. DEAN Well, I'm sorry I missed your big show. ANNIE Oh. The orphans needed you, Dean. DEAN I got these for you. ANNIE Oh, they're beautiful. DEAN (laughs) I wanted to give you this, too. ANNIE 02:08:03 What was that for? ANNIE KRINGLE - 69 DEAN Oh, for being the Christmas miracle that I've been wishing for. Oh, here...Annie, know, I gave up on love a long time ago. DEAN (CONTINUED) 02:08:28 You know, I didn't think there was anyone out there with the same morals and ethics as me. You know, I didn't think I was ever gonna find my other half, so I stopped looking, you know. And then one day I-I wander into some random mom-and-pop shop, and there you toy-store savior. DEAN (CONTINUED) 02:08:55 Annie...I know this is fast, but I think I really may be falling for you...hard. ANNIE I think I'm falling for you, too, Dean. DEAN 02:09:22 Hmm. Well, Annie, I will--I will see you the store, bright and early. ANNIE Mm-hmm. DEAN Good night, Annie. ANNIE Good night, Dean. DEAN All right. [DOOR OPENS] DEAN (chuckles) Sleep well. ANNIE Sleep well. [DOOR CLOSES] 02:09:38 ANNIE KRINGLE - 70 [MUSIC] TED 02:09:57 What the...? DEAN I was told I may never walk again, but Shaw, Shaw, and Shaw got me $180,000. (laughs) TED Oh-ho-ho, I knew it. WOMAN 02:10:12 This is a really great cause, and it looks like everyone is having a great time. Thanks for letting us stop by. ANNIE Thank you so much for coming. [INDISTINCT CHATTER] LUCY He's such a good Santa. ANNIE & LUCY (chuckle) ANNIE 02:10:27 He's a great Santa. What a natural. MIA You would know. TED All right, children, Santa's gonna take a little breather. I'll be back in ten minutes. In the meantime, enjoy the cookies and ho, ho, ho. And what would you young ladies like Santa to bring you for Christmas? ANNIE 02:10:44 (laughs) You're the most pathetic Santa I've ever seen. ANNIE KRINGLE - 71 TED (laughs) Annie, can I talk to you alone for a second? DEAN Kids are having such a great time. ANNIE 02:10:59 (chuckles) LUCY Dean, where's Charlie Brownstone? I'd love to meet him. DEAN Uh, you know, it's the greatest thing. He, uh--he was adopted... ANNIE (gasps) DEAN This morning--yeah, by a minister, no less, and his doctor wife. TED What a lucky break for Charlie Brown...stone. DEAN 02:11:17 Isn't it, though? Hey, can I talk to you for a quick sec? ANNIE Oh. DEAN Do you mind? Annie, uh, I would never want to pressure you. ANNIE I appreciate that. DEAN 02:11:33 Well, I just--I just think that we owe it to ourselves to see where this relationship is going. You know, and honestly, I'd go back home with you, but I don't think I can leave my clients, you know, not when they're destitute and counting on me for their very survival. ANNIE KRINGLE - 72 ANNIE Of course not. DEAN 02:11:48 Look, what...what I'm trying to I would love it if you would please stay in Los Angeles with me and give us a chance. ANNIE I'd love nothing more, Dean. KID 02:12:08 There he is. Santa! KID Santa! TED Hello, children. Ho, ho, ho. Ho. [TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING] [JAZZY CHRISTMAS MUSIC] SINGER 02:12:24 A trip to the department store to sit on Santa's knee. Yes, Christmastime is on my mind and wouldn't you agree? Spirit of the holidays... SARAH 02:12:39 Excuse me? Are you Annie? ANNIE I am. SARAH I'm Sarah Schubert, executive director of Second Chances. ANNIE Oh. SARAH Hi. ANNIE KRINGLE - 73 ANNIE Bye. Second Chances? SARAH Yeah. ANNIE I thought it was Our Lady of the Holy Grail for Boys in need. SARAH I'm sorry. I'm--I'm not following. ANNIE 02:12:54 Uh, I'm sorry. I-I must be confused. SARAH Well, I understand this party is all thanks to you. ANNIE No, not thanks to me--thanks to Dean. SARAH Oh, and which one is Dean? I'd like to thank him as well. ANNIE Well, uh, Dean Durling... SARAH Uh-huh. ANNIE The very handsome man. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 02:13:09 He's been working with your orphanage for years. SARAH I don't know of any Dean Durling. We just received a call several days ago from the owner, inviting us to this event. ANNIE Dean Durling hasn't been volunteering for you? ANNIE KRINGLE - 74 SARAH I'm sorry. I've never heard of him. SARAH (CONTINUED) 02:13:24 And I've worked there for 16 years. ANNIE (chuckles) There isn't, by any chance, a orphan named Charlie Brownstone who was adopted this morning by a minister and his doctor wife? SARAH 02:13:41 Unfortunately, we haven't had any adoptions in several weeks and certainly no one named Charlie Brownstone. ANNIE Excuse me. SARAH Uh-huh. DEAN 02:14:04 What'd I tell you, huh, ye of little faith? It's in the bag, baby. No, she bought the whole thing. Chester, listen, I did my part. Annie's staying in L.A. Now you do yours. I want my money. DEAN (CONTINUED) 02:14:20 No, no, don't mail it. Come on, you can afford FedEx, Chester. [OBJECTS CLATTERING LOUDLY] DEAN Oh, no. Annie. Annie, wait. Annie, come back. Wait. DEAN (CONTINUED) 02:14:36 Annie, come on, I can explain all of this. Annie. [BELLS ON DOOR JINGLE] DEAN (grunts angrily) Okay, uh...well, it's been fun, guys. ANNIE KRINGLE - 75 DEAN (CONTINUED) 02:14:51 Um, you hold down the fort. I'll be seeing you. (clears throat) [DOOR CLOSES] MIA I never liked him in the first place. ANNIE 02:15:07 (breathes deeply) [MUSIC] [KNOCK AT DOOR, DOOR OPENS] MIA Annie? ANNIE Mm-hmm. MIA Annie, what's wrong? ANNIE 02:15:24 I feel so stupid. I believed every lie he told. MIA You are not stupid. He's the stupid one. Oh, Annie, please don't go. ANNIE 02:15:39 I have to. MIA But why? ANNIE (sighs) Because...I came here to find my future, and I didn't. MIA Annie, will we ever see you again? ANNIE KRINGLE - 76 ANNIE 02:15:54 (breathes deeply) Here...take remember me by. MIA 02:16:09 Thank you. ANNIE (chuckles softly) MIA Annie...I know who you are. ANNIE Who I am, Mia, is Annie Klaus from Norpole, Idaho. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 02:16:28 And I want to go home. You be good, okay? ANNIE (CONTINUED) 02:16:48 Bye, hon. (sighs) MAN'd you like L.A.? [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] 02:17:13 ALBIE Oh, welcome back, Miss Annie. ANNIE Oh, thank you. It's good to be home. Yay! Oh! I've missed you so much. [ALL CHEERING] 02:17:29 ANNIE It is lovely to see everyone again. How have you been--good? You all look wonderful! Yay! I'm so happy to see you! [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] ANNIE KRINGLE - 77 MAN Yay! [KNOCK AT DOOR] 02:17:50 MARTHA Annie. Good morning. SANTA CLAUS Good morning, Annie. MARTHA Welcome back. ANNIE Oh, thank you. Well, I need to get to it. It's Christmas Eve, and I'm afraid Chester has left us with a bit of a mess. MARTHA 02:18:05 He has been exiled, you know. ANNIE As well he should be. SANTA CLAUS Um, I'm sorry, Annie. I-I did not know. ANNIE Of course not, father. I don't blame you. We treated Chester like family. SANTA CLAUS 02:18:20 Well, he's on his own now. DEAN Make sure you get all that caked-on food off with that scrubber of yours. CHESTER Okay. DEAN You got it? ANNIE KRINGLE - 78 CHESTER Yes, Dean. CHESTER (CONTINUED) 02:18:35 I do believe I can handle this menial task. DEAN You know what, Chester? Don't give me any attitude. I'm trying to help you out there. MARTHA You know, Annie, everybody in the outside world is not like this Dean fellow. Your experience might've been much different had Chester not intervened. ANNIE 02:18:52 I suppose so. MARTHA I mean, you met some lovely people there. ANNIE Yes. But my place is here. I'm sure of that now. SANTA CLAUS Are you sure, Annie? You know, fate sent you there, and fate always knows what it's doing. SANTA CLAUS (CONTINUED) 02:19:11 We have something we want to show you. Martha. [TV CLICKS ON] TED If I only told her how I felt...if I ever see that Dean guy again--he drove her away. TED (CONTINUED) 02:19:26 He took her away from us. LUCY We'll keep looking for her, Ted. TED How? There's no Norpole, Idaho. ANNIE KRINGLE - 79 MIA We'll find her, Ted. Don't worry. TED I'm in love with her. TED (CONTINUED) 02:19:41 And I'll never get a chance to tell her how I feel. ANNIE Ted is my Calvin. SANTA CLAUS 02:19:59 Yes, Annie. ANNIE I always knew it. I just...I just ignored the signs. MARTHA You know, sometimes an adventure takes you on a roundabout course to your destination, but fate always gets you there. ANNIE 02:20:18 (laughs) BARRY 02:20:34 This turkey is incredible, Lucy. LUCY Thank you. MIA It just doesn't feel like Christmas without Annie. LUCY I know, Mia. But we are going to enjoy tonight and be thankful for the time that we had with her, okay? [LOUD BANGING ON ROOF] 02:20:50 ANNIE KRINGLE - 80 MAN (man groaning) LUCY What was that? TED It sounds like something hit the roof. MIA Or someone. TED What the...? MAN That's a tight fit. (groaning) TED 02:21:12 What the...? MAN (groaning) Oh, my goodness, such clatter. MIA Santa! SANTA CLAUS Hello, Mia. (laughs) MIA Wow. SANTA CLAUS That was a tight fit. SANTA CLAUS (CONTINUED) 02:21:28 Hello? ALL Annie! ANNIE Hi. ANNIE KRINGLE - 81 MIA 02:21:43 I knew it. ANNIE You did. But you can't tell your friends. This has to be our little secret. TED Annie, how did-ANNIE Uh...I guess I have a little explaining to do. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 02:22:01 This is my father--Santa Claus. Father, I think that you know everyone. SANTA CLAUS I do! I've known you all for some time now. TED So this is the toy business you're in? TED (CONTINUED) 02:22:16 I get it now. SANTA CLAUS Well, I should be getting on my way. (chuckles) Yes, a lot of work to do. You know, this is the busiest night of the year for me, but I am coming back to see you. MIA Mm-hmm. SANTA CLAUS Mwah! SANTA CLAUS (CONTINUED) 02:22:33 Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas! LUCY Merry Christmas. ANNIE KRINGLE - 82 SANTA CLAUS On dasher, on dancer... ALL Wow. ANNIE 02:22:52 Surprise. TED So what made you come back? ANNIE I guess sometimes...and adventure leads you on a circuitous course towards your destination. TED 02:23:07 I'm not following. ANNIE It took me a day back in the village to realize something. TED What's that? ANNIE That you're my Calvin. TED Your what? ANNIE It's a...expression they have back home. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 02:23:23 It one true love. TED Oh, that's funny, because I realized weeks ago that you're my Calvin. ANNIE All this time, I thought I was so comfortable because of Dean...when it was always you. ANNIE KRINGLE - 83 TED 02:23:47 I like that. "It was always you." ANNIE Mm-hmm. TED Merry Christmas, Annie. ANNIE Merry Christmas, Ted. LUCY 02:24:14 I see that we've got one more present under the tree here. (gasps) "To Ted from Santa." TED What is this? ANNIE Why don't you open it and find out? TED 02:24:32 The Christmas express. LUCY (laughing) TED A track? Oh, come on. LUCY Turn it on. TED 02:24:56 It works. BARRY Whoo! ANNIE Yay! ANNIE KRINGLE - 84 TED Unbelievable. [LAUGHTER] ANNIE 02:25:11 I told you we'd get the Christmas express working again. (laughs) TED So...after your father retires, you're taking over the family business. ANNIE If I go back. ANNIE (CONTINUED) 02:25:27 I still have a couple hours to decide. I was hoping for a little help. TED If I decide to go with you? ANNIE Then we both run the business. TED Hmm. So, if your father's retired, then who's Santa? ANNIE 02:25:43 I guess we'll just have to wait and see. (laughs) [MUSIC] 02:26:00 [END OF TAPE] 02:27:00