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Name: _____________________
Comprehension Questions – Pgs. 97-112
1. Why do you think William Gibson follows the scene of Kate and Helen returning
home with Annie experiencing another painful memory of her brother? (97)
2. What does Annie mean when she says, “I think God must owe me a
resurrection…And I owe God one.”? (97)
3. What does Annie tell Captain Keller she will keep trying to do? Why is it so
important to her that she do so? (98)
4. How can you tell by Captain Keller’s gestures and words that he is changing his
attitude toward Annie? Why do you think he is changing? (98-99)
5. Why do you think Helen gives the keys to her mother? (100)
6. How can you tell by James’s gestures and words that he is changing in his attitude
toward Annie? Is she surprised? (100-101)
7. Why do you think Helen keeps dropping her napkin? Who exactly is she testing?
How does this behavior lead to a disruption in the welcome-home meal? (102-106)
8. How does James finally stand up to his father? What is his father’s response?
9. Why does Annie want Helen to fill the pitcher? What “miracle” happens at the
pump? (108-109)
10. What is Helen’s first act of communication with her mother? Why is it “a
moment in which she simultaneously finds and loses a child”? (111)