PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 1 WEEK 6 (18). TEST: Tuesday 9:05 Week 19. TEST TOPICS INCLUDE: Extrasolar planet detection Spectral types Parallax, cosmic ladder Opacity Magnitudes and luminosity ASSIGNMENT 4: deadline Week 18 SPECTRAL LINES RADIATION PROCESSES HR DIAGRAMS STELLAR EVOLUTION Stellar Atmospheres – The Sun Formation of solar absorption lines. Photons with energies well away from any atomic transition can escape from relatively deep in the photosphere, but those with energies close to a transition are more likely to be reabsorbed before escaping, so the ones we see on Earth tend to come from higher, cooler levels in the solar atmosphere. The inset shows a close-up tracing of two of the thousands of solar absorption lines, those produced by calcium at about 395 nm. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 2 Apparent paradox: how can the solar limb appear darkened when the temperature rises rapidly through the chromosphere? Answering this question requires an understanding of the concepts of opacity and optical depth. Simply put, the chromosphere is almost optically transparent relative to the photosphere. Hence, the Sun appears to end sharply at its photospheric surface - within the outer 300 km of its 700,000 km radius. Our line of sight penetrates the solar atmosphere only to the depth from which radiation can escape unhindered (where the optical depth is small). Interior to this point, solar radiation is constantly absorbed and re-emitted (and so scattered) by atoms and ions. Spectral line formation • Lines form higher in atmosphere than continuum. For optical lines this corresponds to lower temperature than continuum and therefore lower intensity (absorption lines, where S < I). PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 3 small 6500 ~2/3 low in atmosphere T (K) high ~2/3 high in atmosphere 4500 F 0 200 400 km Height above photosphere Spectral line strength & profile Spectral lines are never perfectly monochromatic. Quantum mechanical considerations govern minimum line width, and many other processes cause line broadening. Shape of absorption line — line profile. Natural broadening — consequence of uncertainty principle. Doppler broadening — consequence of velocity distribution. Pressure broadening — perturbation of energy levels by ions. • For abundance calculations we want to know the total line strength. Total line strength is characterised by EQUIVALENT WIDTH. � Equivalent width: measure strength of lines. � Rectangle with same area as line, i.e. same amount of absorption. � EW is width in °A across rectangle. The equivalent width is thus measured in wavelength unit (in angstroms for example). � Need EW to determine number of absorbing atoms PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 4 A Maxwellian velocity distribution: the line shape is Gaussian. Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) is the width measured at half level between the continuum and the peak of the line. The FWHM is expressed either in wavelength unit or in speed unit. The width in km/sec is given by c *FWHM /wavelength, with c the speed of the light = 3.105 km/s). Example, suppose that the FWHM is of 2A at 6563A, the equivalent resolved velocity is about 90 km/s. Notice that the FWHM measured has to be corrected for instrumental width: target profile is convolved with instrumental profile. Stellar composition Derived from spectral line strengths in stellar atmospheres. Spectroscopy shows that hydrogen makes up about 94% of the solar material, helium makes up about 6% of the Sun, and all the other elements make up just 0.13% (with oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen the three most abundant ``metals''---they make up 0.11%). In astronomy, any atom heavier than helium is called a ``metal'' atom. The Sun also has traces of neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, and iron. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 5 The percentages quoted here are by the relative number of atoms. If you use the percentage by mass, you find that hydrogen makes up 78.5% of the Sun's mass, helium 19.7%, oxygen 0.86%, carbon 0.4%, iron 0.14%, and the other elements are 0.54%. Published data on stellar composition show that carbon in the sun is substantially more abundant than in other stars. A carbon abundance of 225 carbon atoms per 10 hydrogen atoms is representative of galactic stars, whereas published values for the sun range from 350 to 470 carbon atoms per 10 hydrogen atoms. Other elements are also present in enhanced quantities in the solar system, consistent with suggestions that a supernova event was closely associated with the formation of the solar system. Spectral line structure • NATURAL WIDTH: Due to uncertainty principle, E=h/t, applied to lifetime of excited state. For "normal" lines the atom is excited (by a photon or collision) to an excited state which has a short lifetime t ~ 10-8 s. The upper energy level therefore has uncertain energy E and the resultant spectral line (absorption or emission) has an uncertain energy (wavelength). The line has a Lorentz profile, ~ 10-5 nm for visible light. • COLLISIONAL/PRESSURE BROADENING: Outer energy levels of atoms affected by presence of neighbouring charged particles (ions and electrons). Random effects lead to line broadening since the energy of upper energy level changes relative to the unexcited state energy level. This is the basis of the Luminosity classification for A,B stars. Gaussian profile. ~ 0.02 - 2 nm. • DOPPLER BROADENING: Due to motions in gas producing the line. Doppler shift occurs for each each photon emitted (or absorbed) since the gas producing the line is moving relative to the observer (or gas producing the photon). Thermal Doppler broadening due to motions of individual atoms in the gas. ~0.01 - 0.02 nm for Balmer lines in the Sun. Gaussian profile. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 6 Bulk motions of gas in convection cells. Gaussian profile. • ROTATION: If there is no limb darkening, then lines have hemispherical profile due to combination of radiation from surface elements with different radial velocities. Effect depends on rotation rate, size of star and angle of polar tilt. In general, V sin i is derived from the profile. _ V -1 (km s ) 200 Receding +V A F C B A C B Approaching -V 100 o 0 O B A F G K • ATMOSPHERIC OUTFLOW: Many different types. Star with expanding gas shell (result of outburst) gives P-CYGNI PROFILE. Continuum (+ absorption lines) from star, emission or absorption lines from shell: F Expanding gas shell D C Star D B D A o Observer B C A C B Radiation from star, A, passes through cooler cloud giving absorption line due to shell material which is blue shifted relative to star. Elsewhere, emission lines are seen. Be STARS: Very rapid rotators with material lost from the equator: Radiation from star, A, passes through cooler cloud giving absorption line. Overall line structure is hemispherical rotation line (B,D). Emission lines seen due to shell material (C,E). PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith C F Rotating gas shell 7 E Star B A o D Observer C B A D E Forbidden lines • Only certain transitions are generally seen for two reasons: 1) Outer energy levels are far from the nucleus so in dense gases, levels are distorted or destroyed by interactions. 2) Selection rules for change of quantum numbers restrict possible transitions. • In fact forbidden transitions are not actually forbidden. However, the probability of a forbidden transition is very low, so an allowed transition will generally occur. The lifetimes in an excited state for which there are no allowed downward transitions are ~10-3 - 109 seconds (ie very low transition probability). These are called METASTABLE STATES. • De-excitation from a metastable state can be by: 1) Collisional excitation, or absorption of another photon to higher energy state allowing another downward transition to the equilibrium state, 2) FORBIDDEN TRANSITION producing a FORBIDDEN LINE. Usually denoted with [], e.g. [OII 731.99]. • Forbidden lines are usually much fainter than those from allowed transitions due to low probability. • In interstellar nebulae excited by UV from nearby hot stars, some elements' excited states have no allowed downward transitions to the ground state. In the absence of frequent collisions (due to low density) or high photon flux, a forbidden transition is the only way to the ground state. • These lines were not understood for a long while. A new element Nebulium was invented to account for them. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 8 Radiation Mechanisms 1. 21 cm: radio, spectral line. Hydrogen gas is observed in a variety of states: in ionized, neutral atomic, and molecular forms. The ionized hydrogen emits light in the visible band as the electrons recombine with the protons. Neutral atomichydrogen emits light in the radio band of the electromagnetic spectrum. Molecular hydrogen emits in the infrared. Most of the hydrogen in space (far from hot O and B-type stars) is in the ground state. The electron moving around the proton can have a spin in the same direction as the proton's spin (i.e., parallel) or spin in the direct opposite direction as the proton's spin (i.e., anti-parallel). The energy state of an electron spinning anti-parallel is slightly lower than the energy state of a parallel-spin electron. Remember that the atom always wants to be in the lowest energy state possible, so the electron will eventually flip to the antiparallel spin direction if it was somehow knocked to the parallel spin direction. The energy difference is very small, so a hydrogen atom can wait on average a few million years before it undergoes this transition. The two levels of the hydrogen 1s ground state, slightly split by the interaction between the electron spin and the nuclear spin. The splitting is known as hyperfine structure. Even though this is a RARE transition, the large amount of hydrogen gas means that enough hydrogen atoms are emitting the 21-cm line radiation at any one given time to be easily detected with radio telescopes. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has about 3 billion solar masses of H I gas with about 70% of it further out in the Galaxy than the Sun. Most of the H I gas is in disk component of our galaxy and is located within 720 light years from the PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 9 midplane of the disk. What's very nice is that 21-cm line radiation (1420 MHz) is not blocked by dust! The 21-cm line radiation provides the best way to map the structure of the Galaxy. See: NGC5055 This is illustrated in the picture: it shows the stars (yellow) in the galaxy NGC 5055, while the blue shows the distribution of the neutral gas. 2. Thermal free-free or Bremsstrahlung emission (continuous, from radio to X-rays) Another form of thermal emission comes from gas which has been ionized. Atoms in the gas become ionized when their electrons become stripped or dislodged. This results in charged particles moving around in an ionized gas or "plasma", which is a fourth state of matter, after solid, liquid, and gas. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 10 As this happens, the electrons are accelerated by the charged particles, and the gas cloud emits radiation continuously. This type of radiation is called "free-free" emission or "bremsstrahlung". 2. Synchrotron radiation (continuum) Non-thermal emission does not have the characteristic signature curve of blackbody radiation. In fact, it is quite the opposite, with emission increasing at longer wavelengths.The most common form of non-thermal emission found in astrophysics is called synchrotron emission. Basically, synchrotron emission arises by the acceleration of charged particles within a magnetic field. Most commonly, the charged particles are electrons. Compared to protons, electrons have relatively little mass and are easier to accelerate and can therefore more easily respond to magnetic fields. As the energetic electrons encounter a magnetic field, they spiral around it rather than move across it. Since the spiral is continuously changing the direction of the electron, it is in effect accelerating, and emitting radiation. The frequency of the emission is directly related to how fast the electron is traveling. This can be related to the initial velocity of the electron, or it can be due to the strength of the magnetic field. A stronger field creates a tighter spiral and therefore greater acceleration. For this emission to be strong enough to have any astronomical value, the electrons must be traveling at nearly the speed of light when they encounter a magnetic field; these are known as "ultrarelativistic" electrons”. (Lower-speed interactions do happen, and are called cyclotron emission, but they are of considerably lower power, and are virtually non-detectable astronomically). As the electron travels around the magnetic field, it gives up energy as it emits photons. The longer it is in the magnetic field, the more energy it loses. As a result, the electron makes a wider spiral around the magnetic field, and emits EM radiation at a longer wavelength. To maintain synchrotron radiation, a continual supply of relativistic electrons is necessary. Typically, these are supplied by very powerful energy sources such as supernova remnants, quasars, or other forms of active galactic nuclei (AGN). It is important to note that, unlike thermal emission, synchrotron emission is polarized. As the emitting electron is viewed side-on in PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 11 its spiral motion, it appears to move back-and-forth in straight lines. Its synchrotron emission has its waves aligned in more or less the same plane. At visible wavelengths this phenomenon can be viewed with polarized lenses (as in certain sunglasses, and in modern 3-D movie systems). The radiation typically includes radio, infrared, optical, ultraviolet, x-rays. The Crab: recombination (red) and synchrotron (blue), VLT image 3. Inverse Compton radiation (X-rays) Inverse Compton scattering is important in astrophysics. In X-ray astronomy, the accretion disk surrounding a black hole is believed to produce a thermal spectrum. The lower energy photons produced from this spectrum are scattered to higher energies by relativistic electrons in the surrounding corona. This is believed to cause the power law component in the X-ray spectra (0.2-10 keV) of accreting black holes. The effect is also observed when photons from the Cosmic microwave background move through the hot gas surrounding a galaxy cluster. The CMB photons are scattered to higher energies by the electrons in this gas, resulting in the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. The Inverse Compton process boosts up synchrotron photons by means of scattering against the high energy electrons. Since the PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 12 electrons that scatter against the synchrotron photons belong to the same seed of the electrons that have produced the synchrotron photons, this process is also called ``Self Synchrotron Compton'' or SSC 4. Masers: line emission Another form of non-thermal emission comes from masers. A maser, which stands for "microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation", is similar to a laser (which amplifies radiation at or near visible wavelengths). Masers are usually associated with molecules, and in space masers occur naturally in molecular clouds and in the envelopes of old stars. Maser action amplifies otherwise faint emission lines at a specific frequency. In some cases the luminosity from a given source in a single maser line can equal the entire energy output of the Sun from its whole spectrum. Masers require that a group of molecules be pumped to an energized state, like compressed springs ready to uncoil. When the energized molecules are exposed to a small amount of radiation at just the right frequency, they uncoil, dropping to a lower energy level and emit a radio photon. The process entices other nearby molecules to do the same, and an avalanche of emission ensues, resulting in the bright, monochromatic maser line. Masers rely on an external energy source, such as a nearby, hot star, to pump the molecules back into their excited state, and then the whole process starts again. The first masers to be discovered came from the hydroxl radical (OH), silicon oxide (SiO), and water (H2O). Other masers have been discovered from molecules such as methanol (CH3OH), ammonia (NH3), and formaldehyde (H2CO). PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 13 For instance, the UBV system has about 100 standard stars measured to about ± 0.01 magnitude. Then if we can calibrate the flux of just one of these stars, we have calibrated the system. The calibration is usually given for zero magnitude at each filter; all fluxes are then derived from this base level. The star usually chosen as the calibration star is Vega. Colour index in the BV system. Blackbody curves for 20,000 K and 3000 K, along with their intensities at B and V wavelengths. Note that B - V is negative for the hotter star, positive for the cooler one. Nearby objects……… PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith Sun Proxima CentauriAlpha Cen C Rigil Kentaurus Alpha Cen A Alpha Centauri B Barnard's Star Wolf 359 Lalande 21185 Sirius A Alpha CMa A Sirius B Luyten 726-8A Luyten 726-8B UV Cet Ross 154 distance ly mV 0.00001 -26.8 4.3 11.0 4.3 -0.1 4.3 1.5 5.9 9.5 7.6 13.5 8.1 7.5 8.6 -1.5 8.6 7.2 8.9 12.5 8.9 13.0 9.4 10.6 14 MV 4.75 15.5 4.3 5.8 3.2 16.8 10.4 1.4 11.5 15.3 15.8 13.3 PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 15 PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 16 PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 17 STARS The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram In 1911, Ejnar Hertzsprung plotted the first such two-dimensional diagram (absolute magnitude versus spectral type) for observed stars, followed (independently) in 1913 by Henry Norris Russell. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 18 The simple HR diagram represents one of the great observational syntheses in astrophysics. Note that any two of luminosity, magnitude, temperature, and radius could be used, but visual magnitude and temperature are universally obtained quantities. An original idea was that a star was born hot (early type)and cooled (late type). It’s a particular colour-magnitude diagram. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 19 Important stars: no obvious pattern…Sirius B, Betelgeus in opposite corners: PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 20 Nearby stars: main-sequence appears. Most stars are less luminous and cooler than the Sun (alpha Centauri, nearest to us and a triple system, is similar). Note the hot small stars: the white dwarfs. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 21 Most stars have properties within the shaded region known as the main sequence. The points plotted here are for stars lying within about 5 pc of the Sun. The diagonal lines correspond to constant stellar radius, so that stellar size can be represented on the same diagram as luminosity and temperature. The first H-R diagrams considered stars in the solar neighbourhood and plotted absolute visual magnitude, M, versus spectral type, which is equivalent to luminosity versus spectral type or luminosity versus temperature. Note (a) the welldefined main sequence (class V) with ever-increasing numbers of stars toward later spectral types and an absence of spectral classes earlier than A1 (Sirius), (b) the absence of giants and supergiants (class III and I), and (c) the few white dwarfs at the lower left. The brightest stars: PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 22 An H-R diagram for the 100 brightest stars in the sky. Such a plot is biased in favour of the most luminous stars--which appear toward the upper rightbecause we can see them more easily than we can the faintest stars. These are the GIANTS and SUPERGIANTS In contrast, the H-R diagram for the brightest stars includes a significant number of giants and supergiants as well as several early-type main-sequence stars. Here we have made a selection that emphasises very luminous stars at distances far from the Sun. Note that the H-R diagram of the nearest stars is most representative of those throughout the Galaxy: the most common stars are low-luminosity spectral type M. The most prominent feature of the H-R diagram is the Main Sequence: Strong correlation between Luminosity and Temperature. Hotter stars are Brighter than cooler stars along the M-S. About 85% of nearby stars, including the Sun, are on the M-S. All other stars differ in size: Giants & Supergiants: Very large radius, but same masses as M-S stars White Dwarfs: Very compact stars: ~Rearth but with ~0.6 Msun! Example: Betelgeuse: M2 Iab (supergiant) PH507 Astrophysics o Professor Michael Smith L ~ 40,000 Lsun, T ~ 3,500 K Sun: G2 V (main-sequence) o T ~ 5,000 K Stellar luminosity classes: Ia : Brightest Supergiants Ib : Less luminous supergiants II : Bright giants III : Giants IV : Subgiants V : Main-sequence stars Luminosity Classes 23 PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 24 Stellar luminosity classes in the H-R diagram. Note that a star's location could be specified by its spectral type and luminosity class instead of by its temperature and luminosity. Giants possess cool low-density photospheres, hence absorption lines identify them (e.g. narrower lines). After spectral classification, their distance can be estimated according to their luminosity class. This is their spectroscopic parallax. Magnitude versus Colour Because stellar colours and spectral types are roughly correlated, we may construct a plot of absolute magnitude versus colour called a colour-magnitude diagram. The relative ease and convenience with which colour indices (such as B - V) may be determined for vast numbers of stars dictates the popularity of colour-magnitude plots. The resulting diagrams are very similar to the magnitude-spectral type H-R diagrams considered above. The Mass-Luminosity Relationship Just as the determination of the period and size of the Earth’s orbit (by Kepler’s third law) leads to the Sun’s mass, so also have we deduced binary stellar masses. Because it is necessary to know the distance to the binary system in order to establish these masses, we need only observe the radiant flux of each star to find its luminosity. When the observed masses and luminosities for stars in binary systems are plotted, we obtain the correlation called the massluminosity relationship. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 25 In 1924, Arthur S. Eddington calculated that the mass and luminosity of normal stars like the Sun are related by L M L M His first crude theoretical models indicated that α ≈ 3. On a log-log plot, this gives a straight line with a slope of 3. Main sequence stars do seem to conform to this relationship, although the f low mass. From a sample of 126 well-studied binary systems, we find that the break in slope below this value is 2.26; above it, 3.99. Or : PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 26 Rate of burning hydrogen depends on a star's central temperature Central temperature depends on a star's mass Therefore, it is not surprising that a star's luminosity depends on its mass. n, value of exponent n 3.9 3.0 2.7 Mass range M M<7M 7M < M < 25 M 25 M < M Lifetime Mass/Luminosity Mass-3 S Suunn ccaann bbee ppoow weerreedd ffoorr 55 bbiilllliioonn yyeeaarrss bbyy ccoonnvveerrttiinngg 55% % ooff iittss hhyyddrrooggeenn ttoo hheelliiuum m.. A A ssttaarr 1100 ttiim meess aass m maassssiivvee aass tthhee S Suunn hhaass 1100 ttiim meess m moorree hhyyddrrooggeenn ttoo ppoow weerr nnuucclleeaarr ffuussiioonn B Buutt iitt iiss 1100000000 ttiim meess aass bbrriigghhtt T Thheerreeffoorree iitt sshhoouulldd uussee uupp iittss ffuueell 11000000 ttiim meess m moorree qquuiicckkllyy Massive stars are very short-lived If we use the mass-luminosity relation for stars of 0.4MSun and greater, or PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 27 so a star with 10x the mass of the Sun will have a main sequence lifetime of only 10 million yrs! So we know that O stars, the most massive stars, have main sequence lifetimes of only a million years so the fact that we see some O stars now means that star formation is still occurring in the Milky Way. See: The more massive stars burn their fuel very rapidly, leading to short lifetimes……….. Stellar (Main Sequence) Properties With Mass Mass Temp 40 35,000 K MSun 17 21,000 7 13,500 2 8,100 1 5,800 0.2 2,600 Radius 18 RSun Luminosity tMS 320,000 LSun 106 yrs 8 4 2 1 0.32 13,000 630 20 1 0.0079 107 8x107 2x109 1010 5x1011 In order of spectral class….……….. Spectral Class Mass (Msun) L (Lsun) Temp. (K) Radius (Rsun) O5 40 400,000 40,000 13 B0 15 13,000 28,000 4.9 A0 3.5 80 10,000 3.0 F0 1.7 6.4 7,500 1.5 G0 1.1 1.4 6,000 1.1 K0 .08 .46 5,000 0.9 M0 0.5 0.08 3,500 0.8 habitable zone 350-600 AU 1-2 0.1-0.2 PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 28 Some stars have still not left the main sequence……… M*/Msun 60 30 10 3 1.5 1 0.1 time (years) 3 million 11 million 32 million 370 million 3 billion 10 billion 1000's billions Spectral type O3 O7 B4 A5 F5 G2 (Sun) M7 tthhee lliiffeettiim meess ooff ssttaarrss w wiitthh m maassss << 00..99 M Mssuunn aarree lloonnggeerr tthhaann 1155 bbiilllliioonn yyeeaarrss ((tthhee aaggee ooff tthhee uunniivveerrssee)) Note that the M-L law does not apply to highly evolved stars, such as red giants (with extended atmospheres) and white dwarfs (with degenerate matter. The ranges. While most stellar masses lie in the narrow range from 0.085Msun 100Msun , stellar luminosities cover the vast span 10-4 ≤ L/L ≤ 106. to A useful relationship to give a rule of thumb estimate of a stars surface temperature is; 0.5 M T 5870 M* Stellar Density Mean Stellar Density: Mean Density = Mass / Volume Main Sequence: quite small range of mean densities: Sun (G2v): ~1.6 g/cc O5v Star: ~0.005 g/cc M0v Star: ~5 g/cc Giants: Low-density stars: ~10-7 g/cc (e.g., K5III) Supergiants: Very low-density: ~10-9 g/cc (e.g., M2I) PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 29 White Dwarfs: High-density stars: ~105 g/cc For reference, at sea level on Earth, water has a density of 1 g/cc, and air has a density of ~0.001 g/cc. Stellar Evolution: In this section, we explain the HR tracks qualitatively in terms of: 1. The energy source…..chemical, gravitational and nuclear reactions. We exclude chemical energy (e.g. forest fires) for stars. Gravity (if contracting) can operate for short periods. 2. Transport from the source to the surface…..conduction, convection or radiation. We exclude conduction as ineffective. 3. Radiative transfer through the photosphere, as discussed above. Hydrogen ions can provide the opacity in stars like the Sun. The internal structure of stars will be quantified in later lectures. end of Hydrogen burning: The PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 30 During main sequence lifetime hydrogen burning is confined to the core. Hydrogen burning converts hydrogen into helium in the core. Eventually the core hydrogen is exhausted . Energy is then derived from a hydrogen shell With no energy production in the core, it contracts to maintain thermal hydrostatic equilibrium. The collapse of the core will cause it to heat up. The hydrogen burning shell dumps further helium onto the core. Hydrogen burning moves outward. The core collapses, releasing energy and the star’s envelope expands and cools – a subgiant branch phase Over a million years, the core of a Sun sized star decreases to about 1/10 original size. The core temperature rises from 15 to about 100 million K. The core is composed of helium ‘ash’. The outer layers of the star become heated by their proximity to the energy source. The inert hydrogen outside the shell hinders the movement of the photons. The energy is then transported by convection. (low temperature, high opacity, high temperature gradient, just what you need for convection) Processed material from the core mixes for the first time with the envelope - and photosphere. We call this the first dredgeup which should be visible as a increase in N at the expense of C and O. The outer layers are not so tightly bound by gravity and will expand enormously forming a red giant Why Helium won’t burn yet Hydrogen, a single proton, has a single electrostatic charge Helium has two. Helium nuclei must have a much higher kinetic energy (speed) to get close enough to bind PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 31 Helium burning begins When the central temperature reaches 100 million K, helium burning starts. Two helium nuclei fuse to form an isotope of beryllium. Beryllium is very unstable. If it is hit by another helium they fuse into a stable isotope of carbon. This is known as the triple alpha process. A high energy gamma ray is released by each reaction A Star’s Safety-valve Gravity tries to compress a star When a perfect gas is compressed its density and temperature increase. If a gas heats up its pressure increases. The pressure tries to expand the star. If a reaction starts to run away, the temperature rises and the star expands. This drops the temperature and the reaction is slowed. Perfect and degenerate In a low-mass red giant (< 3 Msol), the core must undergo considerable compression to drive the temperature high enough to start helium burning. No two identical particles may occupy the same quantum state. The electrons obey the Pauli exclusion principle (Wolfgang Pauli, 1925) and will not be compressed any further. The gas is said to be degenerate and is supported by degenerate-electron pressure. In the highly compressed core, free electrons are so crowded together that quantum effects must be considered. Helium flash: When the temperature in the core reaches that required for helium fusion, energy begins to be released. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 32 Because the star is supported by electron degenerate pressure, it does not expand. (Remember degeneracy is a quantum effect and not influenced by temperature in the same way.) Without its safety valve the temperature soars and the fusion process runs away. This runaway takes only a few seconds and is called a Helium Flash It releases a vast quantity of energy which drives the temperature so high that the gas behaves in an ideal way again: the degeneracy is ‘lifted’. The Helium Flash is not observable, since the photons produced in the explosion are trapped in the Hydrogen layers. Low mass stars: After the helium flash, substantial carbon and oxygen ‘ash’ is dumped at the core. The core contracts until electron degeneracy again supports the star. The temperature reached is enough to start shell helium burning around the core Helium shell burning, like the hydrogen shell before it, heats the outer layers of the star and it expands again to form a red supergiant. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 33 Low mass planetary nebulae The helium shell is much thinner than the hydrogen one and is unable to swell the star to relieve the temperature build up. The process runs away until the helium layer is thick enough to expand the star thus cooling it. These helium flashes raise the luminosity from 100 to 100,000 times that of the Sun. The flashes can also re-start the hydrogen burning. Can be so energetic that the outer layers of the star are blown clean off. The escape velocity from the surface of a star is vesc = (2GM/R)1/2 . The expanding shell of ejected gasses is ionized by ultraviolet light from the hot core left behind. The White Dwarf core has a surface temperature over 100,000 K. Wein's law for a hot body with this temperature gives a peak wavelength of 2.9 x 10-8m, corresponding to ultraviolet light. When the electrons recombine with the surrounding ions, they often enter an excited state and then jump down to the ground PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 34 state emitting visible photons. This process is known as fluorescence. HST images of Planetary Nebulae Henize 1357 The Helix NGC 6543 MyCn18 Planetary nebulae Last for around 50,000 years after which it has dispersed and faded from view. Accounts for 15% of matter returned to the Inter-Stellar Medium (ISM) by stars. The planetary nebula takes ~ 60% of the star with it leaving only the core. White dwarfs < 4 Msol, never produce temperature high enough to ignite carbon and oxygen. During this phase, the star moves to the left on the H-R diagram. The track will sometimes loop corresponding to thermal pulses. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 35 As the ejected nebula fades and the core cools, the stars track turns sharply downward. The core becomes more and more compressed as the temperature drops. Most of the matter becomes degenerate again and the contraction halts. The star is now called a white dwarf - about the same size as the Earth. Its density is typically 109 kg/m3. One teaspoon weighs as much as an elephant (5.5 tons) Remember that electron degeneracy is a quantum effect. This means that the more massive a white dwarf, the smaller it becomes. The end of the road The Chandrasekhar mass (1.4 Msun) is the largest mass that a white dwarf can possibly have. Highly ionized atoms floating in a sea of degenerate electrons. As the star cools, the random motions of the particles slow and the electric forces between ions line them up in a crystalline lattice. From this point on the star is ‘solid’ the electrons, though degenerate, may move around the lattice. The core is similar to copper or silver. As it cools further it evolves into a cold dark diamond sphere of carbon and oxygen, about the size of the Earth. Higher Mass Stars: How far can it go? For an element to serve as fuel energy must be given off when its nuclei collide and fuse. This energy comes from packing together more tightly the neutrons and protons in the ash nuclei than in the fuel nuclei. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 36 Once iron is reached with 56 protons and neutrons, no further energy can be extracted by the addition of more. Iron does not burn. The fuel layers burn outward dumping more and more iron onto the core which is supported by degeneracy pressure alone. Eventually this fails, catastrophically and violently.