Suns Disturbances 100 Stars Lives 100 200 Terms to Know 100 100 Grab Bag 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Galaxies and Constellations Colored band of light seen near the poles usually after a solar flare Answer Auroras Home Loop of incandescent gas that extends above the photosphere Answer Prominence Home Cooler, darker area of the photosphere with a strong magnetic field Answer Sunspot Home Sudden outward eruption of electrically charged particles Answer Solar Flare Home Auroras are usually seen after these… Answer Solar Flares Home A star begins as a ________, a cloud of gas and dust Answer Nebula Home Who did Ryan Reynolds recently marry? …..Just kidding. What color of stars are the hottest? Answer Blue Home How many years ago did the Big Bang occur? Answer 14 billion years ago Home Pairs of revolving starts held together by gravity Answer Binary Stars Home How many years would a star with the suns mass stay on the main sequence? Answer 10 billion years . Home What do scientists use to break sun’s light into a spectrum? Answer spectrograph Home What shape of galaxy is the Milky Way? Answer Spiral Home Objects in space moving away from an observer will display a ___ shift Answer Red Home The idea that all matter and energy was compressed into a small volume at one time billion of years ago, exploded and then began to expand is known as the ________ Answer Big Bang Theory Home The apparent shift in position of an object when viewed from different locations Answer parallax Home The sun gets its energy from this type of nuclear reaction Answer Nuclear Fusion Home Stars, dust and gas bound together by gravity Answer Galaxy Home The observed change in the frequency of a wave when either the source or observer is moving is known as ______ Answer Doppler shift or effect Home The brightness of a star as it appears from Earth is the _____ magnitude Answer Apparent Home The location on the H-R Diagram where most stars lie Answer Main Sequence Home What can a star’s spectra tell us? Answer It’s temperature and composition Home The distance light travels in a year Answer Light-year or 9.46 x 1012km Home Ursa Major, Draco, and Pisces are all examples of: Answer Constellations Home What are the Northern and Southern Lights? Answer Auroras: Aurora Borealis & Aurora Australis Home How long do sunspot cycles last? Answer 11 years Home