Answers for Unit 1 Review Sheet

Middle Ages - people depended on a lord for protection; chaos; violence; period before
the Renaissance
Crusades – Holy War; 7 Total; 1 successful; Pope Urban called for them
Bubonic Plague - disease from Asia; bacteria on a flea; killed 1/3 of Europe’s population
Renaissance – rebirth; reawakening; started in Northern Italy
Northern Renaissance – Northern Europe; focused on painting; did not focus on the
History – a list of key events in chronological order; a narrative
Geography – the study of people; their resources; their environment
Ethnocentric – belief that one’s race is superior to another
Indulgences – pardons for sins; sold by the church
Predestination – one’s fate is decided at birth
Glazing – art technique used in the Northern Renaissance; layering of paint
95 Thesis – Luther’s criticisms of the church
Renaissance Man – secular person; Da Vinci
Fresco – to paint on wet plaster; Michelangelo
Pope Urban II – called for the Christians to reclaim the Holy Lands; started the Crusades
Martin Luther – German Priest; wanted to stop the sale of indulgences; wrote “95 Thesis”
John Calvin – preached predestination
Henry VIII – broke away from the Catholic Church and created the Church of England
Pope Leo – excommunicated Luther
Shakespeare – complex characters; know some works
Gutenburg – invented the printing press; it increased literacy
Machiavelli – wrote The Prince
Petrarch – 1st modern scholar
Erasmus - 1st criticism of the church; “In Praise and Folly”
Cervantes – wrote “Don Quixote”; satire on Chivalry
Rafael – School of Athens
Da Vinci – Renaissance Man; Last Supper: Mona Lisa; inventions
Michelangelo – David; Sistine Chapel; used frescos
Bottacelli – Birth of Venus
Van Eyck – Northern Renaissance; not a lot of perspective
De Medici – patrons of the arts