Deviance in US Society- SOCY 1004 Recitation Syllabus- Fall 2010 Teaching Assistant: Cristen Dalessandro, B.A. E-Mail: Office: Ketchum 414 Office Hours: Tuesdays 12-1:50pm, Thursdays 9-11am, and by appointment Recitations and Locations Rec. 203- Tuesdays 11-11:50am Rec. 208- Wednesdays 3-3:50pm Rec. 206- Thursdays 8-8:50am HLMS 141 ATLS 1B31 HUMN 125 Description: The purpose of the recitations is to supplement Professor Watterworth’s SOCY 1004 class. The goal of this course is to (1) explore the concept of deviance in US society as it is understood by sociologists (2) discuss in greater depth the material covered in Professor Watterworth’s lecture (3) help students make connections between lecture material and “real life,” and (4) strengthen critical thinking skills. Since this recitation works in tandem with Professor Watterworth’s lecture class, students are responsible for completing all assignments and readings from BOTH the lecture and recitation syllabi. Please review Professor Watterworth’s syllabus for assignments, readings, exams, course policies, and conduct expectations. Attendance and Participation: Attendance is required and will be taken during every class meeting. Attendance is very important due to the low number of times our recitations meet. You can have only two absences without penalty. More than two absences WILL result in a lowering of your final grade. The only exception to this policy is a serious illness, death in the family, or other major crisis supported by official documentation. Additionally, consistently arriving late or leaving early (without my permission) will result in you losing points towards your attendance grade, taken away at my discretion. Since this class will be partially discussion-based, regular participation is also expected and important. It is important to me also that you share your opinions; however, please take caution when we discuss sensitive subject matter. Additionally, questions or comments that are perceived by me to be either deliberately disruptive or blatantly off topic will not be tolerated. THINK before you speak! You will also be given in-class group work and assignments. These cannot be made up. If you miss class, you may miss out on participation points from in-class work. Quizzes: Throughout the semester, you will have 5 quizzes. The quizzes will be ten points a piece and will ask general questions on the reading material that is assigned to be completed on the day of the quiz.* Quizzes will consist of multiple choice questions. If you miss class on the day of a quiz (WITH AN EXCUSED ABSENCE), you will have the opportunity to make up the quiz either during the next recitation class or during my office hours. You will have one week ONLY to do this. After a week has passed, you will receive a zero for the quiz. Also, be aware that the make-up quizzes will consist of questions different from the original quizzes given in class. *The reading material for the quiz will come from the recitation syllabus, NOT Professor Watterworth’s lecture syllabus. Reflections: During the semester, you will be expected to complete four reflection papers. These papers should a maximum of 500 words and can follow one of two formats. In these papers, students must either (1) discuss one of the assigned readings, reflecting on a part of the reading that particularly resonated, or (2) find and discuss a news article that connects to one of the assigned readings. The best papers should demonstrate that a student has read (and understands) the material being reflected upon. Asking one or two questions in your papers is always good, too, because they warrant discussion! Additionally, being able to connect the readings to the “real” world is an excellent way to earn a good grade. Papers turned in after the class ends will be considered late. Additionally, students discussing a news article MUST cite the article in ASA format (attaching the article is also preferred). Additionally, if you cite someone else’s ideas, quotes, and text, you will need to cite your sources, EVEN IF YOUR SOURCE IS THE TEXTBOOK! PLEASE NOTE: PLAGIARISM IS TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY AT CU. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU REVIEW HANDOUTS CONCERNING ASA FORMAT AND PLAGIARISM BECAUSE YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING HOW TO PROPERLY CITE THE IDEAS AND WORDS OF OTHERS. PLAGIARISM IS A VERY SERIOUS OFFENSE THAT CAN RESULT IN NOT ONLY FAILING THE CLASS, BUT ALSO OTHER DISCIPLINARY ACTION FROM THE UNIVERSITY. Grading: This recitation is worth 40% of your final grade for the entire course. The breakdown is as follows: 1) Attendance and Participation 10% 2) Five Quizzes 10% 3) Four Reflections 20% TOTAL 40% **VERY IMPORANT- POLICIES** My Policies: 1) Your recitation number (203, 208, or 206) must be written on all assignments and quizzes to be graded. 2) If you miss a recitation class, it is your responsibility to contact your classmates and find out what you missed. I am not one of your classmates. 3) Please no cell phones during recitation. Refusal to comply with this request will lead to point deduction at my discretion. 4) Laptops may be used for taking notes only. If your laptop activities are found to be distracting to other students, I reserve the right to dock you participation points. 5) In the case of inappropriate behavior, I reserve the right to ask students to leave the classroom. 6) I won’t accept emailed assignments. Also, do NOT drop off assignments to the sociology office or my office. They will not be graded! 7) I will not accept late work- no exceptions. Once the recitation class is over, an assignment is considered late. 8) I will not send grades over the internet because of confidentiality. 9) I will not discuss grades before or after class. You must come to my office hours to discuss grades. 10) Keep all graded assignments, because it is your responsibility to provide proof in the event of a grade dispute. University Policies: 1) You are expected to adhere to the University’s honor code. {} 2) If you require any accommodation for disabilities, please let me know in the first two weeks so that your learning needs may be met. You will need documentation from Disability Services (obtained through Willard 332 [303-492-8671] and 3) You are expected to adhere to the behavior standards listed in the Rights and Responsibilities Regarding Standards of Conduct. The policies are listed on the site 4) Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Everyone has the right to a fair and safe classroom environment. To review policies on sexual harassment, or to report an offense, visit or call the Office of Sexual Harassment at 303-492-2127 or the Office of Judicial Affairs at 303-492-5550. 5) If you have a conflict with exams, assignments, or attendance because of religious observances, you must let me know no later than the second week of class so that we can make the proper arrangements for you. Tentative Weekly Schedule Aug 23-27 Go over syllabus, Get student contacts Aug 30- Sept 3 Read: General Introduction, Part I, Intro & Ch. 1-2 Sept 6-10 Read: Part I, Ch. 3-5 Sept 13-17 Read: Part II, Intro & Ch. 6-11; Quiz 1 Sept 20-24 Read: Part III, Intro & Ch. 12-14; Reflection 1 Sept 27-Oct 1 Read: Part IV, Intro & Ch. 15-17; Quiz 2 Oct 4-8 Read: Part IV, Ch. 18-20; Reflection 2 Oct 11-15 Read: Part IV, Ch. 21-22, Lecture Exam 1 Oct 18-22 Read: TBA Environmental Soc; Quiz 3 Oct 25-29 Read: TBA Environmental Soc; Reflection 3 Nov 1-5 Read: TBA Environmental Soc; Quiz 4 Nov 8-12 Read: TBA Environmental Soc, Lecture Exam 2 Nov 15-19 Read: Review Ch. 13; Ch. 24, 26; Reflection 4 Nov 22-26 FALL BREAK! Nov 29-Dec 3 Read: Part VII, Intro & Ch. 38-41, 45; Quiz 5 Dec 6-10 Review for Final/Lecture Exam 3 (Last recitation meeting) Dec 14 FINAL EXAM Peer Contact List Since you are responsible for making up missed material, please take this time to get the contact information of a few other students from the class! Name__________________________________________Number__________________ Email___________________________________________________________________ Name__________________________________________Number___________________ Email____________________________________________________________________ Name__________________________________________Number___________________ Email____________________________________________________________________