Elements and the Periodic Table Review

_Elements and the Periodic Table Review_
Elements and the Periodic Table Review
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Mendeleev created the first periodic table by arranging elements in order of
a. decreasing atomic mass.
b. increasing atomic mass.
c. increasing atomic number.
d. increasing melting points and densities.
2. Which of these statements about a column of the periodic table is true?
a. The elements have similar properties.
b. The elements have a wide range of properties.
c. The elements have the same atomic number.
d. The elements have the same atomic mass.
3. In general, which of the following statements about metals is true?
a. Metals need to be stored in sealed containers for safety.
b. Metals show a wide range of chemical properties.
c. Metals are highly reactive substances.
d. Metals do not react with oxygen.
4. In the periodic table, the most reactive metals are found
a. in Group 1, the first column on the left.
b. in Period 1, the first row across the top.
c. in Groups 13 through 16 in the center.
d. in Periods 6 and 7 at the bottom.
5. To make most synthetic elements, scientists use powerful machines called
a. semiconductors.
b. particle accelerators.
c. supernovae.
d. nebulas.
6. Why would it probably be very difficult to determine the chemical and physical properties of a newly
discovered synthetic element?
a. The element would not fit in the periodic table.
b. The element’s nuclei would break apart very quickly.
c. The element would combine the properties of the nuclei from which it was made.
d. The element would lack many properties of ordinary elements.
7. Which property of bromine could you NOT predict based on the fact that it is a nonmetal in the halogen
a. highly reactive
b. poor conductor of electricity
c. liquid at room temperature
d. poor conductor of heat
8. The sun is made up mostly of
a. hydrogen.
b. iron.
c. carbon.
d. beryllium.
9. The elements in a row of the periodic table
a. are in the same family.
b. have the same or nearly the same properties.
c. have the same average atomic mass.
d. have properties that change in a pattern.
____ 10. What information in the periodic table indicates the number of protons in an atom?
a. the position of the element in its column
b. the element’s chemical symbol
c. the element’s atomic number
d. the element’s atomic mass
____ 11. What prediction did Mendeleev make that came true less than 20 years later?
a. He predicted the atomic numbers of unknown elements.
b. He predicted that a total of 112 elements would be discovered.
c. He said that three new elements would be discovered, and he described their properties.
d. He said that the periodic table would be developed into 18 families.
____ 12. The elements that do not ordinarily form compounds are
a. elements in the carbon family.
b. metals.
c. halogens.
d. noble gases.
____ 13. Which particles in atoms have a negative electric charge?
a. electrons
b. protons
c. neutrons
d. nuclei
Fill in the chart below using a periodic table.
Element Name
Complete each statement.
18. The horizontal rows in the periodic table are known as ________________________.
19. Mendeleev discovered that periodic patterns appeared when he arranged the elements in order of increasing
20. The property of an element that indicates the number of protons in its atoms is the ____________________.
21. A column of elements in the periodic table is called a group, or ____________________.
22. Scientists use _________________________ to study objects and events that are too small, too large, too
slow, too fast, too dangerous, or too far away to see.
23. Elements that easily transmit electricity and heat display the property known as ____________________.
24. The chemical reactivity of metals tends to ____________________ from left to right across the periodic table.
25. In the 1800s, Dmitri Mendeleev organized the first truly useful ________________________________.
26. An element’s ____________________ can be predicted from its location in the periodic table.
27. Each element is given a specific _________________________ that usually consists of one or two letters.
28. Elements with atomic numbers higher than 92 are not found naturally on Earth, so they must be made, or
____________________, by crashing nuclear particles into each other.
29. Most metals are in the ____________________ state at room temperature.
30. The ___________________________________ is the very small center core of an atom.
31. Elements known as ____________________ are located to the right of the metalloids on the periodic table.
32. At room temperature, all the metalloids are solids, while most nonmetals are ____________________.
33. Atoms with the same number of protons and a different number of neutrons are called __________________.
34. A _________________________________ material is one that can be hammered or rolled into flat sheets.
35. _________________________________ are found in Group 1 and react with other elements by losing one
36. _________________________________ are found in Group 2 and react with other elements by losing two
37. An _______________________ is a mixture of a metal with at least one other element.
Complete the following four essays. Minimum of four well developed complete sentences.
38. Explain why the atomic mass of an element is usually not given as a whole number even though each
individual atom of the element has a whole number of protons and neutrons.
39. Lithium (atomic number 3), sodium (atomic number 11), and potassium (atomic number 19) all show similar
chemical properties. Explain how this is possible.
40. What contribution did the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev make to chemistry? What was he able to do to
show the value of his contribution?
41. Compare the properties of metals and nonmetals.