Budget Issues ............................................................................................. 6 Business and Consumer Issues .................................................................. 8 Campaign Finance Issues........................................................................... 8 Choice Issues ........................................................................................... 10 Crime & Public Safety Issues .................................................................. 11 Economic and Financial Issues ................................................................ 12 Education Issues ...................................................................................... 12 Energy Issues ........................................................................................... 12 Environmental Issues ............................................................................... 12 Ethics Issues ............................................................................................ 13 Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea ................. 14 Gay and Lesbian Issues............................................................................ 14 Gun Issues ............................................................................................... 14 Health Care Issues ................................................................................... 14 Immigration and Border Issues ................................................................ 14 Israel ........................................................................................................ 15 Labor and Working Family Issues ........................................................... 15 Other Social Issues .................................................................................. 17 Senior Issues ............................................................................................ 17 Social Issues ............................................................................................ 18 Personal Issues ......................................................................................... 18 Political Issues ......................................................................................... 22 Tax Issues ................................................................................................ 26 Tea Party .................................................................................................. 27 Trade Issues ............................................................................................. 27 Transportation Issues ............................................................................... 27 Clips of Interest Gill Caught Inflating Resume at Least Twice In 2012, Gill posted his resume online saying that he worked as a consultant with the Educational Testing Service while finishing his undergraduate degree at Princeton –he then modified his resume. His former supervisor at ETS, Catherine Millett, said that like other college students, Gill was a research assistant on a variety of projects. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Touted Volunteer Work – Only Volunteered Twice In 2012, Gill said in an interview that he had been a volunteer tutor at KIPP charter schools in San Francisco. A spokesman for KIPP, Steve Mancini, said Gill volunteered twice during the 2010-11 school year. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] There was a Reason the only Challenger in the Newly Drawn District was a Law School Student In 2012, insiders said Gill had a tough road ahead. A columnist wrote there is a reason why the only viable challenger in the newly drawn 9th Congressional District is a law school student: It’s tough to beat a battle-tested incumbent when your party lags 10 points in voter registration. “A lot of serious and experienced Republicans took a look at this seat and said, ‘Why would I want to beat my head against the wall?’” said a GOP insider. “When Ricky Gill came along, and he was raising all that money, people figured they would sit back and let him test the waters.” [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] Had Trouble Filing Campaign Finance Reports In 2012, Gill had trouble with a job that was “100 percent his responsibility” - filing his campaign finance reports. “He has changed treasurers and amended the reports multiple times to correct basic errors such as failing to list rent and telephone expenses on the correct pages.” [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] Exaggerated Descriptions of Internships and Research Assistant Job In 2012, a columnist pointed out that Gill provided exaggerated descriptions of his internships and a research assistant’s job. “The young man’s primary work experience has been in his family’s businesses, where it is almost impossible for outsiders to gauge his level of responsibility and duties.” [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] Questions Arose on How 24-Year Old Gill Could Give Himself Over $100,000; Parents Accused of Trying to Buy Son Seat in Congress In 2012, one of the biggest questions in Gill’s candidacy was how a 24-year-old could amass so much money. “How has the 24-year-old -- he can’t even legally serve in Congress until he turns 25 in May -- 2 amassed such a surprisingly big stack of campaign cash for a guy who is still in law school and has never held public office?” Critics said the influential Gill family was leveraging connections to buy their son a seat in Congress. In 2012 the FEC reported that Gill contributed $778,711 in contributions as of Dec. 31. He also loaned his campaign another $143,000 out of his own pocket. Gill’s supporters claimed he helped manage his family’s numerous investments and other businesses, including farms and the Flag City RV Park near Interstate 5. [Contra Costa Times, 3/10/12] Divested His Campaign from Donations from Nevada Lobbyist Under Investigation In 2012, Gill divested himself form campaign donations from Nevada lobbyist and developer Harvey Whittemore who was under FBI investigation for campaign donations. On Feb. 10, the Gill campaign sent a letter to Whittemore, saying it was returning a $2,500 donation made last year. The letter said Gill and his campaign staff have no reason to believe the donation was illegal, but that they wished to return the money out of "an abundance of caution." [Record, 3/13/12] Looked as Though Gill Family Tried to Distance Themselves from Whittemore When Grand Jury Convened In 2012, it was reported that Gill had a “big Whittemore problem” because it looked as though his family tried to distance themselves from Whittemore the day a grand jury convened. Gill’s father and brother partnered with Harvey Whittemore and his son Scott in 2009 on a set of firms associated with an energy drink called King 888. On Feb. 29, the same day the federal grand jury convened in Reno in the Whittemore campaign finance investigation, the King 888 corporate officers’ list was amended, and the names of Dr. Jasbir Gill and Harvey Whittemore were removed, leaving only Scott Whittemore and Chaman Gill. “Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.” Gill’s campaign manager claimed Gill helped his brother as unpaid consultant in King 888 company. “In politics, the stench of scandal clings longer than the most pungent cigar.” [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] Gill Returned Campaign Contributions from Fallen Nevada Lobbyist Under Investigation Harvey Whittemore In 2012, Gill returned campaign contributions from fallen Nevada lobbyist and development titan Harvey Whittemore after he was served with over 30 grand jury subpoenas in a criminal investigation into allegations Whittemore funneled illegal campaign contributions to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. “While we have no reason to believe this contribution was illegal or otherwise improper, we have chosen to refund it out of an abundance of caution,” wrote Gill campaign spokesman Colin Hunter in a letter to the Whittemore’s. [Contra Costa Times, 3/10/12] Gill’s Family Received About $56,000 in Disaster Payments from U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 3 In 2012, it was revealed that Gill’s family received about $56,000 in disaster payments from the U.S. Department of Agriculture since 2004. Gill's campaign spokesman said the payments were made on two occasions to offset crop disasters affecting the family's wine grapes. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Agriculture Issues Gill’s Family Received About $56,000 in Disaster Payments from U.S. Dept. of Agriculture In 2012, it was revealed that Gill’s family received about $56,000 in disaster payments from the U.S. Department of Agriculture since 2004. Gill's campaign spokesman said the payments were made on two occasions to offset crop disasters affecting the family's wine grapes. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Biographical Issues Name was Ranjit – but Called Ricky In 2012, it was reported that Gill's first name was Ranjit, but he preferred to be called Ricky. It was a nickname his brothers, Chaman and Vick, gave him as a toddler in honor of one of their favorite professional wrestlers, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Gill Grew Up with Sikh Traditions In 2012, it was reported that Gill grew up in Sikh traditions. Gill was the son of two doctors of Punjabi descent, Param and Jasbir Gill, and grew up immersed in Sikh traditions. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Claimed He Was Director of His Families Farm And RV Businesses In 2012, Gill claimed he was a director of his families farm and RV businesses. He said he was able to give his campaign a loan of $143,000 from his work at the companies. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Acknowledged that He Only Recently Finished High School In 2012, Gill acknowledged that he recently finished high school and wouldn’t turn the minimum age to run for Congress until May 2012. “Ricky Gill acknowledged that he finished high school just seven years ago and won't turn 25 - the minimum age to serve in the U.S. House—until next month.” [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Graduated from Law School in May 2012 In May 2012, Gill was scheduled to graduate from law school. “After graduating high school in Lodi, Gill attended Princeton University and then the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, both on full academic scholarships. He is scheduled to graduate from Berkeley next month.” [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Gill Caught Inflating Resume at Least Twice 4 In 2012, Gill posted his resume online saying that he worked as a consultant with the Educational Testing Service while finishing his undergraduate degree at Princeton –he then modified his resume. His former supervisor at ETS, Catherine Millett, said that like other college students, Gill was a research assistant on a variety of projects. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Touted Volunteer Work – Only Volunteered Twice In 2012, Gill said in an interview that he had been a volunteer tutor at KIPP charter schools in San Francisco. A spokesman for KIPP, Steve Mancini, said Gill volunteered twice during the 2010-11 school year. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Gill’s Parents Ran P. Gill Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Group Inc. In 2012, Gill’s parents, Param and Jasbir Gill ran their own medical practice, P. Gill Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Group Inc. The business has offices in Stockton, Manteca, Lodi and Galt and offers a range of services, from oncological treatment to laser hair removal. Gill's mother also practices at hospitals in Lodi and Stockton. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Exaggerated Descriptions of Internships and Research Assistant Job In 2012, a columnist pointed out that Gill provided exaggerated descriptions of his internships and a research assistant’s job. “The young man’s primary work experience has been in his family’s businesses, where it is almost impossible for outsiders to gauge his level of responsibility and duties.” [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] Law School Student Benefitted from Parents Success In 2012, Gill was a law school student who benefitted “substantially from the professional and financial successes of his immigrant parents.” His parents were doctors and skilled entrepreneurs who own a 1,000acre cherry and winegrape farm, a medical practice, RV park and other businesses. [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] If He Won Gill Would be the Youngest Member of Congress If he unseats McNerney, Gill likely will be the youngest member of Congress. The youngest today is 30year-old Illinois Republican Rep. Aaron Schock. “I’m sort of an unconventional candidate, to put it mildly, so people really need to meet me,” Gill said. “I think they understand that leadership is about experience, but it’s also about vision.” [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Admitted He was Not Yet Old Enough to Run for Congress In April 2012, a FOX news anchor pointed out that Gill would get booted from the House because he was not yet old enough to be a sitting member of congress. Gill said “that’s right.” [Fox News interview, 4/8/12; The Record, 4/6/12] Claimed He was a Small Business Owner and Worked as Advisor to Secretary of Education 5 In 2012, Bilingual Weekly claimed that Gill was a small business owner and a former member of the California State Board of Education. The article also claimed that he continued his work in public education as an adviser to the California Secretary for Education, where he was charged with facilitating Governor Schwarzenegger’s Initiative-to-Turn around Failing Schools. He has worked for former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions. He claimed his volunteer work included serving as a math and literacy mentor at KIPP Bay Area charter schools. He also said he volunteered at St. Mary’s Interfaith Community, Lodi Memorial Hospital, the Greater Lodi Area Youth Commission. [Biligual Weekly, 3/23/12] Attends Law School at University of California, Berkley In 2012, it was reported that Gill earned his Bachelor's from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Attends Boalt Hall School of Law at University of California, Berkeley. “Gill is a 24-year-old graduate of Princeton University and student at Boalt School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. In May, he turns 25, the minimum age to join Congress. [Record Net, 4/22/12] Parents Were Prominent Physicians Who Owned Farm In 2012, it was reported that Gill was born in Lodi Memorial Hospital. His parents were prominent physicians who also owned a farm. Gill says his experiences coming from the district and with farming are important, especially because San Joaquin County is long overdue for home-grown congressional representation. “I think people here are sick of playing second fiddle.” [Record Net, 4/22/12] Interned for Sacramento Kings in 2007 In 2007 , Gill interned for the NBA's Sacramento Kings in 2007, compiling data about collegiate players entering the draft for the front office. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Graduated from Undergrad in 2009 – Interned for General Counsel of Oakland A’s In 2009, Gill graduated from undergrad and went straight to law school at the University of California, Berkeley. While there, Gill interned for the general counsel of the Oakland A's and began working more regularly on the family farm. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Budget Issues Advocated for Less Government Spending – Opposed Earmarks In 2012, Gill advocated for less government spending. He said he opposed federal earmarks. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] 6 Set up Campaign Headquarters in Families Business and Raised from Indian-American Community In 2012, Gill set up his campaign headquarters inside the family’s RV park and anchored much of his fundraising strategy to his connections within California’s growing Indian-American community. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Gill’s Parents Delivered Babies Together For Years In 2012, it was reported that Gill’s parents delivered babies together for years, both in the private practice they co-founded and in area clinics. His mother’s family has a well-established farm in Delano, where his grandfather still lives. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Gill’s Father Grew Up in Uganda – Managed Family Farm In 2012, it was reported that Gill’s father grew up in Uganda and went to medical school in Ireland before settling in the valley. Since retiring, his father has grown cherries and wine grapes on the family’s 1,000 farming acres. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Gill Accused McNerney of Abusing Tax Payer Money By Sending Out Mailers; Paper Acknowledged Value of Mailers In 2011, Gill decried McNerney’s use of tax-paid mailing as an abuse of taxpayers’ dollars to send glossy mailers to his constituents. McNerney’s staff argued the mailers went to households where the residents would find the contents useful. For example, mailers about Social Security and Medicare went to senior citizens. The two-sided mailers contain phone numbers for folks having trouble with a Social Security application or who need help filing for veteran’s benefits. The paper “that’s all good.” However, the paper also wrote that some of the slogans had headlines that read like campaigns. [Contra Costa Times, 11/24/11] McDonald Said Stimulus Did Not Get to Root of Economic Problems In 2011, McDonald said the stimulus was not a long-term solution and didn’t get to the root of the economic problem. He said businesses and investors needed a stable environment in which to make longterm decisions, not stop-gap solutions like the president’s recent stimulus plan. “Too often, these plans coming down are not structural changes,” McDonald said, adding you can respond to a crisis with stimulus, but not deep-seated problems. “I don’t even see this as a Republican or Democrat kind of thing.” [Tracy Press, 10/18/11] Supported Balanced Budget Amendment In 2011, Gill said he supported a balanced budget amendment. [Washington Post, 9/27/11] Would Have Voted for Debt-Ceiling Deal In 2011, Gill said he would have “reluctantly” voted for the debt-ceiling deal. [Washington Post, 9/27/11] 7 Business and Consumer Issues Said his Priorities Included Easing Regulatory Burden on Small Businesses, Farmers In 2012, at a Lodi veteran’s group breakfast, Gill said his priorities included easing the regulatory burden for small businesses, including farmers. [News-Sentinel, 2/16/12] Campaign Finance Issues Had Trouble Filing Campaign Finance Reports In 2012, Gill had trouble with a job that was “100 percent his responsibility” - filing his campaign finance reports. “He has changed treasurers and amended the reports multiple times to correct basic errors such as failing to list rent and telephone expenses on the correct pages.” [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] Chunk of Gills Contributions Came from Parents’ Connections In 2012, a columnist pointed out that a large chunk of Gill’s campaign contributions came from his parents’ connections in the business and close-knit Indian-American communities. His parents refuse to talk to media about their businesses or the campaign, “an odd strategy when their son’s qualifications to serve in Congress are inextricably linked to the opportunities they have admirably fostered.” [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] Received Thousands from the Sikh Community in Sutter County In 2012, it was reported that Gill received thousands from the Sikh community in Sutter County. It was reported “Gill’s parents are immigrants from India and Uganda. With that background, it’s not surprising that thousands of dollars are flowing from the Sikh community in Sutter County to the Gill campaign, according to the FEC website.” [Columnist, Appeal-Democrat, 3/3/12] Questions Arose on How 24-Year Old Gill Could Give Himself Over $100,000; Parents Accused of Trying to Buy Son Seat in Congress In 2012, one of the biggest questions in Gill’s candidacy was how a 24-year-old could amass so much money. “How has the 24-year-old -- he can’t even legally serve in Congress until he turns 25 in May -amassed such a surprisingly big stack of campaign cash for a guy who is still in law school and has never held public office?” Critics said the influential Gill family was leveraging connections to buy their son a seat in Congress. In 2012 the FEC reported that Gill contributed $778,711 in contributions as of Dec. 31. He also loaned his campaign another $143,000 out of his own pocket. Gill’s supporters claimed he helped manage his family’s numerous investments and other businesses, including farms and the Flag City RV Park near Interstate 5. [Contra Costa Times, 3/10/12] Gill’s Father Repeatedly Gave to Schwarzenegger 8 In 2012, it was reported that Gill’s father gave $2,000 to former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s campaign during the 2003 recall election, according to secretary of state records. The next year, Schwarzenegger appointed Ricky Gill to serve as the only student representative on the California Board of Education. Gill’s father gave a $5,000 donation to Schwarzenegger’s re-election campaign in 2006. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Gave Himself Loans and Received Indirect Support from NRCC In 2012, Gill gave himself $142,000 in loans and received indirect support from the NRCC in the form of ads attacking his opponent, McNerney. [Tracy Press, 3/7/12] Contributed $140,000 to Own Campaign In February 2012, it was reported that Gill raised about a third of his 2011 money through loans to himself – he contributed to almost $140,000 to his own campaign. [Record Net, 2/2/12] South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley Stumped for Gill In 2011, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley stumped for California House candidate Ricky Gill. “As America’s youngest governor, I know what a difference a new generation of hope and leadership can make. And I know that the future of the San Joaquin Valley will be much brighter with the energy and optimism of Ricky Gill,” Haley said in a statement.” [Blog, Politico, 11/9/11] Headline: Haley bashes labor unions in Chamber of Commerce appearance In 2011, Gov. Nikki Haley said she wanted to get rid of the influence of unions. She accepted an award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Republican governor also slammed the National Labor Relations Board, which has sued Boeing over its decision to locate a factory in North Charleston rather than expand an existing assembly line in Washington state. She touted a proposal to require unions to disclose three years worth of financial data before setting up shop in the Palmetto State. “Unions only survive in secrecy,” Haley said. “The more people know about them, the more we expose them, the more we can get rid of the influence that they have on the system.” Haley boasted that South Carolina has among the nation’s smallest unionized workforces, which she said accounts for the state’s low cost of doing business. [Gannett News Service, 10/26/11] Headquarters was on Second Floor of Building of a Lodi RV park his Family Owned In 2011, Gill's campaign headquarters was on the second floor of the administration building of a Lodi RV park his family owns. [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/17/11] Raised Much of Money from Sikh Community In 2011, Gill raised much of his money from the Sikh community, where his parents were politically active. [Washington Post, 9/27/11] 9 Raised $446,000 in Second Quarter of 2011 During the second fundraising quarter of 2011, Gill raised $446,000. “The current crop of prolific IndianAmerican cash-raisers include congressional hopefuls like Ami Bera, a California physician; Raja Krishnamoorthi, a former Illinois deputy state treasurer, and 24-year-old Ricky Gill, a University of California at Berkeley law student who’s running for a San Joaquin County-area House seat and who hauled in $446,000 during the second quarter.” [Politico.com, 8/11/11] Choice Issues Gill Claimed to be Pro-Life “I’m personally pro-life. That’s a conviction I have…I do believe in the Hyde amendment, which is a federal restriction on funding the practice, but the rest should be left to the courts, and we’ll see how that jurisprudence shapes up.” [UC Berkeley Political Science 179, 2/1/12] “I’m personally pro-life what I would tell you is there’s federal policy on this, and it’s been in place since the 70’s. The federal government doesn’t provide funding for this practice, so to that extent it remains a state…” [College Republicans, 1/26/12] Attacked by Opponent on Choice In 2012, Gill was attacked for McDonald on the subject of choice. “And then on the life issue…he put on his website that he’s pro-life. I am pro-life. I’ve been on walks for life. Me and my wife started very early in our marriage helping out the crisis pregnancy centers…He Claims he’s pro-life. I’ve called on him for over a month to clarify where he is on the pro-life issue, because his parents made a big deal of it twenty years ago in this community when they were protested by Operation Rescue for participating in late-term abortions.” McDonald went on to say “If it’s just a political position thought up by somebody that says hey you live in pro-life area, and I’m just going to stamp pro-life on there. And that really pisses me off frankly. Ok. I don’t like that. But if it’s a truly held position, then I think he needs to talk about it, because I would be highly impressed. And that would really, I would go wow, I’m going to walk with you on a Walk for Life Ricky. Come on. Let’s do it together…So, if that is the true position. So we want to see truth in positions. We need typical politicians that glad-hand people that, you know, earn their political science degree.” [Lodi Republican Women, part 2, 8:15, 1/18/12] Attacked by Opponent on Choice In 2012, Gill was attacked for McDonald on the subject of choice. “And then on the life issue…he put on his website that he’s pro-life. I am pro-life. I’ve been on walks for life. Me and my wife started very early in our marriage helping out the crisis pregnancy centers…He Claims he’s pro-life. I’ve called on him for over a month to clarify where he is on the pro-life issue, because his parents made a big deal of it twenty years ago in this community when they were protested by Operation Rescue for participating in late-term abortions.” 10 McDonald went on to say “If it’s just a political position thought up by somebody that says hey you live in pro-life area, and I’m just going to stamp pro-life on there. And that really pisses me off frankly. Ok. I don’t like that. But if it’s a truly held position, then I think he needs to talk about it, because I would be highly impressed. And that would really, I would go wow, I’m going to walk with you on a Walk for Life Ricky. Come on. Let’s do it together…So, if that is the true position. So we want to see truth in positions. We need typical politicians that glad-hand people that, you know, earn their political science degree.” [Lodi Republican Women, part 2, 8:15, 1/18/12] Gill Claimed to be Pro-Life “I’m personally pro-life. That’s a conviction I have…I do believe in the Hyde amendment, which is a federal restriction on funding the practice, but the rest should be left to the courts, and we’ll see how that jurisprudence shapes up.” [UC Berkeley Political Science 179, 2/1/12] “I’m personally pro-life what I would tell you is there’s federal policy on this, and it’s been in place since the 70’s. The federal government doesn’t provide funding for this practice, so to that extent it remains a state…” [College Republicans, 1/26/12] Gill’s Answers on Abortion “I’m personally pro-life. That’s a conviction I have…I do believe in the Hyde amendment, which is a federal restriction on funding the practice, but the rest should be left to the courts, and we’ll see how that jurisprudence shapes up.” [UC Berkeley Political Science 179, 2/1/12] “I’m personally pro-life what I would tell you is there’s federal policy on this, and it’s been in place since the 70’s. The federal government doesn’t provide funding for this practice, so to that extent it remains a state…” [College Republicans, 1/26/12] Attacked by Opponent on Choice In 2012, Gill was attacked by McDonald on the subject of choice. “And then on the life issue…he put on his website that he’s pro-life. I am pro-life. I’ve been on walks for life. Me and my wife started very early in our marriage helping out the crisis pregnancy centers…He Claims he’s pro-life. I’ve called on him for over a month to clarify where he is on the pro-life issue, because his parents made a big deal of it twenty years ago in this community when they were protested by Operation Rescue for participating in late-term abortions.” McDonald went on to say “If it’s just a political position thought up by somebody that says hey you live in pro-life area, and I’m just going to stamp pro-life on there. And that really pisses me off frankly. Ok. I don’t like that. But if it’s a truly held position, then I think he needs to talk about it, because I would be highly impressed. And that would really, I would go wow, I’m going to walk with you on a Walk for Life Ricky. Come on. Let’s do it together…So, if that is the true position. So we want to see truth in positions. We need typical politicians that glad-hand people that, you know, earn their political science degree.” [Lodi Republican Women, part 2, 8:15, 1/18/12] Crime & Public Safety Issues 11 Economic and Financial Issues Said Issues of Regulation and Debt Were Huge In 2011, Gill said the issues of regulations and debt were “huge issues.” Gill said, “And literally what we are talking about is, the regulations that are coming down from these capital cities to the level of taxation. The kind of debt that we either will or will not pass on to the next generation, and the opportunity agenda that we’re going to convey to them. These are huge issues.” [Lodi Meet & Greet, 5/4/11] Education Issues Was Critical of Public Schools – Advocated for Charter Schools In 2012, Gill lambasted the public education system and favored allowing for more charter schools. “We don’t have the critical mass of charter schools that we need,” he said. “When you look at the California Charter School Act (passed in 1992), the goal was to take the best practices from charter schools and apply them to public schools, and we’re not there in terms of critical mass.” [Foster City Patch, 2/25/12] Said If We Keep Spending on Public Schools We’ll Continue to Get Same Results In 2012, when talking about the federal governments role in education Gill said, “If we keep spending money the way we are on public schools, we will just continue to get the same results, education is not an issue to which you can just throw money and it will be solved,” said Gill as he answered a question regarding the federal role and education, “we [have] got to put students first.” [Bilingual Weekly, 3/20/12] Energy Issues Environmental Issues Gill Accused McNerney of Taking Too Long to Announce Opposition to Perpheral Canal; McNerney was Concerned About Delta Region In 2011, Gill accused McNerney of taking five years to announce on the House floor his opposition to the Peripheral Canal. McNerney spokeswoman Lauren Smith responded to the accusation by saying McNerney and four other Northern California members of Congress met with Jerry Meral, deputy secretary for the California Natural Resource Agency, about their concern over the proposed Bay Delta Conservation Plan, which they say would harm the Delta region. [News-Sentinel, 10/20/11] Touted Mitigation Strategy to Preserve Agriculture Lands In 2011, Gill touted mitigation strategy to preserve agriculture lands. Gill said “You look at agriculture; this county has adopted a county mitigation strategy for how to preserve ag land.” [Lodi Meet & Greet, 5/4/11] 12 Ethics Issues McDonald Attacked Gill for Resume Inflation in Mailer In 2012, McDonald put in campaign literature that Gill had a problem with resume inflation. “Ricky seems like a nice 24 year old young man whose parents don’t seem to understand that Congress is not an entry level position. If Ricky were running for city council, he would still face questions about his lack of experience. He has done well in his studies in high school and earned a political science degree. Few would take his candidacy seriously, except his wealthy family managed to raise nearly $1M from friends and family supporting his run for Congress.” The mailer went on to state, “Ricky has a problem with resume inflation that Jerry McNerney (D) is sure to exploit. Ricky was recently called out for resume inflation by the Stockton Record for his farming experience claims and for his parent’s clinic advertisement that states “Experience Matters”. Another example; Ricky has never held a real job, much less created a job. Yet, Ricky is running for a Congressional seat in a district with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. Voters in CA-9 should elect a candidate with job creation experience. To answer his obvious deficiency, Ricky now claims that his real job is “Director” of parent’s RV Park in Lodi, CA since age 19. However, Ricky went to school in New Jersey during those years. Most voters believe a real job means actually showing up to work and working 40+ hours per week.” [McDonald for Congress, Mailer, Accessed 1/23/12] McDonald Attacked Gill Saying His Family Money Came from Abortions In 2012, McDonald put in campaign literature that Gill had not spoken about his pro-life stance and his “his family money comes from his parents’ clinic which performed abortion.” The mailer read, “Another issue with Ricky is perhaps his lack of authenticity. For example, his OB-GYN parents claims to have “always been pro-life”. CA-9 has a pro-life majority. However, pro-life voters are discovering that the majority of his family money comes from his parents’ clinic, which performed abortion. Ricky has not spoken publicly about his website claim of being pro-life and has not made the pro-life policy commitments that define pro-life candidates. Source: Lodi Sentinel.” [McDonald for Congress, Mailer, Accessed 1/23/12] Gill Accused McNerney of Failing to Clean Up Federal Bureaucracy; McNerney Pointed to 2007 Ethics Package In 2011, Gill accused McNerney of failing to author legislation designed to clean up the federal bureaucracy in his five years representing the Lodi area in Congress. McNerney spokeswoman Lauren Smith responded to the accusation by saying Congress approved an ethics package in 2007. [News-Sentinel, 10/20/11] Wasn’t Old Enough to Serve in House Seat He was Running for In September 2011, the Washington Post reported that Gill wasn’t even old enough to serve in the House seat he was running for. “The possible Republican nominee in California’s 9th district is not even old enough to serve — yet. He will turn 25 a month before the primary, just in time to run.” [Washington Post, 9/27/11] 13 Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea Gay and Lesbian Issues Gun Issues Health Care Issues Would Vote to Overturn Health Care Law In 2012, Gill said he would vote to overturn the health care law that Congress passed under President Barack Obama and replace it with a “market-based solution.” [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Wanted to Focus on Unemployment and Reducing Obstacles to Obtaining Health Care In 2012, Gill said he wanted to focus on “fresh ideas,” lessening unemployment, and finding patientcentered ideas to reduce obstacles to obtaining health care. “The number I’m concerned about in (the 9th) District is the unemployment rate,” he said. [Tracy Press, 1/10/12] Did Not Favor Repealing Obama Health-Care Law In 2011, Gill said he did not favor repealing the health-care law. The Washington Post reported, “On the health-care law, he talks about improving coordination and record-keeping, not repeal.” [Washington Post, 9/27/11] Website Stated that He Would Repeal Obamacare In September 2011, Gill’s website read, “I would vote to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a market-based solution that retains protections for those with pre-existing conditions, extends coverage for younger family members and prevents caps on medical payouts.” [Gill for Congress, accessed 10/4/11] Immigration and Border Issues Said Government Shouldn’t Make it too Difficult for Immigrants to Stay in State In 2012, Gill said the government should not make it too difficult for immigrants to stay in the state. Gill said he was a first generation American himself. “My view is that (immigrants) are going to create a new generation of jobs in a place where we desperately need them, like Stockton,” Gill said. [Daily Californian, 2/3/12] Infrastructure Issues Said State Had Not Built Appropriate Infrastructure 14 In 2012, Gill spoke at an event and talked about the effect water issues would have on the peripheral canal and the effects it will have on local farmers. “We have a water crisis in the state because we have not built the appropriate infrastructure.” [Bilingual Weekly, 3/20/12] Israel Labor and Working Family Issues Nevada Business Associations Divested His Campaign from Donations from Nevada Lobbyist Under Investigation In 2012, Gill divested himself form campaign donations from Nevada lobbyist and developer Harvey Whittemore who was under FBI investigation for campaign donations. On Feb. 10, the Gill campaign sent a letter to Whittemore, saying it was returning a $2,500 donation made last year. The letter said Gill and his campaign staff have no reason to believe the donation was illegal, but that they wished to return the money out of "an abundance of caution." [Record, 3/13/12] Looked as Though Gill Family Tried to Distance Themselves from Whittemore When Grand Jury Convened In 2012, it was reported that Gill had a “big Whittemore problem” because it looked as though his family tried to distance themselves from Whittemore the day a grand jury convened. Gill’s father and brother partnered with Harvey Whittemore and his son Scott in 2009 on a set of firms associated with an energy drink called King 888. On Feb. 29, the same day the federal grand jury convened in Reno in the Whittemore campaign finance investigation, the King 888 corporate officers’ list was amended, and the names of Dr. Jasbir Gill and Harvey Whittemore were removed, leaving only Scott Whittemore and Chaman Gill. “Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.” Gill’s campaign manager claimed Gill helped his brother as unpaid consultant in King 888 company. “In politics, the stench of scandal clings longer than the most pungent cigar.” [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] Gill Returned Campaign Contributions from Fallen Nevada Lobbyist Under Investigation Harvey Whittemore In 2012, Gill returned campaign contributions from fallen Nevada lobbyist and development titan Harvey Whittemore after he was served with over 30 grand jury subpoenas in a criminal investigation into allegations Whittemore funneled illegal campaign contributions to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. 15 “While we have no reason to believe this contribution was illegal or otherwise improper, we have chosen to refund it out of an abundance of caution,” wrote Gill campaign spokesman Colin Hunter in a letter to the Whittemore’s. [Contra Costa Times, 3/10/12] Gill Touted Business Experience in “Beverage Exports” In 2012, Gill’s campaign biography touted his experience in “beverage exports.” He said he had business experience “in the local agriculture industry and in beverage exports uniquely positions him to represent the 9th District on matters of trade and regulatory policy.” [Gill for Congress, accessed 3/20/12] Gill Claimed to No Longer be Involved Beverage Exporting Business In 2012, Gill’s spokesman said he was not involved in beverage exporting business associated with lobbyist under investigation, Harvey Whittemore. “Ricky is not (currently) involved with and has not received any compensation from any entity associated with the Whittemores,” said Colin Hunter, a spokesman for the Gill campaign. [Record, 3/13/12] Brother Chamanjit was Partner in Energy Drink Manufacturing and Distribution Company – King 888 In 2012, Chamanjit, Gill’s brother was a partner in a Reno-based energy drink manufacturing and distribution company called King 888. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Gill Family Involved In Whittemore Companies: King Triple Eight, King 888 Manufacturing And Distribution, King 888 Licensing and HW 30, LLC The Gill family companies in Nevada according to the Secretary of State included King Triple Eight Company, LLC; King 888 Manufacturing And Distribution Company, LLC; King 888 Licensing Company, LLC; and HW 30, LLC. In each business, Ricky Gill’s brother Chaman Gill and Scott Whittemore were listed as managers and the registered agent was Carli West Kinne. [Nevada Secretary of State, via “Chaman Gill,” accessed 3/20/12] Ricky Gill was a partner in the family’s limited liability corporation that purchased 50% of the Renobased energy drink manufacturing and distribution company called King 888 along with Harvey Wittemore’s son, Scott. The family has since dissolved the LLC and, other than an unpaid and brief stint as a consultant to his brother, Ricky never worked for King 888 or any company with ties to the Whittemore’s, his campaign spokesman said. [Contra Costa Times, 3/10/12] Returned Campaign Contributions from Fallen Nevada Lobbyist Under Investigation Wittemore– Family Had Business Relationship with Him In 2012, Gill returned campaign contributions from fallen Nevada lobbyist and development titan Harvey Whittemore after he was served with over 30 grand jury subpoenas in a criminal investigation into allegations Whittemore funneled illegal campaign contributions to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. 16 “While we have no reason to believe this contribution was illegal or otherwise improper, we have chosen to refund it out of an abundance of caution,” wrote Gill campaign spokesman Colin Hunter in a letter to the Whittemores. [Contra Costa Times, 3/10/12] Gill was Partner in Family LLC that Purchased Beverage Company In 2008, fallen Nevada lobbyist and development titan Harvey Whittemore son Scott, and Ricky Gill’s father, Dr. Jasbir Gill, and brother, Chamanjit partnered up in a drink company. The company was a Reno-based energy drink manufacturing and distribution company called King 888. The Gills bought a 50 percent interest in the business in 2008. Ricky Gill was a partner in the family’s limited liability corporation that purchased the beverage company. The family has since dissolved the LLC and, other than an unpaid and brief stint as a consultant to his brother, Ricky never worked for King 888 or any company with ties to the Whittemores, his campaign spokesman said. [Contra Costa Times, 3/10/12] February 10, 20102: Gill Returned $6,100 from Whittemore Family Name Annette Whittemore Harvey Whittemore J. Chase Whittemore J. Chase Whittemore Robert Whittemore Total Date of Return 02/10/2012 02/10/2012 02/10/2012 02/10/2012 02/10/2012 Amount $2,500 $2,500 $500 $100 $500 $6,100 [Ricky Gill for Congress, April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 4/15/12] Other Social Issues Wanted to Expedite the Construction of VA Hospital In 2012, while at a monthly breakfast for a Lodi veterans group, Gill said he would like to expedite construction of a Veterans Administration hospital, currently scheduled for construction in 2018. [NewsSentinel, 2/16/12] Parents Were Immigrants, obstetricians, Vineyard and RV Park Owners In September 2011, the Washington Post reported that Gill parents, immigrants from India and Uganda, were both obstetricians who ran a vineyard and an RV park. [Washington Post, 9/27/11] Senior Issues Declined to Endorse Ryan Budget 17 In 2011, Gill declined to endorse the House GOP’s 2012 budget proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), which would turn Medicare into a voucher program by 2021. [Washington Post, 9/27/11] Social Issues Personal Finances Declared Assets Between $1.3 and $5.6 Million In 2012, it was reported that Gill declared assets of between $1.3 million and $5.6 million on a financial disclosure statement filed with the U.S. House of Representatives. Some of those assets were in accounts with the Bank of Stockton and Charles Schwab.[Associated Press, 4/7/12] Was Shareholder in CVR Management Inc. Which Operated Family Farm and Flag City RV Resort In 2012, Gill was a shareholder in CVR Management Inc., the business entity that oversaw the operations of the family farm and the Flag City RV Resort in Lodi (“CVR” represents the initials of the family's sons — Chaman, Vick and Ricky). [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Had Stake in Family Limited Partnerships – 1,000 Acres of Farm was Owned Through Entities In 2012, Gill had a stake in a limited partner in two family entities, Jasbir Gill Family Limited Partnership and Jasbir Gill Family Limited Partnership III. Through those entities, the family farms 1,000 acres of cherries and wine grapes, which they sold to prominent vintners such as Bogle Vineyards and Bronco Wine Co., maker of Charles Shaw wines, commonly known as “Two Buck Chuck.” [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Made $10,000 in 2010 – Loaned Campaign $143,000 That He Said Came From His Savings Gill reported $10,000 in income for 2010, salary he received from CVR Management in 2010. He lent his campaign about $143,000, money that he said came from his savings. [Associated Press, 4/7/12] Personal Issues Potentially Youngest Member of Congress – Endorsed by California Young Republican Federation In 2012, Gill was endorsed by the California Young Republican Federation as the potential youngest member of Congress. “I’m honored to receive the endorsement of the Young Republicans, who promote the conservative ideals that will secure young Americans’ futures,” Gill said. “If elected, Gill would become the youngest member of the new Congress.” [The Record, 3/6/12] Endorsed by the San Joaquin County Republican Central Committee 18 In March 2012, Gill was endorsed by the San Joaquin County Republican Central Committee. [NewsSentinel, 3/7/12] Headline: UC Berkeley School of Law Student Speaks about Campaign for U.S. Congress In 2012, Gill addressed his age saying, “My opponent is going to make an issue of my age,” Gill said. “But young people should not be deterred from making a difference in their communities. Young people do have a role to play.” [Daily Californian, 2/3/12] Said He was from County with “No Economic Opportunity” In 2012, Gill said he was from San Joaquin County – a county he called an area of “economic pain” with “no economic opportunity.” [Daily Californian, 2/3/12] Said Education was Part of “Identity” In 2011, Gill said education was part of his “identity.” Gill said, “I think about education which is probably the issue, that, gives me the greatest passion. I served on the state school board, but it’s also a part of my identity.” [Lodi Meet & Greet, 5/4/11] Claimed He was Partner in Family Business In February 2012, it was reported that Gill’s spokesman claimed he was a partner with his parents in family businesses, including farming operations near Lodi, and he earns income there. [Record Net, 2/2/12] Said San Joaquin County Had “No Representative in the Political Process” In 2012, at a monthly Lodi veterans group breakfast, Gill discussed the need for San Joaquin County residents to serve in Congress and the state legislature. Gill noted that there were currently no state or federal officials from San Joaquin County in office. “We have no representative in the political process,” he said. [News-Sentinel, 2/16/12] McNerney Spokeswoman Questioned Gill’s “Local Choice” Campaign Strategy In February 2012, McNerney spokeswoman Lauren Smith questioned the legitimacy of Gill’s claim that he was the “local choice.” “I find it interesting that Ricky calls himself the local choice, when he has spent his entire adult life in Princeton and Berkeley,” Smith wrote in an email. “Except while attending college, Gill is a lifelong Lodi resident. He was born at Lodi Memorial Hospital and is a Tokay High School graduate.” [Record, 2/21/12; News-Sentinel, 2/16/12] Claimed to be a Small Business Owner In 2012, Gill claimed to be a small business owner. Gill said, “I want you to know a little bit about who I am. I’m a family farmer, a small business owner, a former member of the California State Board of Education.” [South San Joaquin County Republicans, .43, 1/10/12] 19 Claimed to Have Been a Small Business Owner Even Before the Age of 21 In 2012, Gill claimed to be a small business owner even before the age of 21. Gill said, “I’ve been involved in my families small business for quite some time. You know, even before age 21 I was involved with the wine grape growing business.” [California GOP Convention, Young Republicans Town Hall, .45, 2/25/12] Said as a Small Business Owner He Knew Frivolous Litigation Hurt Business In 2012, Gill held a meeting with merchants about Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuits – said as a small business owner he knew frivolous litigation hurt business. Gill met with small business owners who claimed they are victims of lawsuit abuse by people who are not customers but only want to make money on loopholes they claim exist in the law. “As a small business owner, frivolous litigation hurts the ability to grow and meet expanded pay roll,” Gill said. “I think we can introduce some structural fixes that can make sure the law is followed, but is also fair to business owners.” [Record, 2/24/12] Called Himself a “Small Business Owner” In 2012, Gill called himself in a press release a “small business owner.” Gill’s release read “Ricky Gill is a native of San Joaquin County, born and raised in Lodi, California. The son of immigrant parents, Ricky is a small business owner, a family farmer, and a former member of the California State Board of Education.” [Gill for Congress, press release, 2/17/12] Said Both of His Grandfathers Served in British Military in World War II In 2012, Gill met with World War II veterans who served in Okinawa at a monthly breakfast in Lodi to share his concern for veterans’ issues. “I want to thank you for your service,” Gill said. “Both my grandfathers served in the British military in World War II.” [News-Sentinel, 2/16/12] Said Family was Originally from India and His Parents Moved to US in 1970s In 2012, Gill said his family was originally from India. His parents moved to the United States in the 1970s. [News-Sentinel, 2/16/12] Argued Youth Didn’t Equal Inexperience In 2012, Gill said his youth didn’t equal inexperience – he highlighted his tenure on the California Board of Education representing the state’s public school students, as well as his experience in his parents’ business. Gill attacked McNerney saying, “I think he’s fundamentally neglected this community.” [Tracy Press, 1/10/12] Claimed he was the Director of his Parents Business for More than Five Years 20 In 2012, Gill claimed he was the director of his parents business for more than five years. John McDonald said of Gill, “He is a young kid…From what I can tell, he’s a nice kid, but he’s never held a job. Congress is not an entry-level job.” Gill’s spokesman Colin Hunter said that Gill had been a director in his parents’ business for more than five years. That includes farming and ownership of the Flag City RV Resort near Interstate 5. “That’s a small business that employs 60 people in the San Joaquin Valley,” Hunter said. “Ricky has, in fact, held a job, and it’s a job that has created a lot of benefits in this community.” [Lodi News-Sentinel, 1/20/12] Donated $5,000 to the Wounded Warriors Program In 2012, it was reported that Gill donated $5,000 to the Wounded Warriors Program, a non-profit organization that has given away 117 homes to injured soldiers, formed by the secretary of defense in 2004. “I think the things we really need to do for our soldiers is make sure they have a home and that they are economically stable,” Gill said. [Recordnet.com, 1/19/12] Claimed to Have Been a Director of His Parents Business for More than Five Years In 2012, after Gill was criticized for never holding a job, his spokesman claimed he had been a director in his parents’ business for more than five years. “In a phone interview on Thursday, Gill spokesman Colin Hunter said that Gill has been a director in his parents’ business for more than five years. That includes farming and ownership of the Flag City RV Resort near Interstate 5.” [Lodi News, 1/20/12] Advocated for Using “Bully Pulpit” of Congressional Office to Highlight Family Values In 2012, it was reported that in an address to the Lodi Republican Women, McDonald advocated using the “bully pulpit” of a congressman to raise issues of family values. The Republican candidate suggested a tax credit to encourage families to stay together. “Boys especially need a father as well as a mother to guide them,” McDonald said. “If there is no father in the house, mothers should seek help for their children in making sure there is a male teacher, coach, Scout leader or member of the clergy to guide the children in their lives.” [Lodi News, 1/20/12] Wanted to be a Surgeon When Growing Up When Gill was growing up, he wanted to be a surgeon according to the San Francisco Chronicle. [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/17/11] Was Student Representative on the State Board of Education for a Year When Gill was 17, he applied and was accepted to be the student representative on the State Board of Education for a year. He met the late Gap CEO Donald Fisher to former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/17/11] Didn’t Have “Much of a Work History to Lean On” 21 In 2011, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Gill didn’t have “much of a work history to lean on.” [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/17/11] Gill Criticized McNerney for Not Living in District In 2011, Gill criticized McNerney for not living in the district. “I’m in this race because I want to be an advocate for a community that has been neglected,” Gill said. “If you were to visualize the 9th congressional district on a map, theres not a single state or federal legislator who lives within the confines of this new district.” [Washington Post, 9/27/11] Picked as Sole Student Representative on the state California Board of Education In 2011, it was reported that when Gill was 17 he was picked as the sole student representative on the state California Board of Education by then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R). “He was right there having real tough conversations with folks who have been in the policy business for decades, defending the state’s standards to folks who had lower expectations of our young people,” said Johnathan Williams, another board member. [Washington Post, 9/27/11] Did Not Turn 25 Until After Primary – 24 Too Young to Serve in Congress In 2011, Gill was running to be the Republican nominee in California’s 9th district, despite the fact that he was not old enough to serve. He turned 25 a month before the primary, just in time to run. [Washington Post, 9/27/11] Parents Were Immigrant, Obstetricians, Ran Vineyard and RV Park In 2011, it was reported that Gill’s parents were immigrants from India and Uganda, are both obstetricians who run a vineyard and an RV park. [Washington Post, 9/27/11] Finishing Law School, Graduated from Princeton In 2011, it was reported that Gill was finishing law school at Berkeley, after graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Princeton. [Washington Post, 9/27/11] Political Issues There was a Reason the only Challenger in the Newly Drawn District was a Law School Student In 2012, insiders said Gill had a tough road ahead. A columnist wrote there is a reason why the only viable challenger in the newly drawn 9th Congressional District is a law school student: It’s tough to beat a battle-tested incumbent when your party lags 10 points in voter registration. “A lot of serious and experienced Republicans took a look at this seat and said, ‘Why would I want to beat my head against the wall?’” said a GOP insider. “When Ricky Gill came along, and he was raising all that money, people figured they would sit back and let him test the waters.” [Column, Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times, 4/14/12] 22 Was the Only Local Non-Incumbent to Win Endorsement from the California Republican Party In 2012, Gill was the only local non-incumbent to win endorsement from the California Republican Party. [The Record, 3/16/12] Endorsed by the California Republican Party In March 2012, Gill was endorsed by the California Republican Party. Gill was also endorsed by the San Joaquin, Sacramento and Contra Costa Republican parties. [Lodi News, 3/14/12] Said Tort Reform was a Major Issue in Congress In 2011, Gill said tort reform was a major issue in Congress. Gill said, “Tort reform is a major issue that the Congress should embrace and consider talking about.” [Lodi Meet & Greet, 5/4/11] Said Politics was About “Ordinary People’s Daily Lives” In 2011, Gill said politics was about “drawing a connection between policies and ordinary people’s daily lives.” [Lodi Meet & Greet, 5/4/11] Race Between Gill and McNerney Expected to be Hotly Contested In 2012, it was reported that the race between Gill and McNerney was expected to be hotly contested. Gill reportedly had $840,000 cash on hand and raised $200,000 in the last quarter of 2011. [North County Times, 1/31/12] Criticized Legislators for Failing to Reside in County In 2011, Gill said not a single legislator resided in the county. Gill said, “as we sit here and enjoy each other’s company, there’s not a single legislator at the state or federal level, who resides in this county.” [Lodi Meet & Greet, 5/4/11] McNerney Targeted in NRCC Ad on Solyndra In 2012, the NRCC targeted McNerney in an ad on Solyndra. The Record reported “The 30-second ad uses Valentine-shape images imposed over the faces of McNerney and President Barack Obama. A female narrator says McNerney and Obama received campaign donations from an investor in Solyndra, a solar-power cell manufacturer that received half a billion dollars in federal loan guarantees before going bankrupt.” Republicans said the buy was $6,174 on local cable television ads over two weeks. [The Record, 2/16/12] Headline: Ricky Gill Named a ‘Contender’ by Republicans In 2012, Gill received “contender” status by the National Republican Congressional Committee for reaching fundraising and organizational benchmarks established by the congressional committee as part of its “Young Guns” program. [Lodi News, 2/10/12] 23 Touted Endorsement of Jeb Bush In 2012, Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush endorsed Gill. Gill touted the endorsement and Bush said gill has the “ideas and experience needed” to shrink the federal government and restore “freedom and opportunity.” [The Record, 1/13/12] Said McNerney’s Opposition to Trade Agreements Hurt Farmers In 2011, Gill criticized McNerney for opposing the passage of trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia because he said they would help the districts farmers. San Joaquin County comprises 737,503 acres of agriculture, including nearly as many acres of grapes as Sonoma and Napa counties combined. “We have a concern when you’re a member of Congress and you’re voting against the interest of growers,” said Bruce Blodgett, executive director of the San Joaquin County Farm Bureau. Still, despite not endorsing McNerney in any of his congressional runs, Blodgett said the bureau has “enjoyed a good working relationship” with the Democrat. [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/17/11] Had Daily Email Exchanges with Rep. Sessions In 2011, Gill was considered a rising star in the Republican party and had daily email exchanges with Rep. Sessions. “Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, chair of the Republican National Congressional Committee, e-mails Gill daily to keep tabs on the race.” “He’s bright, he’s energetic, he cares about people - he has all the attributes that I’d like to wrap up in a bottle and pass them around the country,” Sessions said. [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/17/11] Other Conservative in Race Worried About Lack of Experience and Young Age In 2011, Mountain House resident John McDonald, a semiconductor executive decided to run against Gill because he was worried about his lack of experience. “As conservatives, how can we criticize Obama for not having any experience when we nominate somebody who’s 24?” McDonald said. [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/17/11] Rep. Sessions Defended Gill Against Criticisms He Didn’t Have Enough Experience In 2011, Rep. Sessions defended Gill against criticism that he didn’t have enough experience. “First of all, he’s not running for president,” Sessions said. “He’s running to represent people. He is running to say that he has an understanding of their needs. He has a very academic background to understand” the needs of an agricultural district with high levels of unemployment. [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/17/11] Said He Wouldn’t Endorse a Presidential Nominee In 2011, Gill said he would not endorse a presidential nominee. Most of the candidates said they’re planning their campaigns independently of the eventual nominee. (“Campaigns can really rise and fall in a 24 matter of minutes. I’m not going to irrevocably tie myself to any one candidate,” said Ricky Gill, a GOP candidate in California). [MSNBC, accessed 12/20/11] Claimed McNerney Tried to Rig Redistricting to get More Favorable District In 2011, Gill claimed that McNerney tried to rig redistricting to get a more favorable district for himself. “McNerney’s attempts to buy a favorable district are exactly the kind of broken politics that people are sick of,” said Colin Hunter, a spokesman for the campaign of 24-year-old Ricky Gill. [Record, 1/1/12] Claimed McNerney was Beholden to Special-Interests In 2011, Gill also told the Lodi Area Republicans that McNerney is beholden to special-interest groups by taking donations from sources outside the 9th District. Meanwhile, Gill maintains that his contributions are limited to individuals. [News-Sentinel, 10/20/11] McNerney Had Edge Against Gill In 2011, the Contra Costa Times pointed out McNerney had the edge in the election. Democrats have a 9point registration advantage in the new district, largely because of the addition of Stockton. And he already represents the bulk of San Joaquin County in the old 11th District. However, the paper pointed out Gill’s fundraising advantage. [Contra Costa Times, 11/24/11] John McDonald Entered GOP Primary Against Gill-Attacked Him for Being Too Young In 2011, Gill faced John McDonald, a 43-year-old guy from Mountain House in the GOP primary. McDonald was a conservative semiconductor executive who thought the high-speed rail plan was a boondoggle and that federal government isn’t stimulating the economy in the right way. It said on McDonald’s website, “It makes no sense that candidates with no experience are given instant credibility because of money from family and family connections.” McDonald told us Friday, “As conservatives, how can we criticize Obama for not having any experience when we nominate somebody who’s 24?” [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/14/11] John McDonald Entered GOP Primary Against Gill-Advocated for 0 Percent Capital Gains In 2011, John McDonald announced he would run against Gill in the GOP primary. He planned to move to the newly created 9th District. McDonald said he supported a 0 percent capital gains tax for new companies that start between now and 2013. Eliminating the capital gains tax rate, he said, would create thousands of new companies and hundreds of thousands of new jobs throughout the nation. He said he would avoid negative campaigning and opposed the Democratic health care plan. [News-Sentinel, 10/13/11] McDonald Touted Business Credentials In 2011, John McDonald of Mountain House said he was running for Congress because as an entrepreneur he didn’t see anyone talking about serious solutions for the country’s troubled economy. “As a business guy, I see a lack of understanding of how the economy works,” McDonald said, He boasted about three successful endeavors in a row — including Cypress Microsystems and SiTime, which designs timing products to replace quartz-based timers. [Tracy Press, 10/18/11] 25 Endorsed by Local Republican Officials In 2011, Gill announced that he had been endorsed by Assemblyman Bill Berryhill, San Joaquin County Supervisor Leroy Ornellas, Greg Aghazarian and Jack Sieglock, former county supervisor. [Record Net, 9/17/11] Son of Two Physicians In 2011, Gill announced he would take on Rep. Jerry McNerney because he wasn’t looking out for the needs of the community. Gill was an Indian American Republican candidate. He issued a statement that read McNerney’s “support for Washington’s failed policies and his complete neglect of the San Joaquin Valley have resulted in devastating unemployment. He might be the only person who thinks he can move here for a job.” Gill turned a Indian American Republican candidate. He was the son of two physicians, grape growers and farmers in San Joaquin County. He said in a press release that he “knows firsthand the needs and cares of local farmers and families” and “cares about their jobs.” McNerney, by contrast, “cares only about his own.” [India West, 8/23/11] Accused McNerney of Failing to Fight for Interests of County In 2011, the Record Net reported that Gill, a 24-year-old law student purchased full-page ads in local media criticizing Rep. McNerney. Gill graduated from Tokay High School, graduated from Princeton University and is working on a law degree from the University of California, Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law. He accused McNerney of “Jerry-mandering” the district and failing to fight for the interests of the county. [Record Net, 8/26/11] Accused McNerney of Failing to Speak Out Against Peripheral Canal In 2011, the Record Net reported that Gill criticized McNerney in a full-page ad of waiting “an astonishing five years to take a stand on the House floor against the Peripheral Canal.” Despite the fact that McNerney did speak out against such a canal on the House floor in 2011, he was on the record opposing the canal since at least 2007. [Record Net, 8/26/11] Added to Targeted List of Candidates by the National Republican Congressional Committee In 2011, Gill was added to the “on the radar” the second tier of the Young Guns recruitment program from The National Republican Congressional Committee. He was challenging Rep. Jerry McNerney. [The Hill, 8/18/11] Several Republicans Considered Getting Into Race In 2011, Republicans Tony Amador and Brad Goehring considered running against McNerney. Ricky Gill already declared his candidacy. [Lodi News-Sentinel, 8/16/11] Tax Issues 26 Tea Party Trade Issues Criticized McNerney for Voting Against Free Trade Agreements In 2012, Gill criticized McNerney for voting against free-trade agreements that McNerney said would have led to more jobs being outsourced. Gill said. “I would have worked across party lines to pass that.” [Record Net, 4/22/12] Gill Accused McNerney of Voting Against Free Trade; McNerney Said He Didn’t Want Jobs to be Outsourced In 2011, Gill accused McNerney of voting against a bill that would encourage free trade, which would benefit local farmers. McNerney spokeswoman Lauren Smith responded to the accusation by saying he voted against free-trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia despite support by President Barack Obama and both parties of Congress because they didn’t eliminate outsourcing jobs to foreign countries. [News-Sentinel, 10/20/11] Transportation Issues 27