VIDEO #2 McCaffery © S.06 MARKETS: DO THEY MEET OUR NEEDS? HOME CONSTRUCTION NAME___________________________ 1. What did William Levitt do to change American home construction industry? 2. The program said that owning a house gives you What? GILL: Draw the supply and demand graph. 3. What is meant by effective demand? INDUSTRIAL STEEL 4. What are the three firms discussed in this program? 1. 2. 3. 5. What is the raw material at the Newcore Mini-mill? 6. It's not what you pay a worker that counts, it's what they_______________________ GILL: draw the graph BASEBALL 7. Before George Steinmiller owned the Yankees he was a______________________________. 8. What did Reggie Jackson do for the Yankees? 9. What were the numbers? GILL: Gill’s analysis 9. Why does Richard Gill earn less than Reggie? Use economics to answer